Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Kai nodded gently, she was right it could have killed the other pokegirl, or seriosuly hurt her, he did not doubt the girl would probably have lasting side affects from it at the very least. "I'll help you the only way I can then," he said. He was a being of aura, after all, and he could control it and such. To demonstrate he let her stand a few feet from him. He shut his eyes, and the hangings on the side of his head began to lift. Slowly a very faint outline of blue enveloped him, and it began to slowly move up, like a slow burning fire. His eyes opened, and slowly they shifted, from an eerie blue glow, to a dark purple, and his aura changed to match his eyes. Slowly however he calmed down. "See..." he said, panting softly, he could not fully use that move, but he could gather the negative aura she was just releasing and store it much like his other moves, and he too could use Dark Pulse.

Zack followed, admiring the yard work a bit before he was at the edge of the hot water with her. She had gone in so effortlessly, he wondered just how hot it was. He slowly slipped a foot in, feeling the sudden rush of heat almost make him pull back. But he didn't he just slowly worked his way in, it was a nice feeling, though a little uncomfortable at first. "Ahh.." he said softly exhaling and enjoying the warmth.
Lya slowly nodded before remaining still as he had her stand a few feet away. She watched him as he closed his eyes. She softly gasped as he began to glow blue and she watched in silence as he opened his eyes again and his eyes went from blue to dark purple before his aura changed to match. While he did this, she could feel the negativity around her dissapear before she looked at him, noticing him panting. Moving forward, she placed her hand on his arm. "Thank you Kai." she whispered. "Are you okay?" she asked gently.

Flannery moved deeper into the pool and watched as Zack slowly made his way into the hot spring with her, smiling to herself when she noticed the slight reaction to the hot water. "Feel good?" she asked him softly while sitting down in the hot water. She always found it a little funny when someone that isn't used to the hot waters of Lavaridges Hot springs first got in but she never outwardly laughed.
He gave a small nod "Yes...just very new to me," he said with a side ways smile. He breathed a bit before he was fine. "I can keep you...under control when you try," he said. In truth he would just leech off alot of the extra negativity and then focus it away or something. Of course she would have to learn to control it because he would not always be in a fight with her to keep her in check.

Zack knew he must have seemed a bit foolish at first, but he wasn't used to the heat, he was used to more the waters like dewford, nice and cool, though this was a surprisingly nice change as well. " feels great," he said, his body felt very limber, his joints not so stiff and tired. He knew this must be a great place to recover from physical stress after a hard days work. He was a bit envious actually. He wondered how long a person could stay in here though before looking like a cooked lobster.
Lya softly sighed and smiled when he told her that he was fine, slowly removing her hand with a slight nod. "I never thought I'd find out what move that was and how to control it. Zack and I had asked Nurse Joy and she didn't even know. So thank you for giving me hope that I'd be able to control this." she told him, her smile reaching her eyes. She felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders and she felt like she'd made a deeper connection with Kai then before.

Flannery nods slowly before leaning back with a sigh, closing her eyes as she just relaxed in the hot water. "If there was one thing I missed about being here in Lavaridge, it's this." she said, her red hair falling around her shoulders and in her face since she'd pulled it out of the hair ties she usually had them in.
Kai smiled gently, he only knew of it because he just knew aura in a sense. He was surprised himself that he new, but the answer had just seemed so clear when he thought hard about it. "Your welcome," he said and smiled. He seemed fine, though it was an amazing amount of energy she could put out from juust thinking about it. There had to be a better way to use it possibly, one less lethal.

Zack nodded and did the same, enjoying the warm water. It was an amazing feeling, and less painful as he sat there. "What other sort of things do you miss?" he asked her curiously. He knew being a gym leader must put a strain on ones life. For one you can't travel at your leisure anymore. It most likely meant you couldn't really hang out with friends as freely either as you wanted. He wondered if it put strains on relationships. He could only imagine how much worse being a member of the elite four would be.
Lya reached out and took his hand in hers. "Come one. Lets keep walking." she said gently. "Maybe we can find something interesting to do." She smiled up at him, all of her 'dark' emotions having been released for now and her aura would show she was happier and a little less troubled then she was a few minutes ago.

