Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack didn't know much of this pokemon, he hardly knew Flannerys style of fighting. He watched her take the attack, he guessed she knew little of Kais style as well which is why she didn't simply counter it like Hailey. As the ball of energy came back he had an idea. "Kai focus yourself on it and get ready," he shouted. As the ball drew closer he shouted out the next command, a fully charged force palm.

Kai focused on the energy flying towards him, vainly he felt a rush of energy in his palms. As it got closer he extended his palms and the energy slammed into them only mere millimeters from full contact as a faint layer of aura protected him. Using focus palm he thrust it back toward the slugma , the speed increased causing the missile of energy to speed faster at it.
Flannery gritted her teeth, watching as Kai thrust Slugma's attack back towards him, but on the outside, she didn't show that she was a little irritated. Instead she just took a deep breath and shifted her footing. "Harden Slugma." she said, knowing that her pokemon was too slow to avoid it. After the energy hit her pokemon, she sighed, watching as it got a dazed look but wasn't knocked out. "Alright Slugma, you did great. Return." she called, calling her pokemon back before she clipped the pokeball at her belt, her hand moving back to her belt once more. "Okay Zack. This is my last one. Are you ready?" she asked with a small smile.

Unclipping it, she tossed the pokeball. "Alright Jazz, use Fire Wheel." she called. In a burst of light, her growlithe pokegirl appeared with a growl and the girl nodded before using Firewheel, sending a large wheel of flames at Kai. As it moved closer to him, the fire got hotter and hotter.
Zack had been waiting for this, he knew very well her growlithe would show up sooner or later. He wasn't surprised it would be her final pick, most likely her stronger partner as well. He waited for her move, watching the spinning wheel of flames. "Kai get ready," he said, he knew they could dodge this, however he did not want to simply avoid the attack, but rather show just how much there training would pay off. "Alright...use Endure," he shouted.

Kai nodded and stood still, his feet digging into the ground and he lifted his arms up in a defensive posture. He let the flames strike him, hitting him, much like how she had allowed her slugma to take the hit as well. The flames halted though still spinning harder and stronger then ever. He was slowly being pushed back by the attack, they had underestimated this greatly it seemed. "Kai...come on you can do it!" hZack shouted. The small Riolu gritted his teeth. The flames where burning his arms slightly. He was faltering and losing. Suddenly he seemed to glow, and the light grew all the more intense before the small pokemon was nothing but a being of light. With a sudden rush of force the flames vanished, smoke collecting where Kai had stood.
Flannery watched the small pokemon take the hit and she clenched her hands into fists while watching, softly muttering to herself. Her pokegirl watched in anticipation to see what would happen. The gym was currently so hot that even Flannery, who was used to high heat, was beginning to sweat. However, when the Riolu began to glow, she gasped and her eyes widened in surprise. "What in the world?" she murmured before flinching as the light got brighter and she stepped back while shielding her eyes from the bright light. Once the light faded, she looked at the smoke that collected. "Stay on guard Jazz. We don't know what to expect with him." she called to her growlithe and the blonde haired pokegirl nodded sharply.
Zack looked, worried Kai had gotten hurt. He watched the smoke swirl in the air, slowly clearing to reveal the shape of a much taller, leaner figure. " I'm alright Zack" he felt something brush his mind, similar to how Hailey would communicate with him, though this felt a bit different, the voice was also unfamiliar, but it was obviously male. "Kai?" he asked aloud, and he received not words, but a sort of affirmitive deep in his subconscious mind. The trainer grinned, suddenly realizing what had happened.

"Kai, use Bone Rush!" he shouted. Suddenly a lucario rushed out of the smoke, his feet striking the ground softly and quickly as it rushed towards the pokegirl. It placed it's palms together and a glow emitted in between the fingers and two gleaming bones appeared in either hand, they glowed with a strange wispy energy. It was aura. His strikes followed quickly, a string of attacks aimed at the growlithe.
Flannery narrowed her eyes slightly as the smoke slwly began to clear and she frowned when she saw the different pokemon standing there. "Jazz... keep on your toes." she said softly. At Zacks order, her eyes widened and she quickly spoke. "Jazz! Use Agility then reversal!" she said just before the attacks frm the lucario hit the growlithe. The canine girl cried out as she was hit numerous time. She was thrown back a bit and she landed with a thud before rolling a little. Jazz growled as she slowly forced herself up, one of her hands touching where she was hit a couple of times.

