Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack got up off the bed, his cock throbbing for more attention already. He watched as she leaned against the wall, legs spread as she began to rub herself, her fingertips getting nice and slick from her own fluids. " thats something I love to see," he smirked as he moved to line himself up with her wet opening. He rubbed the tip a bit to tease her in return.
Lya watched him as he moved over to her and she rubbed her clit a little more. "I'll have to do it more often then." she said playfully. As he rubbed the tip against her, she moaned again before pulling away from the wall and turning around for him so her back was do him. Reaching back, she carefully lifted her tails for him, exposing her rear and her pussy to him.
Zack was very pleased with her turn of events, as she moved so she was offering her pussy to him, like she would when she was on her hands and knees. As her tails lifted, showing she was being fully submissive to him he couldn't help it anymore. He moved behind her, reaching to grasp her hips before shoving his member back into her wanting pussy. It went in easily from being so slick and he was pushing deep passed her womb from the beginning. " naughty little ninetails....your so good Lya," he told her, softly rubbing her ass as his member pistoned in and out of her slit.
Lya watched him from over her shoulder, her red eyes dark and hooded with lust as he moved up behind her. As he grabbed her hips, she shifted her position a little so her rear was sticking out a bit more and she parted her legs for him. As he shoved back into her, she cried out in pleasure while releasing her tails and putting both hands on the wall as she tightened around him in pleasure while moving back against him a little each time his cock thrust in and out of her. "Mm, only for you baby." she moaned.
Zack smiled as he listened to her, she was just the best he could ever ask for. He thrust in and out of her, not being gentle in the slightest knowing she could take it now. He spread her tight little puckered hole as well, and he began to get a rather naughty idea, though he did nothing yet as he simply teased it with his finger. His thick member slapped against her backside each time he shoved in, he didn't hold back at all. He reached up to grip her breasts with his free hand and began to squeeze the soft mound of flesh, pulling her bra down so they could bounce more freely.
Lya gasped the first couple of thrusts that he did before moaning again as she arched her back and panted heavily. When he spread her tail hole though, she groaned and closed her eyes as he teased that hole with one of his fingers and she moaned again. She could hear their hips meeting and her body tightened around him while she moaned his name. Feeling her bra being drawn down, her breasts spilled free and began bouncing with his every single thrust.
He moaned louder as she tightened more, he knew she was getting close, but he was getting closer. If he joked to tire her out he needed something to help him out. He saw the slick firestone, making a grab for it. He smiled as he noticed her eyes shut. He gave her firm ass a hard smack, only making sure she was fully distracted again. He thrust harder in and out of her tight pussy positioning the firestone with her puckered tail hole. He grunted ad he thrust deep and then pushed the sluice firestone into her backside.
She felt the urge to claw at the walls but knew nurse joy wouldn't like that, so she kept her hands flat as she moaned, getting closer and closer to her release. She felt him slap her ass and she tossed her head in a way that showed without a doubt that she was enjoying him. She parted her legs a little more, feeling him going deeper as she moaned his name. But when he thrust deep and pushed the firestne into her, her eyes snapped open with a loud cry before her whole body quivered between him and the wall.
Zack knew she was on the brink now, her cry only solidified his knowledge as she clamped down. " seemed that," he said grunted. He continued to thrust his length, also moving the firestone in and out of her tight tail hole. He couldn't hold himself off himself anymore. " it comes..." he thrust in as deep ad he could, his sack tightening before he released into her very eager and oaten slit.
Lya felt herself flush when he commented n her liking what he'd just did and even though she didn't confirm or deny what was said, it was more then clear that she did like it. Her tail hole was tight around the stone while her pussy tightened even more as she balanced on the edge of cumming. However, it was the feeling of his hot, thick seed filling her sopping wet pussy that pushed her over the edge. As his cum filled her womb, she gave a scream of pleasure as she came around him, her legs quivering.
Zack thrust in and out of her as he came, riding out the feeling of sweet release, her slit dripping a mixture of the fluids now. "Mmmm...seems your a bit worn babe," he smiled, despite his earlier disadvantage he knew he was wearing her down a little now. He however knew he had another if not two more good rides in him before he was to tired, he hoped it was enough to wear her out though.
Lya closed her eyes and rested her head against the wall as she panted heavily. Hearing him speak, she opened her eyes, a little shocked that he could still go on after he'd just cum twice now, three times if the store was added into the equation. "Not quite." she said after a bit and catching her breath.
Zack had been hoping she'd said that, he'd be surprised if he could do something like this again, though it helped being with Lya for the first time in a while. He smiled and took her back onto the bed letting her rest a little bit. He was thankful for her stamina training, and thankful he'd been a little backed up. Both Viivi and Hailey never could last more then once or twice.
Lya grunted when he took her back to the bed and she stretched out a bit with a groan, her body trembling a little as she tried to get ready of the lazy feeling her release gave her. "So what do you have in mind now?" she asked with a smile. She rolled over onto her side a bit and her tails flicked back and forth while she smiled up at him, her eyes glimmering a bit.
He smiled. "Hmmm...well..that one position...always seemed a bit sexy to me babe," he said with a small smile. He was sure she knew the one, it had been one they had tied in the past, but she had not been able to really keep at it for long, her body would stiffen up and that was never good for either of them. "But if your tired...we could go and wash up...try another time," he said with a small smile.
She tilted her head while smiling at him and she stretched as she sat up. "Lets wash up. I am a little tired." she said softly. "I'm looking forward to laying down and cuddling with you." she said with a smile, her red eyes glimmering brightly as she watched him. "I hope I didn't tire you out too much." She had a teasing smile on her face and she giggled softly as she slipped to the edge of the bed with a sigh.
Zack smiled softly as she said she wanted to rest, it was true they had done alot. And perhaps later they'd so more but he seemed to have gotten much closer to his goal this time around. He sat up as well, thinking the shpower might be unusually long "Not too tired," he said smiling back. He got up with her to go into the bathroom to wash up. It really would be a long shower though. He was very meticulous as he washed her, though of course it did lead to other things before they both came out of the shower. The shower had been refreshing but it did not give them anymore energy back. "I think...we'd better rest," he yanwed very softly, it was late already the sun was already set and the purple haze of night was already in the sky. They had alot to do tomorrow anyways, they needed to go and get the third gym, though it would take a few days to get to Mauville City.

