Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Shayne laughed helping draco wash off before pining him aginast the wall, pulling the man up against him, wrapping his legs around his waist, sliding into draco with practiced ease."How about I just fuck it off?"He asked kissing him slowly
Draco moaned and smirked a little nodding. "yeah." he hissed wiggling his ass at Shayne. "fuck me real good lover." he ordered licking his lips. "and use your magic." he demanded snickering. "if you get really creative, i'll give you a present."
Shayne laughed as he let lightening ball in his fist, trailing a hand down his back letting the lightening ting draco's skin but not enough to hurt."And what would my present be?"He asked as he stroked the man, shifting him to slid into him.
Draco gasped at the lightning, moaning a little as he squirmed under it, groaning a little. "hah.. nng... can't...tell you that." he groaned tossing his head back a little. "ruin...surprise, oooh please Shayne more." he pleaded, wanting to be teased relentlessly, wanting to be loved by Shayne for as long as possible. because Draco wasn't sure how well the other was going to react to his little secrete.
Shayne laughed a little thrusting into him hard, gentle fingers sliding along the blond's cock as he biting down on draco's shoulder."More?I can give you more."He growled being his usual violently loving self as he pressed draco into the wall, sighing as he felt the man tightening around him.
Draco moaned eagerly feeling the other pounding into him, wailing with pleasure panting hard as he tossed his head back and came hard all over the shower wall panting with a small smirk on his face. "mmm good." he groaned his head tossed back in joy, hoping Shayne, and harry, liked their surprise.
Shayne smiled coming as he rested his head on the blond's shoulder."Yes it was."He muttered panting as he wrapped his arms around the other, closing his eyes as he pulled out of the man. Relaxing slowly. "You taste good..."He muttered mouthing the man's neck.
Draco moaned and grinned a little as he relaxed, enjoying the seed buried deep inside of him, sighing softly and licking his lips. "of course i taste good." Draco purred smirking a little as he slowly stood up, wary of his jelly legs. "come on, lets go downstairs and wait for Harry, then i can give you your surprise."
Shayne smiled getting out and drying them both out, dressing them both before picking up the blond, wrapping his arms around him as he walked downstairs, setting the blond in his lap as he waited."What's my surprise?"He pouted wanting to know.
Draco chuckled a little. "you'll find out when Harry gets here." he purred kissing Shayne's neck as Harry walked into the house covered in soot to show he'd Flood back home. "what am i finding out?" "nothing, how'd it go with Weasley?" "...surprisingly well actually, we've all been invited over to his house for Dinner, Hermione is making Ham." "i like Ham." Draco agreed nodding, teasing Shayne by not telling him the surprise.
Shayne sighed, "Good."He smiled kissing draco's head, pinching his arm as he held the man closer."Draco dammit, what's the surprise?"He said his good mood fading, worried something was wrong. He didn't need this kind of stress. He really didn't.
Harry paused, looking a bit startled. "Surprise?" he asked Draco nodding. "yup." he admitted a bright grin crossing his face. "you know how some wizards have a gene that allow them to function in a...specific way?" he asked Harry frowning a little, looking baffled Draco rolling his eyes. "ok, let me simplify, you know how some wizards can get pregnant?" Draco asked Harry frowning harder before his eyes widened. "wait you mean..." "ahuh, i'm not sure who's it is, but is certainly belongs to either you or Shayne." "your...your....your..." "pregnant, yeah." THWAM! Harry hit the ground, looking overjoyed even as he passed out Draco gasping loudly. "oh my god i killed him!"
Shayne laughed,holding the man tighter, before pushing him out of his lap so he could pick harry up and put him on the couch."Nah, not even you could kill the boy who lived. If he can withstand lucius, I'm sure he can stand you."he grinned kissing the blond, holding him tight."You're sure?"He asked studying the blond, happy and nervous all at once.
Draco giggled a little and nodded as Harry groaned laying on the couch like a good little boy Draco giggling and nodding. "i'm very sure." he admitted smiling. "i took four pregnancy tests just to make sure." he admitted beaming brightly. "and the doctors told me when i snuck to the doctors when you where all sleeping." he admitted looking positively impish.
Shayne smiled holding him tightly, burying his face in his neck, running his hand down the man's back, sighing softly."I love you.So much."He muttered. He didn't care either why who the biological father was, him and harry was going to be there every step of the way for the blond. And the baby that was their's.
Draco giggled again leaning into Shayne, deciding not to tell him the truth. it would only upset him. Draco had actually learned at the hospital, after he'd drank the poison that he was pregnant, he'd been so amazed that the baby had survived that, and even more amazed that the nurse told him it was completely undamaged...a miracle, a true miracle. but if Draco told Shayne that, then the other was going to get all overprotective on Draco, and the blond didn't like to be fussed over.
Shayne smiled nuzzling the man's neck before raising his head."Let's go out to dinner. After harry gets up...we'll go out to dinner to celebrate."He said with a shy smile, a slight blush on his face. For once, looking totally out of stride with what was going on. For once, unsure. because while he knew draco loved him, and wanted this baby, he didn't know if Draco would want to be with him, despite assurances that he would. having kept the small piece of doubt because he'd killed lucius, because he'd been raped and hurt badly...he wasn't a father a baby needed. Shivering a little he swallowed, because he knew storm lords shouldn't be allowed to bred, and he worried at the idea of what would come...maybe it would be better if it wasn't his son. Shadows and pain flickering over his face as he looked down at the blond he was holding.
Draco grinned and nodded. "Harry can suck you off under the table again." he teased snickering a little as he snuggled into Shayne, harry groaning lightly on the couch, but didn't wake up. "love? whats wrong?" Draco asked, noticing the pain reaching up to touch Shayne's face, his head tilted. "whats wrong?" he demanded again, more sternly, worried for his lover, his husband, the possible father of his child.
Shayne smiled a kitting, kissing his head."Nothing.Just thinking to hard."He said holding the man tightly. Trying to worm out of telling him because he knew draco would all him a idiot for it.
Draco scowled at him and then rolled his eyes as Harry groaned again and sat up. "i just had the greatest dream." he admitted scrubbing his face Draco snickered. "was i pregnant in it?" "yeah how'd you know!?....oh.." he stated looking startled and then overjoyed. "WE'RE GONNA BE DADDIES!!!!"'
Shayne rubbed his ears, smiling slightly. Trying not to feel to excietd yet, even though his stomach knotted up with excitement and fear."Can you be louder?I don't think the people of japan heard you.."he teased.
Harry giggled and slammed into them both hugging them tightly. "we have to celebrate! i have to tell Tamwin! i have to tell Ron! i have to tell the newspapers!!!!!" "Harry!" Draco yelled Harry pausing. "calm, down." Draco demanded, looking very, very amused as Harry took a deep breath, calming himself down like a good boy.
Shayne snickered wrapping his arms around draco, pressing a kiss into his head."We could ask rita skeeter to tell everyone.They''d know by supper then."He said smiling, slowly letting himself get excited aboutthis.
Harry laughed a little and shook his head. "we'll talk to her later." he chirped grinning a little. "lets go out and celebrate!" harry demanded hopping up and down clapping. "Draco can get whatever he wants!" "we all can get whatever we want, we're all rich remember?" harry paused then. "oh yeah...."
Shayne snickered."The man can get whatever he wants."he said heading for the kitchen where he could hear his friends, pausing silently snickering before jumping on tamwin, cuddling him."Win!We're all going out to dinner."He ordered.
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