Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"Of course your highness."Shayne said with a snicker as he laid down, cuddling against the blond as he pressed a kiss to the blond's hair."I am perfectly worthy of touching any part of you I wish."
Draco snorted a little and leaned into Shayne. "not if you still want sex your not." he replied sleepily Alex chuckling a little as Harry came over, holding the baby, having gotten permission from the nurses, as Raphel's life support could go with him pretty much anywhere. "and this is your daddy Draco, isn't he pretty? and that's daddy Shayne, he's probably going to teach you how to spit. and that's your Uncle Alex, he's going to teach you all sorts of fun things like how to make Origami, and necklaces and clothes. you don't need to know uncle Tamwin, you don't need to know what he'd teach you." "HEY!" Tamwin protested sulking a little. "i wouldn't teach him that until he was older!"
Shayne snickered shaking his head."oh so you're going to teach him things I don't get to teach?"He smirked tilting his head,"Hey, wait why do I get to teach spitting and alex gets to teach origami?I want origami."Shayne said sulking.
Harry scowled at Shayne. "no! you get spitting." he bitched Alex laughing a little. "Harry's still drunk i see." he pointed out Tamwin snickering a little. "he gets so stubborn when he's smashed." "and daddy Shayne will teach you how to make all the girls faint, because your all handsome like he is, but you can't date any of them mister, women are nothing but trouble." "i second THAT!" Tamwin and Alex chirped, both of them laughing as Harry carried baby Raphel around, just chattering to the baby. "
Shayne rolled his eyes."Don't corrupt my son.I dated my own share of woman boys."He said yawning, starting to settle into go to sleep. Tired now that he wasn't worried about the baby or draco, starting to relax, ehead resting on draco's shoulder.
Harry scowled at Shayne hard. "NO! he gets NO women!" he hissed Draco chuckling a little shaking his head. "Harry what if Raphel isn't gay?" "who said he had to be?" Harry asked looking puzzled. "he just can't date women!" "harry that doesn't make any sense." "it makes perfect sense!" "oh someone sober him up already!" Draco demanded Tamwin laughing as he got up and gently took Raphel from harry, the brunette pouting hard before groaning as Alex cast a sobriety spell on him. "uhg.....sick.." harry slurred rushing to the bathroom again to puke up all his drunkenness.
Shayne smiled, "Oh because that's so much better.I'm going to sleep now."He muttered going to sleep, cuddled up against draco,ignoring the arguing, and drunk throwing up in the bathroom.He was tired dammit.
Draco chuckled and curled up next to him, sighing softly and closing his eyes, Tamwin and Alex chuckling as they tickled baby Raphel's toes shaking their head. "this is one hell of a family." "and they all deserve it."

(should we skip to them getting married? (Draco will probably be pregnant again XDD)
(oh no, I have a better idea)

"Yes we do.'Shayne said sleepily.

