Love and Lies Lady/Moon

shayne sighed, smiling softly."You're right."He said holding him tighter, resting his head on the other's shoulder,"I'll talk to him when he gets home."He muttered, "I do want this baby. I just...I was alone by the time I came into my powers, my father had been dead for years and my mother was just a was just to much."He said smiling slightly, relaxing.
Harry smiled a little and kissed his forehead shaking his head. "Our baby won't be alone if he comes into power." he promised smiling lightly at him. "he'll have you, and us." he promised kissing the others forehead. "and besides, it's too early in this relationship for you to be going gray with worry."
Shayne's head jerked up."What?I am not going grey!"He said running for the bathroom, not realizing he ran right past the others as they apparated in, leaning in to the mirror in the bathroom to inspect his hair. Really he was that vain.
Harry snickered a little as he watched Shayne rush off to check his hair looking immensely amused before groaning as he felt his nausea well up again, gagging lightly as he rushed into the bathroom, shoving Shayne out and slamming the door shut so he could toss up his lunch in privacy, Draco moving up the stairs looking worried. "is he ok?" Draco asked nervously listening to Harry puking. "i bet he got food poisoning again, he's always had an overly sensitive stomach." Tamwin admitted shaking his head as he grabbed Shayne and Draco's hands. "come on, listening won't make anyone feel better."
Shayne winced walking back into the kitchen with draco and tamwin, tilting his head as he stood in front of tamwin.."Do you see any grey?"He said tugging his semi long hair in front of his eyes trying to see. Yes, he was that vain, and yes he was afraid of getting old.
Tamwin blinked a little his head tilted at the other before he reached out, grabbed a single strand of hair and yanked it out. "mope, not any more." Tamwin stated Draco snickering and laughing at Tamwin's rotten trick Alex snickering as well. "really Shayne, you should have known better than that." he pointed out snickering a little before pausing. "oh wait, there's one more." he reached out before Shayne could protest and yanked out another strand of hair, Harry laughing again.
Shayne whimpered smacking tamwin's hand out of the way, squirming away and hiding behind harry."Tell him to leave me alone!I'm not going grey yet."He sulked nuzzling his lover, pressing a kiss to his neck."Feeling better?"
Harry laughed a little looking a little week kneed as Adrien hid behind him. "your not Gray." he promised leaning into the other. "and i'm feeling a little better. i dunno what set me off." he admitted sighing a little and closing his eyes. "i guess i'm just a little worn out." he admitted nodding a little Draco frowning a bit as he set a hand to Harry's head. "you have a fever." he stated softly biting his lip a little. "you better lay down Harry. you don't just get sick, you get really sick." "i'm not sick." harry protested pushing Draco's arm away. "i'm just tired and i ate something bad that's all..."
Shayne growled softly, wrapping a arm around harry's waist, picking him up."Well then, you'll feel amazing after a nap."He said before heading for the bedroom, the brunette cradled gently in his arms. Doing what draco couldn't. Manhandle the boy who lived.
Draco smirked a little as Harry protested and squirmed against Shayne, trying to push himself free before groaning and falling still, closing his eyes and sighing softly resting his head against the others shoulder as he rested. "i'm not sick." he protested, sounding...well, sick. horrifyingly, Harry got very...cuddly, when he was sick, as shown by the way as he tried to push himself into Shayne as they walked, and then wrapped his arms around the others neck tightly when he dumped him onto the bed. "no...nap with me." he demanded pouting.
"Fine."Shayne smiled laying down wtih him, letting the man cuddle against him, closing his eyes, having every intention of taking a nap while they cuddled."But if I get sick, I'm going to be pissed."He said teasing a little as he gently stroked harry's hair, coaxing him to fall asleep.
Harry sighed softly and nuzzled into Shayne and sighed softly a small grin on his face as he slept next to Shayne obediently, Tamwin coming into the room with a Health Potion and a bowl of piping hot soup, and almost a Dozen sandwiches. "i made lunch for you guys, unfortunately this is about all i'm good at, Alex made the soup." he admitted chuckling a little. "make sure Harry drinks this when he wakes up." he stated giving the Health potion a small shake. "your probably going to have to force him, he hates taking potions of any kind."
Shayne smiled, taking the potion, "Thanks."He said closing his eyes, knowing harry was going to hate it.

A few hours later Shayne gently touched harry's head as he stirred,holding up the potion."Come on sweetheart, time to drink your potion love."
