Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco moaned loudly at the others attention Harry groaning as the fingers on his cock resumed their activities, both boys moaning and groaning as Draco panted and cussed with the pleasure as Shayne pleasured him so perfectly, always so perfect. Draco mewled loudly as he was entered and harry begged for more, please more Draco carefully unzipping harry before breaking the kiss so that he could swallow down Harry's dick, the gryffindor wailing in pleasure, trying not to jerk as Draco moaned and shivered, his ass tightening around Shayne, he felt so good and harry did too. they where both almost at their release, it had been so long, and it all felt so good.
"Dray...oh god...dray..."Shayne muttered against his skin as he rested his head on the former blond's shoulder, shuddering as he came. Tightening his grip around draco's cock as he trembled, it felt so good. It was like coming home..a perfect moment between them. Righting everything that had been going wrong.
Draco moaned loudly, arching as the other came inside of him, his own cum spilling across the bed as Harry yelped and then moaned arching into the others mouth spilling his seed as well Draco swallowing it down eagerly, both of them feeling much more connected with each other again. "goddammit Draco you BIT me!!! AGAIN!" "oh shut up, you know you liked it!" "that's not the point!"
Shayne laughed as he pulled out, cuddling in close to the ex blond."Then what's the point?"He asked rolling his head up to look at the brunette, dragging him down for a kiss.
Harry scowled a little then. "well...i dunno." he adnmitted snuggling into Draco and shayne grinning a little. "i'm hungry, how about you?" "i'm starving, AND i never got my mint chocolate chip icecream!" "Tamwin's probobly eaten it all by now, we'll have to go and get you some more." "can i kill him harry? pleeease?" "no i need him, he's the best Chaser on the team."
Shayne laughed."I'll punish him for you."He offered stealing kisses from them both before getting up and pulling on clothes."I'll go get ice cream."He said heading out to get tamwin, nervous about actually going out by himself...not that he'd ever admit it.
Harry smiled a little and Draco yawned as he sat up and got ready to face the day. Tamwin was sitting in the kitchen, eating the mint chocolate chip icecream, not realizing that Draco hadn't gotten any, being that it was actually Alex who had eaten the brunt of it. "hey Shayne, sleep well?"
"Yea.I feel better."Shayne grinned as he stole tamwin's bowl of ice cream."I'm taking this. I have a whiny man who'll bitch if he doesn't get his share."He snickered."Draco!I got your ice cream!"He called.
Tamwin blinked a little looking startled. "he hasn't had any yet!?...ALEX!!" he yelled scowling at his lover who was in the living room, the other just laughing a little at having gotten his lover in trouble, a loud THUD reverberating from the bedroom as Draco leaped off the bed and rushed over to Adrien, snatching the ice-cream and running off with it like a kid who had just stolen a piece of candy he wasn't supposed to have, Harry laughing as Draco ran past him. "so possessive Draco!" harry teased, grinning a little shaking his head. "jeeze."
Shyne laughed watching the blond leave."I just got attacked over ice cream."He whined looking at tamwin, looking put out."He'd rather have teh ice cream then me. He'd rather eat it then kiss his knight in shining armor."He pouted dramatically, sighing as he sit down in the seat across from the man.
Tamwin laughed a little. "because he knows if he pauses then Harry or i would steal it from him." he admitted chuckling. "he'll fuck you in thanks later." he promised winking at theother, eating a bowl of strawberry icecream now inctead humming a little as he handed Shayne the newspaper. "guess who's finally showed up." he stated tappingthe page.

'Shayne Vaki, Murderer?' was the title, under it was a picture of olliver wood, with a quote underneath 'first he ruined my marriage, now he's after my life'. "load of crap." Tamwin growled, scowling a little.
Shayne paled as he read over the paper, shuddering a little. Strugglign to keep from letting the emotions show. Fear in that look. Because he would kill oliver if he got his hands on him.And he HAD killed lucius. Swallowing as he stared down at the paper, "...well good.At least he's going to make it easy to find him."He said softly.
he snorted a little. "you don't really expect people to beleive this drivel? after the VERY public announcment that everyone in the entire world knows as TRUTH, that oliver slept with almost 800 different men WHILE being married to harry. not to mention the three hospital visits harry took after olliver beat him in a drunken rage, that Harry never fessed to or ever one's going to beleive olliver over you."
Shayne swallowed hard a little, rubbing his thumb over the ring he was wearing, frowning ever so slightly."I....I am a murderer. You know it...I killed lucius.And I am going to kill oliver as soon as I get ahold of him.."He whispered frowning.Hating this.Because he was feeling so unworthy of having the men he loved.
