Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

The girls moved over to the table and sat down with Zack. "Kai?" Lya echoed before nodding with a smile. "I like it." she said before looking at the Riolu to see what he thought about it. When he barked happily, she nodded slightly with a gentle smile before she began eating her snack. It wasn't enough to be a full meal, but it would do. After all, she wasn't really very hungry. "When are you going to use a pokeball?" she asked, wondering if he was going to capture the Riolu.
Zack hadn't thought of that. "Well...he follows me around everywhere...but guess it would be good, let's finish eating first," he said biting into his sandwich. "Im eager to see what the little guy can do first off," he said wondering if Kai was strong, he seemed quick, but he was so tiny he wondered what battling would be like.
Lya paused as he mentioned the little pokemon following him around everywhere and she giggled. "Course he does. You're his new papa." she said, her eyes glittering playfully as she teased her trainer and lover. Lya's comment made Flannery snicker and grin as she opened her trail mix and began eating it while watching. "Well, if you want you can put him up against my new pokemon. I recently caught a Torchic." she told him. "He doesn't have much experience but I think it would be good for both of them as a way of getting a feeling for battling and it'll give us a chance to see what they both know."
Zack ignored Lya, she liked to tease him though and he couldn't help but smile just a little. "Hmmm...what do you think Kai?" he asked the Riolu, who was now eyeing his sandwich. sack handed the food to Kai who eagerly began to eat it. "Wow he can eat...and yeah let's have a small battle after this," he said. He would get to see what moves Kai knew as well. He wondered what a Lucario could do, Dexter hadn't told him how a Riolu evolves so he guessed he would figure that out later.
Even though Zack didn't really react to what she said, she still saw him smile and she lightly chuckled while continuing with her snack. She watched as Kai took the offered sandwhich and began eating it. "Well, he did just hatch, so I'm sure he's quite hungry." she said. "And since he's a fighting type, he'll eat more then some other types of pokemon." Flannery nodded when he agreed to the battle. "Okay. It won't be a serious one. Just one to test the water and see how they do."
Zack nodded though he wondered just how much Kai would it, he had a feeling his prize money wouldn't be spent on much "fun" things anymore. "Okay sounds good," he said, once Kai finished eating he let the Riolu rest a little before they headed outside. "Okay then, guess we will just make it a five minute time limit then?" he asked, if this wasn't serious he saw no reason to end at a knockout.
After eating, Lya and Flannery tossed out their trash and headed outside with Zack. Once outside, Lya moved to a bench that was off to the side of the field that was set up behind the center. She stretched out on the bench and relaxed to watch the match. Once out back, Flannery looked at Zack and nodded. "Five minutes sounds good." she said with a smile. Reaching towards her belt, she pulled a pokeball from it and pressed the button on it, making it expand. "Go, Torchic." she said before tossing her ball. When it opened, a brightly colored orange, yellow and gold pokemon appeared and it leapt into the air while chirping happily. "Tor!"
Zack went onto the other side of the field and stood ready. Riolu had followed him and stood next to him, interestingly enough the little pokemon seemed rather focused. It's eyes where staring once more in that studying sort of way. He wondered if it had to do with it's ability to sense aura and the like. "Okay Kai you ready?" he received a nod from the blue pokemon who leapt out onto the field. He was a rather, interesting pokemon, trying to look tough already. "Okay then you ready?" he called to Flannery.
"Alright Torchic." she said. "Are you ready?" she asked and the bird chirpped while moving forward onto the field. "This is practice Tor, so we're not going for a knock out." Looking across the field, she saw that Kai was ready and she smiled gently before nodding. "Yeah, we're ready." Lya looked back and forth between the two pokemon, clearly interested in how this would turn out.
Zack guessed Flannery would not make the first move, it was a bit expected, but he wished he had time to think of what to do. "Alright Kai...use Quick Attack!" he shouted. Kai stood ready and dust kicked up around him, his ears flying upwards suddenly as he shifted his feet, the balls of his feet digging into the ground before he zoomed forward. It was, impressive to say the least, he was not as fast as Lya or Viivi, but his speed was something that surprised Zack. He was almost a blue blur as he zoomed at the Torchic. He was certain with some training, Kai would be his fastest hitter no doubt.
