Love and Lies Lady/Moon

shayne rubbed his shoulder where harry'd run into him."Fine."Giving the blond a look he smirked."You're going to show me my place are you?"He asked pressing a kiss to his lips before walking into the room, laying down on the bed."I only made you come in first cause he's mad at me for making him take the potion."
Draco smirked and kissed the other looking playful. "your damn right i am. it's over me, drilling me with your fat cock." he teased snickering a little as he headed into the bathroom to comfort harry, rubbing his back as the boy emptied the contents of his stomach, and then wailed that he wanted Shayne, that he was cold, that Draco wasn't large enough to hold him, that he wasn't sick! Draco snickering silently as he calmly soothed Harry, well used to the other being sick. being a quidditch player, Harry caught a lot of Flu bugs from playing in the rain and snow.
Shayne snickered softly as he was yelled for, walking back to the bathroom."You rang your highness?"He teased crouching down to wrap his arms around the brunette, resting his cheek against his shoulder ad draco rubbed his back."If I get sick, I'm going to be wickedly pissed.I'm a lawyer, I don't get sick from going to work."He whined.
Draco laughed a little at Shayne and rolled his eyes picking up his wand and waving it over Shayne's face. "it keeps the germs out." he explained after a softly muttered spell grinning as Harry tried to crawl into Shayne's shirt, whining that he was cold and that his stomach hurt and that Draco fed him poison. "we better get him back to bed." Draco stated with a small chuckle. "i don't suggest trying to give him a bath, he gets violent, like, swinging fists violent."
Shayne nodded, wincing as he got elbowed in harry's efforts to get into his shirt."Hold on sweetheart."Shayne muttered picking him up and heading to the bedroom, stripping down and crawling under the covers, curling up around the brunette, holding him close."Warm?"He asked running his hands over th eother.
Harry sighed softly, relaxing once he was under the covers and curled up with Shayne, harry whining lightly. "no...draco." harry stated rather pathetically the blond chuckling as he slid in so that harry was sandwiched between them. "there Harry, hows that?" Draco asked softly, looking amused when Harry didn't respond, he'd fallen asleep again. "he is suck a baby when he gets sick."
Shayne smiled, resting his head on draco's shoulder,raising his head to look at draco."So are you princess.In school you made me wait on you for a whole freaking week just because you had the sniffles."He whined, settling in to go to sleep.
Draco snickered a little and smirked at him. "i'm not the only one, you wouldn't even get out of bed for a week and a half because you had a cough." he teased chuckling a little shaking his head. snuggling down as well for a well deserved nap. "good dreams Shayne." he chirped softly, smiling a little.
"Good dreams."Shayne smiled yawning.

