Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack blew into the embers he made causing the kindling to ignite before he fed it a little more. "Hmm...sounds like a nice place to relax, after we get our fourth badge that is," he said. Kai was dozing off under a tree, at least Zack assumed it was taking a nap, though he always seemed to just shut his eyes, sitting cross legged and in a more of a meditative stance. "I wonder what the gym leaders like," he said as he got the fire to a nice size.
Flannery smiled slightly as she stretched out with a sigh, folding her hands behind her head and closing her eyes. "It is a nice place to relax." she said with a nod. At the mention of the gym leader, she opened one of her eyes to look at him. "Mm, the gym leader used to Mr. Moore. But I've heard he's retiring." she told him. "Something about becoming a poet." There was soft laughter in her voice as she spoke about the man. "Mr. Moore's a nice man though. I think you'll like him." Lya watched Flannery with curiosity from where she sat near Kai before shaking her head and closing her eyes as well. She'd noticed that Kai seemed to take on a meditative stance and she'd wanted to try it so she moved next to him. Sitting down like Kai, she wrapped her tails around herself carefully so not to disturb him and she closed her eyes while relaxing.
Zack asked what this Mr. Moore was like, eager to get some hint as to how his next gym leader was, and possibly how he fought. Kai gingerly opened an eye as Lya sat beside him, he didn't do anything though and simply closed it again and continued his meditation. He rather liked the ninetails, possibly Zack was so fond of her, but mostly because she didn't try to hug him and treat him like a stuffed animal. She also wasn't as quiet as the absol Viivi, but she wasn't annoying either. He breathed slowly in and out, opening his eyes finally when the food was ready.
Flannery shrugged slightly and describbed the man. He was a kind old man getting ready to retire and he's been getting his grandchild ready to take over, though the man was a fairly fierce battler. After telling him a bit about the man, she looked at Lya and Kai, smiling slightly. She had been watching the duo for a while and she'd noticed that they seemed to like each other. She had noticed he found Hailey fairly annoying and Viivi was so quiet and serious. Lya however... Lya was somewhere in between. Not as childish as Hailey, yet she was playful and warm hearted while she was serious when it came to training. Once food was done, the girls all moved towards where Zack was cooking.
Kai sat beside Zack, he looked up to him, either due to the fact he was the first to see upon hatching, or because he was hus trainer, fir whatever the reason both where very much alike. Zack had made a meal, of rice and stew that tasted good together, he was rather pleased his cooking skills got better as well. Hus questions the gym kneader seised as they ate, though he was thinking about it all. Kai tugged on his sleeve and gave him a look. "You want to train after?" he asked. It was strange but despite not talking much at all he understood the Rioku in such a strange way. Kai nodded seem inky eager to train. Once the meal was done though they simply enjoyed the full feeling in there bellies fir a bit.
Getting their food, Lya and Flannery began eating their food. Even though it wasn't spicy like how she'd come to like her food since she'd evolved, she still enjoyed it because it had meat in it. Since she'd become a ninetails, she'd come to prefer meaty and spicey foods. Though she did enjoy the occasional sweet and cool, like icecream. While eating, Lya thought about the next gym battle and she didn't think that she'd be of much use since they were fire pokemon they'd be going against. Hearing Zack speak, she looked up from her food to see him speaking to Kai and she smiled while finishing her food and sitting her bowl down. "Can I watch?" she asked them.
Zack and Kai both nodded. "Sure," he said with a smile. As the food settled in there stomach, the two sat side by side. Kai once more closed his eyes, as did Zack. It was clear of one thing, the Rioku was not the only one to improve. Zack had gotten much stronger inn the past few days. Possibly because inmorder to keep up with the Riolu he had to. His body was much more tightened, his stomach tone, his arms and legs solid. Hthey both stove up after so long and began to train. Kai was working on a few knew moves, and from time to time Zack would allow him to punch at his palm, even if it stung a bit afterwards. The roils strength wad ten times that of the practice battle,he could even knock a tree down with a kick, and break a stone with his fist...or head depending on the size of the stone.
Lya nodded slightly before looking at Zack, slowly taking in his appearance. It didn't escape her notice that he was getting a lot more toned and fit. He hadn't gotten like that with her training because her moves didn't really require hands on training since she had lots of fire and mental powers and less physical. So seeing him beginning to fill out better actually caught her attention and she liked it. After helping to clean up, Lya moved over to sit under a tree and she watched them train. Once in a while she would offer a tip about stance and their frame, but most of the time she was quiet as she watched them. Flannery watched Kai and Zack for a while before she released her Growlithe and went for a short walk around the area with her. It wasn't often that Zack and his companions saw her pokegirls and the one that's seen more often was her Growlithe.
"Ever think Flannery keeps to her self?" he asked the nine tails ash dodged Kais flying kick towards his midsection. He was quit good at speaking and training. He sweep kicked the Riolu, though the blue pokemon leapt back up in an instant and knocked him din with the same move. He chuckled gently feeling a bit tired already, Kai sensed this and also fell on his back, limbs outstretched mimicking Zacks every pose.
Lya looked at him curiously at the mention of Flannery and she shrugged. "Not really. She likes a little alone time with her own pokegirls." she said. "I think she's fairly sociable." She watched them spar for a bit before laughing as Kai knocked Zack down before falling onto his back like their trainer. Smiling tenderly, she stood up and walked over to them. Kneeling next to Zack, she leaned over him and smiled at him. "Besides, maybe the reason she's off alone is because she wants to be... alone with her pokegirls." When she spoke, she stressed the word 'alone' at the end of her sentence while grinning playfully before kissing him quickly and giggling. "After all, I'm sure she gets... a little needy once in a while."
Zack smiled softly, Lya never saw a lot of negative in people. He felt there had been a bit of a gap between there training together. He had focused a lot on Kais training, simply because he was so new to the team. However hevhad to balance things out more. "Yeah...maybe," he said as Lya hunted at to what may be going on, catching the innuendo quickly. He kissed her back softly, feeling a rather warm spark flood through him. That was another thing that had grown rather small, there intimacy. It had been a while since her evolution that they had "alone" time as well, not to mention with Hailey and Viivi.
Lya giggled softly while kissing him before pulling back a little, her long tails slowly flicking back and forth. "You know I'm right." she whispered with a smile before sitting up after breaking the kiss. She reached up and stroked his cheek softly with her fingers before touching his arms with a grin. "You know... I really like how you're filling out." she said with a chuckle. "It makes you look very strong. Perhaps we should start training together the same way you've been with Kai. I'm sure it would help strengthen my physical attacks mre."
Meanwhile, Flannery had found a river and was training with her Torchic. She preferred practicing on water because water couldn't catch on fire and this way, none of her pokegirls got hurt.
Zack smiled softly, for some reason his fatigue was quickly going away. "Heh...helps when I'm getting beaten on," he said as she touched his arm. He had noticed the changes, though he just thought it wasn't a huge deal. Kai sat back up, he seemed tired though and a bit sleepy. "That..sounds like a very good idea too," he said as her tails went side to side. He really did not to alot of physical training with her, besides the few things like running with her and such. He had a very faint feeling though, that this kind of training would lead to other things, given the right time and place, which in there case could be almost anywhere. He reached and removed Kai's pokeball, it had yet to get it's own decoration. "Take a rest buddy," he said, the pokemon happily returning into the sphere.
Lya laughed at his reply and smiled brightly before shrugging slightly. "Perhaps." she said while tracing the lines of his muscles with a look of appretiation. If he kept up his training with Kai, Zack would one day be able to beat his brother in a hand to hand fight as well as at a pokebattle. "I thought it would sound like a good idea. We don't do much physical training and I thought it might be a good idea." she told him. The girl watched him return Kai back to his pokeball before she shifted so she was sitting there and she plucked her pokeball from his belt and she looked at it with a smile after making it bigger. "Thanks for fixing this up." she said randomly.
Zack sat up slowly, as to not accidentally headbutt her. "It is a good idea," he said, of course it wasn't like she needed to be fit, she was already rather toned a little herself, to much and he was afraid she'd look like a woman body builder, the thought wasn't very attractive to him. As she took her pokeball he wondered if she was about to go in, but she seemed content at staring at it. "Your welcome...thanks for being there," he said back to her, the moment got a bit, strange feeling, not so light and airy as it had been, it seemed a little more serious. They where alone though, so it wasn't like it was that awkward.
As he sat up, she moved back for him so that they wouldn't hit and she smiled slightly. She knew that she didn't have to work out more and she didn't plan on building up much more muscle, just enough that her physical moves would be just a little more powerful. Besides, it would help her get to know Kai's movements a bit more. That way, when they were in a fight where they had to fight side by side, they wouldn't get in each others way. After taking the ball, she turned it over while looking at it, running her finger over the new flame symbol that he'd put on it. "You're welcome." she murmured before looking up at him.

