Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

"Yeah. I guess it did." she murmured. Lya could see that he had a lot of thoughts on his mind and didn't speak up much. "Well.. I enjoy berries and different meats and fish." she said slowly. "And as a treat Derin usually gave me a poffin or a pokesnack if we had them." Natalya's ears twitched as she listened carefully incase there were pokemon or other trainers near by. So far she hadn't heard any others around them and she didn't think there would be others unless there were trainers that were sticking around to level up their pokemon as much as they could before moving on.
Zack was looking around anxiously as well. Every now and then a pidgy flew by, but he was never too interested, it seemed even the other wild pokemon where a bit scarce, possibly because the new traners had already gone by through the area and they where in hiding. His luck seemed to be against him. "I know poffins can be made....though I think I need berries for them," he said thinking of the kinds he had heard about, he knew the flavor was what mattered. "What ind do you like most?"
Each time a pidgy flew by, her ear would swivel in it's direction but she didn't look. She could remember when her and Derin set off at at the same time the other new trainers had. There had been trainers everywhere and a lot of wild pokegirls went into hiding. "Yeah, they can be made. And yes, it takes berries to make them." she said, confirming what he thought. "I enjoy spicy and dry poffins. My favorites are ones made with cheri berries and oran berries. If we need anykind of berries, I've become very skilled at finding them."
Zack was impressed she knew so much. The sun was beginning to set and he was wondering if they where lost, the map however confirmed they where close to Rustboro. " did nights work out with you two?" he asked, realizing he never considered the idea of sharing a bed with her or anything like that. In truth it didn't bother him, he just wanted her to be comfortable around him.
Looking up at the sky, Natalya could see the sun going down and she shivered slightly. It was beginning to cool down now that it was getting later into the evening. But luckily they only had about twenty minutes before they reached Rustboro. "Nights? You mean sleeping?" she asked. "Well.... when we first started we slept in the same bed together but as time went on and he collected more and more pokegirls, he sort of started spending more time with the others. We often took turns sleeping in his bed. It all depended on his mood."
Zack was a little intrigued by this, he didn't understand what he meant, but he guessed Derin tried to give all his girls attention, though what kind he wasn't sure. " you want to sleep with me then?" he asked, unsure if she would like to, after all he wasn't his brother. He found this to be harder then he thought, he thought it would be a bit easier, but in truth it wasn't. He bet Derin didn;t have this problem.
Natalya couldn't help but chuckle at his question before brushing her bangs from her face. "Honestly, I wouldn't mind it. It's more comfortable sleeping in a bed then in a pokeball. It's rather cramped in them anyways." she told him. She gazed at him from the corner of her eye and smiled gently while she watched him. She could tell that he was unsure of himself and about what he was supposed to do. That's what really gave away that he was new to the whole trainer thing. If he had more confidence, he'd be able to pass himself off as a skilled trainer.
Zack smiled, he could already feel the butterfree's in his stomach. There trip finally came to an end when they got off the road and into the town. Rustboro was not much bigger then Littleroot, in fact it still seemed very much like home, besides the fact it had fewer trees and more rocks. "Makes sense it's a rock gym now..." he said a bit to himself. They made there way to the pokemon center where Nurse Joy was more then happy to accomidate them for the night. He changed into his pajamas. "We should get a good nights rest, well need our wits for tomorrow." He soon joined her in bed, the anxiety bothering him for a while before drifting off.

The following morning he woke up, laying awake as he thought of what to do. The journey from the center to the gym was almost unrecallable to him, but he then stood on the other end of a lit arena. "I challange Roxanne the gym leader!" he called out.

(mind if you play her?)
After stepping off the road and into the town, Natalya looked around. It was a little hard to tell one building from another at night but thanks to the lights at the center, it was easy to find it. She never liked being in Rustboro because of how little vegetation there was in the town. Upon reaching the center, she happily followed him to the room that they were going to share and she quickly changed into a pair of cottom shorts and a tanktop for sleeping before slipping into the bed. With a yawn, she curled up and sank into a deep sleep at his side.

The next morning, Natalya was up before him and she was dressed in a similar outfit to the one she'd worn the day before except that this time her top was a little more form fitting then the beater she had been wearing. When he woke, she was pulling her hair back into a tight braid. At his side, she journeyed to the gym and she looked up at the building as they approached before entering with him and she stood at his side as he challanged Roxanne to a battle.

After he called his challange, the doors at the other end opened and a young woman stepped out. She had red eyes, brown hair and a purple dress on. She stepped up to the spot where the gym leader would stand. "Hello, I am Roxanne, the Rustboro Pokémon Gym Leader. I became a Gym Leader so that I may apply what I learned at the Pokémon Trainer's School in battle. Would you kindly demonstrate how you battle, and with which Pokémon?" she said. With that she threw a pokeball onto the field and a geodude appeared while Natalya glanced at Zack to make sure he was ready before stepping out onto the field. The moment she was out onto the field, Roxanne called out a command to her geodude.

"Geodude! Rock throw!" she called and the rock pokemon began throwing rocks at the vulpix who dodged back and forth, doing her best to avoid the large rocks.
The geodude had an impressive throw, nearly clearing the fields length as it pelted rocks at her. Zack watched her dodge each projectile, for a split moment transfixed on the display. He however had to come back to reality. He purged his mind for a command, suddenly realizing he hadn't learned the moves she could perform. He thought of a common fire type move. "Lya, dodge then use fire spin!" he yelled though she was dodging fine without his instructions.
Natalya dodged each rock with easy, her tail flicking with her movements, her feet barely touching the ground as she moved. Once geodude was done throwing rocks at her, she heard Zacks order and she nodded. Moving just a little closer to the geodude before using firespin. Planting her feet firmly, she opened her mouth and a stream of fire appeared. It spiraled towards the rock pokemon before engulfing it, causing a bit of damage. But because geodude was a rock pokemon, it only received half the damage.

