Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Flannery arched an eyebrow at him as he asked what sort of things she did and she shrugged slightly with a small smile. "No. I actually wanted to travel and study pokemon. Though I knew I'd end up becoming a gym leader here. The job runs in the family actually." she said befre looking up at the waitress that approached. "Hey Flannery." the woman said with a smile. "I heard you were back in town. So, the usual for you and your girl?" she asked and Flannery nodded while the growlithe smiled brightly before the woman looked at Zack and his partners. "What about you three hun?" she asked. Lya brushed her blonde bangs from her face before ordering a rib sandwhich. She wanted ribs but she didn't want to get too messy.
Zack ordered ribs, he did not mind getting a little messy, and it was no surprise so did Kai. After all the two where very much alike. Zack thought perhaps Flannery wasn't very excited being a gym leader, but he did not say anything, he simply moved the subject to another conversation. By the time the food came he was hungry, as was Kai and everyone else. "Thank you" the ;Lucario said to the woman, in his eerie mind powered sort of way, she did not seem all that freaked out though. Zack took his time to begin eating, simply because he wanted to see if Kai would wake, and sure enough he did as well.
The waitress took their orders before heading off to take the orders to the kitchen. It wouldn't take too long for their orders to be done. When the food was brought out, the waitress easily deposited the apropriate dishes in front of them before smiling at Kai when he thanked her. While it wasn't the first time she was spoken to telepathically, it didn't happen too often. Once they got their food, the girls all began to eat. It seemed that Flannery and her growlithe liked their food spicy since the spice could actually be smelt and it made Lya's nose twitch while she ate her sandwich.
Zack enjoyed the flavor, at first his eyes had begun to water due to the flavor, it was nice and sweet, but had a smokey fiery after taste that made his throat burn. Though after a few bites the feeling began to settle. Kai did not seem at all affected, if anything he seemed to enjoy the spicey food as much as Lya did. Zack secretly would not be bested by the lucario, so he had not made any sort of reaction. "A bit hot?" he heard a voice, surprisingly it belonged to Kai, it was similar to his telepathic voice, though a bit rougher. It had the very faint tone of metal being ground against metal afterwards. "Not at all," he replied, though he guessed Kai had sensed it had been.
Lya ate her food happily, her tails swaying a little as she enjoyed the spicy sauce that covered the meat in her sandwich. Because she was a fire pokegirl, the spiciness of the sauce didn't bother her at all. In fact, she loved it more then anything else. When Kai spoke, she paused and looked up, a spot of sauce on her muzzle until she licked it off, though it did leave a faint red color in her pale cream fur. She was quiet as Zack and Kai spoke and she giggled softly before shaking her head. "Course it's not hot." she said to them before chuckling softly.
Zack felt really good once he had finished eating. He wiped his mouth to, careful to get all the mess off and not look like a slob. He enjoyed that very much, not having a taste for spicey foods as much as everyone else it seemed, though he gradually was getting used to the flavor. "That was good," he said, sadly admitting he had never had Bar-B-Que this good before in his mind. Kai was gnawing on a rib bone, apparently very much enjoying the marrow of it. He waited for everyone else to finish, and would chat a bit more before they left. He felt much cooler too when he went outside, he wondered if it was due to eating hot foods.
Flannery and her pokegirl was the first to finish eating, the two sitting there just enjoying the slight after burn of the spices from their food. Flannery was blushing a little as Jazz licked the extra sauce from her trainers fingers but she didn't seem bothered too much by it. "Mmhmm, they are good. This is the best place to get spicey bar-b-que because we have been making our own sauce and we've been cooking it for many, many years." she told him before looking at Lya and smiling. "Looks like she really enjoyed it." Lya paused in licking her fingers and looked around before a sheepish look formed on her face. Together they headed outside and Lya took a deep breath while stretching, her top riding up a bit and showing off her stmach.
Zack watched Lya stretch, she was just so damn sexy at times without even meaning to. He however didn't say anything, and didn't l;et his mind get to carried away with any thoughts. "Thanks so much Flannery," he said with a smile, he truthfully was going to miss her coming along, but she had her duties as gym leader. He however wasn't planning to leave Lavaridge right away so he knew he would still get to see her for a bit. He was a bit fond of her company, he rarely interacted with another, well human for very long like this.
Flannery watched Zacks pokegirl as well and she smiled slightly. She'd seen many ninetails in her time of being a trainer. Especially since she lived in Lavaridge and fire pokegirls and pokemone were rather common. "Oh, you're welcome Zack." she told him with a slight shrug. "So, what do you plan on doing while you're here in Lavaridge?" she asked him. Next to her, Jasmine shifted her weight from foot to foot while looking around before speaking up. "Flannery... Can I visit Jamie?" she asked quickly. This caused Flannery to pause and she looked at her pokegirl before chuckling. "Yeah, go on." she told her growlithe. With a bright smile, the canine turned and rushed off, quickly disappearing from sight.
Zack thought of the question for a bit. "Hmmm, well I guess just enjoy ourselves," he said speaking for his partners. He would like to try the hot springs at once point, and would like to look around. Really he wanted to make his time with Flannery last though, but he would not admit that, not in front of either Lya or Flannery. He was curious of her pokegirl. "Who is Jamie?" he asked when she had left, wondering if that was a friend or something.
Flannery slowly nodded with a smile. "Understandable." she said gently. "Take some time to relax and such. The hot springs are good for that. It's believed that they have healing properties." When he asked who Jamie was, she chuckled and smiled. "It's her sister." she told him. "Jamie is the oldest of the two. They were bred from a local breeder that breeds certain fire pokegirls. Jamie is one of the pokegirls of Officer Jenny, but since Officer Jenny has a growlithe and an arcanine, Jamie stays at the station house while the arcanine is taken out on patrol and such."
Zack found that interesting, and found himself wondering if Lya had siblings, he could not say for Kai or the others, maybe Viivi might being found in the wild. He nodded but before he spoke he was cut off. "If you don't mind....I would like to look around," Kai stated talking to him. Zack just found his actual voice strange, mainly because he communicated telepathically until a few minutes ago. "Sure that's fine," he said and the lucario gave a quick nod.
Lya looked at Kai when he said he wanted t look around and she looked interested. "I think I'll join him." she told Zack. "If that's alright with the both of you." She looked at Kai and then at Zack. Flannery chuckled softly and smiled. "I can show you around a bit then." she told Zack. "If there's anything you're interested in seeing."