Lya took a deep breath and looked him in the eyes with a serious look on her face. "But really... Thank you. During that fight with your brother... I just felt so... hurt and betrayed by him that after I woke up, I just wanted to rid myself of everything that had to do with him. To... start anew. So once I was evolved, I gave away that sleep shirt of mine and I sent all my old clothes back to your mother, asking her to put them in your room. I was going to ask for a new pokeball.... But I think I like this better." She chuckled before placing the ball in his hands, closing his fingers around it. "When I was with him.... your brother had spoiled me and I had thought I had loved him and he loved me because of it. I think... I think that's what held me back. Because I was spoiled, it made me arrogant. But after he gave me to you... I found that I didn't need to be spoiled to be loved. You've made me a better person Zack, in more ways then one and I hope that we'll be a team.... for many, many more years to come."
Zack listened, rather taken by the sudden outpour of emotion she had. He knew it must have been pent up inside her for some time now. He sighed gently before he decided to say anything back. "What he did...was so out of character it seems," he said to her "but then again I always saw him as perfect in my eyes....guess the curse of being a little brother," he said. "Even if the past is something we want to forget, we can't...not entirely...but I hope I did at least cover it up well enough," he said meaning the ball. He turned it around in his hand, the flames once more dancing on the surface. "Besides...I can't hate him entirely...after all he gave me you," he grinned gently, if anything his brother did, it was her, giving her to him had been the best thing ever, and quit possibly the worse thing ever for Derek. "You've...well your the reason I am what I am as well...and I will always treasure that," he said. "I hope we will be a team, forever if possible," he said, he softly leaned forward and kissed her lips, feeling just like he wanted to.

