Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Viivi landed on the ground in a crouch, her gaze locked on the eletrike as she remained on her guard. With her last command, Viivi moved towards the fallen eletrike and she used slash. This caused a large could of dust to form but when it cleared away, she was standing victorious over her opponent. Turning to look at Zack, she smiled gently before moving towards him.
Zack smiled, he was hoping it was over, but as Wattson made no move to take a fourth pokeball out after recalling his eletrike he guessed it was over. "Great job!" he said to both Lya and Viivii," he hugged them both, careful not to hurt Lya though. He was excited this had gone so well now.

"Well done you gave me a bit of a thrill there," the old man seemed still very happy despite losing. "Here you've earned this," he said giving Zack the Dynamo Badge. "With that all your partners get a bit of a speed boost....and take's Shock wave," he handed Zack a TM. He thanked Wattson, returning Viivi to her pokeball afterwards.
Viivi giggled as he hugged her and Lya, patting Zack on the chest before he released her and she reached out to touch Lya's hand before pulling back when she got a shock. The look of surprise on Viivi's face made Lya snort and laugh, letting them know that she wasn't upset. After they were hugged, they moved over to Wattson and watched as he handed Zack his next badge and a TM. When they got the money award for beeting him, Lya tucked the money into Zacks bag while he thanked the gym leader and returned Viivi to her pokeball.
"Alright!" he said very pleased. "You where great Lya," he said as they walked outside. "Lets go and get you healed up by Nurse Joy though," he said knowing she was tired. His mind was already onto the next gym though, he wondered who the gym leader was, it seemed to be a mystery to him. In the pokemon center he waved hello tp Nurse Joy as they entered. He looked at the Dynamo Badge in his palm as he waited for Lya and Viivi to get healed up.
Lya smiled brightly when he complimented her and she giggled before nodding, stepping out of the gym at his side. At the mention of Nurse Joy, she seemed to have a bit more energy, wanting to get healed and rested. Upon entering, Nurse Joy looked up and smiled at them. Since Viivi wasn't injured, she was looked over and quickly returned to Zack. Lya however took longer. Nurse Joy healed her tail and wrapped the wound before using a strange tool to sap the last of the electric energy that was running through her before returning the girl. "There might be an occasional jolt or two of electricity for the next two or three hours, but she'll be fine." she told Zack.
He nodded giving his thanks once more. "Heh..your hair stick up a little," he said reaching to gush it down, but as he did he felt a jolt. "Hmm...still have a lot of daylight left....what should we do?" he asked curious as to what they could do. He wished this had been Dewford again, he could go for a bit if surfing again, he truly missed the feeling of skimming over the water.
Lya chuckled and nodded before smiling sheepishly when he reached out to push down her hair only to get shocked. "Sorry about that." she said. Reaching out, she smoothed out her hair only to have some of it stick up again. As he asked what they should do, she shrugged and was about to answer when the sound of sirens could be heard and Officer Jenny burst into the pokecenter. "Joy, please heal her." she said while thrusting her pokeball into the nurses hands. Nurse Joy nodded quickly and rushed off to heal the pokegirl. Jenny stood there. She looked a little roughed up and from through the slowly closing doors of the center, several other officers could be seen speeding past the center in the same direction.
Zack was a bit surprised to see Officer Jenny come bursting in like that, it reminded him of a movie he once saw, though she didn't come in with a grow lithe ready to torch sone bad guys. "Wonder what's up," he said looking at Lya before walking over to Jenny. "Whats wrong Officer Jenny!" he asked looking as the other vehicles went flying passed the window, he wondered if that woman from before was involved, it wouldn't surprise him in the least.
Officer Jenny jumped in surprise when he approached her and spoke. "There was an attack at the Poke Day care. One of the poke eggs there was stolen." she said. "My partner and I were visiting during our rounds when we were attacked by Team Rocket. They took the egg after hurting my partner. I'm not sure where they went but the other officers were told of the general direction the culprettes went." Lya looked concerned as she listened to the officer about the attack. "Team Rocket?" she echoed. "Why would they want an egg?"
