Love and Lies Lady/Moon

"No, I understand.I understand my best friend didn't trust me to keep a secret when I make a living out of keeping people's secrets."Shay stood, still looking at the floor, his look hurt and tears welling in whiskey colored eyes."I have to get to work."He said softly heading for the kitchen. Hurt that Draco hadn't told him, hadn't trusted him enough to say anything, and let him suffer years of being in love with him. Pausing as he grabbed a hand full of floo powder he swallowed hard, almost wanting to go back, but needing not to."Vako Estate."He said tossing the floo powder in before stepping through. Barricading himself in his office, having every intent of not talking to anyone for the rest of the day.
Draco just hung his head and let Shayne go Harry snarling as he slapped Draco hard leaving another bright red hand print across the blonds face before demanding he get the hell out. Shayne wasn't the only one hurt by Draco's statements. the next day Harry gingerly stepped through Shayne's fireplace, looking around his eyes red rimmed from crying. "Shayne?" he called out softly, hoping the other was there. "Are you home?"
Shay was currently laying on his office couch, raising his head he smiled drunkenly at the sight of the brunette."Harry!I was just working on your case. We're going to court tomorrow."He said, for a man who'd been drinkign for almost 24 hours straight he sounded amazingly sober.
Harry blinked at him a little and then smiled a bit. "yeah.. thanks." he muttered sitting down on a chair. he hadn't drank at all, he hadn't dared to... Draco was usually the one who kept him under control, and since it was Draco he was upset with... he felt himself beginning to cry again, hiding his face in his hands. he had hoped maybe to talk to shayne about it, but shayne was drunk and clearly not wanting to talk about Draco. Harry didn't blame the other.
Shay sighed softly sitting up, before standing. Swaying on his feet a little before walking,sideways, over to where harry was, pulling him out of the seat before sitting down, with the other man in his lap."Talk about it. I might not remember it when I sober up, but talk. And when I do sober can just tell me again."Shay said resting his cheek on Harry's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him
Harry buried his face into Shayne's neck and just sobbed for a moment. "its not fair! it's not fucking fair! i told Draco i loved him in seventh year... well the repeat, and he just told me he wasn't gay!" he complained gripping tightly to Shayne's shirt. "that fucking bitch! he fucking lied to me!" he sobbed pressing his face into the others shirt harder. "if he didn't love me he should have just fucking said so! and then i would never have gotten in with fucking Wood, and non of this would be happening! i wasted my life! i have wasted my god damned life!"
Shay sighed softly, absently running his fingers through harry's hair, holding him close."Draco's never been good at admitting things that are going to hurt others. Even if he's lying to himself."he said slowly shiting as he downed another part of the whiskey bottle, his vision swimming for a minute, he was well on his way to posioning himself by overdrinking, but at the moment he didn't care. All he cared about was his friend hadn't trusted him, and let him suffer in silence."I never told him I was in love with him....because I knew it was easier to just pretend he cared, then know he didn't."He swallowed another swig."I'll get Wood straightened out, and can go on living your life how you want to."
Harry snorted a little and shook his head. "i think he's protecting us." he admitted sniffing and hiccuping from his sob fest. "but it still hurts you know?" he mumbled looking up at Shayne, pulling the Bottle out of his hand and pressing his lips to the others, running his tongue against the others smooth lips. "but, you know, i really like you too." he admitted softly. "and i know i shouldn't.. because your drunk, but my life is all going to hell anyway, so i might as well take advantage of you now while i can." Shayne wasn't the only one drunk, the red head wouldn't know, but harry wouldn't cry unless he was too drunk to care.
Shay sighed softly, kissing him back, before catching his face in his hands."Potter, I'm suicidially drunk, but even now I'm not stupid enough to sleep with a client. Or ruin another friendship."He said before gently moving the brunette way from him."Do you want to stay here tonight?Then we can get to court on time tomorrow...and I'll deal with your husband. Then...maybe go see draco."He said slowly shaking his head slightly wincing as the motion made the room swirl. Standing he swayed, wincing as his whole body threatened to give up. Yea, he was drunk enough there was more alcohol in his system then blood and water, enough to down a normal person. But he'd long learned to keep moving, even if it hurt."Come on.Bed."he said sliding a arm over Harry's shoulders, needing the help to walk."And maybe after your divorce...we can see. Cause I do like you."He said walking with him out of the room, getting worse with each step as the movement made the alcohol slide through his system even faster, fast making the man completely incomperhensible.
Harry groaned softly and shook his head. "i don't want to later." he complained, kissing at the others neck. "i want to now." he murmured softly. "because you won't want to later." he whined softly running his fingers against the other. "because you don't like me, i know you don't. no one likes me. it's all fake, just like Ron was, and Oliver and Draco, it's all fake." he whispered beginning to cry again as he started carrying Shayne into the bedroom instead, half dragging the other before flopping them both into the bed, now too tired to continue trying to molest Shay.
Shay snarled softly kissing him hard."Shut up."He growled, falling asleep as he held the man. Totally passing out.

In the mornnig Shay whimpered as he rolled on his side, curling up as he realized he was sober, and his head hurt like a mother. Crawling out of bed he smiled at the sight of Harry sleeping peacefully before making his way down stairs, looking startled at the sight of Draco sitting at his kitchen table."I'm hungover, and tired.And have to go to work.I don't want to deal with you."He said coldly as he walked to the fridge, starting to make breakfast. intending to make breakfast in bed for Harry before they had to get to court.
