Love and Lies Lady/Moon

they both laughed and struck sexy poses, winking at him before Harry burst into Giggles and Draco started snickering and shaking his head before they both perked up. "oh and we decided!" Harry admitted grinning. "i'm going to carry Draco's baby!" "and i'm going to Carry your baby!" draco stated both of them looking rather pleased with this decision.
Shayne stared at the two of them, before trembling ever so slightly at the idea of bottoming. Swallowing hard as he tried to sound supportive of the idea. Not that he was against them carrying the kid, he just couldnt...Does this mean I'm carrying harry's? he asked looking at them.
they both blinked at him then. "no." they glanced at each other. "unless you want to but we sort of assumed.." "what with everything that has happened." "we thought it would be better to have someone who's not pregnant." "to protect us and stuff." "and get the gross food were going to want." "and rub our feet." "and be our slave...oops did i say that aloud?" they both cackled wickedly and grinned impishly at Shayne.
Shayne relaxed, smiling. Liking the idea of not being pregnant. I am no one's slave malfoy. Shayne growled as he laid down, snuggling into the bed before paling. dray, I'm sorry...I..sorry... he stuttered mentally rubbing his face as he sighed.
Draco had snickered at the comment before tilting his head, not understanding for a moment before realizing. "oh yeah... i still keep forgetting.." draco admitted quietly pulling a face before smacking his hand to his knee. "i need a new name." he stated pondering as Harry snickered. "i have the perfect name." he admitted smiling. "Serpis. Draco Serpis. and it works with ours too, Harry James Serpis, and Shayne...uh...Serpis." Harry looked rather proud of himself for the new last name, and it pretty much suited them all, even Harry could fit the name serpis. now Draco and Shayne just had to agree.
Shayne smiled.I like it. I'm so changing the law...he stopped frowning. Tears welling in his eyes as he realized the true horror of what had happened. Not only was he scarred, he couldn't do a job he loved. He couldn't....shifting to cuddle into the men he sighed.I'm tired still. he announced.
Harry blinked looking startled his head tilted. "change what law?" he asked baffled Draco shrugging. "probably the one where two men can't marry a third or something like that. either way we don't have to GET married to BE married." Draco stated smiling harry looking baffled. "what in he hell are you talking about you freak?" "it's a very old ritual, but it's still used. it's known as Bonding, it's a little different from Marriage but it's essentially the same principle, only instead of binding our flesh, it binds our souls." "that sounds amazing!" Harry admitted looking awestruck. "it is, see when your Bonded, then you can FEEL the other people in the bond, you can always know that their safe."
it does sound nice, but that wasn't what I was going to say. I can't be a lawyer anymore.I can't... he trailed off before smiling.Enough. We'll bind ourselves, and never end up in a mess like this again. he said smiling as he kissed them both.
they both looked stunned their eyes widening. "oh god...i hadn't realized... i guess.. they wouldn't accept someone into the courtroom who had to use legilimens.." harry muttered closing his eyes and holding Shayne close. "i'm sorry Shayne." Draco murmured before he got a wicked look in his eyes. "we could always make porno video's." Harry choked and went beat red, but he shifted lightly on the bed, slightly aroused by the idea. "" "why not? we're all good at it."
Shayne gave him a look.No thanks.I don't look well enough to do pornos anymre, and I'm not sharing you guys with the world. he growled possessively wrapping his arms aorund them both.
they both laughed now and Harry grinned a bit. "well, i've been put back on as Captain of the quidditch team so we won't be short on money any time soon." he promised looking amused and Draco nodded. "i'm thinking of going in to Auror training." he admitted biting his lip. "then i can beat someone to a pulp LEGALLY!" harry snorted a little and shook his head glancing at Shayne. "in any case, i think we might need a new legal consultant for our team, since Blaise is clearly no longer an option. you interested in that at all?" he asked grinning a little. "it would keep you busy at least."
Shayne looked startled at the idea, before nodding.I'd like that. I'll go with you to practice tomorrow...I assume your going back to the team tomorrow? he said, knowing he was probably rushing things, but he needed the distraction. Before giving Draco a look snickering. You MIGHT just might, be able to beat up a fly. You're harmless draco. he teased.
Draco lifted an eyebrow at the other and without warning flicked his wand at Harry who yelped loudly and went completely limp his eyes wide and astonished, but incapable of moving his lips, or even throat to yell for help. his astonished look turned to a Glare as Draco's look turned smug. "i don't need to be able to hurt them, just immobilize them." he stated calmly grabbing Harry's half of the hot chocolate and took a sip. "it's strangely quiet in here don't you think?"
