Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Lya smiled sheepishly when he laughed and she shrugged slightly as she stretched and softly yawned. She felt lighter after taking off her pack as well. What she hadn't told him about carrying the heavy packs was that once they removed them, they'd be able to move faster. It was something that she had learned from another trainer a while back. When his stomach growled, she laughed and nodded slightly, watching as he pulled out his pokedex and used it to find out more about Mauville.
Zack didn't find any five star resturaunts but he did find a nice diner that sold steak. "Dewford had a nice place apparently," he said just checking up innthe past places they'd been, it had been on their way toMauville he learned he could use the pokedex like this. "Well let's go and eat...before I start to get all..drolly," he said as the thought of food was making him salivate.
Lya listened to him as he spoke talked about Dewford and she smiled slightly while looking at the pokedex. "That thing really is good for all sorts of things." she said gently. At the mention of him getting all drooly, she laughed and shook her head while she led him out of the room. "I'm hungry." she said with a giggle. "I think a steak sounds good."
Zack nodded and they left the center, dexter was a nice little device, and he knew why Trainers always needed one. The diner was nice, not very busy, and a bit bigger then he thought, maybe it wasn't so bad a place as he first might have thought. They where seated in a nice little table. They ordered and as they waited Zack began to think about the upcoming gym battle. "They say he has a few steel type," he said thinking already she would be his ringer for the fight.
Lya smiled as they stepped outside, taking a deep breath of fresh air and tipping her head back a little to feel the heat of the sun on her face. At his side, she followed her trainer through the city to a nice diner where they could eat. She gazed up at the place before entering at his side. "It's a nice place." she said gently as she sat down at the table they were shown to and she looked at the menu before placing her order. "Steel? I thought he focused on electric?" she asked before taking a sip of the water that was put on the table.

(Do you want to focus on Wattson's team for ruby/sapphire or for emerald?)
Zack nodded "Yes, but he uses magnemite, which are steel type along with your fire should do a bit of damamge to them," he said wishing they also had a fighting type in the team, but he was sure they'd be fine. Zack thought of what else, he had no rock-types, nor did he had any types specifically good against electric-type, he knew Hailey would be a good match up for anything with speed, though if she was able to dodge electrical attacks was the question. He placed his order as well.

(I'm fine with either or, if we go ruby/saph, it'll be a cake walk for them, if we go emerald then it might be a tad harder)
(Okay. Well, do you want it to be easier or harder for them to beat him?)

Lya looked thoughtful as he told her that Wattsn used Magnemite and she slowly nodded while she gazed at him. "I suppose." she said gently. She was quiet for a bit before she asked a rather random question. "That... thing I did... during the battle with your brother.. Did you find anything about it?" she asked gently. She could still remember the power that had coursed through her when she used it. If she thought of the move enough, it was almost as if the power was right there beneath her skin just waiting to get out and it made her fur stand on end but nothing ever happened.
(Maybe a middle ground for the two)

