Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Lya glanced at him before nodding. "Sounds good to me." she told him with a smile. "Maybe get a quick snack before heading into the fight." She adjusted her pack on her shoulder. She had taken to carrying a little more then she used to in order to build up her endurance and stamina a bit more and so far it's been working. "So, what do you think about this mysterious gym leader?" she asked. "Flannery did say that a new one might be in place by the time we get here."
Zack nodded thinking that would be a good idea as well. "Hmmm...I dunno...I'm a bit excited, but terrified as well," he said. "Guess that's what it's like, let just hope the new gym leader isn't to tough just yet," however he had the strangest feeling this was going to be a very difficult fight, he just couldn't shake the feeling he would struggle.
She chuckled and nodded slightly with a smile. "I understand. It's because you're facing the unknown." she told him while walking at his side. At the center, she entered ahead of him and happily greeted Nurse Joy, asking how her sisters in the towns they'd visited were doing before she moved to let Zack talk with the woman.
"Hey Nurse Joy, just wanted a quick check up before the gym battle," he said. He put the three pokeballs into the tray for her to look at. He spent the few minutes it took to consider his options for the match. He truthfully felt strange but he was considering Lya not to partake in this fight, at least not as his starting choice. Hailey, Viivi and Kai where all not fire types. He knew she would have immunity to fire, but it also meant she would be at a disadvantage unable to use her own fire.
Nurse Joy took the pokeballs and smiled before turning and placing them onto the machine and typing into it with a smile. For a few minutes she looked at the screen while it looked over his pokemon before she took them out of the machine and turned back to him. "All your pokegirls and your pokemon are at tip top shape." she said with a smile while placing the tray on the counter.
He smiled taking them back. "Alright now lets grab a bite to eat,' he said with a smile to Lya. Upon entering the cafeteria he released everyone from there pokeballs. He noticed Kai stayed on his other side, as if trying to avoid Hailey, he wondered if it was because of there natural type differences, after all psychic and fighting types where on the opposite sides of the field, like the whole "brains over brawns" argument.
Lya nodded sharply before leading the way into the cafeteria and she trotted ahead to the line to get something to eat while he let the others out of their pokeballs. When Hailey was let out, she looked around for Kai before giggling and going to move towards him. However, before she could go more then a couple of feet Viivi reached out and stopped her. "Leave him be." she told Hailey. "Your fussing is upsetting him." Hailey opened her mouth to argue and Viivi gave her a look that told her to stop and she sighed while pouting.
Kai seemed grateful, though oddly seemed to be concentrating. Once more they got sone food to nibble, he wanted to talk about how the fight would be going. He didn't eat, he rarely did before a big fight, and this one really got his nerves going. Kainas a few berries but not much. "Alright...I think we need to plan a little hit," he said. He took a deep breath "I am considering...maybe this time you sit this one out Lya," he said not wanting to sound mean, "Just considering what we are possibly up against...think it might be good fir Viivi, Hailey and Kai to take this one," he said.
Lya got a couple of small things to eat before she sat down at a table while Hailey and Viivi got something as well before joining her. While they ate, they listened to Zack go over what he thought they should do. Lya paused when he said that he thought she should sit out and she nodded slightly after a moment. "I think you're right. Since we're going up against fire pokemon and pokegirls. It would be best." she said in agreement while the others nodded as well.
"Viivi...I think I'm going to send you in first," he said giving the absol some heads up, he truthfully wanted her to get some exposer, last time it had been a little bit, on the quick side and he wanted her to get more experience. Then he would possibly use Hailey, and then Kai. The Riolu didn't seem to mind, though he did hope he actually got to fight, usually Hailey took out anyone or anything she went up against.
While they talked about stragy, Lya pretty much just ate her food since she was going to sit this one out. At the mention of her name, Viivi's ears perked up and she looked at Zack with a serious look on her face, though she usually had that look and she nodded. "Okay. I was hoping to get more gym time in." she said, offering one of her rare smiles, some of her white hair falling in her eyes. They whole team seemed excited to be battling.
He still felt a tad bad about excluding Lya from this one. He was still a bit worried about her unknown power, and it had flared up during her fight with Dereks Flareon, another fire type. He just didnt want to have a repeat performance, and that he also felt like he was neglecting his other team members. Kai was a given though he wanted the riolu to get some exposure to a real gym battle. Even if he was only a week or so old. "Good," he said smiling back at the absol, Kai seemed excited, and Hailey was always excited, so he guessed that was that.
Hailey and Viivi quickly ate, wanting to get going for the battle. Lya had finished before the other two girls and was watching patiently as the group spoke about what they were going to do. She knew that he wanted to give the others more time to fight in the gyms and she understood. After all, it gave them experience and practice at the same time and she knew that the riolu wanted to fight someone other then a sparring partner.
Once they where finished he got up, Kai followed suite. The Riolu quickly however pressed the pokeball on his belt, and vanished inside of the red and white sphere. It was a curious thing, usually Kai liked to stay out, but Zack guessed he wanted no distractions before the fight, and possibly because Hailey was still out and he was trying to avoid her. "Alright, you ready?" he asked all three pokegirls, despite Lya's not being involved in this fight he still wanted to include her a bit. He was pumped and eager to go and they left the pokemon center and headed towards the gym. It was like his first gym battle all over again, that nervous feeling never went away no matter how many badges he had.
Lya paused when Kai returned to his pokeball before chuckling and glancing at Hailey. She knew there was some serious friction between the two and that Kai was uncomfortable around the other girl. "Yeah, we're ready." Hailey said. "Perhaps you should use the element of surprise. You know, don't let your opponant know what you're using against them." Viivi nodded in agreement before they all head out for the pokegym.
Zack agreed with the idea as well, calling back Viivi and Hailey. Once outside the gym he pushed passed the doors, having Lya follow inside. He wouldn't put her in her pokeball unless he had to. "We've come to challange the Lavaridge gym leader!" he called out waiting for them to comply. He was very nervous at this point.
At the gym, Lya looked up at the sign before entering with him. She could feel it was a bit hotter in the gym then outside but that was understandable since the pokemon here were fire ones. As he challanged the gym leader, she looked around. Suddenly, she heard a voice that was fairly familiar. "Welcome... No, wait. Puny Trainer, how good to see you've made it here! I have been entrusted with the... No, wait. Uh... Dare not underestimate me, though I have been Leader only a short time! With skills inherited from my grandfather, I shall, uh...demonstrate the hot moves we have honed on this land." a female voice said before the doors at the other end opened and a familiar young woman appeared. "Flannery?" Lya said and the red head grinned. "Hey." Flannery said.
Zack thought the voice sounded familiar, he was certian it wasn't the old man anymore though, like Flannery had said. However he was a bit surprised to see it was her. "What?" he said simply, not answering back, a bit stupified to speak for a moment. "So your the gym leader here?" he asked, suddenly his nerves really where getting the better of him, he felt lno form of releif seeing her though. She was a friend, at least he considered her one, now it was just this much harder to fight her, let alone she knew alot about him already.
Flannery laughed softly and smiled at him as he seemed to just stare for a bit before he answered. "Yeah, the new one. My grandfather decided to retire and start his poetry." she said with a shrug. "So, are you ready for a battle Zack? I won't be going easy." Flannery plucked a pokeball from her belt and expanded it before tossing it. "Go! Camerupt!" she called. When the ball popped open, a large red pokemon appeared. It kind of looked like a cow with volcano's on its back.
Zack wondered about the poetry for a second, but he withdrew the pokeball from his belt as well. "Alright Viivi your up first," he said and threw it. The absol appearing out of her pokeball. "Alright Viivi start things off with double team," he shouted, he wanted to be the first to make the attack, after all Flannery knew his strategy or at least most of it. "Now use Night slash!" he shouted, it was a move Viivi had recently learned not long ago.
(Will you play the pokemon that Flannery uses until it's time for you to play as Kai? Then I'll take over.)

