Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

He nodded. He hadn't thought about using Hailey. He took out her pokeball and tossed it. "Have a nice nap?" he asked. "Care to get us back to Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny?" he asked her, it was strange not having all three out, but much easier to travel this way. He wondered about something, but for the moment he guessed it wasn't important. (guess Flannery should show soon?)
(Yup. I'm bringing her in now.)

As Hailey was brought out, the green haired girl stretched with a soft yawn befre nodding with a smile. "Sure. I'll be glad to." she said. She was just about to teleport them when there was a rustle in the nearby bushes and a moment later a familiar red haired young woman stepped out. "You three?" she said. "I don't think you're the theives. But why is it that any time there's trouble, I seem to find you?" She smiled at Zack as she moved towards them. "I told you that you'd be seeing me again soon. I just didn't think it would be this soon."
Zack actually felt a tiny bit flustered to see her, it was a rather strange feeling that passed almost as quickly as it had come. "Well...the theives are...half way to Dewford by now," he said indicating they had taken care of them. "This time you got to miss out on all the fun bits," he said. "We where just about to deliver the egg back to come along?" he asked her.
Flannery arched an eyebrow at him before looking up at the sky and shrugging. "Oh well, maybe next time." she said with a chuckle. At the invitation to go along with them, she nodded with a grin. "Sure." she said before moving closer. Once she said 'sure' Hailey nodded slightly before closing her eyes and focusing. All four of them and the egg began glowing a little before they disappeared from the clearing only to reappear outside of the pokecenter. Officer Jenny, who was standing outside of the center, jumped in surprise when they suddenly appeared and she looked at them in disbelief before seeing the egg. "You got it!" she said in shock.
Zack felt a littl dizzy, it was like fitting into a small tube each time they teleported, though he guessed the more people being teleported, the more crammed that tube felt. He grinned as a rather shocked Jenny took notice. "Yep, we beat Team Rocket and got the egg, safe and sound," he said, Lya still had it in her hands, but it was in perfect condition.
When Lya landed, she felt a little unsteady but she kept a firm grip on the case that held the egg and she shook her head to clear it. "I'm going to take this inside." she told the others. Turning, the ninetails entered the center and took the egg over to where Nurse Joy was waiting. Flannery and Jenny watched the Ninetails go inside before looking at Zack. "Is that the vulpix you had?" Flannery asked. Officer Jenny head into the pokecenter after Lya, leaving Hailey and Flannery outside with Zack.
He gave a nod "Yep....when we where on Hunter Jays ship, found a firestone and can guess the rest," he said, he did not go into a lot of detail about it. He wondered if Flannery knew why Lya could use dark-pulse, but he had a feeling she would be just as surprised as everybody else who heard she had done so. "Lets go inside as well," he suggested, walking into the pokecenter after Lya.
Flannery smiled gently while staring after the ninetails with a look of appretiation on her face. "She's a beautiful pokegirl. You must be very proud." she said. "I've seen a fair share of Ninetails, but she's unlike any other I've ever seen." The young woman smiled at him before nodding and heading into the pokecenter with him.
Lya was standing at the counter with Nurse Joy, both females chatting happily while looking at the egg. They were talking about what type it might be. Nurse Joy knew but she was making Lya guess.
Zack had been hoping she would have found out already, however he let them continue there conversation hoping to overhear. He however never saw a pokemon like that of the egg. The way Flannery spoke of nine tales as though she was a sort of...nine tales professional breeder. "I am...and yeah she is a lot different then most," he said thinking of there issue. "So why where you in the area...looking to stop trouble as well?"
(Will you play the owner of the eggery/daycare? Or should I?)

Lya heard Zack enter and she glanced over and smiled at him before looking at the egg again. Flannery didn't miss the smile and she chuckled. "Stop trouble?" she asked before shaking her head with a grin. "No. I was passing through town when I heard about the theft. I was near where the cops stopped at the trees. But when I felt that heat, I just needed to know what made it." The woman grinned at Zack and chuckled.
Zack took a moment to think of what she meant by 'heat' before he realized she probably meant Lyas flamethrower. "You mean the flame thrower...yeah that was Lya," he said with a nod, it was a bit strange, did she really put off that much of a heat wave? Then again he was used to her by now, even during battle her flame thrower seemed to only raise the temperature by a a little bit to him. "I see...yeah we heard from Officer Jenny something had happened, and decided to go and see if we could help,' he said. The door chimed and opened, and in walked a rather old looking man. Zack guessed it was the daycare owner and went over to get the egg and give it to him. (Either or is fine by me)
Flannery looked at him and smiled with a nod. "Yes, the flame thrower. It was quite strong." she told him. "It was strong before she evolved so it's not surprising that it got stronger." She watched Nurse Joy and Lya together, watching them interact. Hearing the door open, she turned to see the Daycare owner entering. Lya had just made another guess when Zack approached and she looked up at him with a grin. "Nurse Joy and I were just talking about what kind of pokemon might be inside." she said with a giggle. "She knows but she's making me guess."

