Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack breathed from his mouth, hoping his breath did not smell, as she gently rode his shaft. He called her name gently feeling how her wet walls caressed his member, each time she nearly got off him he gasped as her velvety vice only slid down on him again. He slowly moved his hips to meet her half way, stuffing himself back into her quicker as he did. "So tight..." he grunted softly. He could feel how wet she was, the gentle wet slap of flesh on flesh mingled with there noises.
Flannery kept with the gentle, almost lazy pace for a while as he called her name. When he began moving his hips with her though, she began moving faster, moaning softly as their hips met harder and a little faster. Each time their hips met, the sound of flesh slapping together could be heard and her breasts would bounce a bit. Unlike with Lya, the sounds of their hips meeting wasn't muffled by fur and Zack would be able to see the flush of her skin from her growing arousal as they had sex.
Zack kept pace with her as she began to speed up. There bodies met each time crashing lustfully together. He could feel his fire alight more, his hesitation slowly melting away. She seemed willing to give back whatever she was given too. He sat up, having her bounce in his lap, his cock going in a little deeper, kissing her cervix each time she bounced on him. One hand pressed onto her lower back, helping him pump in harder, the other reaching up to grab her breast, holding and squeezing the flesh as he did. He wanted to hear her voice, to now take control and dominate.
She felt his hand pressing against her lower back, making her moan louder as he thrust harder, causing her breasts to bounce even more because of the force between their thrusts. "Oh god." she moaned, burying a hand in his hair while throwing her head back, pleasure written all over her face as she moved faster, her walls clenching around him as she mewled. The young woman dipped her head and nipped at his throat, her hot breath washing over his skin while she panted, gasped and moaned with every thrust.
He leaned his head a little, allowing her better access to his neck. Her breath sending shivers down his sensative skin as he thrust into her a bit harder now as she moaned. Her tight walls where gripping him so much like she wanted him to get more forward, dominate more. He grabbed her around her waist, lifting her forma moment before laying her on her back. He pressed his lips to hers, tongue slipping passed her lips and swirling around hers. His hips moved a bit rougher, thrusting into her honeyed walls with greater need and purpose.
She moaned again after he turned his head a little and she nibbled at his skin while continuing to move her hips, her breasts brushing against his chest while she ran her hands along his chest. When he grabbed ehr waist and turned them over, she gasped and looked up at him in surprise before moaning as he kissed her. Parting her lips, she kissed him back while she wrapped her arms around him. No guy had ever taken control with her so it was a surprise but a pleasant one. The guys were usually too afraid to do so since she was the granddaughter of a gym leader. As he began thrusting at a rougher pace, she moaned louder and tightened around him a bit more.
Zack continued to thrust in and out, going in a bit deeper with the new positioning. He felt her walls clench more, he beleived she rather liked the sudden change of pace. He smiled gently thinking she was into being dominated, and he grasped her breasts once more, kneading them roughly as his hips moved. He pressed his lips to hers, giving her a deep passionate kiss. It was so different being like this, not that he never was on top, it just felt different to have a human girl underneath him. He was loving this feeling oh so much. He felt himself beginning to feel the tell tale signs of his coming release, his sack tightening, and cock twitching inside her tight walls.
Flannery's moans and cries of pleasure filled the room they were in, her toes beginning to curl while her hands moved to grasp the sheets above her head. She groaned as he grabbed her bouncing breasts and began kneading them roughly, causing her to buck against him a little and tighten around his thrusting cock. Upon feeling his lips press against hers, she moaned into the kiss while returning it just as deep and passionately as he gave it. She knew her release was quick approaching and he'd feel her walls clenching while her breathing got heavier and her body moved almost urgently beneath his.
Zack knew all to well what might happen if he did. Even in his drunk stupor he wasn't ignorant or mindless to pleasure. As he felt his body prepare he grunted gently. "Mmmm...Flannery...close...' he managed though his hips still pumped away as forceful as could be. Despite caution, instinct for the big finish was still going off. He wanted to be sure it was alright though or if he needed to pull out now.
