Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack nodded finishing his food. "Ok Dexter...what can you tell us," he pulled the device out of his vest pocket, after changing of course. The little device blinked a few times as he played with the settings. A small beam of red light shot from it, slowly tracing over her for a few moments"Cool," he said with a smile. "Vulpix, the fox pokemon..." Dexter chanted, going over her species bio, her own personal body measurements, and then finally the set of TMs she could learn. "'s Energy Ball...grass type move," he said looking up at her to see what she thought.
While Zack finished his food and dressed, Lya adjusted her clothes. She had chosen a simple jean skirt that reached mid thigh and a simple dark green top with her sandals. While she adjusted her top, she hear him speak and she looked over as the beam of light traced her several times. As the pokedex began speaking, she sat up and listened. "They must of updated the pokedex." she said gently once it finished giving them information. "Your bothers didn't do that." she murmured before looking at Zack as he spoke about a TM. "It would work well against that Nosepass." she said gently, a small frown forming on her lips. "I always hated facing those pokemon. First time through, that nosepass was a lot weaker, but so was I. And I had to go through several rematches before I could beat it. I would like to have to just do one rematch this time."
Zack nodded "Yeah...thats a bit new, I don't remember Derin's dexter doing that either...makes things easier though," he said as he slipped it away in his pocket. "Well...nosepass is a rock type, you torched geodude, so I'm certian you'll be able to do it again," he said with a grin. "So...I think energy ball should be special for nosepass, Roxanne wont even see it coming," he was getting excited again. More notably, he had not mentioned his brother for some time since just now. "I guess we'd better go to the pokemart and see if they have a TM there," as he stood up something fell out of his pocket, it was a card. "Hmm?" he picked it up seeing it was a currency card, like a gift card though used for anything. "When did this get here?" he saw a small little note in his moms handwriting on it. "Good Luck," he read. He smiled gently, feeling a little homesick again for a moment. "Looks like mom was also thinking ahead too." He got his pack "I hope Nurse Joy wont be too mad," he said a bit to himself, remembering the bedsheets.

(Should we time skip a little bit?)
(Sure, do you want to do the skip, or should I? I was thinking that we could skip to where they're coming back from training and Nurse Joy tells them that they received the package which would be the TM.)

"Yeah, I guess it does." she said before sitting up completely, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and looking at him. "Yeah. Geodude shouldn't pose a problem. And since Nosepass is weak against grass based moves, it should take him out rather easily." She slowly stood up and stretched while he stood up. Her ears twitched when she heard the card fall out of his pocket and she looked at it curiously. She'd seen them before. "You're moms a smart lady. Very nice too." she said gently with a smile. The vulpix had grown rather fond of the woman in the years that she'd known her. At the mention of Nurse Joy being mad, she chuckled and shook her head. "She won't be. With the number of trainers that come through here, she's probably used to it. Besides, she did suggest it."
(That sounds good, you can if you'd like)

Zacl nodded "Yeah thats true," he felt a little bad for Nurse Joy now, though she always seemed happy so he guessed it wasn't a big deal. "Okay lets go look at the wares of the pokemart, then we can train a bit," he suggested. He noticed her fondness and compliments about his mom, it was a rather nice thing too.

Natalya nodded before grabbing their bags, holding his out to him with a smile. "Then lets go." she said.
Later that day they were returning to the pokecenter for lunch and rest. They'd been training for the better half of the afternoon after going to the pokemart and asking about TMs. After learning they had to order one, they did so and were told they'd receive their order by the later part of the afternoon. Natalya's fur was a little damp from training both with her powers and physically. She'd been running and working out to stay in shape, even including Zack in the exercise. As they entered the pokecenter, Nurse Joy looked up at them and smiled warmly. "Welcome back. You received a package. It just came in." she said. She placed something on the reception desk. It was a little thicker then a letter.
Zack was rather, he was pooped to say the least, he was glad he managed to keep up, but just barely. "No wonder....bros....ripped," he said at one point. He liked the idea though, of not just training her, but himself too. When they returned to the center and he heard there package came in, he almost immediatly regained some vigor. "Thanks Nurse Joy," his voice was cheerful,the urge to apologize about the bedsheets no longer lingering in his thought. "Do you want to try it out now Lya?" he asked her, not sure how a TM worked but he was sure it would be cool.

