Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

The Magnemite floated there as she released the purple rings. "Magnemite use Lock-on" Wattson said. The little pokemons eyes glowed, and what seemed like a sight fell onto Lya. The Confuse Ray struck it at that point and the pokemons single giant eye seemed to go into a dazed sort of trance, but it still floated in place, not moving an inch. Zack was confused, why had Wattson not had the pokemon dodge, let alone why use lock0on.

"Lya, good job," he said and told her to use flame thrower. "Get nice and close to it," he told her, thinking this would be the finishing blow to end this round of fighting.
Lya looked just a little curious when Wattson told his pokemon to use Lock-on and she blinked before becoming satisfied when the pokemon seemed to go into a dazed tance of sorts. However, when she was ordered to use her flamethrower and get close to it, she nodded and approached. However, she was a little cautious as she approached before using her flamethrower. The extremely hot flame shot towards the other pokemon and engulfed it, the whole arena heating up.
Wattson still seemed not too concerned about it though he gave Magnemite an order to dodge the flames. The small metal pokemon sort of wobbled out of the way, though Lya's flames spread wide, hitting the magnemite and engulfing it. "Use Electro ball magnemite!" Wattson shouted. The flames where split apart as a massive amount of electrical energy shot from burnt pokemon. The energy crackled fiercely though it flew over Lya's head due to the confusion. However as Zack thought of the next move the ball of electricity turned around and shot back at her. "Lya behind you dodge!" he said not realizing the symbol the Magnemite had marked her with was gleaming.
Lya watched the smaller pokemon wobble and she gave a soft yip of surprise when the electrical energy parted the flames and she ducked, watching it fly over head. She was confused but when she heard Zacks words, she turned quickly before leaping out of the way. She did a quick handspring and landed in a crouched position with her ears laid back. Her fur was beginning to stand on end because of the electricity in the air and she frowned slightly.
The little ball of energy would zoom back at her. Zack realized what Wattson had done. This damn thing would follow her until it hit. "Lya, use flamethrower on it!" he said. He knew it wouldn't stop the shot, but he was hoping it would at least weaken it. "Get ready for it!" he shouted after, telling her to block this as best as she possibly could. He hoped it would not hurt to much, but he knew he had to end this fight quickly as well. The magnamite wouldn't stay confused forever.
Lya noticed it was tracking her and she growled softly, her red eyes flashing as she watched the ball of energy as it reversed its course and came at her again. Nodding, she quickly used flamethrower on the ball of energy. It succeeded in slowing the ball a little. As it got closer, she quickly wrapped her tails around her in order to shield the rest of her body from the impact. When it hit, it knocked her back a bit and she fell to one of her knees as electricity arched over her body for a little bit. Unwrapping her tails from around her, she winced before standing back up.
Wattson seemed to get serious, though his Magnamite was still to confused to fight well. He did his best however to give it simple commands. "Use Thunder wave!" he bellowed. Zack however wasn't going to have any of that.

"Lya dodge it and follow with inferno!" he shouted. He knew this move was a bit new, and not as accurate as her flamethrower, but it was there knock out punch for sure.
Shaking herself, Lya shook off the effects of the energy ball she'd been hit with, with the flick of her tail before glaring across the field at Wattson and his pokemon. With her orders, she darted forward before quickly leaping out of the way of the wave of electicity before she shot flames at the Magnamite. The fire seemed to flare up out of the very ground after she shot them at the other pokemon and it engulfed him. If the attack itself didn't knock it out, the burns from it would.
The room felt amazingly hot as she let loose the attack. He began to sweat almost himself as he saw the flames engulf the confused magnamite. Once the flames and smoke cleared the waited. a small figure was on the floor, the poor mangamite was out, and it was no wonder. Zack was amazed at just how strong that had been.

"Not bad..." Wattson said, calling his pokemon back. "But you might be in for a shock now," he chuckled and threw his second pokemon onto the field. It was a magnaton. "Use Electro ball Mangaton!" he shouted, not giving them a chance to think, however Zack knew what to do, and he was confident so did Lya. Luckily Wattson had not used Lock-on so this was a hit or miss attack.
Lya saw that the magnamite was KO'd and she sighed in relief before she stepped back a bit so that there would be more room between her and the next pokemon that Wattson called out. When she saw the magnaton and she gritted her teeth while looking at it before she crouched a bit, ready to move when she was told to or when she thought it was best. When the Magnaton was told to use Electro Ball, she huffed before watching it shoot towards her and she quickly leapt out of the way. The attack caught the ends of her tails and gave her a jolt which made her shudder a bit and groan but she didn't let the trainers see if it really effected her.
Zack didn't take notice of the graze the attack had given her. He however had to move so it didn't hit him. "Okay....use Flame burst Lya!" he shouted, the magnamite was already readying another attack. This pokemon was a tad quicker then it's pre-evolved form it seemed, but he knew it was also a bigger target for her flames,.
Lya glanced over her shoulder to see Zack move in order to avoid getting hit and she made a mental note to appologize later. Looking forward again, she saw the pokemon getting ready to attack again and she narrowed her eyes before nodding and darting forward a bit. She knew it was a risky move but she also knew the closer that she was to her target, the more damage it would take. Once she was close enough, she let out a burst of flames which hit the magnaton and wrapped around it for a bit before fading. While it faded, she moved back again.
Zack watched as the mangaton took it full on in the face...or faces. He was however even more shocked tp see the pokemon already grounded. "" he said as he saw the trio of mites already KO'd. He was finding this fight to be rather simple, and Lya had certainly grown much stronger. "Alright Lya!" he shouted, giving a whoop and a smal jump out of sheer excitment.