Zack had been thinking the same question but didn't ask since it didn't matter why, only that they needed to get it back. "Dont worry Officer Jenny...we'll help get it back," he said. "Come on Lya let's go," he said bolting out the door rift away. The dust from the other squad cars was still up in the air. There best bet was to follow it and hope they caught up, or found some clue as to wear Team Rocket was. he secretly wished he had a flying type for this, but he was sure they would find it.
Before Officer Jenny could object, Zack and his pokegirl were out of the door and gone. Lya ran after her trainer with a flick of her tails. Once outside, she saw the dust in the air and cough softly before waving her hand in front of her face before she looked at Zack. "I hope we can find them." she said before taking off down the street that the other officers had gone. Team rocket had a head start on them and she could only hope they could find some kind of clue as to where the theives were.
They followed the trail up until they saw the squad cars stopped at the outskirts of a small growth of trees. Several of the officers where out, preparing to go in. "Well guess we know where they are now," he explained though he was sure the officers would not want there help. "Lets go in another way," he suggested walking off away from the squad cars before finding a nice opening in trees. He slipped inside waiting for her to follow. He made a mental note of how they got in thinking they would need to remember how to get out even if they found the egg.
Upon spotting the cars and bikes up ahead, Lya slowed down and looked at Zack as he suggested another way. "Alright." she said before following him. At the opening in the trees, she followed him in before placing a hand on his arm. "Let me go first. That way if they attack first, you won't get hurt." she said before slipping ahead of him and silently led the way through the trees and underbrush.
He nodded at her suggestion, though he secretly did not want her to get hurt what so ever. He followed her, following her many tails. Uusally he would have enjoyed the view behind her, but he was being serious now. "Whats that?" he asked her. They stopped and listened, he could hear a few things. For one he could certianly hear a man and a woman, fighting over something. A third voice, with a rather boston sounding accent could be heard, but if it belonged to a guy or a girl was a mystery to him, though he guessed possibly a guy by the way it spoke. They moved a bit closer and he noticed a giant paw. " that a meowth baloon?" he asked her. He recognized it from before, it was the very same balloon they used to get onto Hunter Jays ship.
Lya knew that he didn't want her to get hurt, but she didn't want him hurt either. At least this way, if she got hurt, he'd be able to call her into her pokeball and run. If he got hurt, these people could end up stealing her pokeball as well as Hailey and Viivi's. Hearing him speak, she paused her ears perked up, swiveling in the direction f the three voices and she frowned. "Mm, sounds like people arguing over something." she said softly before slowly moving closer and she saw an all too familiar meowth balloon. "It is... I thought that got destroyed." she said to him while looking up at it.
It was true, they had abandoned the balloon to it's fate after getting onto the ship, they only assumed it would have crashed and broken upon impact, but he guessed it had been repaired. Had these people stolen the balloon as well? He guessed he found a nice way out of the forest though if they stole it back and returned it to the police. "Okay...should we try and see if we can get theb egg without alerting those guys?" he asked her, it wasn't as much fun, but it would be safer to avoid conflict. "Or should we go in guns blazing and me making lots of noise and such?" he asked her, thinking that would be fun, but more dangerous.
The ninetails was gazing at the balloon thoughtfully as he spoke about there options. "Well.. I think that we should do this carefully so that the egg doesn't get hurt." she replied softly. "Attacking them should be a plan B as well as a last resort kind of thing." She moved a just a little closer to the voices, trying to see who it was and what they might be up against as well as where the egg might be.