(got a cool idea to explain it :) )

Natalya looked at Zack and grinned, softly chuckling as he spoke. "He goes through worse training though. Each one of his pokemon put him through a training routine that he does everyday. He carries seven pokemon, one for each day of the week, that way he's always doing something different. But don't worry. I'll have you in shape in no time." she said playfully. When the nurse told them their package was in, she smiled and nodded to the woman before watching him take the package. "Yeah. Lets go try it out." she said to him.
Zack nodded, saying thanks once more before going outside. "Not sure if youll be able to use Ebergy Ball right away...but guessing you'll know how after a few tries," he opened the package, inside was a small disk, and a strange flat little device. "Thank you for purchasing......a reusable applicater," he read the short little note the company had sent. He noticed the little device resembled a CD player, but it was so thin he guessed it only carried the disk. "Okay guess your supposed to wear this," he gave her the device,"... lets try it out," he said, slipping the disk inside. Immedietly it began to spin, the TM glowing as it spun faster and faster, the glow moved from the device to her finger tips, then slowly up her arms until her form shimmered. Then it suddenly stopped, the disk was gone, the device empty in her hands. "So....feel any different?"
With a smile to Nurse Joy, she turned with him and head outside at his side. "Yeah. But if it's anything like my other move, it shouldn't take me very long." she said, watching him open the package and remove the disk and a little device. She looked at the item curiously before shrugging slightly. She was silent as he handed her the devise. She kept her hands open palms up as he slipped the disc into it and she watched as the disc began spinning. As it began glowing while spinning faster and faster, her eyes widened before she gasped when the glow moved from the device to her fingers, almost dropping it in her surprise but she didn't. It was almost like dipping herself into cold water as the glow moved over her body before disappearing, causing her to shiver for a moment, her tails flicking before she looked at the now empty device then up at him. "No... not really." she replied.
Zack was confused, but it seemed to work, the disk was gone. "Hope nothing went bad..." he was sure it worked. He hadn't just made up the whole glowing in his mind had he? He looked to see what else there might say in the note. " appparently have the ability now," he was still very confused. "Um...try gathering energy from the sun I guess, and then gather it together into a ball and fire," he wondered if her tails would glow.
Lya shrugged slightly before looking herself over to see if anything had changed but nothing had before she looked at him. As he told her to try and gather energy from the sun, she nodded before looking up at the sun with a sigh, unsure as to how to gather energy. For several minutes she stood there trying to use the move but nothing happened. However as she raised her hands in a motion of frustration, she felt energy rush through her and she jumped when a crackle of green energy started to form before fizzling out when she jumped and lowered her hands. Frowning slightly, she raised her hands experimentally and watched with wide eyes as a green sphere started to grow a little before fading. "Okay... I think I know how this is to work." she said though she was mostly talking to herself.
Zack watched, waiting to see if anything would happen, would she absorb energy through her tails, like a bulbasaur gathwred energy into it's pod? Would her eyes glow, what sign would there be to show it was working? All these questions went though his mind quickly being replaced by more and more. He watched as suddenly it happened energy just gathered quickly in her hand, he jumped afraid it might suddenly go off, but it didn't. "" he said, not sure how it worked, but she seemed to, so he guessed she'd be able to do it on command soon.
Lya looked at Zack when he jumped and she smiled with a soft laugh before reaching behind her and running her hands over her tails, making sure they were fanned out before nodding to herself. Looking at him again, she raised her hands and began concentrating. She had spread out her tails because when she began gathering energy between her hands, she felt the energy rush from the tips of her tails to her hands and knew that her tails had something to do with it. Concentrating hard, she began gathering energy. The green energy started out small before growing slowly bigger, seeming to pulse between her hands while her tails glowed faintly. She did this several times, each time the ball getting bigger before sputtering out. But after many attempts, she finally formed a ball of green energy between her hands and she was able to maintain it for a little bit before she let it shrink and disappear, not wanting to release it for fear of hurting someone or causing damage to a nearby building.
