Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco groaned a little clutching his belly as Shayne carried Harry upstairs, panting hard. "o..oooh fucking hell." he groaned as he was apparated into the nearest hospital, gasping in pain and groaning again as one of the nurses pushed him carefully into a wheel chair and wheeled him tot he nearest hospital room. "prepare for a Cesarean." one of the nurses said to Shayne. "you can stay if you must but don't get in the doctors way. your husband will be sedated and won't feel any pain." "Cesarean!? why whats wrong?" Draco demanded the nurse, looking panicked. "nothing is wrong dear, we promise. Mr. Vako a word with you outside while we get Mr. Serpis prepped?" she practically dragged Shayne out, licking her lips. "i need to warn you Mr. Vako, the baby might not make it..." she admitted softly. "the umbilical cord has gotten wrapped around it's neck..."
Shayne growled softly,staring at the wall across from the other."Save him.I'll deal with anything that comes after."He growled struggling to stay home as he felt the storms gather above, slumping into a waiting room chair to wait for what happened as he tried to stay calm. Resting his forehead on his knees as he waited.
the woman nodded and vanished back into the room, silencing charms up so no one could hear, only silence on the halls for nearly four hours. four long hours in wish Tamwin had shown up, sitting silently next to Shayne, offering him silent comfort staring at the door. then said door opened and a blood spattered nurse stepped out, her face grim until she spotted Shayne and smiled. "your husband is still asleep." she admitted softly. "but you have a brand new baby boy, he's a little small from such an early birth, but you can come in and see him if you want."
Shayne looked startled, having been preparing for the worst, before offering a hesistant smile."I'd love to."He said getting up before looking at tamwin."You'll go sober potter up and get him down here?"He asked waiting for a answer before following the nurse into the room. Nervously edging towards the crib, while keeping his eyes on draco.He looked so broken laying there.
Draco was pale and still, and so was the babe in the crib. the babe looked exactly like Shayne, down to the very skin color, but it looked incredibly small compared to the blankets it had been wrapped in, premature the poor thing had been hooked up to a life support system so that it wouldn't have to work too hard to survive. "he needs to stay in the hospital for a few weeks to finish growing." she nurse admitted softly. "and Mr. Serpis needs to stay for a few days as well, to make sure that nothing went wrong with the surgery." she admitted offering him a small smile. "but they both should make it. Mr. Serpis requested that you name the child." she admitted. "something about a family tradition." in the malfoy household, the father always named the baby, and technically Draco was the 'mother', so that left Shayne to name the babe.
"Me?"Shayne looked startled, before smiling pleased. Tilting his head to think."Raphel.His name is raphel."He said smiling as he walked over, a gentle finger reaching down to touch the baby's hand before moving away, looking at the nurse."I have to go home and get a few things.I'll be right back....He'll be fine till then?"He said, fretting at the idea of leaving without knowing for sure.
she smiled and marked down the information. "oh Mr. Serpis will be fine." she promised smiling at him her head tilted at him. "go and get what you need to get, we have someone in the room with Mr. Serpis and Raphel at all times." she promised. "nothing will happen."
He nodded, walking out and apparating out. Walkng through the house looking for the drunken harry."Potter?"He called looking around, gathering a few things of clothes and teh essentials for a stay in the hospital. Snickering a little as he pocketed drco's book. Nothing better then a gay romance to brighten up the bedrest.
there was the sound of retching in the bathroom as Harry puked up large quantities of alcohol, Tamwin waiting outside of the door and smiling at Shayne. "he's being sick right now, would you care to leave a message?" he asked, clearly teasing harry who broke into a string of curses, all of them aimed at Tamwin and the firewhiskey that had kept appearing in his hand.
Shayne snickered holding a bag, looking at the other."Aww poor poor baby.You should be glad you're princess is out for the evening, otherwise you'd be sleeping in the yard tonight."He said opening the door to look at him."Baby and mother are fine."
there was a long pause then. "where's Draco?" harry slurred through the door Tamwin chuckling a little. "i haven't had a chance to tell him yet. what did you name him?" Tamwin asked curiously smiling a little. "i cannot BELIEVE i'm an uncle!" he squealed giggling a little. "i am going to spoil your kid ROTTEN!"
"You can't spoil him.He's named raphel. He'll be a angel, not corrupting him tam."He said with a smile, goofy and happy, the feeling of being a father sinking in, starting to be happy, and realize everything was going to be just fine.