Flannery heard him speak and she nodded before crying out as he thrust as forcefully as he could. "It... it's okay." she managed to gasp between her moans. She had taken a special herb sold secretly by the old couple that lived in the upper corner of the city that would prevent any unwanted children. The woman knew Flannery very well and sold her the herbal mixture, selling her several packets at once since she knew the red head traveled. She usually mixed it into her tea and drank it that way. Flannery leaned up a bit and kissed him quickly. "I'm protected." she panted softly.
Zack didn't let up, catching her voice over the string of pleasure that came from her lips. He would have asked if she was sure, but her voice told him she was certian. He thrust into her feeling his shaft twitch more inside. "Mmm...Okay...." he grunted and felt himself begin to go. His muscles loosened in his lower abdomen, letting himself burst inside. His member spurting in a hefty helping of his seed as he continued to thrust into the beautiful red head. He didn't let up until his orgasm lessened, and still even thrust gently in spuratic motions.
Flannery continued moaning and crying out in pleasure, her face flushed and her chest rising and falling rapidly as he continued thrusting into her. When his member twitched inside of her, she bit her lip before gasping when she felt his hot seed filling her. With a cry, she reached her climax and came as well, her walls clenching around him and milking his member as he continued thrusting gently into her. As her climax subsided, she slowly laid back on the bed while panting heavily, her eyes closed while her skin lightly glistened from perspiration.
Zack held himself above her, his member still pulsing gently from pleasure. Her insides feeling so wet inside, the lack of a burning heat feeling oddly very pleasant. He stayed inside her for a bit before softly pulling out. He laid next her her breathing covered in a thin layer of sweat himself. "That....was amazing," he said very softly to her. His first time with a girl, human giorl, felt so good, so right.
As he pulled out of her, the young woman groaned softly before looking over at him as he laid down next to her and she smiled slightly when she saw him breathing faster then normal and he was covered in a thin layer of sweat. As he spoke, she chuckled and nodded slightly. "Mmhmm, it was." she agreed with him with a happy sigh. "Your pokegirls are very lucky." she told him with another chuckle. The girl rolled over onto her side to look at him better and smiled gently, her eyes glittering in the light of the room.
He softly kissed her lips. "I'd like to think I'm the lucky have them," he replied gently. The only downside was that most like;y they would be apart for a long while, she was the gym leader after all, but he thought perhaps he could visit once he was pokemon champion. (shall i time skip?)
She kissed him back before softly nuzzling his cheek. It was a trait she picked up from her own pokegirls. "You and them are both lucky." she said with a chuckle. She knew that it would be a matter of time before he continued on to the next gym and then to the others. "You'll make it far Zack." she said suddenly. "I just know that you will." (Sure. To what should we skip to?)
Zack smiled gently at that. "You think this....will just be a one time thing?" he asked gently to her. He knew Kai, Lya, all of them would be anxious to continue on, but he would enjoy his short time for now with the fire gym leader. He kissed her again, deeply, pleasently before cuddling close with her, a trait he picked from Lya.

(perhaps to a few days after leaving, hesading o the next gym?)
((Sounds good to me. Maybe we can focus a little on the building of Lya and Kai's relationship.))

Flannery looked at him when he asked if this would be a one time thing, clearly a little surprised at his question before she smiled gently. "I like you Zack. A lot. If you want it to be a more then one time kind of thing, I'll leave it up to you. But I won't hold you back from your goal to become a champion." she told him, smiling a little more as she was kissed again and he cuddled with her, reaching up and playing with some of his hair.
They left he next day, he knew he owed it to himself and his partners to go as far as he could in his journey to become a master. Though even after several days of leaving behind the fiery red head, he mused with the thought of coming back once he had won, and maybe even starting a steadier relationship with her f possible. But that was later, much later, they still needed several badges. "alright, where too next?" he asked dexter as he pulled the device out. "Petalberg gym it is," he said as dexter showed the map.

Kai followed next to him, as did Lya. He liked the two being out, Kai because he was another male to talk to, and Lya because, well he rather liked having his very sexy ninetails at his side at all times now. Though he had a thing for Flannery, he had a much deeper bond with the ninetails then any other female to date. "Why are you to so quiet?" he asked, it seemed they had been spending a bit of time together.