Which two months later, was exactly what he was hoping for. Hiding out in his office during the quddith game, he was pointedly ignoring the reporters outside while he watched harry play. No he did not want to comment on draco's pregnancy, no he did not want his picture taken.... and yes he wanted left alone. Having left draco in their private box he'd come down to hide out till the game was over.Glaring at the blond when he came in."Shouldn't you be resting instead of going through the mob to get to me?"
Draco chuckled a little as he walked over to the other, he was certainly showing now, rubbing his belly. "oh hush, i'm fine you worry too much. i was lonely." he admitted wrinkling his nose. "that and the reporters found me, i figured running away was better than gutting them all." he admitted plopping himself in Shayne's lap sighing softly. "Harry's doing really well out there, i think he's showing off." he admitted chuckling a little.
He probably is. He knows we're in here watching."He said wrapping his arms around the other, rubbing his stomach."I thought you liked dealing with the reporters."He said pressing a kissing to draco's head as he ran a hand over the baby bump. He despised the press, and hated them even more now that they'd discovered draco was pregnant.
Draco snorted a little. "i don't mind dealing with them, but they where annoying me, i can't watch harry be sexy on a broom if they keep blocking my veiw." he complained sulking a little grinning as Harry did a spin in the air, giggling a little as the brunette flashed way more skin than was necessary.
Shayne laughed shaking his head."Yea, that was waaayyy to obvious that he's showing off."He smiled as harry caught the snitch, lifting his wand and spelling open the windows, hoping he could get a midair kiss. At least that way the world would forget to obssess over draco's stomach and he would get a kiss.Really, it was all about the kiss.
Harry grinned and swooped in, leaning forward on his broom kissing Shayne intently, the press going Mad and snapping dozens of pictures as Harry owned Shayne's mouth with his tongue. Draco laughing a little as harry landed still kissing his lover before breaking away and smirking a little handing Shayne the snitch. "we, have just won the world cup." harry purred proudly grinning eagerly. "now we have a nice shiny Cup to grace our house."
Shayne rolled his eyes taking the snitch,snickering a little. Seeker himself, though he didn't play professionally, he was still good.And he enjoyed playing."Oh good, something to drink beer out of.When he has the baby, I'm smoking a cigar and drinking out of the world cup."
Both harry and Draco glared at him. ":the hell you are!" "what an example to set for a baby!" "and the cigarette smoke could hurt him!" "there is no way in HELL your putting bear in MY cup! it will rust!" "harry...we're focusing on the baby." "the baby will be fine so long as Shayne smokes it outside, but there is no WAY he is damaging MY world cup just for a sense of pride!" "...your hopeless potter..."
Shayne snickered stealing a kiss."I'll charm it not to rest love."He said letting the snitch go before catching it again."You better go. Tamwin looks ready to tackle you and take you to the party."He said pointing towards the rest of the team. Smiling as he kissed draco.
Harry snorted and grinned at the others. "i intend to come home completely smashed." he admitted smirking, Draco groaning a little. everyone knew that when harry got Drunk, he got hornier than hell, and usually, he attacked Draco, calling him 'the pretty princess' the entire time until he either got his way, or was yanked off by Shayne. Harry smirked and winked at Draco who glared at him and shook his head wrapping his arms around Shayne. "i'm too tiiired to have sex, you better distract him when he gets home."
Shayne snickered a little."of course I will."he promised.

That night shayne yawned from where he was resting his head in draco's lap as draco read to him. For once completely relaxed and content with not doing anything.Purring softly as draco stroked his hair.Really, he was a sucker for having his hair stroked. Trying to stay awake until harry got home."You read pretty well pretty princess."He said sleepily
Draco chuckled as he read the book, a common muggle Harlequin Romance, the only difference? this one was a GAY harlequin romance. it was very well written too, it was one of Draco's favorites. there was a sudden rush of green flames and harry stumbled through looking completely smashed. "oh goddammit... wrong fireplace again." he grumbled, not recognizing the furniture, being that Draco had redecorated from boredom. that and he loved fucking with Harry's head when the guy was drunk. "...again?" Draco asked lifting an eyebrow harry blinking. "sorry Pretty lady i just.." he staggered to the side and collapsed, groaning once and then letting out a small snore, he'd fallen asleep. "...LADY!?" Draco demanded sounding super pissed. "oh his ass is sleeping on the LAWN!"
Shayne snickered a little, struggling not to laugh."But you're such a pretty pretty princess."He teased sittin up as he brushed a hand through draco's hair."Do you really want him to sleep out on the lawn?"
Draco glared at him as he was called a pretty princess his head tilted a little. "yeah, and you can join him." he grumbled getting to his feet and heading for the stairs pausing a little as a flash of pain went across his face, clutching his belly. six months pregnant and having belly pains was never a good sign.
"Dray?"Shayne said pausing as he watched from the bottom of the stairs, looking up at him worriedly, harry cradled in his arms. Pain in those blue eyes as he watched the other."You okay?"
Draco winced again clutching his belly shaking his head. "i'm ok... i'm fine." he stuttered panting softly his eyes wide. "i...i think i'm going into labor.." he admitted softly, looking terrified. "i can't be going into labor i'm three months too early for that!" he complained looking up at Shayne with wide, terrified eyes. "Shayne... i need to get to the hospital..."
Shayne looked shocked, "Don't. You're not going into labor. And I'm not going to worry. See me?Man of overconfidence?You're not allowed freaking out."He said struggling to remain calm as he shifted harry, walking up the stairs, sliding his hand into draco's apparating to st. mungo's, yelling for help. Looking confident and demanding, even though inside he was panicking.
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