Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Tam squealed in surprise at the 'attack' and laughed a little looking rather amused. "we are?" he asked Alex hopping to his feet. "don't argue with the man Tamwin, just do it." the red head demanded chuckling a little, Draco laughing as Tamwin nodded in agreement and gently bit Shayne's nose. trying to start another wrestling match.
Shayne yelped as he shifted, dragging the other two the floor as they started a all out wrestling match. For a few moments dinner forgotten before Shayne snickered, sitting on tam's stomach."Yes!I win.Again."He said looking down at the other.
Tam scowled a little as he stared up at Shayne before he grabbed the others crotch. "who's winning now!?" he demanded Alex laughing as Harry and Draco both dove forward, pinning Tamwin's hands down. "get his armpits!" harry demanded Tamwin squeakin in horror. " no no i'll be good don't tickle! uncle uncle! i give i give! Shayne wins! Shayne wins!"
Shayne faked whimpered, rubbing his crotch as he stood up."Draco he hurt your baby's daddy. Make him hurt."He whined snickering as he looked at the other wizard. HA!Let tam deal with a pregnant draco.
Draco just smirked and Harry laughed as Draco began to, you guessed it, tickle Tam the man squealing in horror as he giggled and writhed, begging in-between breaths as he tried to get away from the two, Alex just laughing as he watched before finally nudging Draco and Harry away from Tamwin before the poor man pissed himself.
Shayne smirked, wrapping his arms around draco, cuddling the pregnant one, nuzzling his neck."Come on sweetheart. I want to eat."He said, his stomach growling as he looked at the rest of them. Amused nad relaxed.
Draco nodded smiling a little. "yeah me too." he admitted licking his lips a little as Harry laughed, Tamwin sulking a little as he straightened himself out. "so whats the happy occasion? finally getting married?" he teased Draco chuckling a little. "nope, i'm pregnant." he admitted smirking a little at the look on Tamwin's and Alex's faces. "yes, pregnant." Draco assured them Alex tuning to glare at Tamwin. "why won't you carry my baby?" "...hey i might be your bitch but that i just can't do." Tamwin protested moving forward to gently prod Draco's baby. "do you know the sex?" "no i won't know for several months yet." he admitted chuckling a little.
Shayne poked tamwin back, pulling draco more fully against him."Don't poke."He growled snickering as he looked at alex then tamwin."You're such a pussy. Have a baby.If you wont, maybe I want to carry his baby."He said more to tease his friend then seriousness.
Tamwin blinked and then sighed looking rather, upset. "i can't." he stated simply crossing his arms. "i'm infertile." Harry and Draco started, surprise by the admittance and Alex wrapped his arms around Tamwin. "it's ok love, we don't need a baby to adopt. besides we can always adopt." Tamwin paused and then. "i wanna adopt Draco's baby." "NOT FOR SALE!" Harry and Draco both chirped at the same time, Tamwin pouting as Alex laughed a little.
Shayne snickered looking at the other."WEll we might let you babysit. MAybe.If you promise not to kidnap him."He said laughing a little as he reached out patting the other on the head."It's probably better you can't have kids. Imagine. You hormonal and's going to be hard enough putting up with dray, and I love him.I'd proably lock you in a closet for the whole time."He said amused before pulling on his shoes. REally hungry.
Tamwin snorted a little and rolled his eyes. "please, you wouldn't do that to one of your best freinds." he taunted grinning at Adrien. Tamwin really did think of Adrien as a very close, and dear friend. "you'd just avoid me for months on end and leave poor Alex to suffer alone." he taunted winking at Adrien Draco snorting a little. "shut up and get your damn shoes on! pregnant man wants food!" "non pregnant man does too!" Harry bitched in the exact same tone as Draco making Alex laugh. "your heard the boys, lets get a move on."
Shayne laughed as they all got ready, and apparated to the resturant. Giving Tamwin a look as they sat down at the table."No. I wouldn't let him suffer by himself....that's why I have these two. They'll be kind and come help you."He snickered smiling."As it is, I'll probably be hiding at your house while Draco's being bitchy."He said.
Harry snickered and nodded. "me too." he admitted grinning a little Draco turning to glare at the both of them. "like hell you are!" he bitched Tamwin snickering a little. "ooooh your in trooouble!" he teased pulling out the chair for Alex like a gentlemen and pushing it back in Alex smiling a little as they shared a rather romantic kiss Harry chuckling as he pulled the chair our for Draco, yelping as Draco smacked him upside the head. "i can sit on my own! i'm pregnant not disabled!" "ow jeez, i was trying to be romantic!"
