Love and Lies Lady/Moon

Draco whined as he tried to buck into Shay's mouth panting hard, moaning and mewling, he was a lot more vocal than one might assume as Draco arched and wriggled. "please, Shay, inside, i need something inside, don't tease me." he pleaded, acting on instinct now. all he knew was that there was a hot on his cock, but his ass felt very...empty, so that meant there had to be something in there...right?
Shay's eyes went wide as he raised his head, looking at the man, a scared look in his eyes before nodding slightly. If he was going to ruin his friendship, he might as well do everything he wanted. Picking the man up he carried him to his bedroom, setting him on the bed before banishing the rest of their clothes, crawling on the bed with him, casting a lubing spell and sliding his fingers into the blond, gently stretching him as he slid his mouth bak over him.
Draco moaned, and then whimpered at the loss of attention shivering in the chill air as his mouth latched onto the others neck and began to suck and nibble, his fingers exploring the others body before he found himself on a bed, gasping loudly as the lubing spell slipped through him, tossing his head back. "ye..Yes!" he cried out at the fingers, squirming around bucking into the other shivering with the pleasure, too drunk to feel any pain. "nng!"
Shay grinned, glad he was still mostly sober, just drunk enough to consider doing this. Strething him quickly he moved up, settling between the man's legs before sliding into him, kissing him hard as he closed his hand around the blond's cock, slowly stroking him as he made love to the blond under him, staring down at Draco's face, committing each flutter of a eyelash,every moment to memory.
Draco moaned, his face crossing with pleasure as he bucked into the other. "ah..ow...bad idea." Draco whimpered, he'd hurt himself on Shaynes cock, who would have thought it? the pain vanished quickly witht he hand on his cock and he whimpered softly scratching lightly at the others nipples and belly, not cutting, just trying to help stimulate, uncertain what he was doing. "Shay..ah more."
Shay moaned softly as Draco touched him, shivering as he made love to him, taking his time doing it, staring down at him before kissing him, tightening his hold on the blond's cock, squeezing his eyes shut as he tried not to come, but slowly losing the battle not to.
Draco moaned kissing the other back groaning and moaning into the others mouth, panting hard as he thrust faster arching hard tossing his head back. "a..ah!" he groaned loudly arching as he came, spilling his seed across the others belly and crotch panting hard. "ye..yes! o..oooh fucking...Shay it's so good!"
Shay cried out softly as he ame, holding the man against him tightly as he kissed him. Slowly pulling out of the man after a few minutes, he collapsed on the bed next to him, staring at the cieling, absently stroking Draco's hair, enjoying the closeness while he could.
Draco murmured softly as he curled up into the bed, rolling over onto his belly and leaned into the hand that was petting him, sighing softly his eyes closed as he quickly fell asleep. one thing was certain, Draco sure as hell couldn't hold his liqueur, only four shots of sweet rum and he'd nearly been smashed. he snored lightly next to Shay, looking both pleased and mildly upset.
Shay sighed softly before tucking the blanket around him, getting up himself dressing hurriedly, doing the only sensible thing he'd done all night. Walk away. Apparating to Harry's he knocked on the door, red hair mussed and falling around his shoulders, eyes bloodshot and wary, and clothes yanked on in a hurry. Frowning when he didn't hear anything on the other side of the door he sighed, sitting down on the doorstep, resting his back against the door, wrapping his arms around his knees he sighed, tears slowly making htier way down his face, he silently prayed that he'd tripped the man's wards, if only to alert him that he had company, because he had no where else to go.

Draco was sleeping peacefully in his room at his flat and he couldn't go to Malfoy Manor, not when he knew Lucius disliked him or his choices of not procreating in the name of getting a pureblood wizard. That left...Harry. A client, and Draco's friend. Frowning at the memory he got up to leave again. Having a feeling Harry would side with draco, and make him seem even more like the bad guy then he already was feeling.
the door snapped open and Harry peered out looking almost as Drunk as Draco had been. "SHAY!" he chirped grinning brightly as he wrapped his arms around the others shoulders and hung off him. "i wush.. wuth...was wondering where you where!" Harry admitted grinning brightly. "i wunn, wunna...wanna fuck you so bad right now." he chirped grinning. "n then i wanna fuck Draco, n thy..tha..then i wanna watch you two fuck each other!" oh yeah, harry was drunk. "acus... acus i see the way, tha, you li,look at him an he doesn't realize it but he is SOOOO gay."