Zack watched, this time not leaping out of the way. He had guessed right, and it was a very cool looking move as she executed it. Of course she had yet to fire it off, but he guessed that would come with some training. "Wow..." he said as she managed to control the flow after about an hour or so, he had actually lost track of time rather quickly. He had a sudden thrill of the rematch now, wanting to watch her put this to the test, but he knew patience would be the answer. For some reason after there taming session, his mentality as a trainer grew significently, he had become a little bit wiser about the way this worked, no longer seeing things as easy, even if she was at a high level, he still viewed everything as being at level one again.
After shrinking the ball and making it disappear, Lya turned to Zack and smiled as he spoke before approaching him."I think that's enough practice for now." she told him. It was clear that she was getting tired by the tone in her voice and she yawned a moment later. "We should head in and get something to eat before going over all my moves again and figuring out which ones we'll use when we face Roxanne." she said gently.
He watched with intent interest as she continued to use this new found power. Finally when she stopped he did notice how much it took out of her, it must be a bit more difficult since she wasn't a grass-type so it was not her natural nature. "Yeah, though you've seemed to have gotten it down quiet well," he said with a smile, he seemed to no longer feel the workout they had earlier that day, if anything his stamina was something to marvel at. "Yeah, eat and rest, that sounds like a good idea," he couldn't hold back a yawn after seeing her do it.
She brushed off her hands and smiled over at him as she stretched a little, feeling her muscles strain a little. Turning, she looked at the Pokecenter before glancing at him. "When did you want to face Roxanne again for a rematch?" she asked randomly before slowly starting for the center, wondering what they were serving for dinner that night in the center, her stomach growling softly at the thought.
Zack thought for a moment "Well, as soon as possible, but I don't want to you think two days might be enough training?" he asked her. He wasn't sure if she'd have the move down, but he was just throwing a time out there. He was also pondering what might be for dinner. "If not then maybe a week...unless thats to much..." he wasnt very decisive all he knew was he wanted to beat Roxanne the next time.
Lya slowly nodded. "Yeah, two days should be more then enough time for me to be ready to face her." she replied while looking up at the slowly darkening sky. She knew that in the next two days she'd have to train hard. In the past month that her and Derin had been home, she hadn't been able to train much. Mostly because he usually went and trained with one of the weaker girls but also because they were both trying to get used to the thought of not being trainer and pokemon anymore, so she had gone a little soft in that bit of time. But because most pokemon were naturally fit, it shouldn't take her long to bounce back and she'd be training Zack as well. Since they were to be a team, she would make sure he was just as fit as she was.
He nodded agreeing with it, a sort of fire burned in his eyes, he was getting very excited once more. "Ok then...lets get some food and then lets stratigize," he told her, smiling just before his stomach growled. "Sorry," he felt a bit embaressed about that. Of course he would eat quit a bit once they had dinner that night, "Thank goodness for pokemon centers," he thought to himself.
Looking over at him, Lya paused for just a moment before walking again with a smile. She'd seen the fire in his eyes. Very few trainers actually had that drive in them and even fewer made it to the elite four. In her time of traveling with Derin, she'd met a good many trainers. Many made it far, but at one point or another, they stopped traveling and no longer trained, seeming to just settle into a place in life. she would make sure that Zack made it far. That he would get to the top and go further then his brother had. Hearing his stomach growl, her ear twitched before she laughed softly and shook her head. "It's fine." she told him.
" could give you some cover," her said back in their room after dinner. "It might make it harder for Nosepass to use anything long ranged, and can give you time to charge up?" he suggested. She didn't know moves like smoke screen or flash, so he was thinking of any means to make the enemy stand still for her. With one good direct hit she'd end the fight quick. Despite his newbie status he did his best to be creative with fighting.
After dinner, Lya was lounging in their room, absently munching on a couple of treats she'd found in her bag. She knew that Zack's mother had put them there because of the way they were packed. "Yeah, it would offer some cover." she said in agreement. "What about confuse ray?" she asked. "I know it's not my best move, but it could confuse him and it would give me some time as well as cause him to attack himself."
Zack had to agree with that "Unless it somehow snaps out of it..." he commented. Firespin, he thought was a fire type move, it would not to alot of damage but it did obscure the other trainers vision, she could then follow up with Energy ball before Roxanne had time to counter. "I just want Roxanne to be oblivious to our new move until it's too late," he added "Confuse Ray might confuse Nosepass, but not her...though if he's confused he might not be able to attack properly," he tried to see both sides of the conversation as best he could.
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