After listening to the trio, Lya knew that they were a couple of idiots and she couldn't help but wonder how the heck they'd been able to steal the egg in the first place. Nodding slightly, she followed Zack around towards the balloon. However, when he stepped on a twig, she finched and sighed before turning towards the trio as the trio looked at them. When they were called twerps though, she frowned and placed her hands on her hips while glaring at the smaller pokemon. "Who are you calling a twerp, small fry?" she asked, clearly not happy at what he called them. However, she watched on dumbfounded as they broke into sme motto before noticing Zack move closer to the basket and she motioned for him to hurry while she did her best to keep their attention on her. If she had to, she'd use her move Captivate to keep the attention of the man and the male pokemon. It was a move she rarely used, but at a moment like this, it would probably be a good idea while Zack went after the egg.