(I'll time skip after you)
She laughed lightly when he said he wasn't too tired and she head into the bathrom to take a hot shower. However, while in the shower they did a bit more then just shower. After cleaning her fur they did a couple other things befre they finished bathing and got out. When she stepped out of the shower, she was more tired then when she went in. With a yawn, she climbed into the bed and she nodded in agreement with what he said. She was sleepy and just laying there made it harder to stay awake.
Zack smiled as she yawned gently, he was now feeling worn down too, and he sure needed the sleep. He got comfortable next to her and smiled "Good night...Lya," he yanwed in between his words and his eyes instantly grew much heavier. In minutes he would be out and asleep nice and sound. The following morning they packed everything up and left for Mauville.

The trip there took a few days, simply because they had not been traveling much his body had rather enjoyed the lazy attitude they had gotten. Though after the first few he was back to normal and feeling all the more eager. He even learned a few things as they traveled, a few trainers had hinted that Watson used electric types, though some where also steel type, and he knew this would be easy for Lya to take on now. When they got to Mauville he noticed it was a rather nice town, he half expected eletrical power plants in the middle of town.
Lya moved over for him so he could lay with her before curling up against his side, her arm wrapped around his waist while her head rested against his chest. "Good night Zack." she murmured as she began falling into a deep sleep. The next morning, she was up early and she changed into one of her new outfits.

The first couple of days of travel were a little tiring for her since they'd spent so long in the same place for so long. However, it didn't take the ninetails to get back into traveling again. When they left the pokecenter, she had left her baggy clothes behind, telling Nurse Joy to give them to someone who needed them. As they approached Mauville, she looked excited to battle again and she smiled at Zack. "So, Watson's our next battle." she said to him as they entered Mauville, looking around.
He gave a nod, he felt pumped as well eager to see how an electric type gym leader fought. The rumors that this guy was old was rather true it seemed as well. "Should we get a bite to eat before challenging the gym....or to excited to eat?" he asked, he was eager to fight, but he also did not want to run into this without a pan. Though having Lya flamethrower all there opponents into submission seemed like a good idea as well.
Lya smiled brightly and chuckled at his question. "Both actually." she said with a grin. Her long tails flicked excitedly behind her as she walked at his side. "We should get a bite to eat and go over a plan before heading to the gym. Just so that we have an idea as to what we'll be doing." She adjusted her bag on her shoulder with a sigh. Now that she had to carry both her clothes and those of Hailey and Viivi, her bag was heavier. However, since she'd had her smaller clothes sent back to his mother with a note to have them put into Zacks bedroom, so that kept her bag from getting too heavy.
Zack offered to carry them every now and then, though his bag was also getting heavier over time as he took most of the equipment into his bag. He did wish there was a way to store cloths and stuff though, he was glad he did not go through a wardrobe change as often as they did. "Alright then, well guess we can find a place to put all of these," he motioned to the bags,"Then lets find a place to eat," he said. He did not mind eating at the pokemon center, but he also liked to eat at other places, nicer places as well. He hoped they had a nice place to eat here. Nurse Joy was always so nice to, no matter what town they went to, it was rather strange and had been eerie to him how they where all so nice and alike. There was a room for them, and he thanked her before they put the bags away. "Feel like anything specific?" he asked her, speaking of food.
Lya waved his offer off each time he offered it, telling him that it was good for her to carry it since it would help her get stronger. When he motioned to the bags, she nodded. "Yeah. I don't think it would be a good idea to take them to the gym." she tld him. She followed him through the town before looking at the different places to eat. At the room they were allowed to use, she put her bag down on the bed befre looking at him as he asked if she felt like anything specific to eat and she shrugged with a sigh. "I'm not sure... Something with meat." she said, nodding to herself. "Something meaty and spicey."
Zack laughed, finding her description rather funny for some reason. "Okay....well lets see if they have a nice steak place then," he said thinking that would be the only place to find something both meaty and spicy," he noticed she had a taste for very hot things, a bit hotter then he thought normal, but he guessed that was being a fire type. He was glad to have his bag off his shoulders, he felt surprisingly light without it. His stomach growled gently as he sat down on the bed for a second "Ok....the stomach has spoken," he said as he stood back up and stretched. "Lets see if Dexter can tell me anything about Mauville," he said, he was glad this thing was good for so manyt things, like a technological swiss-army knife.
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