(I am going to sleep now, feel so drained....ill be on later k, sleep well bye ^_^ )
Lya was quiet as he spoke. She'd always been a patient person and a good listener. When he said that he'd always saw Derek as perfect, she nodded in agreement. For the longest time she'd seen her old trainer as perfect as well. After all, no pokegirl wanted to see the flaws in their trainer. And that sometimes caused them to see the flaws under the worst circumstances. As he spoke and told her that he hoped he covered the past up well enough, she smiled and nodded. "Yeah, you did a pretty good job of it." she said before laughing again as he said he couldn't hate Derek entirely and she nodded once again. "Yes, I suppose you're right. It was thanks to him that we were paired up. And I'd say we make a pretty good team." As he said that he hoped they'd be a team forever, she couldn't help but grin and she nodded happily. "I'd like that." she whispered before leaning in and kissing him back.

(Okay. I need to sleep too.)
He held the kiss for some time, he felt tingly all over, and he wondered if it was because of the work out, or the kiss, though he suspected it was the later of the two. He was still a bit of a mess, a little dirty from hitting the ground, and a tad sweaty. Gently his lips parted from hers. He looked at her for a long moment "So...." he said now wondering what to do, he had several thought, but not how to voice any of them, also he wondered if there moment had passed, they hadn't talked about Derek for such a long time.
She had closed her eyes during the kiss so when he broke the kiss, she slowly opened her eyes and smiled up at him. As he spoke, she tilted her head befre shrugging and moving closer to him and sitting at his side with her head resting against his chest and she closed her eyes while cuddling against his side with a smile. "Lets just sit here for a while." she said softly.
Flannery approached them through the trees. Her baggy jeans were wet up to her knees and she was a little sweaty. Her growlithe was running along ahead of her while her torchic was next to her. "Hey, what are you two up to?" she asked as she entered the area.
Zack smiled and sat, he wondered about things, about home, his brother, other trainer related things as well. He heard the soppy foot steps before he saw Flannery show up. "Nothing, just relaxing," he said. "You might want to get dry by the fire," he suggested. He noticed it. Would be dark soon too, they'd need to get the tents out. Lavaridge was another day or two, he was eager to meet this gym leader, he knew fire types wouldn't be bake to do to much, but he had been working with Kai on a few things in secret, also he knew fire moves would not work well on Lya, which he was glad they had also worked on a few things as well, the thought of her physical moves getting stronger made sense now.
Hearing Flannerys footsteps, Lya's ear twitched and she looked over as the wet, redhead appeared and she smiled. "Looks like someone got you wet." she said with a grin and Flannery laughed softly with a nod. "Yeah. There's a river nearby and I was working with Torchic on his fire attacks." she said before nodding in agreement to what Zack said about her pants. "You're right." she told him before kicking off her shoes and setting them near the fire before moving over to her small bag and she pulled out another set of jeans. Moving behind a bush, she quickly switched jeans and moved back over to the fire where she laid out her jeans. Her growlithe laid down next to the fire and stretched out with a happy smile, the girl groaning as she began drying her fur. The pokegirl was rather fierce looking with her wild fur and dark brown eyes, but she was friendly enough.
Zack always believed grow lithe seemed rather fierce, lacking a lot if Lyas natural attractiveness, though she was still fairly cute in a way. She was also devoted to Flannery in such a way he wondered if she was her first. "I think we'd better start getting things ready for the night," he suggested. He knew Kai would want one more sparring match before the night was over, he also thought would include Lya into this last one as well.

(time skip again?)
(Yeah, I'll do it then.)

The Growlithe fell into a light sleep while laying there. She remineded Lya of a dog almost because of the way she acted and how loyal she was. After that night, it took a couple more days before Lavaridge town appeared and when they entered, Flannery told them that she had a couple things to take care of and she'd catch up with them later before she head off down a different street. After she head off, Lya glanced at Zack with a smile. "Well, should we stop at the pokecenter first?" she asked. "Or should we head straight for the gym?"
He thought about it for a second, even if they had not had any serious injuries, it sounded good to be sure they here all fresh and ready. "Maybe a quick check with Nurse Joy," he thought, he wasn't weirded out anymore about the fact each town had one, he guessed most new trainers questioned it at first. "Feel a little excited about the fight though, first time where we are going in almost blind," he said, true he knew the type of pokemon the gym leader would use, but not which one exactly.
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