Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Tamwin whimpered a little shuddering and wriggling as Draco and Alex pretended to ponder then. "oh let the man cum." Alex decided waving his Hand Draco laughing and nodding in agreement. "yeah, i wanna see that." he admitted snickering a little watching with lust filled eyes. "and then, Mr. Covered in Harry's Germs, is going to take a bath with me." he stated licking his lips, clearly turned on my Shayne's molestation of his best friend.
Shayne snickered, undoing tamwin's pants, sliding his hand in. Stroking him as he nuzzled the man's neck."Hmmm I'm not covered in germs."He whined laughing as he worked on making his friend come.
Tamwin whined arching into the hand, jerking up against him panting hard as he tossed his head back. "o..ooh please." he pleaded bucking into Shayne's hand, blushing hard as he began to tremble, feeling so very close to his orgasm that to stop would be cruel to poor Tamwin. "you are covered in germs." Draco growled a smirk in place. "that's why i have to wash you." he winked at his lover and licked his lips, indicating that he was horny.
Shayne smirked as he stroked tamwin, nuzzling his neck as he looked up at draco, lust and love in those brown eyes."And if I don't want to have a tongue bath?"
Draco smirked as he watched his lover, heat and want in his silver. "then you get to suffer a bitchy moody horny pregnant man who didn't get what he wanted. and that is ten times worse than a sick harry being forced to take medicine." he pointed out licking his lips. "of course, if you'd rather, i could always get Alex to sate my needs." Alex went red, but stayed silent, well aware that Draco was just trying to torment Shayne as Tamwin arched and let out a loud yelp as he came, spilling his seed all over himself and Shayne, Draco moaning softly.
Shayne growled, shifting tamwin off of him, reaching out and pulling his pregnant lover off the couch,kissing him hard. Demanding. "I don't share princess."He growled groping him. Anger hiding the fear.
Tamwin groaned a little panting softly as Draco snickered a little groaning as he was groped arching a little. "m.mmm you share me with Harry." he pointed out smirking a little his head tilted at the other. "but you don't have to worry love." he promised smirking a little as he kissed the other. "you and harry are the only people i will ever let touch me." he admitted snickering a little. "everyone else gives me the crawls, no offense Alex." "that's ok, i value my skin, i wouldn't touch your cock with a ten foot pole or Shayne would kill me." "damn straight, that's why i love him so much." Draco admitted smirking a little.
Shayne laugehd softly stealing another kiss from the pregnant man."Because I'll kill someone for touching you?"He asked sounding amused, looking at alex."If you used a pole, I might forgive you."He said tilting his head as he got up.
Draco smirked a little. "yes." he admitted. "it makes me feel safe and loved and protected." he admitted chuckling as Alex snorted grinning a little as Tamwin pounced on him. "you are SO paying for that Alex." he growled smashing his lips to his lovers making Draco laugh a little. "come on love." Draco purred kissing Shayne. "make me yours all over again." he purred snickering a little.
"Good.I want you."Shayne growled walking with him to the bathroom and shutting the door, turning on the water to take the bath, stripping and sliding into the tub."Come on sweetheart."He said leaning back against the tub.
Draco laughed a little and shook his head. "i thought you didn't want a tongue bath." he teased already stripping off his shirt groaning lightly as he flexed his muscles feeling sore, though he wasn't entirely sure why, probably being pregnant. he slipped into the tub with Shayne and sighed, smiling a little. "i hope Harry's doing ok." he admitted feeling a little concerned for his lover. "after our 'playtime' we should go check on him."
shayne nodded kissing him lightly"We will.He looked miserble."He said smiling slightly."And I don't.I ust want to hold you."He said running his hands over his pregnant lover, marveling over that fact.He was going to be a dad.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded relaxing in the others arms sighing softly, enjoying his peaceful moment with Shayne. "i love you, you know that right?" Draco asked looking up at the other rather nervously. "even if it's not your baby i really do love you." he promised, thinking that was why Shayne was upset. it made sense, to Draco in any case, that Shayne would be worried that it wasn't his baby. though Draco wasn't sure how they would know who the baby daddy was until later.
