Love and Lies Lady/Moon

(oops XP)

Shayne nodded slightly, moving to the bed, laying down in the one they had gotten for him. Because he wasn't strong enough to finish this right now.

The next day Shayne swallowed hard as he walked into the team practice, though he'd changed clothes, he hadn't bathed yet, and the light sheen of blood still clung to his skin. Looking at Harry's team he sighed softly, these were the only people who would truly care, besides him and draco, that harry was hurt."Harry's been hurt. He's in st. mungo's.Blaise Zabini and Lucius Malfoy nearly killed him..and draco. he swallowed hard, tears in his voice.
there was an instat stillness in the room everyones eyes wide and they all looked at eachother and then at Shayne. "come here." one of them ordered grabbing Shayne by the wrist. "your a bloody mess, what would Harry think of you?" he demanded shoving him into the shower area. "you take a shower this instant, they won't let you into the hospitalo smelling like blood." the rest of the team nodded and stood, most of them dissaparating to tell all of Harry's other freinds, not that there where many. "have Blaise and Lucius been taken care of?" the first team membure asked softly. "and what about Wood? is he involved in this again?"
Shayne winced as he was shoved under water, shoving his hair out of his face."Blaise and Zabini are...taken care of."He said watching the water start to go red then clear, his smile razor sharp, elaving no doubt on how the two had been taken care of.Frownning a little.Wondering about Wood."I would assume he's involved, but I haven't dealt with it yet."He said sighing softy. "I...I needed to stay at the hospital more then I needed to deal with Oliver right away."
the man nodded biting his lip at the others razer sharp smile but said nothing about it. "and how bad off is Harry?" he asked softly, he fet it would be rude to ask after Draco, when he didn't know the other. "do you wan't us to track down Ol...i mean Wood down for you?" he asked his head tilteda little. "it wouldn't take much effort at all if we all search..."
"Do it.He's going to be dead if I do."Shayne said resting his head on the shower side before looking at the other man."He's...blaise impedio'd draco into stabbing him. Draco missed major organs and viens, but he still nearly gutted him."He said sighing a little."He'll be fine."He said, the words saying that he was sure about harry, but not sure what would happen to draco. Feeling bad because he's the one who knocked out draco, the one who'd put hm under, and now he was helpless to fix it.
the man gaped at Shayne his eyes wide. "holy shit.." he muttered softly shaking his head. "harry will be fine, he got worse after he kilt Voldemort right?" he remembured nodding. "Harry will pull through, he always'll see, and anyways, what makes you think we'd let Olliver live any longer than you would?"
Shayne smirked a little."Because I ripped Lucius's heart out while it was still beating. If you talk to oliver he might live to see the inside of a courtroom."He said flipping off the water grabbing a towel and drying off. Knowing why the man hadnt' asked about draco, but needing to tell someone."And draco's in a coma...because I knocked him out...I broke the spell..."He sighed a little looking at the floor.Guilt showing on his face.
the man blinked at him and gently set a hand on Adrien's shoulder. "it was either that, or let Draco suffer. it's better that you broke the spell." he admitted shaking his head. "i'm sure Draco would agree. and i know Harry will." he admitted smiling a little at the other. "come on, wash your hair, you still have blood in it." he would take care of Wood himself if he had to.
Shayne nodded washing out his hair with a sigh."I know I know."He smiled a little washing the rest of himself off before getting out, drying of before he dressed."I probably should be getting back to the hospital."
Shayne looked at him, before nodding. For once willng to admit the weakness of needing someone else.Before frowning."I didn't get your name...I'm sorry..."He sighed softly."I'm shayne."
he smiled a little. "i'm Tamwin." he introduced shaking the others hand intently. "Harry and i used to be roomates before he married that bastard." he admitted scowling a little. "of course, none of us realized he was a bastard...your much better for harry." he admitted handing Adrien a set of clean clothes. "here, they might be a little small, but their better than those stinky things you had on before."
"Thanks."Shayne sid with a smile as he pulled them on, smirking as the clothes clung to his body."Now if they were only awake to see this."He said smirking as he touched the toher's arm, apparating to the hospital, looking at tamwin."I'm going to go sit with draco...harry's rooms there."He said pointing it out before making his way down to the blond's room.
Tamwin nodded and gently gripped Adrien's arm. "Harry will be fine, and the little i know of Draco he won't abandon you." he promised softly turning into Harry's room the nurse in Draco's room smiling gently at Adrien. "good news." she chirped smiling. "Draco and Harry's itals have both stabled, their both going to make it." now Draco just had to wake up. he was attached to an IV and a heart moniter, but looked for all the world like he was just sleeping.
Shayne smiled slightly sitting down next to the bed.If he'd just wake up.