After Zack tossed his pokeball, Viivi appeared and she looked ready to fight. When she saw Flannery, she loked a little shocked and surprised which was a look that didn't often appear on the pokegirls face. When told to use night slash, she nodded while watching the camerupt, her claws beginning to glow purple. "Alright camerupt, use amnesia followed by lava plume." she said, some of her red hair falling in her eyes.
The Camerupt gave a nose, a puff of smoke coming out of it's nose. It seemed to concentrate, before a sudden look of confusion crossed it, suddenly it seemed to grow rather pumped though, it's aura a little warmer for a split second. The pokemon gave a shout, which oddly enough sounded very much like a cow in itself. From the little spouts on it's back, came a jet of molten magma like fire, it however shot and spread, hitting several of Viivi's copes, though they where all running about as she zoomed at the rather slow and bulky pokemon.
Viivi frowned when the camerupt made a puff of smoke. As it got hotter in the arena for a bit, she started running towards the Camerupt. As magma like fire got shot at her, she dodged a couple of attacks while getting closer and closer to the large pokemon. When she was close, she reached out and hit the pokemon. She raked her claws along his side, leaving long deep scratches before she jumped away. Flannery watched them before giving another order. "Okay Camerupt, use eruption." she ordered.
Camerupt snorted once more, before lifting his front legs off the ground. It stomped, sending a massive streams of rock and fire from it's back up into the air and aimed at Viivi. It snorted as the attack flew, patnelty waiting for either the attack to hit or for Flannery to call out another form of action.

