Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Shay meanwhile having spotted his blond friend with the girl was slightly amused. Not really, but he tried to tell himself that. Smirking he made his way down to the qudditch field, intent on really fucking up Wood's day.

"Good day, Potter."Shay said as he stepped into the locker room, his hair bound back into a hair clip, amusingly enough it was a dragon, a present from a ex-girlfriend. The dark colors of his colors made his hair even more vivid, made it look like blood fresh spilled on the ground."Oliver Wood!"He called out over the noise of the locker room, smirking as the team turned to look at him. He was always one for theratrics and loved being the center of attention."I'm serving you with divorce papers."His smirk widened as he waited to see what hed say.
Harry turned to watch Shay and then his grin spread wide at the red heads statement. "honestly Mr. Shayne." Harry protested. "you couldn't wait until after the game? now Oliver is going to be all distracted from the game, of course knowing him he'd probably have been too busy fucking other men to even pause to listen to you." the room was still and silent, the team mates gaping from harry to Oliver who was staring at the divorce papers with an air of shock. "you.. want a divorce?" Oliver demanded turning to stare at harry. "i thought you loved me?" "i did, until i realized the only reason you married me at all was for the fame and glory. don't give me that innocent bullshit, i've already dug into files and found almost three dozen separate lovers." Harry stated sternly. "if you wanted to keep this facade of a relationship going, you shouldn't have laughed at my pain."
Shay grinned a little, "Oliver, you really are going to make it to easy to make you a laughing stok."He said shaking his head as he pushed the papers into Oliver's hand, turning to look at Harry."If you can play with the jackass, I'm sure he can get over this embarassment and play a good game. After all, I'd hate to see him lose everything in his life in a single day."Shay said turning to leave. Pausing to look at harry as he drew level with him."I'll see you after the game.Now if you excuse me, I have someone to harass about his choice of date."He grinned a little glancing back at the silent locker room.Really, he enjoyed that way to much.
Harry laughed a little and shrugged as Oliver gaped after him like a fish his eyes wide as the room started to go back into motion, Harry snorting a little as everyone gathered their broomsticks. "Toran, your playing seeker." Harry stated tossing the Seekers gloves to the stand in. "since Oliver is...indisposed, i'll play as captain." he stated simply heading into the air, Oliver sputtering with rage, only to be shut out by the rest of the team. after all, if Oliver had failed at being a good husband, had CHEATED, who was to say he wouldn't fail at being a leader? they didn't trust him anymore. and apparently they didn't need him either as they where winning fourteen to three by the time halftime came around.
About that time was when Shay made his way to his seat next to Draco, smirking at the blond as he sat down, looking elegantly dashing in his dragon hide boots, dress slacks and crimson red top."Draco, I'm so glad to see you moving on."He smirked a little leaning forward to shake his date's hand."Shay Vako.Nice to meet you."He said smiling handsomely at the woman, mostly flirting just to annoy Draco, and to let him know he approved of his choice of well as harass him a little bit. In a good mood despite the blond dating a woman, Harry was winning, he'd humiliated Oliver, and he might have a date for the evening. All was well.
Draco went red as Shayne flirted with his girlfriend, who cooed at the red head and tossed him a wink. "is a pleasure to meat you as vell, i am Scarlett." she purred grinning. "i am, how you say, Draco's blind date yes?" Draco nodded looking more and more displeased with the conversation. "his father was introducing us last night." Draco didn't seam to like Scarlett much either from the sour look on his face. "he is telling me he is sorry many times, but he is being very handsome and polite, much better than men from my country."
Shay smirked a little,"He does polite well. And he is very handsome, I will give him that."HE said before leaning back in his seat to watch the game, tilting his head slightly to look at Draco."Do you want me to go?after all, you should have time to get to know your girlfriend."He said sounding amused at the idea, even though he really wasn't. He had no idea why he kept putting himself through this. Well...yes he did. He didn't do well with not talking to Draco he'd done it once, and vowed never again,even if it killed him to keep talking to him.