Flannery watched as Kai began running towards her Torchic before she spoke. "Jump out of the way Torchic and use ember." she said. With a chirp the bird trotted forward before jumping into the air and sending a small stream of fire towards Kain. The attack was nowhere near as strong as Lya's but it wasn't surprising since Torchic was still young.
The Riolu took the attack head on, crossing it's arms in front of itself to shield it's face. The little guy was tough as well, if a bit reckless. It didn't slow down as it quickly changed course and leaped at the torchic, slamming it's weight into the small fire pokemon. "Whoa..." Zack said under his breath. He quickly thought of a fighting-type move to use. Dexter didn't tell him this species list of moves, but he had fought Brawley so he thought of a few. "Alright Riolu...use karate chop!" Zack however was a bit dissappointed, as Kai looked at him a confused look on his face.
The torchic made a soft sound of surprise when the Riolu went right through the fire attack before getting hit. When the Riolu rammed into it, the torchic went tumbling backwards. When it stood, it staggered a little before shaking its head and it made a sound of anger before moving from foot to foot. When the Riolu gave Zack a confused look, Flannery saw her moment. "Alright Tor, use Peck!" she called. Scrapping its feet against the floor twice, it began running as fast as it could towards Kai and leapt at it, beginning to peck at the Riolu.
Zack didn't know what to do, but something came out of the deepest part of his mind. As Torchic came closer he shouted his next command. "Kai, use Counter!" he said quickly. The Riolu nodded and focused on the Torchic, his tiny blue frame stiffening before an orang red glow surrounded it. It's eyes glowing faintly as well. As Torchic beak struck Kai, it was sent flying backwards, the damage it had tried to use on Kai was doubled and then thrown back at it. "Nice!" Zack shouted, thinking of another move to try out. He wasn't even sure what to say, he was sure the time limit was coming to a close though, his heart was pounding with excitment.
The torchic was able to get a few hits in befre it was thrown back with a cry, landing hard on the ground and sending up a small cloud of dust. "Tor, are you okay?" Flannery asked. The torchic slowly stood up and it shook dust off of its feathers before nodding though it was clear that it was getting tired. "Alright Tor, this is the end of the battle, lets do this. Focus energy and follow it with ember again." she called. The torchic nodded and its body glowed a bit before it did its attack. "Tor!" it cried before sending out a stream of fire again.
Kai however didn't move. Zack wasn't sure what he was doing. "Kai...Dodge it!" he shouted. The pokemon did not move though even as the embers flew at him like small projectiles. His eyes began to glow once more, and Zack noticed his right palm beginning to shimmer. He knew what this was an a rush of excitement flooded through him. "Kai...use it...use Force Palm!" he shouted. The Riolu's ears once more lifted gently as if a ripple had run through it's body. It pulled it's arm back as if about to throw a punch, he was a good three yeards from Torchic and the embers a mere two feet. In an instant his arm snapped forward and the energy it had been gathering shot off like a gun shot almost. The air rushed forward as a beam of pale blew light shot off and struck the embers causing them to scatter and die out. The hit flew at Torchic, though as it got closer it's power died, and it struck the chick but not very hard.
Flannery was sure that the attack would hit as the embers got closer and closer to hitting Kai. However, when he used Force Palm, Flannery was taken by surprise and she watched as the attack shot towards her small chick pokemon. When it hit, the chick made a soft squeak sound before it was thrown back a bit. "Tor!" she cried out before moving towards the chick. Crouching down next to him, she carefully picked up the bird and smoothed its feathers a bit. "Are you okay?" she asked and the bird nodded. Standing up from where she'd been sitting, Lya approached the field and nodded while gazing at the Riolu before smiling. "That was a pretty good practice battle." she said to them before tossing a berry towards Flannery. "It'll heal him." she called to her and FLannery nodded before feeding the berry to her pokemon. "Here. For any damage he took." she said tossing another berry to Zack.