a year later shayne glared at the brunette in front of him, "I am perfectly capable of doing my own tie."He groused, by far the grumpiest man to be getting married. After all, they'd intended on getting married THEN having more kids. Not get shayne pregnant and fat for the wedding. This wasn't what hed planned.And the fact that he'd been the one to get pregnant instead of draco or harry was making him a sulky pregnant man.
Harry chuckled a little. "i know you are." Harry chirped calmly kissing the others forehead. "but my tie was crooked, so i had to make yours crooked too, so we match." he teased grinning playfully at his lover before he bent down and kissed the full belly. "i get to be pregnant next." he ordered eagerly Draco chuckling as he walked in, wearing a tux as well. "you both look dashing." he chirped smiling a little. "i'm half scared i might pass out from the shear awesomeness of your looks." "suck up." "as long as i get to top after."
Shayne gave him a look,"That's what got me in this situation in the first place."'He said poking his stomach looking at him."Though if you want to pass out, I'm open to that.I'll just kiss you awake."
Draco laughed and leaned up pressing his lips to Shayne's closing his eyes. "so dramatic." he teased grinning as Harry snorted and rolled his eyes grabbing Draco and straightening his tie as well. "hey! i can do it myself!" "clearly you can't." harry teased smirking a little. "Shayne didn't need help with HIS tie." harry was lying of course but Draco didn't need to know that. "Shut up and carry my baby potter, since Shayne is carrying yours." "we don't know that yet." "please, we ALL know it's yours, i'm not strong enough to top him." "true."
Shayne laughed, in a better mood as he watched them tease each other, shaking his head."Don't we have a wedding to be getting to?"he asked, gently nudging them both towards the door.
Draco chuckled a little and Harry nodded, looking excited, but also like he was going to puke. Draco had stilled his face into a serene happy look that made him look as beautiful as ever, offering Harry a small, but relaxing kiss. Tamwin and Alex where standing up at the Alter already, one holding the ribbon that would tie the three lovers together in marriage, the other holding three rings on a pillow to bind their hearts together in love. Raphel was laying in Alex's arms, giggling and chattering away as he tried to get the ribbon his uncle was holding.
Shayne smiled softly as he followed the other's out into the alter, smirking slightly at the sight of raphel trying to get the ribbon. Content as he let the priest's words surround them, binding them together. IT was a wholly unqiue feeling to be belonging to someone-two someones to so deeply."Hmmm so who gets the first kiss?"He asked sliding his ring on, tilting his head as he looked at the two.
Harry and Draco smirked as they both grabbed Shayne and planted firm kisses on his lips, a tree way kiss, difficult to manage, but Harry and Draco had been practicing while Shayne was sleeping. "this is almost like a happily ever after in the fairy tales." harry murmured, chuckling softly as he smiled at them both. "i've never been happier in my entire life."
Shayne laughed softly, "Me either."He said hugging them both, yelping a little as raphel pulled at the ribbon on their wrists. Laughing as he took his son, he cuddled the baby,"Lets go celebrate. You know tamwin and alex's got this huge party thing planned."he smiled,his stomach growling.
Harry laughed a little. "you just wanna eat." Harry teased Draco chuckling as he shook his head. "and i cannot beleive were really going to Africa for our the hell did harry talk us into THAT?" "because i am the supreme overlord of..." he was silenced by Draco kissing him, Tamwin and Alex snickering as they flung their arms around Shayne and Harry. "who's ready for your after party?" "yeah, we even got some strippers." "WHAT!?" Draco and Harry both demanded at the same time.
Shayne laughed at the reactions, tilting his head as he wrapped a arm around tamwin's waist, kissing his head."Oh they better be male strippers, cause if they're female these two are going to be sick."he said amused at the idea, but not really believing that they'd done it.
Tamwin and Alex snickered as they apparated their best freinds to the 'party' alcohol and fruit drinks where everywhere, and there where, in fact, three male strippers dancing on three separate tables, the entire quidditch team hooting and hollering and laughing as they cheered Harry, Draco, and Shayne's wedding. "...dibs on the red head." Harry muttered sarcastically, though looking amused anyway.
Shayne growled softly at him,wrapping his arms around him."I better be the only red head you have dibs on."He said pressing a kiss to his head before looking at draco."I want food.Go get me food."He ordered, gently shoving his husband towards the table.
Harry snickered a little and he kissed his lover. "can i have Dibs on the blond then?" he teased grinning at him playfully as Draco rolled his eyes and started getting the food. "don't let Harry drink, he's liable to get us confused with other people and end up molesting the wrong people again." "i never did that!" "you totally did."
'This is true.'Shayne smiled looking amused as he eased himself into a chair, smiling tiredly. "I love you."He smiled looking up at the blond as he brought him food, pulling him into teh chair next to him, kissing him softly.
Harry pouted as an alcohol tray went by, but obediently grabbed a fruit drink instead, for Shayne's sake. after all it wasn't fair if harry got drunk when Shayne couldn't. Draco chuckled as he snuggled into Shayne kissing his lovers temple. "i love you too." he murmured grinning jumping when one of the strippers suddenly settled onto their table, his hair as black as midnight, Harry's eye twitching a little. it only served him right for teasing he supposed. "i'm gonna kill Tamwin for this." Draco growled.
Shayne snickered softly, resting his head on draco's shoulder."After the party. wait we can't kill him.Otherwise who'lll watch the kids when we need a night to ourselves?"
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