Draco hesitated at the other and stood. "i. i wanted to apologize." he admitted softly playing with his fingers. "i... i didn't want you guys to find out because i knew that my father would too... he'll hurt you shayne, and harry too don't you understand that?" he asked pleadingly. "i.. i lied because i didn't want to have to..have to choose between my friends or my family." he admitted closing his eyes. "i know, that it's incredibly selfish of me, but i don't know anyway else to be." he admitted swallowing thickly. " i have to say goodbye.."' he admitted softly hanging his head. "because i'm no good, i'll just get you all hurt, and...and break your hearts like i already have...Harry will never forgive me, and i'm certain you never will either, so i..i wanted to tell you i was sorry.. before i leave.."
Shay slammed the fridge door shut, slamming the pot hard onto the stove, wincing as that much temper given voice spoke of just how truly foul his mood was. He wasn't one to get bent out of shape easily or let someone see it easily. Snarling,"You will sit your ass down and not move. Not. One. Fucking. Inch. Or I'll take it out of your hide."He growled starting to cook, seemingly to ignore the man behind him though he knew he was still there. Just to pissed to try and talk to him yet.
Draco swallowed thickly then. "i'm sorry Shay." he whispered softly. "my father...he's moving us to another country." he whispered softly. "i...i can't...stay." he admitted softly, pain in every inch of his voice. "i... i don't know what to do.." he admitted softly closing his eyes and running a hand through his hair. "i don't know how to fix any of this i... i just.." he sat down in the chair obediently his eyes fixed on his hands, looking as upset as he was certain Shay felt.
Shay turned to face him, before crossing the room,yanking him to his feet, cupping the man's face in his hands, longing and pain in that look."Stay.You're 32 years old. You don't need to follow after daddy for everything. Stay."He said, almost begging, pain in those words. Because if Draco still left he wasn't sure if he'd recover. His heart would shatter, and leave a brilliant lawyer without the heart that made him care about anything.
Draco swallowed thickly, his lip trembling. "i'll be disowned Shay." he whispered softly. "more than that, i'll be stripped of my name!" it was an ancient tradition of purebloods, using magic, they completely erased every bit of a persons connection to their family, Draco malfoy, would become Draco Noname. he would have no money, no belongings, no connections...nothing, it was no wonder Draco was so hesitant about upsetting Lucius.
Shay stared at him, his heart breaking as he let him go."If it means more to you than m.. anything else, go."he whispered, tears in his voice as he backed up a step. Not saying the promise that showed on his face. That'd he'd take care of him, that he'd give him anything he needed. But...he didn't voice it, because Draco hadn't asked it of him, and he couldn't beg Draco to stay more then he already had. Draco'd break him if he did that.
Draco swallowed thickly tears beginning to trickle down his face. "i don't want to go." he whispered painfully. "i d..don't want to go, even if it means that i have no name, and i become a homeless street urchin, but i can't stay if you and harry hate me!" he admitted covering his face in his hands. "you two...are the only things that matter to me."
Shay sighed softly before he gave into himself, pulling the shorter man against him, pressing a kiss to his head. Even knowing Lucius would strike back for this, wasn't enough to let the malfoy heir go."Don't cry."He muttered."How can I hate you when I've been in love with you for so long?"He whispered, running a hand down his back.
Draco tensed in the others arms and he shook his head. "don't say that...please don't say that." he pleaded sobbing a little. "i..i don't... know.." he admitted before wrapping his arms tightly around Shay. "i don't know who i love." he admitted hiccuping with the force of his own emotions.
Shay nodded slightly, kissing the man's head, staring at the floor behind the blond, his heart breaking. The admittance stripping him of another layer of caring, pushing the man one step closer to being the emotionlessl asshole he pretended he was."It's okay Dray. Stay and we'll figure it out."He muttered stepping back."I have to get ready to go."he said before looking at the blond."Are you coming to court today?Watch Wood get his ass handed to him?"
Draco hiccuped a little and shook his head wiping his tears free. "no." he admitted softly. "i... i'm going go tell my father to suck it." he admitted. "and go through the process of getting myself ';stripped.' i'd rather do it now than later." he admitted wiping his eyes before looking at the other. "c...could i...i stay with you? for a few weeks...maybe?" he asked, a pleading tone to his voice. "i..i don't think Harry would...would even look at me right now."
Shay nodded kissing the man's forehead, wiping his tears away."What I have is yours.Go I'll see you tonight."He muttered before sighing stepping away heading upstairs to get ready for court. Torn up because he didn't know what to think. The idea of Draco being with him was amazing, but something had broken, something that was important had shattered in Draco's admittance and not knowing who he loved. He didn't know if he could handle it, but he would try. Because draco needed him to."Potter. Time to get up."He said walking back into his bedroom.
Harry groaned a little and shook his head. "i don't want to." he admitted dragging a pillow over his head, his following words too muffled to be understood. he felt miserable, Draco was a bitch, Wood had cheated, and Shayne didn't return his feelings... his life was crap right then and he just wanted to lay in bed and slowly waste away thank you.
Shay growled softly, pulling the pillow away, kissing him hard."I have to go make a idiot of your ex husband, you need to come witness."He said running his hands over the brunette.
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