Harry groaned softly as he was touched, shaking his head. "noooo." he groaned, trying to sound as forceful as he could, his green eyes fluttering open so that he could push the potion away. "i won' can't make me.." mistake number one...harry just told Shayne he couldn't do something, that was not going to end well for Harry.
Shayne growled at him.Damned if he could be ordered to not do something. Shifting to lay on top of the other man, he held him, cupping his jaw in his hand, fprcing his mouth open."You're going to swallow, or choke."He said without preamble, before pouring the potion into his mouth.
Harry screamed with rage as he was forced to open his mouth, struggling wildly against Shayne jerking and wailing that he wouldn't do it, choking on the first mouthful of potion, coughing and sputtering up the second. by the third he'd realized he wasn't going to get free and he obediently began to drink it down, tears of rage in his eyes as he was forced to drink the nasty potion, feeling tired almost immediately as he groaned and slumped on Shayne's chest, fast asleep once again as the potion rushed through Harry's system to help with the fever and the other pains of sickness. unfortunately for Shayne, now he and the bed was covered in two mouthfuls of sticky potion.
Shayne winced as he looked at himself and the bed. Sighing softly as he magically cleaned up the mess of the bed, ebfore getting up and heading to the bathroom to get clean. Sighing as he looked at himself in the mirror after cleaning up, heading to find draco wanting to know how he was feeling.hoping he wouldn't get sick to.
Draco was laying on the couch, looking amused as Tamwin and Alex poked his belly and muttered things to the mostly unformed baby shaking his head a little. "you guys, are off your rockers." Draco teased snickering as they both pouted at him. "hush! we just want your baby to know his uncles!" "ahuh, he doesn't have ears yet." "...oh." well no one said they where the smartest on the block. "anyway we where thinking of going to the local orphanage to get out own little baby, wanna come with?" "no, i'm worried about Harry, i want to be here...just in case." "oh he'll be fine, he gets bad sick, but he always pulls through, you know that." "yeah and besides he whines a lot when he's sick."
"Next time, I'm making tam sit with him and give him the potion."Shayne sulked as he pulled draco up so he could lay down with him, settling the blond on top of him holding him close. Smirking, amued at the other couples antics.
Tam chuckled a little. "i can't, i've tried. roommates remember? he gave me a fat lip and two black eyes for my trouble! i knew you wouldn';t get hurt though because he loves you AND your stronger than he is." he smirked a little. "so there." "you have my permission to rape my husband." Alex stated simply Tamwin gasping a little. "what!? he was kidding!" he stated to Shayne. "no i wasn't." Alex stated, just to fuck with Tamwin's head Draco snickered and said. "yeah, you have my permission to rape Tamwin too. have fun love."
Shayne looked startled, a evil little smirk on his face. Hey, he figured out what the other two were doing quickly. And fucking with tamwin's head was just to much fun."Oh, yay.I didn't know I'd ever get the chance."He smirked, shifting the blond off of him, before pouncing on his friend, absently groping the qudditch player.
Tamwin shrieked when he was tackled and he wriggled wildly against him, whimpering a little as he struggled to get free, blushing hard as he bucked lightly into Shayne's hand. "nah...nah s..sto..o..ooh." he moaned arching into the others hand shuddering lightly. popping a boner in Shayne's hand and blushing even harder about it glancing at Alex who was watching with heat filled eyes.
Shayne snickered a little as he felt the other harden, twisting so he was sitting on the floor with tamwin in his lap, facing the other two. Groping the man as he nuzzled his neck."Hmmm I didn't know you thought I was that hot."he teased ibbling on tamwin's neck
Tamwin groaned softly as he shuddered against Shayne panting softly Alex snickering a little. "Tamwin is highly sensitive." he admitted smirking as he watched. "Draco could even get him hard. i've known a couple women capable of it as well." Tamwin groaned a little and shook his head. "and he's hot." he wheezed Alex laughing and nodding. "and he's hot." he agreed grinning as he watched. "this is one hell of a show too, it's a shame Harry is missing this." "Harry would want to join." Draco pointed out, snickering a little as Tamwin groaned loudly at the neck nibbling shuddering a little. "p..please... either get off or fuck me!"
Shayne laughed, doing it again as he rolled his eyes to look at the two watching."So?What do you want me to dio with him?Get him off or let him go?"He said fingers absently teasing tamwin's cock.
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