Flannery looked at Zack as he asked what other things she missed and she shrugged slightly. "Well, when away from Lavaridge I missed the fact that I knew everyone. Once I stepped out of the town, I didn't know anyone. But that's one thing I liked. Out there I got to meet so many new people." she said softly. "I also missed the food." She laughed softly and grinned at him. "But now that I'm back and I've taken up the mantle of gym leader, my lifes going to be so busy." she said with a sigh. "I won't have time for much."
Kai smiled and nodded. "Any thought in mind?" he asked. He could see why Zack liked her, she was a bit mischiveous, and very attractive, even if she was a fire-type. He walked with her a bit and talked a little. He truthfully knew little, having only been around for little over a month.

Zack felt a tad bad for her. "I guess being a gym leaders not all that it's cracked up to be," he said making bubbled with his mouth in the warm water. "Anything I can do to help?" he asked, he guessed he should make her few minutes of free time enjoyable. He just didn't know what to suggest.
Lya chuckled and shook her head. "No, that's why we're going to explore a bit." she told him. As she thought about what they could do, she walked at his side, her blonde hair falling around her face. She still wasn't completely used to being a ninetails and having to groom herself drove her crazy because of all her tails and how thick her fur was. All that plus her long hair and the rest of her fur made her take forever when ever she had to bathe.

Flannery arched an eyebrow slightly when Zack asked if there was anything he could do to help. With a smile, she slowly moved towards him. "Well... there is one thing." she said softly. Her cheeks reddened a little though it would be hard to tell if it was from the heat of the hot spring or from something else. When she was next to him, she placed a light hand on his thigh.
Kai nodded and followed. He was not sure what this town had to offer, but he would not mind exploring with her. He to was not used to his new form, something he could sympathize with her about ad well.