Draco snorted and Scarlett laughed a little. "Girlfriend? oh my no! his father wishes!" she chirped laughing a little. "i am being Draco's cousin, and we both haff agreed that incest is very un sexy." she admitted Draco looking a little green at the thought. "please don't leave." Draco begged grabbing shayne's wrist Scarlett looking even more amused. "i think i am being to be scaring Draco." she admitted. "i am flirting very much with him, and he seams very unsure. it is as if he is unused to female attentions." "my fiancee wasn't exactly a flirting type." Draco admitted looking very uncomfortable before pointing. "the games starting again."
Shay grinned, prodding the blond."Switch me seats then.I'll love to go over the...finer points of Qudditch with your cousin."He said smirking as he bodily picked up the man before switching seats, leaning back in the chair resting a arm along the back of Draco's seat even though he was talking to Scarlett. "Don't mind him, he's a shy timid beast and we haven't found another of his kind to claim him as a mate."He teased absently tapping his thumb against Draco's shoulder as he talked to Scarlett, sitting that way for the rest of the game, enjoying being with them both. Actually paying more attention then usual to Scarlett....because it was Draco's cousin.
Scarlett was full of laughter and witty humor and Draco found himself relaxing as all the attention was taken off of him, leaning slightly into the arm without realizing it as he watched the game intently watching the broomstick flying this way and that, his eyes focused on a sulking Wood who was now sitting in the stands as Toran suddenly went into a dive, and pulled up clutching the snich, two hundred to thirty two, one hell of a game. Draco lept to his feet with the rest of the crowd and roared his approval grinning brightly. "look at that! they smeared the competition!" he chirped clapping Shay on the shoulder. "Harry makes a HELL of a captain!"
Shay laughed softly as he clapped, "He does make a good captain."He said swallowing hard as he resisted kissing the blond. Instead turning he pressed a kiss to Scarlett's lips out of sheer good will and need to be distracted as he leaned back grinning at the teams landing."So, lets go out to dinner to celebrate. We'll see if he wants to come to."he said nodding towards the brunette captain.Smirking at the sight of Wood sulking, amused to take harry out to dinner.
Draco grinned as he watched Scarlett and shay kissed shaking his head a little. "Harry's going to be dragged off with his teammates like always." he admitted snorting a little and watching as Harry was mobbed by the team. "see, there they go. he'll probably go out with us tomarrow night instead." "i vill have to be going now, my mother vill be vorried." Scarlett admitted smirking. "she is vorried that Draco vill try to rape me.' she admitted shaking her head. "i vill tell Lucius you where a perfect gentleman, but that you are not being my type." she promised winking at Draco who blushed brightly.
Shay smired kissing Scarlett's cheek."Tell your mother he's gay. It's what everyone assumes."He said airily, smirking."Goodbye Scarlett."He said watching her leave before looking at his friend."Care to join me for a drink before I get back to work?"he asked looking down at the blond, biting his lip as he stopped the longing from his face, though he couldn't keep the hope from his voice.
Draco turned to glare viciously at Shay for the Gay comment and Scarlett giggled and shook her head, vanishing from the stadium with a loud CRACK Draco rolling his eyes. "yeah, i could go for a drink." he admitted scrubbing his face with his hands. "i really need one, i've been having weird thoughts lately and i'd really like to drown them out." he admitted with a small sigh. "we could finish the party at Harry's place, he usually get's home around eight, and i have a 'key' so that we can floo into his house at any time."