Now if only you stopped your bragging I'd have peace and quiet. shayne said as he sipped his glass, laying down.let him go, I want to cuddle and sleep.And the go to work tomorrow. he said rubbing his shoulder. Nervous about being in public again, but knowing he needed to work.
Draco sighed but let Harry go, the brunette tackling Draco to the ground and quickly getting him in a head lock, Draco protesting loudly against being manhandled Harry snickering. "yeah!? whatcha gonna do now whore?" he demanded down at Draco who scowled and looked up at Harry who yelped and went completely limp again. you could almost see Harry cussing in his head as Draco stood up and brushed himself off. "idiot." he sneered down at Harry, looking very amused as the boy glared at him as he sat up shaking his head. "i really should have expected that." he grumbled sticking his tongue out at Draco who snickered and held his hand out to Shayne, helping him to his feet and into the bedroom.
....I dont' know how you two didn't manage to kill each other before now. he said smiling sleepily as he followed upstairs with them, collapsing onto the bed with a sigh.
they both laughed a little. "it's all in fun that's why." Harry admitted grinning. "sometimes i win and apparently this once Draco's won." "i've won more than just this once you bastard." "huh? what? you say something Draco?" "your such a dink." Draco complained looking amused again as they both snuggled into Shayne Harry yawning softly as he kissed Shayne's neck, Draco sighing as he gently kissed Shayne's cheek. "night lovers." Harry mumbled softly, already going to sleep Draco's cheeks flaring red at being called a lover, but he also looked pleased.
Shayne smiled sleeping contentedly in their arms.

The next morning he frowned looking at the two men watching him from the bed, standing in his closet.What should I wear? he asked, fretting because he was nervous about meeting the team. Who he'd most of them, gone to school with. So it would be awkward to say in the least, to be seen as he was now.
Harry was sleeping peacefully and there was no waking him, he slept like the dead. but Draco was a very light sleeper and was already stirring when he lost the heat of Shayne's body against his, groaning piteously as he lifted his head and blinked at Shayne. "you alright?" he asked yawning a little. "come back to bed..."
Shayne frowned shaking his head.No. I need to figure out what to wear./i] he said from where he was standing naked, studying himself in the mirror in the closet. trembling ever so softly, because he hated himself now. He hated his looks, this...he hated what lucius and the other's had done.
Draco smirked a little. "well then." he purred slipping out of bed. "i think it's time to give you my present then." he admitted. "wait there." he demanded turning out and heading into the hallway. Draco had meant to give Shayne the present for Days now, but it had never been the right time. now it was. he came back in with a box and handed it over to the other. "i think this should fit your needs perfectly." inside was a very expensive outfit, made from the discarded fur of a shedding unicorn, and the silk of Flufferbies in the color that best suited Shayne. it was a shirt that trailed down to cover his arms, small gleaming silver patterns of unicorn hair marked their way through the shirt. the pants where tight, but pleasantly so, done the same way. "what do you think?"
Ypu, are amazing. He said slowly kissnig the man before starting to pull the clothes on.Admiring them as he wrapped his arms around Draco, resting his head on his shoulder.What am I going to do? he muttered nervous.
Draco smirked a little. "of course i'm amazing." he chirped proudly before blinking at the other. "what do you mean what are you going to do? your going to live with me and harry, and get paid to lay on your ass and do nothing until someone tries to sue, attack, abuse, or pummel one of the players." he stated with a shrug. "and when something does happen you show up with said player to a hearing, much like you did when you where a lawyer, the only difference is your going to try and settle it all BEFORE it gets to court, in fact your trying to avoid it altogether."
Shayne smiled relaxing, Yes, I will be doing that. he held him tighter, kissing his head as he my darling, are to good to me. he teased, nervous about going to see the team.
Draco grinned and held him back, gently kissing his cheek. "come on, we need to wake up the dunce." he admitted turning to scowl at Harry. "his team usually comes to wake him up, but they don't know he's moved yet." he snorted a little and shrugged. "this should do the trick." he decided flicking his wand, a jet of water spilling from the tip of his wand to land on Harry, who shrieked and shot out of bed so fast you'd swear someone was trying to shoot him. "DRACO YOU ASS HOLE!" Harry roared glaring at Draco who shrugged and tapped his wrist, like he'd seen harry do. "tick tock Lady Luck. your going to be late." "FUCK!" Harry yelped racing out of the bedroom to find his quidditch robes. "well that was fun."
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