Once to her feet, Jazz's body began glowing a little before she began running. It took her a moment to pick up her speed but once she was fast enough and she was close enough to Kai, the pokegirl used reversal, returning the same amount of damage that she'd gotten, to Kai.
Zack had a sudden rush as he saw the attacks land one after the other on the growlithe. Kai seemed so much stronger then before and faster. This new means of communication also felt so flawless, he did not even need to ask what moves he now knew, he already knew what they where. "Quick Kai use detect!" he shouted.

The lucarios eyes flashed and he quickly leapt away just in time to avoid the full on attack. "Follow up with force palm!" came the next order. Kai landed several meters from the growlithe and took an offensive stance. His eyes glowed and the hanging bands on the side of his head floated upwards. His right palm glowing with an eerie blue before the attack when off. It was like a shot gun shell going off, the explosion of energy causing the ground to split by the force as it rushed at the intended target.
The gym leader watched as lucario avoided the full on attack and she gritted her teeth. Because she was unfamiliar with the pokemon, she was going to have trouble with this last battle. She was already having trouble. The young woman couldn't believe how strong and fast Zacks pokemon was and even though Jazz was fast, she was no match against the lucario. As Kai used force palm, she knew almost immediately that she didn't stand a chance. The best she could do was ready her pokegirl for the attack and hope she wouldn't faint. "Get ready for it Jazz. Try to avoid it iff possible." she called and Jazz nodded while swallowing nervously.

When it hit, Jazz cried out and was thrown back into a nearby wall, a small cloud of dust rising around her. "Jazz!" the gym leader cried. She watched anxiously as the dust began to settle, revealing the growlithe just laying there. "Enough." Flannery said firmly before running over to her fallen partner, kneeling next to the growlithe. Gently she turned her over and ran a loving hand over the pokegirls fur. "Come on girl." she whispered before smiling when Jazz opened her eyes. With a sigh, she slowly helped Jazz to her feet, wrapping an arm around her. "I think you deserve a rest." she told the canine and Jazz nodded with a yawn. With her own nod, Flannery called Jazz back before turning to face Zack and Kai.
Kai stood still after the attack, he seemed slightly winded, and Zack guessed the pokemon could not control his own strength just yet, though he was not surprised as he saw the sort of damage Kai had done simply to the field alone. Both waited, very much steady and ready for whatever came next. He watched as Jazz, her growlithe, seemed to have trouble continueing, he knew they where winning, and he was rather impressed just how strong this pokemon was, he still hadn't a clue what it was though.