When he announced they were leaving, the pokegirls were happy and ready to go, eager to continue traveling though they would miss Flannery and her pokegirls. Especially Hailey since she had gotten rather close with the Arcanine that the red head had. As they started off again, Lya walked happily at his side, her tails swaying happily as she looked ahead. She walked on one side of him while Kai was on the other but she would occasionally glance over at the pokemon with a small smile before looking forward again. It seemed that while he was bonding with Flannery, the pokegirl had begun to bond with Kai and the two started to get closer. When asked why they were so quiet though, she looked at Zack in surprise before smiling a little more before shrugging. "Don't know." she said softly. "We're just... happy to get on the road again I suppose."
Zack still found it very strange, Lya asked very little about what he and Flannery had done, Kai seemed interested in mating it seemed but also seemed skeptical to ask as well. He assumed they where being polite, but the silence was rather, awkward. "Well...our next bag should be a breeze," he replied as he knew of the Petalburg gym, it was a normal type gym. He knew Kai would so very well in it after all. They had a few days to get there, so he would train the fighting steel pokemon as much as he could during there travels. He didn't ask much else to the two. He assumed they would say something in time. He had had the notion adding a new member or two to the team would help. They had a wide array of pokemon already, different types and such. He guesses water and electric or flying would be nice though.
Lya had indeed asked about what he and Flannery had done together. When she heard that they had been together intimately, the ninetails felt a surge of jealousy though she didn't know why. She was used to sharing with the other pokegirls in their group. Perhaps that was why. Flannery was different from the pokegirls. She was human and to the ninetails, that was something different and part of her felt like her trainer would be taken from her by this female. Shaking her head slightly, she pushed the thought away before chuckling when he said the next gym should be a breeze and she smiled at him. "Perhaps. It's best not to be over confident." she said, remembering for a moment what had happened when he had been over confident at one of the past gyms and she'd gotten beaten fairly badly the first time when they faced their first gym leader together. That Nosepass had done quite a number on the petite vulpix back then.
Zack nodded "Yes...but we are a much stronger team now....and Kai is the perfect type advantage," he replied. The Lucario seemed lost in thought for a moment. "Now your starting to creep me out a little bit," he said to the blue pokemon nearly as tall as he. " Oh...sorry....mind is...wandering a bit" came the somewhat shaken voice. Zack was surprised by this, Kai never seemed shaken, well aside from when Hailey had babied him as a Riolu, but that was more discomfort then being shaken. "Your not worried are you?" he asked, but all he got was a nod. He was quiet as well. He knew Lya had acted strange hearing he had slept with Flannery, deep down he felt a bit bad too, but he didn't want her to feel like she had competition. He wondered if later tonight they should have another training session like old times. "You two didn't?., know....did you?" he asked suddenly to break the silence, though he of course was asking if they had an arguement, since Kai was teaching Lya to control herself. (Yay for bad word play)
Lya tilted her head at him as he said they were much stronger team now and she chuckled softly. "Yes, that is true. But our opponents will also be stronger." she reminded him. Hearing him speak to Kai, she leaned forward a little and looked over at Kai with a small smile before looking forward again with a flick of her tail. She knew that Kai was thinking. After having spent so much time with the pokemon, she'd come to know him fairly well. However, when Zack spoke up again, she looked over at her trainer with wide eyes, her face heating up a bit. "Wha..?" she started before shaking her head quickly. "No! No we didn't." she said quickly, becoming rather flustered as she obviously thought he meant one thing when he was asking about another.
Kai's eyes had snapped open to at that moment, making Zack nearly jump. "No we never...!" the Lucario said back quickly almost at the same moment Lya had. He was very much confused. "It's okay....sometimes know.....and well me and Lya have a time or two as well," he said unsure as to why they where so upset about having a fight. "All you need to know is it changes very little, and afterwards once things settle you feel really good and grow a bit more about it," he replied. "Me and Derin had alot when we where younger.....most of our fights however ended with one of us getting a bloody nose though," he said as the two very shocked looking pokemon."So what did you two fight about?" he asked curiously. (im enjoying this way too much)
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