Shay sighed softly.It was so much his luck to end up with two men who just couldn't hold their liquior. Sighing sofly he picked up the smaller man, heading inside."Come on, time to sleep."He said heading inside, kicking the door shut behind him.Heading up to the brunette's bedroom he tucked him in before laying on top of the covers, curling up against him,holding him close. "Go to sleep."He ordered closing his eyes.Ignoring what the man had said. He was sooooo not going there. Casting a sleeping spell on the boy who lived he yawned, going to sleep himself.

In the morning Shay sighed softly, snuggling close. Before frowning. Sometime during the night he'd crawled under the covers and was curled up against Harry. Smiling slightly he yawned laying there before he frowned again. Wondering what he was going to do. And wondering what Draco remembered. Tears clinging to his eyelashes as he blinked, because now he'd lost even the man's friendship. Shivering slightly he didn't even notice when the tears started falling, landing on Harry's shirt, so lost in his misery it didn't even register that he was in bed with a client, just that he was holding someone, and it wasn't draco.
Harry giggled a little as the other caried him up to the bedroom, his hands stroking along the others body touching here and rubbing there, trying to get Shay aroused kissing the others neck gently. "your, so pretty." harry mumbled his hand slipping down the others pants when he suddenly found himself dumped on the bed and tucked in, sighing softly and beginning to fall asleep, feeling safe in Shay's arms. "mm, don't leave me alone." he pleaded softly wrapping his fingers in the others, holding his hand. "i have nightmares when i'm alone."
Shay smiled, snuggling against him,"I'm staying. No worries."Shay said kissing his head before wrapping his arms around the man, going to sleep himself. Hoping that Harry wouldn't dream. In the morning Shay yawned, rolling on his back, wincing as he did. Leather pants and dress shirts just weren't made to be slept in. Sighing softly as he looked at the brunette next to him he snickered, already imaging the headache he was going to have. And knowing when Draco got up, Harry's headache was going to get so much worse.

"Potter."Shay grinned as he sat up,wanting to see just how hungover he still was.
Harry shifted against the other and sat up yawning a little as he stretched rubbing his eyes. "shitting hell." he grumbled scrubbing his face looking over at Shay. "sorry, i didn't mean to drag you into bed with me." he stated blinking at him. "i didn't molest you too bad did i? last nights kind of fuzzy..." he admitted watching the other looking down at himself. "huh, i have clothes on, i must not have drank as much as i thought i did..." he didn't seam hungover at all! harry never got hangovers, the process just didn't work on him. he'd had almost twenty drinks last night, big ones in the course of like, three hours, and he still did not have a hangover. lucky bitch.
Shay laughed at him,"You're such a lucky bitch not to be hungover."He teased,"And you did drink that much I just put you to sleep before you got to excited about me being here."He grinned wider as he ran his fingers through his hair, before pulling it back in the clip again."You told me you wanted me to admit to liking draco, fuck him, watch then fuck you. Then get Draco to admit he's gay."He teased.
Harry snorted a little and nodded. "sounds like something i'd do." he admitted shaking his head. "i've been crushing on Draco for years." he admitted grinning wistfully at Shay. "i mean, i know you love him and all but, you know? it's hard not to like Draco." he admitted running his hand through his hair as he tossed a wink at Shay. "your a fine specimen yourself, a shame i didn't get to try you a little." he teased laughing brightly. "you want some breakfast? i'm a good cook"
Shy grinned."Breakfast sounds grand."He said walking downstairs with him, "And I prefer my men to be sober when I show them a good time."He said, before paling a little. Thinking about draco, swallowing hard." And how did you know?I've been hiding being in love with him for years."He said sitting down at the kitchen table.