Zack was quiet for a few moments himself. Sipping the water a bit just to give him a few moments to think how to explain it. "I have an idea," he said as he set the glass down. "It just...doesn't make a lot of sense," he admitted. "Seeems you used a dark-type might have been Dark Pulse," he explained what that was, before telling her as a vulpix or a ninetails she should not have been able to use that move, it wasn't teachable using a TM as well,, it was just a move she simply should not have been able to do, but she had. "So....I guess it just means you are...well unique to you kind," he said with a small smile, hoping the explination gave her some closure on the situation.
Lya slowly frowned as he talked about it, telling her that she shouldn't of been able to use it and she looked down at the table with a sigh. "I suppose." she murmured. "It just... it bothers me I guess. It's like I can feel the power from the move inside of me but I can't do anything about it. Honestly... It scares me a little. If I'm unable to control it, I could hurt someone." She shook her head with a sigh before taking a drink of her water.
Zack knew what she meant, it was a bit shocking she could, not to mention what it had done to her. He wasn't sure how it happened, no one really was, but he guessed if it ever did again he would have to try and make sure no one could get hurt. "Yeah..." he replied "well....all that needs to be done is you need to calm down I guess if you feel that power welling up inside," he told her. He wasn't sure what sort of advice to give since he was not a pokemon so he could not really tell her how to control a power.
Lya sighed gently and lightly ran her fingers over her ear before looking at him again. Her fear of possibly hurting someone could be seen in her bright red eyes as she gazed up at him. "I suppose." she said gently. She wondered if there was another pokemon that could possibly teach her to control it. While thinking about it, she mentioned the thought to Zack, asking what he thought.
Zack had been thinking along a similar mindset but he had not gotten any good results. "I was thinking the same thing...asked Viivi, but she doesn't know it," he said not even sure if she could. "Though I am sure there are a few that can, if not can always see if another trainer could," he said he hated the idea if having someone else help her, but it it gave her some piece of mind he would do it. "I mean I am sure maybe at the pokemon school or somewhere....or if possible a trainer that specializes in dark type could maybe have a hint we can try," he said trying to think of the possibilities. As they talked there food came, he was eager to eat, but he knew the conversation was not dropped, so he did not begin to wolf his food down.
Lya smiled when he said Viivi didn't know it. She didn't think the absol would. While the girl was a 'dark' pokegirl, the move just didn't seem to be something that Viivi would know. However, at the mention of seeing if another trainer could teach her, she couldn't help but to make a face and she sighed. "Perhaps." was all she said. When the food came, her stomach growled loudly and she smiled sheepishly. "Perhaps we can ask Nurse Joy if she knows anyone that might have an idea about it." she said before looking down at her meal.
Zack smiled "Don't know why I never thought that," he said, it was a rather strange thought, he never thought t ask Nurse Joy despite her knowing so much. "Don't worry about it though, when the time comes...we will get through it," he said with a reassuring grin before he began to eat. He wondered what pokemon very well could teach her, he knew a lot of dark-types would be good, but he just wasn't sure where to find them. It will just have to be when the time comes, he just hoped till then whatever triggered her to use that move did not happen. He ate slowly, though when he was done he felt much better.
Lya chuckled faintly and shook her head with an amused look on her face while looking at him. "Alright." she said with a nod when he said that they would get through it. Loking down again, she picked up her utensils and began eating. Because her evolved form was more canine then fox, she loved the taste of the steak she'd ordered and because she was a fire pokegirl, she loved the spiciness of it as well. It was clear she was enjoying her food by how eagerly she ate it.
Zack watched, a bit amused how she ate, he guessed she really did change in her taste in foods. He finished eating after a bit, he kept thinking of different pokemon that knew dark pulse, or would maybe know how to teach her. Perhaps the trigger was anger, she had been pretty upset when she used it. "That was good," he said feeling nice and full after eating.
Lya felt Zack's gaze on her and paused mid-bite and looked up at him before smiling sheepishly at him and giggling before eating another piece of her steak. No one had watched her eat before so she was a little self conscious. Her thoughts were busy as she sat there eating, wondering what it was that triggered the attack. She knew that she had been upset, but something had triggered it and she wanted to know what. She finished her food not long after him and she sat back with a sigh, licking her lips before looking at him and nodded in agreement. It had been good and she enjoyed it.
He wasn't to eager to leave just yet, letting the food settle a bier before he paid and left. "Nervous?" he asked her as they walked to the gym. He wondered what this Wattson guy would be like, he guessed some grouchy old dude, though maybe hevwas nice as well. He knew he had to be a good trainer though to be a gym leader, if he fought as well as Brawley it would be a fun fight as well.
Lya relaxed in her seat as she gazed lazily at him, a small smile on her face. She followed him out of the restaraunt once he paid and she followed him to the gym. "A little." she admitted. "I haven't faced many electric types before." She took a deep breath while looking up at the gym as they approached and her tails twitched while she ran her fingers through her pale blonde hair that she had pulled back into a pony tail. "Are you?" she asked.
He would be lying if he said he wasn't a little nervous, but he also had alot of faith in her so he was not so nervous like his very first fight. "A bit," he told her, doing his best to keep his confidence. He was very much looking forward to this though. At the gym he thought it was quiet empty, he opened the door for them both and walked in. "We've come to challange the gym leader!" he shouted out, though the light and everything where on, and an old man was a bit asleep in a chair on the other end of the arena.
She smiled as he told her he was and she nodded while taking his hand and gently squeezing it before looking forward again while releasing his hand once more. Moving forward, she entered the gym after the door was opened and she looked around as he announced their challange, happy that he said 'we' and not 'I', making it feel like they were a team. When she saw the old man, she tilted her head curiously while her ears twitched. "Is he the gym leader?" she whispered to him, her tails flicking back and forth.
Zack wasn't sure, he was aware the gym leader could be old, but he wasn't aware he had a nap time. "I think so," he said walking across the arena to go and check to see if the old gym leader was dead or not. "E...excuse me?" he asked wondering if this was really a good tine to challenge. "Sir?" he asked gently tapping the mans shoulder.

The mans eyes opened and ge stood up so quickly Zack had to backstop quickly to avoid getting knocked over. "Who challenges me!" the man asked. He was staring at Zack, who gently gave his name. "Ah that's a name...Zack...ZzzzzzAck...electric!" the man cried seemingly delighted in his name. "Very well..this old coot will challenge a young'in like yourself...take your place and let's go!"

Zack was surprised to see just how energetic this old man was, he had been asleep moments before. He walked back to his end, giving Lya a look as if to say "What just happened?" before he saw the old leader throwing a pokeball, a magnetite floating up into the air a moment later. "Okay Lya you ready?" he asked her before announcing he chose her.
Lya remained on the other side of the gym while Zack moved closer to the sleeping old man. Even though she stayed where she was, she'd be over there in a second if anything would happen. But when the man stod up quickly and spoke with such energy, her eyes widened before she tilted her head almost like a confused dog would. As Zack returned to her, she shrugged while her ear twitched a couple of times, watching as the magnemite was released. She glanced at her trainer as he spoke before nodding with a determined and confident look on her face. A moment later she moved out onto the field, a fierce look on her face.
Zack waited patiently as Lya stepped out. He wasn't sure if his opponent was impressed or intimidated in the ;east, he just seemed so....energetic. Wattson seemed to be laughing at the moment, as if he was thinking of a joke he thought was humorous. "Alright then..Magnemite use SuperSonic!" the old man shouted. Zack had been waiting for something like this though. He smiled as he saw the pokemon single eye glow and rings shot from it in a rather slow pace. " and use Confuse Ray!" he said now hoping to do what the leader had been hoping for. The magnemite seemed a bit slow, as he hovered lazily in the air, his magnets rotating gently at times.
Lya watched the old man in confusion before shaking her head and focusing on his pokemon as Magnemite began using SuperSonic. Her ears laid back a little before she jumped out of the way and she used confuse ray. As she used confuse ray, purple rings shot towards Magnemite rather quickly. When they started they were rather small but as they got closer to the magnemite, they grew in size s that they had a better chance to hit the electric pokemon.
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