Shayne snickered, sitting down himself, leaning over to steal a kiss from the blond."Being disabled is being pregnant love.You're going to be round and cute, but unable to get up, and have to go to the bathroom all the time.."He grinned teasing his lover as he looked over the menu.
Draco's eyes narrowed and before anyone could stop him, or shut Shayne up, he'd smacked the older man on the head with his own Menu. "asshole!" Draco bitched Tamwin clapping his hand over his mouth to keep from Laughing as Harry snickered and gently kissed Draco's neck. "he was just talking about later lover, he meant no disrespect." Harry soothed, trying to calm Draco down before the blond actually tried to murder Shayne in the middle of a crowded restaurant.
Shayne looked stricken as he looked down at the tablecloth, taking his glass of wine from the waitress as she came to get their food orders, swirling the wine in the glass as he avoided looking at any of them."I'm sorry..."He muttered biting his lip. Red hair hanging in his face, hiding his expression.
Draco pouted and shoved himself away from Harry, who he felt was being a big baby, and shoved Tamwin out of the chair he wanted, sitting down next to Shayne and snuggling into him. "i'm just moody." Draco muttered softly...that was a lie, he was too early for that, no Draco was just scared, scared of many things really, but he was too ashamed to admit that to anyone, not even himself.
"Liar."Shayne muttered, shifting to wrap a arm around draco's waist, though his hair was still hanging in his face, ordering his food as he leaned back in his chair.
Draco scowled a little and pressed a kiss to Shayne's neck nuzzling him a little as he ordered something as well sighing softly, wanting to tell, but scared to do so. after all if Draco was scared then surely Harry and Shayne where too? and if they where all scared then Draco had to be the strong one...and Draco didn't want to be the strong one. he was pregnant he shouldn't have to be. so he stayed silent, Tamwin and Alex chattering about what to order, they always stole half each others food anyway so they organized their meals.
Throughout dinner shayne was unnaturally quiet, talking if they talked to him, but quiet otherwise. Finishing most of his food before leaning back in his side, smiling slightly as he ran his fingers through draco's hair."I'm going home. It's been a long week.Stay, enjoy yourselves."He said with a slow smile, stealing a kiss from harry and draco.
Draco frowned a little as Shayne said that, opening his mouth to say something, Harry cutting him to it. "actually i'm not feeling well." Harry admitted, in fact looking a little green. "would you mind taking me home Shayne?" "i told you not to get the pork harry." Tamwin chastised scowling a little. "go on Shayne take harry home, we'll get Draco some dessert and take him home when he's nice and full." he promised well aware what harry was up to.
Shayne smiled, "I'll see you guys later."He said wrapping his arms around hrry, apparting them back to the house, stepping away from the door as he headed upstairs to change into his pj's. Really, he was tired but more then anyhting else, he was nervous and scred about the baby.
Harry grabbed Shayne's wrist before he even made it to the stairs. "Shayne whats wrong?" he demanded his eyes narrowed, still looking a little ill, but forcing it away in order to talk to Shayne. "your making me worried, whats wrong? talk to me." he pleaded softly turning Shayne so that they where face to face, setting his hands on the others face. "what has you so closed off?"
Shayne sighed softly, leaning his face into his hands, closing his eyes before opening them again to look at the brunette, wrapping his arms around the other."If...I'm not all the way human harry.What if...what if the baby really is mine...they'll live with that for the rest of their lives, with the anger that comes with being a storm's...its not something I'd share."He said tears filling his eyes. Glad they were alone, because it wasn't something he'd let draco know.
Harry smiled as he wrapped his arms around the other kissing his forehead. "Shayne, even if your baby is a storm lord, don't you think it's better for him to be born with three loving parents, one who can help him through everything that he'll go through? it's ok if our baby is a storm lord." he promised. "it won't make us hate you, or love him less. anger is a part of everyone's life. between the three of us we can help him learn to control it, or control his powers at the very least, and give him a great deal to be happy about...worrying about it, won't change the baby's fate, but it will upset Draco...your making him scared, he's afraid you don't want a baby at all...if you keep focusing on everything that could go wrong, well then...your not going to notice all of the good things that are happening.
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