A few days later Shayne smiled as he saw the blond's eyelashes flicker a little bit, bending down to kiss him."Come on sleeping beauty, time to wake up."He teased sitting on the edge of the bed watching him, his thumb rubbing over draco's knuckles.
Harry had made an incredable recovery, he was already talking to everyone, and complaining about being forced to stay in bed. Tamwin was entertaining harry the best he could but, well Harry was hyper, and there was never pleasing a hyper harry.

the nurses had informed Adrien that Draco's coma was self inflicting, Draco's subconcious way of trying to deal with the trauma of stabbing his boyfreind, btu the blond finally woke up, siging softly as his eyes fluttered open. "Shayne." he murmered softly, gripping the others hand tightly. "i'm sorry...i..i'm so sory i..i killed harry...i didn't mean to..." he had tears rolling down his cheeks and he let out a strangled sob. "i killed harry..."
"You are such a drama queen princess."Shayne said with a sigh, shifting to gather the man in his arms, pressing a kiss to draco's head."He's alive down the hall,driving everyone insane. Which is why I'm here.I'm boyfriend.I'm allowed running away."He said snickering a little gently stroking his hair."Draco you didn't kill him.Hes fine."
Draco looked hopefully for a moment and then he dissolved into relieved tears, clinging desperately to Shayne. "i c..couldn't s..s..stop myself i was j..just... and the knife a..a..and.." he stammered and stumbled over his words, trying desperately to calm himself down as he held Shayne close to him. "and then you where there and i w..w..was g...gonna.... you and..."Draco was just babbling, getting it all out of his system while he could. it didn't take him long to calm down, breathing heavily against Shayne's chest but still holding him as tightly as his week little girl arms could manage.
Shayne laughed a little, kissing his head, content to hold him, gently stroking his hair, tensing a little." should know...I uh...killedlucius."He muttered looking at the floor biting his lip. Nervous and worried about what he'd say
Draco snuggled into Shayne relaxing at the gentle touches, nodding a little. "i know." he murmured softly, sounding sleepy again. "i should have killed him but i...i just...couldn't bring myself to do it." he admitted softly. "even knowing what he did to you i...i couldn't kill him." he admitted softly. "sorry..." Draco was too tired and out of it to realize that he shouldn't have known what Lucius had done to Shayne. "i'm so tired." he murmured softly a nurse moving into the room and shrieking in surprise when she saw that Draco was awake. "oh my god i have to tell MR. Potter!" she gasped her hand flying to her mouth. Harry had made all the nurses and doctors promise to tell him the very second that Draco woke up.
Shayne smirked a little, kissing his head before paling. Leaning back to look at the man.Knowig he should ask how he'd known...but for now he was going to let it go."Come on love, harry's going to want to see you."He said gently picking the other up, holding him close before walking down the hall, shodering his way into harry's room."Look. Sleeping beauty decided it was time to get up."
Draco rested against Shayne his eyes closed before he smiled weekly at Harry. "i'm so sorry harry i..." "you have a bloody terrible aim Draco." harry teased grinning at him. "you missed every single one of my vital points!" he chirped snickering a little as he watched Draco stare at him like he'd gone mad. "i'm not upset Dray, i know you couldn't help it, and i think Shay already took care of Blaise..... hey did you know that Shay and Dray rhyme!?" harry was getting increasingly hyper, and Tamwin snickered a little shaking his head. "the nurses gave him Sugar with his lunch and he's gone a little over the bend." he admitted looking highly amused. "great so now that were all awake can you PLEASE fuck me!?" "say yes to that Shayne, and i'll kill you myself." Tamwin warned looking amused. Harry had been pleading for sex since he'd woken up, but the nurses flat out refused to allow harry to partake in any such strenuous activities. it was driving harry mad... Draco couldn't help but smile in relief that harry wasn't upset with him.
Shayne looked torn between the needs,gving tamwin a look."You'd have to reach me first.I'm holding sleeping beauty, I'm sure he'd have a problem with you killing his prince charming."He said snickering sitting on the edge of the bed and bending down to kiss harry before pulling away,pressing a kiss to draco's head."I told you he was fine."
Harry whined pathetically and Draco chuckled a little as he nodded. "a little more insane, but fine." he agreed softly leaning down. "can i lay with Harry for a while? i promise i won't let him fuck me." he promised grinning at Adrien, already feeling back to his old self, albeit very week and very tired. "you should lay down with harry too." Tamwin teased Shayne. "it might help him settle down a little."
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