Tamwin paused and then. "that's not murder Shayne." Tamwin stated sternly. "that was defending you and your family." he stated simply. "they attacked you first, harry ended up in the hospital because of them, so did Draco and so did yourself for that matter! your a lawyer right!? so THINK! when you are being threatened it is well within your right to defend yourself, or eliminate the threat of you or your lovers deaths. they tried to kill harry TWICE, they almost succeeded in driving Draco mad, they DID succeed in poisoning him. they've been trying to kill you ever since you got involved with harry. you had every right to do what you did and any court would see the same."
Shayne smiled slowly, relaxing. Because he was seeing it that way now. Now that he wasn't beating himself up over it....glancing at the other man."You sound like me when I get ranting."He said smiling widely, running his fingers through his hair as he got up."I guess I must go see about taking care of wood before he disappears again."
Tamwin chuckled a little and looked back at his paper. "i was considering going to law school. then i decided to be a therapist...then i settled for the glamorous life with my then boyfriend on the quidditch field." he admitted smirking at Shayne. "go get em. oh and the Auror's already know everything, i took care of it the second i saw the article. i filled out all the necessary paperwork and everything. all you need to do is hunt down wood and kill him, your completely in the green, i repeat, get the hell out of here and hunt that son of a bitch down."
"Distract the other two. Otherwise they'll want to follow."He said before apparating out. Searching quickly and ruthlesslessly. Returning to the ministry within hours with oliver in tow, tilting his head at Ron Weasley, who somehow had managed to become one of the head aurors."I didn't know what to do with him."Shayne said, almost covered head in foot in blood, and yet he'd stiill managed to keep the other man alive. "Can you get to alex and tamwin's and get potter for me?"He asked, willing to give the final blow to his lover.
Ron was gaping a little at the blood covered Shayne and Oliver before letting out a small Whoop of joy pumping his fist in the air before dissaparating to get Harry. sure he and harry might not be the best of buds like they used to be but they where still there for each other when they needed it. which was why Shayne had never been brought up on murder charges, Ron had refused. the red head reappeared and Harry soon after, with Draco in tow as the two of them stared at Wood. "i want a moment alone with him." Harry demanded Ron nodding as he sealed all the doors and the room so that wood could neither leave nor apparate out. "take your Time Harry...whats the Git doing here?" "oh, you haven't heard? i'm carrying Harry's baby." Draco stated with a Sneer Ron's mouth dropping looking completely horrified.
Shayne snickered as he wiped the blood off his hands, wrapping a arm around draco's waist, pressing a kiss to his head."Scary thought isn't it?"He said giving Ron a look."Just imaginehow much of a bastard he's going to be when he's hormonal."He teased hugging the blond tighter, leaning against him.
Ron could only stand there, with his eye twitching as he gaped at Draco clearly wanting to hex to the other to a million pieces, but his friendship for harry made him incapable of even verbally abusing the blond, leaving him completely clueless as to what to do. Harry sat in the room with Wood for almost an hour before he finally came out, Draco blinking at the now very relaxed Harry as the boy walked out, blood coating his fingers. "ok Ron, he's all yours." " left him alive?" "...for the most part." Harry had left Oliver a mess, there was a brand on his forehead now, 'rapist' spread across his forehead in burn, and still smoking letters, for the most part, all harry had done was yell at the other and kick him a little. but the sudden branding had tossed Oliver into unconsciousness, not even magic could heal that mark compleatly, the man was scarred for life.
Shayne swallowed hard before reaching out, wrapping his arms around harry, nuzzling his neck."Talk to ron.he's surprised to have you dating draco."He muttered pulling away, "I need to shower. Dray? Wanna shower with me?"He asked looing at the blond, waiting to give the friends time to talk.
Harry snorted a little. "oh, i totally forgot about that..." "FORGOT!? HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU 'FORGOT' TO TELL ME THAT YOUR DATING THE BIGGEST BLOODY GIT IN THE UNIVERSE!?" "i'm standing right here ron, there's no need to shout." Harry pointed out, ron going purple in the face as he began to sputter with Rage Draco snickering as he took Shayne's hand in his own and headed to the exit. "i totally need a shower. i feel sullied and defiled standing so close to Ronald."
Shayne snickered,"Me to."He said smiling a little at harry, hoping he'd be okay before apparating him and draco back to tamwin and alex's, walkking into the bathroom as he undressed.Turning on the water with a sigh, tugging draco in after him."I love you."he said kissing the blond softly. Hgging him.
Draco smiled and wrapped his arms around Shayne's neck kissing him back. 'i love you too." he admitted smiling a little. "now why don't you help me clean that nasty blood traitor stink off of me?" he asked smirking a little, well aware if Draco said such things in front of harry he'd get beaten, which only made it more fun to do when harry wasn't around.
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