"Hmmm...didn't see that coming...what a shock," Wattson said. He drew a third pokeball. "Alright...Electrike come out!" he shouted. A green and yellow pokemon appearing in the flash of light. Zack took out dexter to read about it. "Alright Lya..use Extrasensory!" he shouted knowing a fire attack wouldn't be too affective.
Lya was just as shocked as Zack to see that the pokemon was KO'd already and she tilted her head slightly in a curious gesture before her ear twitched when Zack shouted and she chuckled while watching him jump. Shaking her head with a small smile. "Don't cheer yet Zack. This fights not over yet." she said before looking at Wattson as he drew another pokeball and she got ready to attack. But when she was told to use Extrasensory, she was a little surprised at the change. However, she didn't question it and she did as told. As she used Extrasensory, her eyes began glowing gold before a beam of multicolored light shot towards the other pokemon and hit it.
The electrike took the hit, seemimgly not enjoying it, but it did not fall so quickly. Wattson shouted a command, the pokemon stood up straight and barred it's teeth. A crackle of eletricity appearing along his fangs. "Lya, don't let it get close!" Zack yelled, knowing this move, he'd seen it used before in a fight, and it was a very hard hitter. The green pokemon however moved like lightning itself. It's body low to the ground, its arrow dynamic head only helping as it went side to side at her. It even seemed to vanish foir a split second before he was on her flanks, the pokemon biting down onto one of her many tails.
Lya knew it wouldn't take the pokemon down so it didn't surprise her. However, when the pokemon bared its teeth and started for her, she gasped and watched the pokemon dart towards her. She didn't know which way to go and before she was able to actually do something, she saw it reappear next to her and when it bit down on one of her tails the ninetails went rigid as pain shot through her and she screamed as pain from both the bite and the electricity rushing through her. It brought her to her knees and it knocked the breath from her. Twisting around, she glared at the pokemon, unknowingly using the dark move Nasty Plot which caused her attacks to get stronger before she began kicking at the pokemons shoulders, her eyes flashing as she struggled against the jolts of electricity that was rushing through her.
Zack saw the affects of the thunder fang. He also noticed Lya was growing upset. She had used a move without him seeing her body react to it. As she kicked at the pokemon it darted away to a safer distance. "Lya...hold on," Zack shouted to her, calling a time out. He wasn't worried she was badly hurt, he was more so worried if she got to upset. "Yopu should rest up...let Viivi handle the rest of this," he told her, hoping she was not upset. Viivi aftter all had the least experience when it came to fighting.
Lya laid there on the ground after the pokemon darted away from her, her body shuddering a little from the lasting effects of the electric attack. For a moment she was worried it had paralized her but a moment later she was able to move and she sat up with a sigh. She winced in pain before looking back at Zack when he told her she should rest and she shook her head while slowly standing. The pokegirl shook herself and looked at her tail that had been bitten and she winced when she saw a scorch mark in her fur in the shape of the other pokemons fangs. "I'm fine Zack." she said though it was evident that she was winded from the last attack. "I can finish this."
Zack however didn't want her to get to out of control, he was worried she'd be out again. "I know you can Lya...but maybe we should give Viivi a shot," he said. Truthfully the dark-type pokegirl had not gotten a chance to participate in a gym battle just yet. "She hasn't gotten to fight a gym leader's a good chance for her," he said trying to appeal to Lya's caring nature, and not upset her.
Lya looked at her feet for a moment before nodded sharply before glaring over at the pokemon that had bit her. Turning, she walked off the field, doing her best to hide that she was stiff and hurt. Once off the field, she sighed and picked up her hurt tail carefully, looking at the wound on it.
Zack took out the other pokeblall from his belt. He had decorated it with a black moon over the button. He had made it a point to give all of the pokeballs there own personal appearance. He had even cleaned up Lya's, polishing it and renewing the fire symbol, though he added a bit of holographic detail to it, so if he turned the ball slightly it would look like the flames moved anf clickered. He tossed the pokeball into the arena. "You ready Viivi?" he asked." Use double team and suckerpunch!" he said to her.
When the pokeball was tossed, it opened and Viivi appeared. She looked over her shoulder at Zack with a look of determination befre nodding with a slight smile. Looking forward again, she looked at her opponent before her body flickered a bit and two copies of herself appeared on either side of her. In unison, the three copies ran forward at a quick pace before punching the electric pokemon as hard as they could.
The electrike dodged one of the attacks, however the copy of Viivi simply faded upon missing and the real pokegirl struck as her third dopple ganger vanished as well. "Use Razor Wind Viivi!" he shouted as the eletrike was sent flying back into the air from her punches.

Wattson however shouted to use thunder wave once more. "Viivi get ready!" Zack shouted, knowing she woul;d avoid this effortlessly. He knew Viivi had the most speed, Lya was fast, but after so much training VBiivi was a definet first when it came to speed. The arch of lightning shot from the green pokemon towards her, like a ripple in the water.
Viivi smiled slightly as the pokemn went flying through the air before she got ready for her next move. Upon hearing to use Razor wind, she nodded before hearing that Wattson orded his pokemon to use Thunder Wave. She waited patiently for the attack to come before she leapt in the air and used her Razor Wind, sending blades of light through the air. Because both of them were in the air, it was near impossible for the electrike to dodge them as they began to slam into its body.
Zack watched the blades of light strike the pokemon, as it hit the ground he however wanted to be sure this match was over. "Okay Viivi...come down with slash!" he told her, it would possibly be the finisher. As she came down upon the fallen eletrike, he watched her swing in the attack. It send a cloud of dust up into the air from the impact. Once it cleared, it was clear the fight was over, and the eletrike was KO'd like the others.
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