Harry snorted a little. "please, i've known since fifth year." he stated rolling his eyes. "you used to stare at him from across the library, and moon over him when he was focusing in potions." he smirked a little. "and even now you just can't help but let things slip. i did auror training for two years before i joined the quidditch team you know, i know how to pick up on hints and details that everyone else misses." he admitted jumping when a telephone rang. "huh, thats strange.." he muttered moving over and picking it up. "potter resid...Draco?, woah woah calm down i can hardly understand you... you WHAT!? with WHO!? what do you mean you don't know!?... come over, i'll make you some breakfast.. ahuh, no Shayne is here.. ahuh.. yup, ok see you in a few." Harry stated looking troubled as he hung up. "jesus christ, what a way to find out your bent..."
Shay's eyes went wide."You bastard, you weren't supposed to tell him I was here."he scowled slightly getting up looking for his boots, heading for the front hallway to get them. "He's a moron. He wakes up in my flat, and doesnt remember.Moron."He muttered under his breath as he hastily worked on doing up the knee high boots.
Harry blinked at him his head tilted. " slept with him!?" Harry demanded his eyes wide. "oh my god.." harry hissed looking astonished. "what the hell where you thinking!?" he paused and then shook his head. "no, i know what you where thinking,. fuck i would have done the same thing." he muttered scrubbing his face again. "your not leaving Shayne." he stated sternly. "Draco's freaking out because he thinks this 'mystery person' is going to tell his father, he's in TEARS! he'll feel much better if he knows it was you."
Shay stared at him, holding his boot half way on, looking even more distressed then he already had been. Looking at the door he frowned, wondering if he could beat the brunette in a duel and still be able to get out before Draco arrived. before deciding he didn't...and he couldn't stand the thought of Draco in tears. That was to much.Even knowing it was going to be messy, it was worth it to reassure him."He's going to feel well enough to beat my head in."he said before heading for the living room, collapsing on the couch with a sigh. Going about ignoring the brunette as hard as he could, and he would ignore Draco when he came. He just wasn't ready to face him yet, but he couldnt stand the thought of draco worrying.
the fireplace flamed up and Draco stumbled through, his eyes red and tears still falling from his face as he rushed to harry, burying his face into the brunettes chest to sob. 'i'm dead! i'm so dead! i can't believe i would take a man home and beg him to fuck me!" he wailed Harry going red at the imagery glancing at Shayne with an eyebrow raised. "Calm down Draco." harry demanded softly stroking the blonds back. "no ones going to tell your father about this. "the hell they wont!" Draco bit out pulling away from harry. "if they don't tell my father directly, he'll find out other ways!" he yelled collapsing onto the couch next to Shayne. "the guys probably out telling all his buddies that he fucked the 'great fucking Draco Malfoy! and then the newspapers will get involved." he sobbed again. "there hasn't been a gay malfoy ever! EVER! how can i be gay!? HOW!?" he demanded gasping when harry yanked him to his feet and slapped him hard across the face. "Calm down!" harry demanded sternly Draco looking stunned and then taking a deep breath, trying to get a grip on himself.
"You my friend, are a moron."Shay said calmly and coldly from his seat, staring stubbornly at the floor. because being cold was the only way he could keep his emotions out of the equation, and keep from crying just as much as Draco."You wake up in my apartment, in my bed, and you think it was a mysterious person who had their way with you?Moron."he scowled darkly, still looking at the floor.
Draco sniffed a little and blinked at Shay looking confused. "b..but.. i.." he stammered before looking down at the floor. "i.. i didn't...want it to be you.." he admitted softly. "i mean.. i was hoping i..i'd just.. given the wrong address.. or something.." Harry groaned and shook his head. "Draco, that was mean." "my father will hurt him!" Draco finally exploded, looking more panicked than anything else. "don't you understand!?" he demanded pointing at Shay. "i slept with him! my father WILL find out! and it's MY fault when Lucius goes after him!" he gasped and clapped his hands over his mouth looking horrified and Harry's eyes widened. "you.. you've known all along that your gay! you where trying to hide it! deny it!" " you.. your wrong i..." Draco stammered, trying to cover up his blunder.
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