"It's over" Kai said before Flannery called back her pokegirl. He seemed capable of predicting a persons thoughts and feelings as well, he guessed it had to do with that strange energy he could control. Once it seemed over he had Kai come back, though he did not call him into the pokeball, this victory was theres to share, as well as Viivi and Haileys, though both of the other two where in no condition to celebrate.
After calling Jazz back, Flannery sighed and brushed herself off before approaching Kai and Zack with a small smile. "Well, looks like you beat me Zack." she said. "So much for me winning my first match back." She shrugged while digging into her deep baggy jeans, fishing her hand around a bit before pulling out two items. "Here's the money that you get for beating me." she said while holding out the pokemonies to Zack before holding out her other hand to him and opening it. In her palm was the gym badge. "And this is the heat badge. You earned it and you should be pround. Both you and your pokemon and pokegirls."
Zack accepted both, hearing the small bit of disappointment in her voice at losing. In truth though if Kai had not evolved, he doubted he would have won, Flannery was the toughest gym leader by far he had ever faced. He let Kai see the badge, both glowing with excitement. "Thank was a very tough match," he told Flannery, it felt strange to beat a friend, and someone who had been traveling with for some time. "Viivi and Hailey also would probably say the same," he said as Kai nodded, though he seemed not very winded anymore.
Flannery smiled brightly at him as she watched him take the badge and she tucked her hands into her pockets. "You're welcome. And you're right, it was a tough match. You're good and I can tell you'll go far." she told him before looking at Kai and smiling. "Well, I can say I wasn't expecting this. You make an impressive sight Kai. And you're one heck of a fighter. Congradulations on evolving." She brushed her bangs back. "Now, how about we head to the pokecenter and get everyone healed up. Then go get dinner. My treat."
" Thanks [I/]" Kai said to her nodding his head. Zack actually felt rather flustered by the compliment he was glad she seemed to have so much faith in him. "Thanks that means a lot coming from you," he said. He nodded ib agreement to her idea a bit surprised she offered to buy dinner, he accepted though as to not be rude though. He left with her to up to the center. "Hey Nurse Joy," he said, his lucario walking in with him, Joy seemed delighted to see Kai had evolved and he handed her both Viivi and Haileys pokeballs. "Think Lya should see you now," he told Kai and opened the flame marked pokeball.
Flannery nodded with a grin before chuckling at Zacks response. "Hey, it's the truth. You're a great trainer. I would of continued with my own journy but I was needed back here." she told him. At his side, Flannery head out to the center. After entering, she smiled brightly at the woman while approaching the desk. "Afternoon Joy." she said with a grin and the pink haired woman giggled. "Welcome home Flannery." she said before taking the two trainers pokeballs and beginning to take care of the pokemon and pokegirls.
When she was called out, Lya looked around the pokecenter before looking at her trainer. However, when she saw Kai, she gasped and moved towards him. "Wow... Kai... you look great!" she said. She was able to tell it was Kai because of his scent. While it was a little different it was still the same. "So... did you two win?" she asked expectantly.
Zack chuckled at her response, it was a bit funny, but then again he had a similar sense of awe when Kai had first evolved to. "Yes we did," Kai said, his voice was very similar to how he spoke telepathically. This shocked Zack a bit he had wondered if he could or couldn't speak, as a Riolu he never did. "Yes we did, it was tough, but luckily Kai evolved in the last match....." he gave Lya a look as if to say "and he is strong..." without actually saying it. Joy returned Hailey and Viivi's pokeballs after a few moments, Kai was insistent he did not need healing so he did not have nurse Joy look him over. He had taken out Dexter to see what moves Kai new, it was a very wide range, alot of fighting and steel type moves, but one caught his eye very much.
Lya smiled at Zack and Kai before nodding when Kai told her that they won. "I wasn't sure if you were ready for a gym battle of this difficulty, but you proved me wrong and you've made me proud to have you as part of my team." she said. She had always been proud to have him as part of the team and he knew it. "Now that you're evolved, you're not an adorable little pokemon and now hopefully Hailey will stop following you around." she said to him with a playful smile. Flannery chuckled before smiling brightly at Nurse Joy when the pkeballs were brought back out. "Thanks Joy." she said while taking the pokeballs and clipping them to her belt again, visibly relaxing after she did. Flannery was raised to always have a belt full of pokemon and she hated not having her partners with her. "So, what say you guys to some dinner?" she asked Lya and Kai before looking at Zack with a smile. "I know of this great place near by."
Zack laughed at Lya's comment, she was right maybe Hailey would not bother him so much. He was even more surprised to see Kai blush a bit at the comment, it was a rather new thing he didn't seem very emotional in the few hours he had evolved, he was very quiet and direct. He continued to grin seeing Kai actually a bit flustered was funny. "How about it?" he asked the two. Kai gave a very quick answer to it, followed by a growl by not only his own stomach but Zacks as well. It was strange, Kai was similar to his trainer in a sense. Then again as a Riolu he had always been rather close to Zack, being the first person he saw when hatched. " Sure, if none object lets go," he said to Flannery, he wondered if she bought all her opponents dinner, or just the ones who won maybe.