"Viivi...get ready for it," he said as the rocks flew up high. "Get use detect and follow up with future sight!" he shouted. He was hoping to avoid the damamge of this attack, he knew if she could then they'd be in the good. He was worried though which was why he used future sight rather then another immediate attack, if she failed to dodge it all then he was sure to get another attack in, hopefully a heavy attack in, before they where done for. He tried to think ahead, he had no idea how camerupt fought, let alone if the few tricks he had would be enough to beat her.


Zack was breathing heavily. The gym felt even hotter now. He looked as Hailey was barely standing, and Flannerys second pokemon, a slugma, was in better shape. He was surprised such a slow pokemon had been able to do such damage to Hailey. He was amazed at the gym leaders skill, she had been able to predict his gardevoirs movements and counter. Hardly taking damamge. "Hailey...come back," he said. He only had one last choice left. He knew Lya would be at a disadvantage. He was iffy about this next decision though. He withdrew his pokeball.

"Okay Kai...come on out," he said and tossed the ball. The small blue and black Riolu appeared, eager to fight. " Okay lets finish this quick, use Rock Tomb!" he shouted. It had been a move he had been practicing in secret, even Lya had little idea about it. Kai nodded, his fist clenching as he slammed it into the ground causing the floor to rise into large spikes around the slugma and strike it dead on.
Hailey was swaying where she stood, panting heavily because of how tired she was. She was sporting quite a few injuries and she didn't know how much longer that she would be able to continue. Hearing Zack speak, she looked back at him before nodding when he called her back, stumbling a little before she was called back into her pokeball.

Flannery grinned when Zack pulled back his pokegirl and she nodded to herself. "Good work Slugma." she called to him while watching her opponant call out his fairly new Riolu. She smiled slightly before hearing Zacks order to use Rock Tomb. "Alright Slugma, use harden then use Ancient Power!" she called. The slugma moved a little before its body flashed a couple of times, lessening the attack from Kai a bit as the spikes hit it. Flannery knew that her slugma wouldn't be able to take much more damage. A moment later, the slugma opened its mouth and began forming a ball of energy before it shot towards Kai.
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