Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"Yea well, he's recovering.He needs amazing food, not just my half assed cooking."He said watching the other, smiling as he took one of the bowls and handed it to draco."There you go sweetheart."
Draco groaned a little and opened his mouth, a look of amusement flashing across his face. "feed me" he asked, looking as adorable, sick, and pouty as he could. he wanted to be pampered, and yes, getting fed was being pampered in his mind. Harry snorted looking amused and waited to see what Adrien would do.
"Spoiled brat."Shayne growled at him before shifting the ex blond over so he was sitting in his lap, letting the man cuddle him as he fed him. Pressing a kiss to draco's head, willing to do whatever the man wanted of him. Having nearly lost him made shayne way more indulgent than he usually was.
Draco smiled as he was Fed, Alex smacking Tamwin on the arm. "how come you arent sweet like that!?" she demanded scowling a little and Tamwin rolled his eyes. "everytime i try to feed you, you end up molesting em, thats why." "..." Harry snickered a little as he took a bite of his own soup humming softly. "well, you know Draco deserves it, out of ll three of us i think he had the worst experiance." he admitted to Shayne. he couldn't imagine the horror Draco had faced, thinking he had killed his own lover.
"Probably."Shayne said calmly, kissing the blond's head again as he fed him trying to stay calm even though his heart raced at the memory of coming home to that. Pain flickering across his features at the memory of how cloe he'd come to losing them both.
Draco grimaced a little. "i would rather not be reminded thanks." he muttered bitterly, still feeling rather guilty about what had happened. he knew it hadn't actually been his fault but he still felt guilty. "i think icecream for desert. chocolate chip mint." that perked Draco up right away. "we have chocolate chip mint!?" "yeah i baught some while you where sleeping." it was Draco's favorite.
Shayne smiled as he nuzzled the man he was holding absently groping him. More to reassure himself then to distract draco from thinking to much."There see?All better draco."He said, struggling to keep what he was feeling off his face. Glad draco couldn't see him, because he didn't want the other to know just how much he felt guilty about killing lucius or how badly he'd been scared.
Draco groaned softly into the others groping hands smiling a little as he relaxed into the attention, pressing up intot he others hands, Harry snickering. "carefull Shyane! he might jump you! and don't forget we're not supposed to have sex yet!" he warned laughing a little and shaking his head.
Shayne smiled groaning as he nuzzled the man's neck."That's right.:Ater sweetheart."He muttered sadly, cuddling draco. Smiling as he gently nipped the skin under his lips.
Draco whined rather pathetically, wanting to have sex NOW, but he knew that would never happen so he simply enjoyed the Attention Harry snickering a little as he ate his soup, Alex smacking Tamwin upside the head when he tried to do the same. "first you complain that i'm not like Shayne and then you smack me for mimicking him!!! whyyy!?" Tamwin howled over dramatically making harry snort again. "he's fucking with your head Tam. really you should know that by now."
"You think he would.Then again ,he does fall off his broom alot."Shayne said smirking as he stole a bit of draco''s soup, resting his head on the blond's cheek as he yawned, starting to fall asleep cuddled against the man.
Tamwin turned and glared at Shayne. "i do not!" "no but he did slam into a wall once." harry admitted laughing a little Alex snickering a little shaking his head as he stood up and gently shook Shayne awake. "come on guy, your going to get cramps sitting up like that, take the couch." he offered smiling as Harry chuckled. "bedroom would be more comfortable. i could use a nap too."
"Not tired."Shayne growled a little shifting his grip on draco, nuzzling the man's neck. Swallowing hard as he straightened, rubbing his eyes. Not wanting to go to sleep yet. The other two weren't the only ones suffering affects of the attack, and shayne wasn't trusting anyone enough to sleep like he needed to. Even before he'd only catnaped while draco slept.
Harry scowled a little at Shayne. "yes you are." he stated standing up grabbing Shyanes wrists and jerking the man to his feet, scowling a little. "you need to sleep." "Shyane." Draco murmered reaching up to stroke the others cheek. "please? your starting to look less than perfect, look, you have bags under your eyes and everything."
"I'm always perfect."He muttered nuzzling the blond's head. Acting more cutiesh and childish then he usually did the more tired he got. Looking asleep on his feet, leaning against harry a little."Sleep okay..."He said stumbling a little as he walked.
Harry chuckled a little as Draco grinned and kissed Shayne gently. "your so cute love." the once blond murmured and smiled as he kissed the others forehead both Harry and Draco helping Shayne into the bedroom, Harry smiling as he snuggled into Shayne. "you can be mad at me for this later, ok lover?" he murmured softly, whispering a sleeping spell to make certain that Shayne slept.
The next morning Shayne shoved at the men's shoulders, tickling draco as he smacked harry's shoulder."That was totally not fair!"he protested, though he did feel amazing after getting some sleep.
Draco giggled as he squirmed his eyes fluttering open as he was tickled awake Harry chuckling as he kissed Shayne's neck. "you can punish me for it when i can have sex again." he promised chuckling a little his head tilted. "besides, you look MUCH better after a good nights sleep." Draco looked up at the other and nodded. "i agree with harry." he admitted. even Draco looked a lot healthier after his sleep smiling a little at him. "can we have sex now?"
Shayne looked torn between the idea, leaning down to kiss the blond slowly, taking his time doing it before raising his head.Glancing at harry."If harry has no objections to me sexing you up, fine."He said, feeling lost still. Needing to reconnect with them both, and missing the feeling of being with them.
Harry sulked a little. "fine but i get to watch at least! they never said i couldn't masturbate!" he complained Draco snickering a little looking amused as his lips locked onto Adrien's neck, sucking hard, intending to leave a bright purple hickey behind, even biting at the flesh between his teeth with a wanton growl his fingers stroking and teasing the others belly moving slowly downward. hey, when Draco wanted something, he didn't hold back.
Shayne smirked as he caught the blond's hands, "Oh you can masturbate, as long as you hold his hands."He smiled as he kissed the blond, wrapping one of the brunette's larger hands around draco's slim wrists, scooting down the man's body to take his mouth in his mouth, sucking hard, the bite mark on his neck already bright purple bruising.
Draco scowled a little. "you could just say you want me to jack harry off." Draco teased Harry smirking as he guided Draco's hands down to his pants, the ex blond massaging Harry's length through the pants as he kissed Shayne back his tongue slipping into the others mouth, stroking and teasing the others tongue with his own as he tormented harry with his long pale fingers.
Shayne snickered as he drew away."I could have...."He said looking slightly confused at the scowl on draco's face, hesitating, the nerves in that look was unaccustoming on his face. Yet...he was waiting for the other man to draw away, waiting for some bad reaction, even if Draco hadn't reacted badly to the news his father 's murder.
Draco blinked at Shayne and then scowled harder. "you stopped." he complained sulking at him. "you said we could fuck! don't get me all horny and then pull away!" he whined Harry whimpering as Draco stopped molesting him. "shaaayne! fuck the boy!" the Boy Who Loved complained panting as he waited for Shayne to continue pleasing Draco, so that Draco would continue pleasing harry.
hayne laughed relaxing. "As you demand my lords."He snickered casting a lubing spell, stretching the blond quickly shifing the man around for a moment before sliding into him with a sigh. Gentle fingers tugging at draco's cock, kissing him hard. Pouring all the love and devotion he felt for him into that kiss.
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