Lya noticed her team mates flustered appearance and blush and she smiled but she forced down her chuckle as she smiled gently. "Dinner sounds great." she replied. Her stmach growled as well but no where near as loud as Zack and Kai's. This made her chuckle and shake her head. When no one had any objections, Flannery nodded with a grin while she let Jazz out of her pokeball. "Come on Jazz. We're going to dinner." she told her pokegirl and the growlithe nodded. Turning, the red head led the way out of the pokecenter. While walking, they made small talk until they came to a small B-B-Q restaurant that had tables sitting outside and the smell of roasting meat and steamed vegetables filled the air. The place was big on meat because of the town, but they also had a selection of food for pokemon/pokegirls and trainers who were vegetarians.
"So how long have you been the gym leader?" he asked Flannery as they walked to the spot she suggested. He was curious why she never said anything, Perhaps to make it a surprise he thought. It was strange nowing she was a gym leader, maybe because he knew she wouldn't be traveling with them anymore. He liked her, she was the first human trainer he had traveled, with not to say he did not enjoy the company of his pokemon and pokegirl partners. He realized he was staring at the red head rather intently as he thought and he quickly moved his eyes forward so it didn't seem strange. As they reached the resturaunt he could feel his mouth almost water, it had been a while since he had eaten B-B-Q.
Flannery was a little thoughtful at his question, pursing her lips. "Officially... about four hours." she said to him. "Unofficially.. a couple of weeks. Like I said before, the other gym leader was retiring. My grandfather was gymleader befre me and he retired today to work n his poetry." She shrugged slightly with a sigh. "Sorry if you thought I lied to you. I just... didn't want to be treated any differently. Most people, when they find out I'm the granddaughter of a gym leader or a gym leader, they usually start to act different." She scuffed her sneaker on the ground as they approached the resturaunt. Lya could see how Zack stared at the red head and she shook her head slightly as her and Kai walked side by side. When she caught the scent of the meat, her stomach growled louder and she smiled sheepishly.
Zack nodded "I can see that," he said, he guessed once you where someone a bit important people treated you different. "Well...your still just Flannery to me," he said, not meaning to sound insulting if it did. He turned and grinned at Lya as he heard her stomach growl rather loudly. He was eager to eat as well. He went in with Flannery and the others, the scent only growing stronger as they where seated. "Thanks for this," he said to her, it felt weird actually, he hadn't eaten at an actual restaurant in a while. For a split moment he also had a moment of missing a nice home meal as well. "So what things do people normally do in town?" he asked Flannery since she would be an expert on the area.
Flannery looked over at him and smiled gently. "Thanks." she told him befre sitting down at a table. When he thanked her for the food, she chuckled. "It's no problem. I don't usually treat others and I was heading out anyways." She got comfortable while Jazz sat down next to her and the two watched as Lya sat down across from Jazz. When he asked what people usually did in town, she thought for a moment. "Well, we enjoy swimming in the hot springs and once every couple of months we have a festival of some kind. We usually get elderly people instead of young people because of the herb shop and the springs."
Zack nodded, listening to her. He wondered about the festival, and the hot springs sounded nice too, though after such a heated battle, he thought cooling down would be better then heating up again. "That sounds fun," he replied making a mental note that coming back was a good idea, like how he wanted to go back to Dewford at one point. "I guess the next place we would be heading would be Petalburg then," he said speaking to Lya a bit, and to Flannery hoping for some insight on the next gym leader. He knew he was a normal-type user, which he thought would be excellent for Kai.
Lya nodded in agreement when Zack said it sounded fun. She was fairly quiet as Zack and Flannery talked about what to do in the town. While they talked, she looked at the menu that she had, looking through the different things that the restaraunt offered to eat. When Zack spoke to her again, she looked over at him before nodding. "Yeah, I believe so." she said while closing the menu and setting it aside. She noticed that Flannery and her pokegirl didn't touch the menus which probably meant that the gym leader knew it by heart or she always got the same thing each time they ate at the place.
Flannery nodded slightly as she thought about what he just said. "Petalburg... I've only been there a couple of times and I've met the gym leader once. He's an alright guy... I think his name is Norman if I remember correctly." she said.
Zack listened, so she did know of the next gym leader. It was nice to have a small bit of info, though he did not ask how he fought, simply because he thought it rude for one things, and because he would not gain a lot with having forewarning of the situation. Zack however decided to get something he was certian this place had, ribs, and did not bother to stare much at the menu. "So...what sort of things do you do....I mean did you always want to be this town gym leader?" he asked her. He wondered if she liked the job, she was her grandfathers replacement, and he wanted to work on poetry. He was just curious as to what she wanted. He was also hoping they where allowed to make there order soon, he was actually very hungry.
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