(be right back)
Zack was a bit surprised at this "Um..yeah sure no problem thats fine," he said, not sure if he was more surprised or curious as to why she wanted to. Kai nodded gently and walked away, with Lya following him. "Well, guess I'm free for anything," he said. "Wanted to try the hot springs," he replied as well, but seemed a bit hesitant now since Lya and Kai had gone off on there own. He knew he wouldn't lose the two because Kai could communicate with him from a distance.

"So why did you want to come along?" Kai asked the ninetails.
Lya grinned and gave Zack a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks. We'll see you later then." she said before she turned and trotted off after Kai. She was a quiet as she traveled at Kai's side before looking at him when he asked why she wanted to come along and she shrugged. "I wanted to explore." she told him. "You don't mind do you?"

Flannery smiled brightly and nodded before watching Zacks two companions go off together before looking at him again. "The hot springs?" she echoed. "We can go if you want to. My family has one that we can use." she told him.
"No I do not mind," Kai replied simply. He walked before they where far away from their trainer. "He likes her a bit," he said plainly. "Probably his first female crush...of his own kind," the lucario said as if he had known the boy for much longer then the few weeks they had traveled together. "You however are interesting Lya," he said his eyes gazing right at her as if they where seeing into her. "Your troubled....." he said once more his voice was in a matter of fact tone.

Zack looked at the pair walk off before he turned as Flannery was talking, his pulse elevating a little bit. "Really?" he asked, he wondered why her family did, but he guessed it didn't matter really. "Um, well I am game for it if you are," he said, he felt a tad awkward, but not to much.
Lya smiled at him when he let her know he didn't mind. When he spoke up again, she looked over at him before nodding with a slight sigh. "Yeah, I noticed." she replied. "It's not surprising. Flannery is an attractive female and Zack does like the spunky types." She giggled softly and smiled fondly. His next comment made her blush and she looked at him in surprise. "Thanks." she murmured before looking at her feet when he stated she was troubled. For a bit she was quiet while she walked at his side before nodding. "Yeah."

Flannery nodded with a chuckle. "Yes, really." she told him. "Our house was built near a hotspring and since it was on our land, it just became our private hot spring." After being tld that he was game if she was, she grinned and nodded. "Alright, lets go." she told him. reaching out, she gently grabbed his hand before leading the way towards her family house.
Kai stayed silent for a bit, he could sense it in her aura, it was a very small bit, but it was there. Like a small grim being of sorts it mingled with her natural aura. She had a darker side, be it a gift or some oddity he wasn't sure. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked her, though when he said the word "it" it was as if he knew what the problem was and not that he was uncertain. He looked at her once more, a very small finger of his mind touched hers, it was a comforting feeling, if not a little evasive.

Zack let her lead the way. He was very eager to see a hot spring, secretly wishing Lya was there to experience it, but he would go again another time if she wanted he supposed. "Thats lucky of you," he said as she spoke about how they discovered it. He wondered if there where any hot springs in his home town, and had a small fantasy of owning his own, though it quickly vanished as he tried to keep up.
Lya hooked her thumbs on the straps of her pack she wore and sighed as he asked if she wanted to talk about it. She had become so comfortable and Kai always seemed to know so much that she often forgot that he didn't know all the details about her past with Zacks brother. When he looked at her again, she felt his mind touch hers and she was comforted. "Well... It all started with my first trainer." she began and started telling him about her past with Derin, opening up to him in a way she didn't even open up to Zack. As she got to the part where they had last seen Derin, she began to get emotional and it showed in the way her ears drooped and she got a little choked up.