Zack wasn't sure, though he noticed the blush, but could not tell the reason. As she got closer he swallowed. He could see her cleavage a bit, something her top didn't show off. As he felt her hand he tensed for a moment, the warm water had made him super sensitive it seemed. He got the message quickly, but he felt a bit torn. He wondered what Lya would think. "Um, you want to?" he asked gently, as if to be sure.
Flannery sat next to him and smiled gently as he tensed for a moment before nodding. "Yes. That is... if you're alright with it." she said softly. "I would like to with you, but we don't have to... if you don't want to." She softly squeezed his leg before removing her hand slowly while gazing up into his eyes. It was only then that she really noticed how close she was to him, having leaned in while speaking to him.
Zack was still a bit hesitant, it wasn't that he didn't want to, it wad more a question on if he should. He did not see a problem,he just was not sure if Lya was okay with it. He however felt his heart race a bit. "I do..want to with you," he said realizing how close she was. Very slowly he leaned in closer to and pressed his lips to hers. They where pleasingly soft, in fact he had never kissed a girl, human girl, before and he felt the difference instantly.
Flannery could see that he was hesitant so she remained quiet as he thought about it. When he spoke, she gazed at him again befre smiling. As he leaned in, she moved a little closer before softly kissing him back as he pressed his lips to hers and she closed her eyes. As they kissed, she slowly moved closer to him while placing a hand on his bare chest. Because of the heat around them, her hand felt cool against his skin.
It sent chills along his body, they lasted very briefly as the warm water caused his blood to quickly heat up. He felt his heart race a little faster, he was sure she could feel it as well. He held the kiss for a few moments, before gently partings his lips from hers. "Are you sure you want to?" he asked her. He wasn't sure if she had a significant other, besides her growlithe, or if she had even done this before. It would be a new experience for him, not the act of it, but with a normal girl. He however did not want to scare her from it, or give her any doubts, he just wanted her to be sure, after all it isn't something one can simply take back afterwards.
As their kiss was ended, she opened her eyes and looked up at him before smiling and nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure." she said after he spoke. "My growlithe knows that it's a little different when it comes to humans, but she knows that I'll always return to her. Besides, she's known that I've had a crush on you for a while." She giggled softly and smiled at him. She slowly ran her hand along his chest and shoulders while moving just a little closer to him, her breasts brushing against his side. "Do you want to here or in the house?" she asked.
Zack felt a bit more reassured, he was certain Lya knew he had a thing for the fire pokemon trainer as well, she knew him well, and it was certain Hailey and even Kai probably knew as well since they have been in his head. He was a bit shocked to hear she had a crush on him too, he smiled gently and felt a tingle as she brushed against him. "Well," he said "maybe the house would be best," he stated. It would be more comfortable, also they had been in the hot water for a bit now, he did not want to look like a cooked corphish.
Flannery smiled while she ran her fingers along his skin of his chest before she sat up as he told her that maybe the house would be best. Nodding, she chuckled and tooked at him while smiling before gently taking his hand into hers. "Lets head inside then." she told him. Leaning in, she softly kissed him and took his hand for a moment before letting go and standing up. The young woman slowly climbed out of the hot spring, her bikini clinging to her skin even more then before and she moves over to where she set the towels, wrapping one around her.
Zack smiled gently, following her out of the water, though he took a second or so longer, trying to calm down so it wasn't so restraining in his trunks. He watched her bikini cling to her, only making things all the more arousing to him. He tried to think of something else for the moment, not wanting to seem so, inexperienced when he really wasn't. Then again this was his first time with a girl his own species. He followed her into the house, using the other towel she provided to get dry so he did not tread water into the house.
Flannery walked into the house, drying off until she reached the doors of her house and she opened the door, shivering as the cooler air from inside washed over her, chilling her damp skin a little. "It'll be a little chillly in here after being in the hot spring, but it helps relax the muscles some more." she said gently as she hung her towel up on a rack near the door. "You can leave the towel there if you want." she said before leading the way up towards her room.
Zack felt the change in temperature, it was a tad uncomfortable, and helped lessen the anxiety he had been feeling. It also faintly lowered his previous arousal, which helped to keep things from getting too awkward. He dried off as best he could too, leaving the towel where she suggested and followed her. It was quiet a feeling, like his very first time, though this time he had some idea of what was going to happen.
As Flannery walked up the steps, she slowly untied the back of her bikini before lifting the halter part over her head, leaving her in just her bottoms. Upon reaching her bedroom, she opened the door and entered before smiling over her shoulder at him. "Hope this is okay." she said. Her room was fairly average, decorated in warm colors of red, oranges and cream. She tossed her top over onto a chair before sitting down upon her bed in her bottoms. Her breasts, while not as big as Lya's, were just as perky. They were pale like the rest of her topped with pale pink nipples.
He watched her top slip off, seeing her back bare and very sexy. This was something Lya couldn't really do, it was different seeing the bare skin of a girl, Hailey was a bit closer to it as he thought of it. Slowly he let himself picture the rest coming off, but she didn't remove anymore as they made there way to her room. He rather liked it in fact, it was a nice coloration, his would have been a mess and not very good or organized. "It's more then okay," he said as she sat down. Her breasts where about the size of Lya's before her evolution, something that really made him rather hot under the collar. He normally was not so, slow with Lya, granted there first time had been in a tent, afterwards things where not so ceremonial, it was pretty straight into the rough stuff. He sat down on the bed with her, glad he was a bit dryer.
Flannery smiled gently while leaning back a little on her bed while watching him with a curious gaze. "Good." she told him as he told her the the room was more then okay. She could see some of the effects her sitting there topless was having on her friend and she giggled softly as she brushed her hair back frm her face. Once he sat with her, she turned to look at him. "Is this your first time?" she asked softly. "With a human I mean."
Zack gave a small nod "Is it that obvious!" he asked her, all the while wondering the very sane thing about her. He wasn't sure if she had male pokemon, or even did anything with them or another boy. She was a bit older then him too, so maybe she would have had more experience then he. He could not get over the pale tone of her skin, a few tan lines actually though very faint, it eas a wonder she had such a light complexion being a fire type trainer and close to a lot of heat.
Flannery shook her head slowly. "No, not too obvious." she replied. "Just a little. To be honest, I haven't done much with human males my self. I usually stick with my pokemon instead since I'm so used to them." Reaching out, she lightly took his hand into hers and smiled. It was easy to tell which one of them took to the sun better. He had a better tan then she did so her pale skin contrasted greatly against his darker skin.
He smiled back, her hand was soft and felt nice, the lack of fur was still new to him, he had been with Lya for so long he had gotten used to it. The more he thought about it, the more he knew this was so different. "Well...I guess it's new for both of us then," he said giving a small nervous grin. He wasn't sure what to do, so he simply did what he was used to. Gently he moved closer, and softly kissed her lips, letting his hands softly trace her hips and feel her curves.
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