Shayne looked startled, tilting his head."I know.I love you to."He sighed, wrapping his arms around draco, knowing they had to talk. " dad was the storm lord. And he was dead by the time I became one, and my mother...well she wasn't the best mom, and she had no idea what to do for me."He bit his lip a little, running his fingers through draco's hair."I was just fretting over wht would happen if it really was my baby."
Draco blinked a little up at him his head tiled. "hey Shayne, what exactly is a storm lord?" he asked sounding a little puzzled. "i know that you are all like, wicked powerful and shit but that's about all i know." he admitted blinking up at him. "i don't think Harry knows either but he never bothers to find out anything until he absolutely has to." he admitted snorting a little. "stupid man. and in any case, your not dead, so your baby, if it is yours, will be fine." he promised smiling at him. "i promise."
Shayne swallowed hard, pressing a kiss to his head, having known the man would eventually ask."They're what wizards were descended from. Storm lords were orginally elves, fey that controlled the elements around them, and when they were dying out they bred with the humans... when they did they results were children with the powrs if feym but looked human. Wizardkind."She smiled a little."There are few fey still around, though voldermort's war wiped most of them out. My father was one of the few left in britian."
Draco nodded a little. "i never knew where wizards came from." he admitted looking rather amazed. "i always just assumed we'd always been." he admitted kissing the others neck, "so the Storm Lord babies come into their power like wizards do?" he asked curiously. "Harry nearly blew up his muggles house when he came into his power, the Auror's had to go down and fix everything."
Shayne snickered a little at the thought."Yea but instead of blowing things up, storm lords tend to make the weather wonky around them for awhile.Hell it stormed and rained hail for weeks when I came into mine." He sinckered again kissing draco slowly.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded grinning as he rubbed his belly. "whether it's your baby, or Harry''s gonna be a handful." he admitted grinning a little his head tilted as he rubbed his belly a little. "i'm sort of scared though." he admitted biting his lip. "i'm not sure i'm ready to be a mommy."
Shayne snickered a little, running a hand over the other man's stomach."Hmmm but you're so pretty princess."He teased before getting serious."Don't worry. You have months t oget used to the idea, and even if you're not ready, me and harry are here to help. Not to mention tamwin and alex...and the rest of the qudditch team. And your mother."
he chuckled and nodded, relaxing again. "yeah.. your right.' he agreed sighing softly, closing his eyes. "out baby is going to be the most spoiled thing the world has ever known." he grumbled smirking a little looking rather amused despite his annoyed tone. "i'm going to get all fat too." he whined pouting violently. "and my feet are going to hurt, and i'm going to want to eat gross things."
Shayne smiled kissing him again,running his fingers through his hair."You're only going to get big cause you're stomach's going to be full with kicking baby.And I'll rub your feet and think about this. We can abuse harry and make him go on midnight runs for disgusting food."
he chuckled a little and looked up at the other and kissed Shayne gently sighing softly. "i like that plan." he admitted smiling a little laying his head on Shayne's shoulder again a small smile in place. "come on, i'm getting all pruney." Draco hated getting all pruney, it was gross, so he slipped out of the tub and grabbed a towel. "we should go check on Harry anyway."
Shayne smiled getting out and drying off, dressing.""Hmm he's probably still sleeping."He said before heading to the bedroom, opening the door cautiously, before pushing draco in first. When in doubt, make the pregnant whiney one walk in first.
Draco gasped in horror as he was pushed in, turning to glare at Shayne, if looks could kill, Shayne would be in hell.there was a long silence and then a long drawn out whine from harry as Draco got him to sit up. "i don't want too..." Harry protested pathetically, Draco chuckling softly. "if you eat the soup, i'll let you tie me up, and use me however you want." there was a long silence and then a groan, and the sound of harry eating soup, which was probably laced with a healing potion. "Shayne should be in soon, he's having some issues." "he ok?" "oh he is now, but he won't be when i get my hands on him." "...what did he do now?" "oh nothing really, i just have to put him in his place that's all, you eat that all now al...harry?" "gunna be sick." harry slurred, rushing out of the room, the bedroom door slamming into Shayne as Harry raced into the bathroom to be sick, Draco snickering a little as he peeked around the door to look at Shayne. "are you ok?"
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