Judging by the sound of things, the trio of thieves where rather, comical. "Okay lets try and sneak around...I think the egg is in the balloon," he said though not all to sure. He was very careful to not make a noise as they moved towards the basket. Though as they where mere feet away his over eager nature got the better of him. He stepped forward quickly, and there was a small snap underneath his foot, he cursed himself for being such an eager idiot. The trio all looked up and spotted the two, it was amazing they had not even noticed Lya before hand, she contrasted so much with the trees. " Well well...what do we have hear...a couple of twerps" the meowth they had spoke. Zack wanted to torch them but he had to reframe from telling Lya to in order to not hurt the egg, if they had it close by. "Who are you guys?" he asked. The three seemed a bit taken they had no idea who they where. Suddenly the trio broke out into some corny sounding motto, at this moment Zack decided to make his way a bit closer to the basket.
After listening to the trio, Lya knew that they were a couple of idiots and she couldn't help but wonder how the heck they'd been able to steal the egg in the first place. Nodding slightly, she followed Zack around towards the balloon. However, when he stepped on a twig, she finched and sighed before turning towards the trio as the trio looked at them. When they were called twerps though, she frowned and placed her hands on her hips while glaring at the smaller pokemon. "Who are you calling a twerp, small fry?" she asked, clearly not happy at what he called them. However, she watched on dumbfounded as they broke into sme motto before noticing Zack move closer to the basket and she motioned for him to hurry while she did her best to keep their attention on her. If she had to, she'd use her move Captivate to keep the attention of the man and the male pokemon. It was a move she rarely used, but at a moment like this, it would probably be a good idea while Zack went after the egg.
Zack reached into the basket, feeling rhe case the egg was in. It was a heated little storage unit so it could get plenty of heat. He had to really reach inside to get it. He noticed the egg was a bit strange, mostly blue with two yellow spots and a black stripe, but he didnt worry about that now. He gave Lya the signal he had it. "Hey he isn't even watching" came a rather whiney voice. It belonged to the purple haired male of the group. " We gotta teach 'em a lesson, no one ignores the Team Rocket motto we worked so hard on!" the meowth extended his claws, and the other two threw their pokeballs. Zack looked at Lya as if to say "Torch em!" (Cant remember Jessie and James pokemon in hoenn)
Lya stood there, glancing back and forth between the trio and Zack before noticing his signal that he got it and she nodded befre looking at the trio as the man with purple hair spoke up and she sighed. As they threw their pokeballs, she sighed before looking at Zack while he gave her a look that told her to torch them. With a nod, she looked forward and she used flame thrower on the pokemon as they were coming out of their balls. The flames engulffed the pokemon as well as meowth.

(I know James has Cacnea, other then that, no idea.)
Zack felt a tad bad for the pokemon, not including the meowth. They hadn't done anything wrong, it was there trainers that caused it all. The flames spread, causing the air to almost explode as well. The entire trio and there two pokemon companions where sent sky rocketing into the sky. "Heh....Team Rocket Blasted off..." he said. "[b[ Dat was our line twerp![/b]" he heard the meowth yell before they became nothing but a small spec off in the distance.
Lya flinched a little when the air seemed to explode and she watched as the trio and their pokemon were sent flying. Turning to Zack, she laughed before hearing the meowths response. "Well, seems like we took care of them." she said before moving closer and leaning down to look at the egg. "Paculiar looking egg though." she murmured while lightly tapping on the glass. "Well, we'd better get it back to the pokecenter so that Nurse Joy can look it over and make sure nothings wrong with it. Though it looks perfectly fine."
Zack nodded. "Wonder whats inside....oh well guess we will find out later, if it hatches while we are still around," he said. "Should we borrow the balloon again and get outta here?" he asked her. He was certain this was Team Rockets balloon, he wondered if the police would attack it on sight if they did use it, though they would risk breaking the egg if they did.
Lya smiled at the thought of it hatching while they were around. She'd never seen a pokemon egg before, much less one hatch and she'd love to see it. "No, we should leave it. If we use it, the police might think we're those three idiots. If you want to get back to the pokecenter quickly, we should use Hailey. Other wise, lets just walk." she said while gently taking the case from him so she could get a better look at the egg.
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