Kai seemed rather pleased with himself, he looked at Zack, his red eyes looking for approval. "That was spectacular," he said and Kai barked happily "Lu...Rio!" he leaped up, he however winced gently, it had not been noticeable, but on his left arm there was a small burn from taking that first ember head on. "Looks like you went a little overboard though," he said, gently patting the Riolu's head. He fed him the berry Lya tossed him. Kai seemed to bounce back quickly after that. "Good practice," he said offering to shake Flannerys hand. "Hope Torchic isn't too hurt," he said knowing he got a little to into this practice battle. Zack was naturally competitive, and it seemed so was Kai. He realized though Kai had only met Lya, he guessed at some point he should introduce him to both Hailey and Viivi, but he first wanted Nurse Joy to take a look at that burn.

(Shall we time skip a bit?)
Lya could see her new teammate was pleased with himself and she chuckled with a smile. She could see the burn on the small pokemon as well, though after so long of burning other pokegirls and pokemon, she knew it wasn't too bad. "He did wonderfully. Especially against that ember attack." she said. Flannery held her pokemon in one hand while she carried it over towards him. Reaching out, she shook his hand with a smile. "Yeah, a good practice." she said with a nod. "And Torchic can take a few good hits. He'll be alright." she said.

Zack was happy to hear that. He took Kai inside to get healed further. Afterwards they spent the rest of the day enjoying things, he had introduced Kai to his pokeball, at first the Riolu didn't care much for it, but he soon agreed to have one though he liked at times to walk around. The small little pokemon learned quickly, and at times Zack would even try sparing with him, even if he lost most o the time due to the pokemons smaller stature, and the fact it hurt to get kicked hard in the shin. Flannery joined them as well, she had said the next gym was in Lavaridge, and was heading there herself so she came along.
Lya decided to relax while Zack got to know his Riolu. She laid out in the grass out front of the pokecenter, just enjoying the heat while she absorbed the suns energy. After that, she spent more time growing acustomed to the new pokemon. It was strange to her to have a male pokemon on the team, only used to having a group of girls. When Viivi and Hailey were introduced to him, Viivi was fairly calm when meeting him but Hailey found him 'simply adorable', much to Lyas amusement. With Flannery joining them, Lya was able to talk to a further extent on how to strengthen some of her fire attacks since the young woman was a professional when it came to fire pokegirls and pokemon.
Zack had a strange feeling about Flannery, she was very knowledgable about fire types, but he did not think much of it. Kai seemed less amused about Haileys reaction, not that he hated it, just being treated like a cute little Teddy bear did not sit well with him. He however grew stronger, his fighting getting a bit mire refined and he listened better. Though he was rash he would dodge when told. Kai also seemed to be out of his pokeball almost as myth as Lya was, though it was mainly because Zack trained with him a lot.
Flannery enjoyed spending more time with Zack and Lya, offering Zack different suggestions on how to work with Lya. When Lya saw Kai's reaction to Hailey, she stiffled a laugh and smiled. She had commented that Kai was cute when he first hatched, but after that she didn't act like that. She treated him like an equal and when he wasn't with Zack training she was telling him about their travels and teaching him about dodging and working on his reflexes. As they got closer to the next town, Lya became a little more excited. Not only had she been able to take Zack further then she'd taken his brother, but he also brought her further in her trainer then his brother could.
"I think Maybe it might be good to have a bit of a rest," he said finally. It was mid day, and it had been a few days since leaving Mauville, Wattson had visited them as well, after hearing of the egg incident he was rather joyful to see whom had been the hero of the event. Now however he was feeling a bit tired, and he wanted to stop for lunch. "Whats Lavaridge like?" he asked Flannery as he got a fire going, despite having Lya around he never had her start the cooking fires, he always thought it would be a good skill to know if ever she was unable to do the job.
At his announcement of stopping for a rest, the girls looked at Zack and nodded before moving to sit. "Lavaridge?" she echoed. "Well, it's a small town. It's a nice place. Warm and there are quite a few hot springs around. They're nice to relax in. There's not many stores there but there is an herb shop that sells this medicine that's actually stronger then a normal potion and it's cheaper." Flannery sat down against a tree while watching him get a fire going.
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