(Could you then?)
"Oh...haven't figured it out yet?" he asked Lya, judging by the fact she was still guessing it told him that was the case. He picked up the case containing the egg, he could still see the large blue egg inside, he wondered what it was, he guessed it must be a different type of pokemon though, either way he guessed it wasn't to important. "I'll go take it back to the daycare man," he said picking it up.

"Oh, so your the young fella who found it," the old man said, he was balding, and rather short, his eyes hidden behind big bushy eyebrows. The old man seemed delighted the egg was in tact. He was thanking Zack before suddenly something caused everyone to go quiet. It was a rather loud 'crack!' and the look of confusion was shared by everyone, besides Zack, who looked as white as a ghost. Along the side of the egg there was a deep crack.
Lya giggled again and shook her head. "No. Unfortunately." she said. As he picked up the case, she sighed with a slight pout as he said that he was going to take it back to the daycare man and she nodded. "Alright." she said before turning back to nurse Joy. "Come on Nurse Joy, can't you give me a hint?" she asked and the pink haired woman laughed before shaking her head. However, when the loud crack filled the air, they paused and everyone turned to look at the egg case. Moving away from the counter, Lya hurried over to where Zack was and saw that the egg was cracked and she gasped. "What... what's happening?" she asked. "Nurse Joy said it was in perfect condition." Her red eyes were wide and she leaned in a little closer to look at the big, deep crack along the side of the egg. Flannery moved closer as well and looked thoughtful. "I believe... that it's hatching." she murmured before looking at the daycare man. "Right?"
The old man had no expression as all, not that it would have been easy to tell, being hidden behind those large eyebrows, and his old bushy white beard. "Yes...yes it is...curious," the old man simply said. "Open the case boy...don't want the little fella to get cramped in there," he told Zack, who quickly agreed and took the top off the case leaving the small heated bottum underneath it. The egg wiggled almost violently, but Zack was to scared to move afraid he would drop it if he tried to move to a table or something. "That egg has only been in there for...oh...a few days...." the old man said. It sounded like this thing was coming out because it simply wanted to. Another large crack appeared, he noticed how almost perfectly it was shattering in half, besides the small spider webbed like cracked along the giant one. Zack held his breath before the egg began to shimmer and simply burst open. He shut his eyes feeling a few pieces of the egg shell harmlessly hit him, and he felt the weight in his hands get very light all of a sudden. He looked down to see the container empty, and in front of him was a pokemon he'd never seen before.
The girls watched with bated breath as Zack opened the case and the egg cracked some more. Lya took the top of the case from him and held it while watching it wiggle, gasping softly, scared it was going to topple off the base of the container. "Do... do the eggs remain in the containers for very long?" she asked the man. When the egg shimmered, her eyes widened before she flinched when it suddenly burst and she closed her eyes as she was showered with pieces of egg shell. After it stopped, she opened her eyes again and looked at the now empty case before looking down a little to see a strange blue and black pokemon standing before them and she watched it curiously. "What... what is it?" she asked.
No one answered her question right away. Zack had no clue what it was, nor did it seem Jenny, or Flannery. " a Riolu," the old man spoke making Zack look up and then back down at it. It was a bit small, a little higher then his knee but not by very much. The blue and black pokemon seemed content with staring around the room, but what was more it seemed to enjoy staring directly at him, it's red eyes fixed on him like it was studying him. Zack fished his pokedex out of his pocket. "Riolu...the Emanation pokemon...It has the peculiar power of being able to see emotions such as joy and rage in the form of unfinished" he was surprise to see even dexter didn't fully know what this was. "," he said, the Riolu now content at staring at Lya for a moment before going back to him.