Tam laughed a little and nodded. "i'm going to give him toys, and candy, and pretty books, and fun clothes." he chirped, just to torment Shayne a smirk on his lips as Harry poked his head out. "who are we spoiling?" sounding much less drunk now.
Shayne snickered a little.Glad he got to be the one telling harry."Raphel.Our son."He said with a goofy smile, "Now brush your teeth if you're done puking. I want to kiss you to celebrate before we go visit the baby and mother."
Harry blinked at Shayne his head tilted a little and then he laughed poking Tamwin on the shoulder. "duuuude Shayne's drunk!" "no, your drunk." Tamwin corrected snoring a little. "Draco really did have his baby Harry, went into premature labor." Harry stopped laughing, now he looked panicked. "OH MY GOD!!!! is Draco ok!? did the baby make it!? is Draco ok!?"
Shayne rolled his eyes, resting his hands on the other's shoulders."Calm down. I wouldn't be this calm if either of them weren't fine. Raphel's small, but he'll be fine. And draco's sleeping peacefully, though I'm sure we're going to get a earful when he wakes up."
Harry relaxed with a small sigh rubbing his eyes a little. "god, and i was out getting drunk with my buddies, i'm a terrible daddy!" he wailed, still very much drunk, though no longer so smashed he was still rather drunk, and thus overly emotional. "i'm setting a horrible example for our baby!"
Shayne rolled his eyes, wrapping his arms around his waist."No you're not. Come on sweetheart.We'll go see him and you can make sure he's fine."He said running his hand over the other's hair pressing a kiss to his head."I'd be more worried about dray remembering you called him a woman then what he thinks of you drinking."
Harry blinked a little at him and smiled leaning into Shayne nuzzling him affectionately Tamwin snickering a little and rolling his eyes. "i'm going to go get Alex. meet you there?" he offered grinning before vanishing without receiving an answer, Harry frowning at Shayne. "i never called Draco a lady." he protested, clearly not remembering that part of his evening.
"Ohhh yes you did. And a beautiful one at that. Told him you got the wrong house."He snickered wrapping his arms around harry, apparating to the hospital, looking at the man in his arms."Of course he got pissy when I agreed and told him he was a pretty pretty princess."
Harry groaned and shook his head chuckling a little. "he must have been pissed." he admitted smirking a little as he looked up at Shayne. "and he totally is a pretty pretty princess." he admitted a low groan coming from the hospital bed. "i heard that Potter." Draco complained weakly sighing softly. "baby?" Draco demanded hopefully. "nurse said...that..." Draco was still pretty out of it, but at least he was awake.
"Raphel's fine princess."Shayne teased sitting on the edge of the bed, looking down at the blond."And such a likeness for me, that I'm almost disturbed at it."He said before wining, looking at harry. having meant to tell him before then.
Harry grinned brightly looking down at the baby. "aaaw lookit him he's sooo cute! Shayne look he's got your everything!" Harry purred beaming down at the baby tickling it's toes, being surprisingly gentle. "i'm going to buy you pretty shoes, and get your hair cut at all the finest barber shops, and get you all the toys you could ever want, and even teach you how to ride your first broom, and teach you how to play quidditch so well you can kick all three of your daddies buts!" "aaw that's cute." Tamwin chirped from the doorway Alex chuckling. "i knew Harry was going to go all gaga as soon as he saw the baby." Tamwin admitted chuckling as they settled down next to draco to offer the blond some attention since Harry was hogging the baby. "and i'm going to braid your hair, and make you all kinds of fancy dinners, and turn the couch into a trampoline when daddy Draco isn't around to yell at us for jumping on the furniture, and let you eat ice cream for breakfast..." hey, at least Harry was cute, no one said he had to be smart.
Shayne snickered a little, this was going to be amusing."Blondie, we've been outted by the baby. I guess that means I'll have to braid your hair, and take you to dinner."He said lookig down at draco, leaning down to kiss him.
Draco chuckled a little and nodded kissing Shayne before smacking him on the cheek gently for his..well, cheek looking amused. "i was worried Harry wouldn't want him." Draco admitted softly. "since Raphel isn't his...but i think he loves Raphel even more than i do." he admitted softly shaking his head. "and don't touch my hair, you are not worthy." he teased sighing softly. "i'm tired still, will you cuddle with me?"
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