Shay grinned,"We'll do that."Shay said, resting his fingers on Draco's arm, apparating them both to the wizard bar that pretended to be a muggle one near his flat, walking in and smirking as he heard one of Draco's boy bands on the speakers. Sitting down at the bar he ordered firewhiskey for them both, tilting his head at the blond."So, what thoughts are we drowning tonight?"He asked curious
Draco snorted a little and tossed back three quick shots of sweetrum. a popular wizarding drink that made you tingle after you drank it, it was worse than firewhiskey for getting you drunk and draco was a avid fan. "well." Draco stated, already feeling drunk and happy for it. "everyone keeps thinking i'm gay, you know?" Draco stated grabbing another shot. "and lately I've noticed myself looking at blocks asses, wondering what all the fuss was about you know? because my father, he'd kick me out if he thought i was ever gay, he used to beat me with a broomstick when he caught me dressing in my moms clothes." he admitted grabbing one more shot. "but i figured, it was just a kiss you know!? just one, i never thought i'd LIKE it."
Shay stared at him, downing three shots of firewhiskey before he answered."Who did you kiss?"He asked, trying to keep from sounding jealous, before reaching out and tucking Draco's hair behind his ears,"Dray, what did you do?"He said, almost insulted Draco hadn't come to him with the issue. Sighing softly as he studied the blond, the liquior lowering his shields enough that the longing he usually hid showed on his face.
Draco's lip quivered a little. "i.. i don't know who it was." he admitted staring down at his hands. "it.. it just sort of happened! i was at the bar down by my house, and there was a guy there, and i was drunk, and he was dressed all gay, a..and i.. just thought it would be nice to try and...and i kissed him." he buried his face in his hands. "i can't be gay Shay! i CAN'T be! my father will kill me! my mother will skin me alive! everyone in my family will hate me!"
Shay sighed softly, "As much as I tease you, you're not."He muttered shifting to wrap his arms around the blond before apparating them back to his flat, pouring the blond another glass of sweetrum before handing it to him."But you shouldn't be kissing strangers. No idea where their lips have been."Shay said as he crouched down in front of the blond, before kissing him gently, cupping his face in his hands,gently running his fingers through blond hair.
Draco bit out a small drunken sob as he swallowed down the new glass of sweetrum, blinking stupidly as he suddenly realized that Shay was kissing him. he looked confused for a moment before he leaned into it, his eyes fluttering closed as he kissed back, his lips deepening the kiss, his tongue fluttering against the others lips, begging for more with silent anticipation and need.
Shay sighed softly into the kiss, kissing him as he slid his tongue past the blond's lips, moaning softly as he sucked gently on the blond's tongue, shifting to pick the blond up before sitting him in his lap, running his hands down the man's back, closing his eyes, just enjoying the kiss. Knowing the blond would regret it in the morning, but his broken heart needed to kiss his best friend.
Draco kissed back, his tongue flicking around in the others mouth, driving it in and out as if he was kissing a woman, he certainly hoped he was doing it right. "i'm so dead." Draco mumbled a slur to his voice. "my fathers gonna kill me." Draco muttered kissing down Shay's neck. "but i can't seam to bring myself to care.."
Shay moaned softly, tilting his head back."You will in the morning."He muttered before shifting the blond away, kisisng him again before sliding his hands down the blond's body, before undoing his pants. Smirking at Draco he lowered his head, sliding the blond's cock into his mouth, moaning at the taste, closing his eyes as he pleasured the other man. Knowing he'd probably regret doing it in the morning, after all Draco was straight, but for this moment, he needed to enjoy his time with Draco.
Draco moaned softly int the kiss, trying to tangle his tongue into the others before gasping lightly at the feeling of a mouth on his cock. "a..ah!" he groaned loudly, bucking lightly into the others mouth arching at the pleasure. "S..Shay!" he cried gripping red locks tightly in his fingers as he squirmed and wriggled panting hard. "m..more! please!"
Shay moaned, his hands clamping down on the blond's hips to hold him still, swallowing around him as he deep throated the man, burying his nose against blond curls, tongue swirling around the hard cock in his mouth. Enjoying hearing Draco come undone because of him. And mourning it, because he was sure it was the only time he'd hear it. Closing his eyes he focused on the blond, ignoring his own hard cock, though his pants were becoming painfully tight.
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