Everyone was a tab surprised as the old man chuckled softly, and seemed ready to leave. "Well...guess I'd better be off to the daycare..." he said, though he made no attempt have the Riolu follow. "Um...your forgetting your pokemon," Zack said to him. but that man simply laughed, saying it wasn't his, and that the egg had just suddenly been in there garden one day when they went out in the morning to tend to the pokemon. "No clue how it got there...but I'd be a cruel man to tear a little fella like that from his papa," he said, Zack felt wierd being referred to as a father.
Nurse Joy watched them for a bit before returning to her work, a small smile on her lips. "A... Riolu... Doesn't that evolve into Lucario?" Flannery asked curiously and Jenny nodded. "I think so. I've heard of them but never seen one in person." The woman said. Lya tuned out the others while gazing at the small pokemon curiously. While Zack consulted his pokedex, she crouched down while the Riolu stared at her. "He's a cute little fella." she said gently with a kind smile. She heard what the old man said and she looked up bewildered before laughing gently when he called Zack the Riolu's papa and she smiled before looking up at her trainer. "Papa?" she asked with a giggle before looking at the new pokemon again. "Hi there. I'm Lya." she said with a kind and gentle smile.
Riolu looked up at her, it seemed unable to speak, possibly because it was a new born anyways. It however sniffed gently at her and then sneazed, probably smelling the ash from her flame thrower. Zack felt a bit embaressed, he wondered what a Lucario was as well, he had never heard of either, but he guessed they where from another region maybe. "Riolu...Hi," he said crouching lower. The small pokemon suddenly moved at that moment, and bit onto his ballcap, it had strartled him that he fell backwards, his hat coming off. "What in the..." he watched it gnaw on it. "I guess he's hungry," he said. He saw the small little bumps along it's wrists, they looked like metal, but this pokemon was a fighting type.
Lya couldn't help but giggle softly as she was sniffed at before he sneezed. Smiling, she watched Zack greet the small pokemon before she jumped when the Riolu moved. The sudden movement made her jump a little and she watched as Zack fell backwards, making her laugh at him again. "Perhaps." she said through her laughter. "Why don't we head down to the cafeteria and see if there's anything down there." As the Riolu gnawed on the hat, she smiled before carefully picking him up and holding him in one arm before holding out her hand. "Can I have Zack's hat please?"
Riolu looked at her, seemingly not at all intimidated despite being picked up so easily. He let the hat go, a rather wet gnawed looking spot on the brim now. "Wonder what he eats....then again probably berries and meat," he said judging by the fact it had canines and enscizors. The small pokemon wiggled out of her hand and walked over to him, once more giving him that studying sort of stare before sitting down by his feet. "Come on let's get you some food," he said picking up the Riolu, he was a bit light, he was surprised this was a fighting type.
"Thank you." she said while taking the hat from him. She looked at the brim of the hat and chuckled before nodding. "Maybe." she replied before she put the hat onto her own head. As the pokemon wiggled out of her arms, she carefully set it down and watched him as he returned to Zack. "We should take him to the line where the food is kept and let him see what all they have so he can choose."
Zack nodded thinking it was a good idea. They had to tell Jenny first though about what had transpired before they got a chance to go and get some food. "Lets see what he pucks," he said as they waited for him to decide. He invited Flannery to join them as well, he didn't know why it just seemed like the nice thing to do. He watched Riolu look at all the food, surprised to see him for for an apple, he thought he'd go for a burger, guess he was too little for meat and stuff right now.
Flannery and Lya followed Zack and his new pokemon to the cafeteria. They talked together about Lya evolving and any new developments with her powers as well as the new pokemon to Zacks team. However, she didn't mention the move she had used during the fight with her old trainer, not wanting Flannery to know. While they were in the cafeteria, Lya and Flannery each grabbed something to eat. Lya grabbed a couple of the larger berries while flannery grabbed a bag of spicy trail mix.
Zack got a sandwich and they all sat down to eat. "I think I'm gonna call him Kai," he said as they sat down. The Riolu was happily munching on the apple not paying much attention to anyone at the moment. "How about that name," the blue pokemon looked up from the fruit. "Rio...Lu!" he barked happily. "Ok Kai it is..." he noticed this was a boy, obvious actually as he lacked the female qualities most poke girls had. He felt a little better knowing he wasn't the on,y male now in the group, even if Kai didn't talk.
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