Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"Such a whiny little bitch."Shayne teased as he snapped his hips forward giving intpo the need to fuck him hard, losing himself in the hard thrusts, though he was still careful to not hurt him, he closed his hand over the blond's cock, jerking him off in time with the thrusts. Shivering lightly as his eyes went wide, his grip tightening for a minute as he hit the blond's prostate and came, trembling hard.
Draco tossed his head back and SCREAMED in pleasure as he jerked in Shayne's grip, spilling his seed all over the others hand and the bed, gasping hard. "a..aah f...fucking YES!" Draco cried before going completely limp, laying in his own cum, too tired to support himself anymore, or even move. "n...uhn good." he groaned his eyes fluttering closed, too exhausted to stay awake anymore Harry snickering a little. "aaw Shayne you broke him." Harry teased sounding well satisfied himself, even if he hadn't been able to beat off to the sight. "i'm surprised he was even able to cum twice, damn i can't wait to get you in bed, you sure know what your doing."
Shayne smirked as he pulled out of the blond collapsing next to Draco, cuddling up against him, pressing a kiss to teh man's temple, a arm wrapped around his waist."I didn't breat him."He said looking at the sleeping man before raising his head to look at Harry. holding out a hand."Come on, lay down and get some sleep. And just think, you have practice with sex....imagine what I'll do to you."He smirked yawning as he looked at him.
harry chuckled and waved his wand at the bed, clearing away the cum before he slowly got to his feet and walked over, collapsing onto the bed with a small grown snuggling into the sleeping Draco running his fingers through the others black hair. "so why did he dye his hair?" he asked looking baffled. "and how come he filled out like that?" Harry didn't understand the process of being stripped, he hadn't grown up around purebloods and other wizards, which explained why he had never really understood why Draco had lied.
Shay winced at the idea of what had happened, holding the black haired man tighter, pressing a kiss into his temple, looking at Harry.He didn't die it. And...."He sighed softly."His father stripped him of everything that was Malfoy. He was right to fear his father's wrath...its a spell. It...takes everything, stripping him of his title of the malfoy heir, down to every last cell...his went to the black genetics. He'll still get his mother's inheritance, because Narcissa wont leave him,even if Lucius wants her to, but everything else is gone."He whispered softly.
Harry felt a cold wash through him as he stared at Shayne with terror in his eyes. "he... he gave up being a malfoy!? is that why you keep calling him Draco Vako?" he asked sounding almost...guilty. "because he's not a malfoy anymore?" he looked down at the sleeping black head and groaned softly. "i didn't know... i never would have gotten mad at him like that if i had known.." he scowled a little looking upset. " what would happen if he was stripped of his black inheritance too? would he...die?" "no." Draco murmured softly his eyes fluttering open. "but i would get very sick." he admitted sighing softly. "i would turn into something akin to an albino, basically a soul without a true body." he admitted, a soft fear in his voice. "but if someone where to 'adopt' me, i would then get their inheritance, their genes instead." Draco admitted. "but Shayne is right, my mother would never do such a thing."
Shayne nodded slightly,"His name was supposed to be Draco Noname...but I'd rather him have my last name then nothing."If for some reason she did, you know you'd look good as a red head."Shayne said, kissing his head, leaning over to kiss harry."Don't worry about're not pureblood, its understandable you didn't understand."He said kissing him again before looking at DRaco."Go to sleep, you deserve it."He said running his fingers through black hair.
Draco sighed softly and closed his eyes again. "it's hard to sleep when your talking." he pointed out grouchily and Harry snorted a little and laid down next to Draco. "i dunno." Harry murmured. "i think Harry Vako sounds weird, i think we should all change or name to potter." "like hell, Draco Potter sounds like some common worker name." "hey!" Harry complained scowling a little. "i LIKE my name!"
"so do I.For you.Us, our parents were cruel and chose weird ass names that fit out last names. Shayne Potter sounds common. I am not common in any sense of the word."Shay said yawning, "Okay, sleeping. I want to sleep before I have to go to work."
Harry laughed a little and smiled a little. "we should make a NEW last name then." he murmured softly sounding pleased with this idea as he drifted off to sleep Draco looking amused. "sometimes he says the weirdest things." he teased shaking his head. "it is a good idea though, even if were going to fight like cats dogs and rats over the name."
"Most likely."Shayne said drifting to sleep. Getting up in the mornign Shayne yawned, looking in his closet to decide on what to wear, before looking at the two in the bed, resting his hands on his hips, still naked, looking amazing with lightly tanned skin and well built body."What should I wear?"