Flannery chuckled and nodded. "Indeed it is. It's great to have. Especially after a long, hard day of training." she said before looking at him. "You have a pair of swimming trunks in that pack of yours right?" she asked while leading the way up a path towards a cozy, small house that was surrounded by a fence and bushes.
Kai was a good listener, he never interrupted, unless he was not following, though he normally was silent for the most part, and would give small non-verbal responses when necessary. He knew of somethings, he did know that Zack was not her first trainer, Zack had told him how he would be his "Secret Weapon" if ever he fought his brother. He however wasn't sure why the two had to fight, but it seemed a brotherly thing to do. "Please...take a breath," he told her as she seemed to suddenly shoke up a bit, he knew this was hard for her.

Zack gave a nod, he had to swimming trunks from back home, little did he know they might not be as loose as he was used to, after all since Dewford he had grown a bit. "Yeah it does sound like a nice little perk to have," he agreed. He wondered if she normally had friends come and go into the hot spring with her. He had a funny thought if they where alonbe, and the image made him blush for a moment before he pushed it back to the back of his mind.
Lya was patient with Kai if he interupted her, understanding if he wasn't following. As he told her to take a breath, she paused and nodded before swallowing and taking a deep breath, slowly calming down a little. "When we met again, Darin wanted to have a battle. I was a little uneasy about it. After all, I loved him. But we battled anyways. The first two matches were normal. But when it was my turn, I found out that he replaced me. He had gotten a firestone and evolved this an eevee after he had just tossed me aside, giving her my things and the same nickname he used to call me. It... just hurt so much." Her voice softened and she looked at her feet with a small frown while she placed a hand over her heart. "I had never felt such pain before. After that.... I don't know what happened. I just felt so defeated and I pulled on a power I didn't know I had, wanting to prove that even though I was a 'weak vulpix', that I could still overcome a more powerful Flareon. So I called upon all the anger, pain and sadness I could and I just channeled it into an attack. After that I don't remember much except how scared I was at how much energy and power it took out of me."

Leading the way into the house, she took in the gentle cinnamon scent of the house with a smile before looking at him. "There's a bathroom right down that hall that you can change in. I'll run upstairs and change as well." she told him. "And I'll grab a couple towels while I'm up there."
Kai listened, feeling great sympathy for her as she continued. It really must have been hard to go through that, and she must have felt so betrayed to access raw emotions like that. He listened to the rest, he knew what it was that had transpired. He had once glimpsed Zacks thought and felt a strange well of fear in his mind, now it made sense, as Zack rarely had that emotion. "Dark Pulse..." he said. "You used it....unsuccessfully, but you did," he said to her, gent;y putting a hand on her shoulder.

Zack gave a small nod and went into the bathroom, he tried to remain calm, but the previous images just kept creeping back. He wondered what Lya would think if he had voiced these to her, he felt strangely bad for even thinking about it. He peeled his cloths off and put the trunks on before realizing how tight they fit him now, it was a bit embaressing, but not to bad, he thought. "Ready," he said leaving the bathroom.
Lya kept her gaze trained on the ground as tears clouded her vision, her throat beginning to ache from trying to keep her emotions in control. At Kai's words, she looked at him as he placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder and she swallowed. "I-I... It scares me Kai." she said, her voice quivering. "I've never felt such power and such emotions before." As she spoke and gazed up at him, several tears finally escaped her red eyes and fell down her cheeks.

Flannery ran upstairs to her bedroom where she striped out of her baggy jeans and her belly shirt as well as her underclothes before fishing a black and red bikini and pulling it on. It covered everything that needed to be covered and it had thick straps. Once dressed, she padded down the hall to a closet and grabbed two towels before heading downstairs to see Zack in his tight trunks and she smiled. "Ready?" she asked him, walking past and heading through to the back door where she stepped outback.
His owm red eyes stared back at her, he truthfully felt sorry for her. He softly brushed the tears away, her fur was soft, much finer then his own, it was amazing how nice and smooth it was compared to his rough course fur. "I know," he said simply, holding her close, careful not to poke her with his chest spike. "I'll help you," he said very softly.

Zack was very much awe struck to see the gym leader as she returned. The baggy cloths did not do her justice as he saw her slender form. "Yeah...I am," he said following her outback. The air was warm, but he hardly felt it as he admired the view in front of him.
Since he had evolved, Kai was a little taller then she was. As he brushed the tears away from her cheek, she gave a stiffled sob before letting him hold her close. She moved slightly so that her body was off to the side a little so his chest spike wouldn't hurt her and she rested her head against his chest as she cried, closing her red eyes as she finally let out all the pain she'd felt from her first trainers betrayal. As he told her that he'd help her, she slowly looked up at him, her eyes glazed from crying. "How?" she asked softly. "If Dark Pulse would of worked and hit that pokegirl I was facing with all that power I had used... it could of killed her."

Flannery smiled brightly as she looked around the backyard, seeing all the brightly colored flowers that were planted. Leading the way happily along one of the paths, she made her way towards a smaller fenced in portion of the yard where a hot spring was. She set the towels down on a table before moving over to the edge and carefully lowered herself into the warm water.
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