Harry was still asleep but draco lifted his head and blinked at the other. "a mini skirt and a blouse." he ordered grouchily flopping back onto the bed, Draco was always grouchy when he woke up, and being sore in the ass wasn't helping his mood either. "make sure to wear the pretty bow riddled panties."
"....yes, I'm sure Oliver and Blaise will appericiate that...."He smirked a little, walking over, leaning down to kiss him softly, gently casting a healing charm, looking down at him."Better?"He said, gently touching his face, "Do you want to stay here?"
Draco sighed softly as the pain dwindled away and he sat up, sliding carefully out f harry's clinging grasp the brunette whining lightly at the loss of body heat. "no, i'm going with." Draco stated rummaging around for a pair of clothes. "really, they should be put in azakaban for what they did." he growled darkly, a scowl on his face. "they might..." he didn't even want to say it. 'they might come back for revenge.'
Shayne nodded slightly,"I know. I already filed for them to go to azkaban, but it'll be awhile before they're sent. After all, they just can't toss them in without some sembalance of a trial."He said before pulling on a pair of snug dragon hide pants, a charcoal grey tank top and fnishing off the look by putting in the ear piercing, the draco curling around his upper ear as he looked at the man."We should probably wake them up before we go."
Draco hesitated and glanced at Harry then shook his head. "no, let him sleep. he'll want to come with us otherwise and he might have another flashback." he admitted softly. "and those hurt him. even more than they do us." he admitted gently touching Shayne's inner elbow. "i'll write him a note letting him know where we've gone, he might be a little upset with us, but he doesn't have the strength to handle this yet. i mean the guy couldn't even get a boner last night for Merlin's Sake."
"Yea which is just sad."Shay sighed softly watching Draco write the note before heading downstairs with him, flooing to the courthouse, since the crack of apparating would wake Harry up. Staring at the courtroom doors, he steeled himself for what he'd find on the other side, worried. Having never let his more...violent side slip out he didn't know whwat he'd find. Even though it wouldn't kill them, it still scared him a little.
Draco was the one who opened the doors and stepped in, nearly gagging as he watched Wood screaming silently as he was disemboweled, Blaise just laying there, glass eyed in shock as his skin was pealed away, being skinned alive. Draco did Gag now, clapping his hand over his mouth as he turned away from the sick sight as Wood trembled, his innards vanishing back into his body as the skin started to peal from his body as well. it was... horrifying.
Shay swallowed hard, letting the spell break as he stepped into the room, looking down at the two."You're free to go, until the next court date. You're being charged with rape and attempted murder."He said looking at the two, his voice holding none of the horror, guilt, and pain that he was feeling.
Blaise didn't respond, he was still glassy eyed from shock, Wood just whimpered as he staggered to his feet and bolted from the room, racing out the door and vanishing with a crack as Blaise slowly stood up, and staggered to the exit, as if he didn't see anything at all. Draco was in the corner, heaving his guts out as he remembered the sight of woods intestines spilling across the ground.
Shayne swallowed hard looking at Draco, fear and pain in that look,"Go home Draco..."He said, shoving his hands in his pockets to keep for reaching for him. Needing time alone, or at least he thought he did. Though he almost wanted Draco to protest, to refuse to let him be alone. Feeling confused and scared.
Draco wiped his mouth and shook his head. "no, we'll go home together." he stated simply. "your not ok to be alone right now." he protested moving over to Shayne and taking his hand in a firm hold. "i abandoned you once, i won't ever do it again." he promised kissing the others temple. "they deserved it, you know they would have done much worse yo harry if they'd had the chance."
Shayne shuddered a little leaning into him, wrapping his arms around him ightly."I know."He muttered, trembling every so slightly before apparating them home, standing in the bedroom, holding him tightly. Taking comfort in the blond, even if he still felt truly guilty.
Draco held him tightly, gently kissing the others neck as Harry jerked awake, sitting up looking almost terrified for a moment. "whossitcomin?!" Harry demanded trying to see who had come in, but all he found was Draco and Adrien and he grunted light, laid down, rolled over, and went back to sleep Draco gaping at him before pressing his face into Adrien's shoulder to muffle his laughter.
Shayne laughed softly before craling back in bed with harry cuddling up against him. Tugging draco down with him, curling up between them,shivering lightly. Guilt and pain showing on his face as he pressed his face into the curve of Draco's shoulder.
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