"Geodude, do roll out!" Roxanne called from where she stood. A moment later what looked like large bolder came rolling at her and hit Natalya hard and fast, both interrupting her fire spin and sending the vulpix back a bit and she landed with a thud. With a groan, she glared at the geodude when he came to a stop at the other end of the field. With a growl, she attacked again without being told and she used flamethrower. A jet of hot fire blasted towards the rock pokemon, engulfing it completely. She held the move for several long seconds, causing the gym to heat up a bit before she let up. When she did, the geodude was laying on the ground unconscious.
Zack watched as she used a beautiful fire spin, the move engulfed the geodude and it seemed to be effective, though being the rock type it was, that still was not enough. He watched as the geodude broke free of the fiery prison and spun towards Lya, hitting her dead on and causing her asnd her move to collapse. He had another command in his throat, but suddenly she got up and used her flamethrower attack. He was confused, wasn't she supposed to listen to him? Though the end result was a good one, so he let it slid. "Great job Lya1" he called out to her. The geodude being called back in.

A second pokeball was thrown and in a burst of light another pokemon appeared. Zack had heard about this, it was a nose pass. He used 'Dexter' to analyze it. "A rock eletric type?" he asked himself, it was such a strange combination, and Lya was a firetype so any attacks she took would hurt even more. Roxannae suddenly called out a command, the Nosepass standing still, the reddish stone on it's face suddenly began to crackle with energy. It was about to use 'Zap Cannon'. "Nooooose!" it bellowed and a sphere of energy shot from it. Why on earth was it using an eletric type move?

Zack remembered another move. "Lya, dodge it and use Payback!" he yelled to her, he knew a fire type move wouldn;t hurt very much, but this was a dark type move, one that would hit twice as hard since she would go second.
Natalya stood up straight though she flinched slightly, already feeling the ache from the hit the geodude dealt her and she rubbed her ribs. A small frown was on her lips as the knocked out geodude was called back. A moment later she heard Roxanne call out Nosepass and she shook her hair back over her shoulder. She narrowed her eyes at the pokemon. She hated fighting Nosepass's. She heard Zacks yelled orders before diving out of the way. At the same time she sent a purple sphere of energy towards the rock/electric pokemon, just barely avoiding getting hit by the zap cannon.

The purple sphere flew at Nosepass and hit it, causing some damage but it didn't go down. "Nosepass, rockslide!" Roxanne called after Natalya dodged the zap cannon. Rockslide was a rock type move and its damage would be doubled if it hit Natalya.
Nosepass slammed onto the ground. The arena floor suddenly rose up like someone flicking a bedsheet and a massive bump of rock came rushing towards Natalya. It slowly gained speed as it traveled. And it slidly grew as well, leaving only the sides of it to or jumping above it as methods of dodging the powerful attack. Zack was stunned as he watched it, and Nosepass seemed still once more, the pokemon was rather slow it seemed, but it truely didnt matter when it was able to deliver such attacks.

Zack had to think for a moment. "Lya Jump above it, then follow through with Smoke Screen!" he yelled out. He was unaware she did not know that, assuming it was a move most fire types would know by default.
Natalya paused when Nosepass slammed into the ground and the arena floor rose up. Her ears laid back and she frowned before moving, moving back away from the oncoming wave or rock. Turning, she began dashing and trying to move out of the way. When Zack yelled for her to jump she started to but his order to use smoke screen both confused and distracted her. She didn't complete her jump and the wave hit her hard in the chest. With a yelp she went flying backwards, hitting the ground hard and she rolled before becoming still. Coughing softly, she placed her hands upon the ground and slowly began pushing herself up. Her red hair had come loose of its braid and fell around her.

"Lets finish this." Roxanne said. "Tackle Nosepass." Natalya wouldn't even see it coming as she struggled to stand. Because Nosepass was a rock pokemon, most of his attacks were doubled in power and tackle had just enough power to knock her out.
Zack watched in horror as his command failed, what was worse was that Natalya took the hit straight on. He did not need to be an experienced trainer to realize his error and that the hit had been a critical one at that. His head snapped up as he heard the final attack being called, "Lya, can you get up?" he called, urging her to get up because of the oncoming attack. As the other pokemon attacked he had no choice. " more!" he yelled but it was to late.

Nosepass tilted forward, suddenly putting on a burst of speed, even with it's inferior speed it didn't matter much when the target wouldn't be able to run away. "Nose...nose....nose!" it cried out, before throwing it's weight into the attacked just as Zack gave up the match. The rove pokemon slammed into Lya's petite form, it's weight only making the move all the more damaging.

He watched her get pummeled. "Lya!" he yelled running onto the arena floor. The nose pass vanished into his poke ball. "Lya...lya are you ok?" he checked her, she was out cold it seemed, the gym leader was saying something but he didn't hers it. He simply picked her up as gently as he could, rushing to the pokemoncenter for Nurse joy to look at her.
Natalya had managed to get onto her hands and knees, shaking her head as she tried to clear it and she groaned, her ears twitching when she heard Zacks voice but she didn't hear what he said. Hearing Nosepass, she lifted her head and her eyes widened just before she was hit hard in the side. With a yelp, she was sent backwards again. Her body rolled from the power of the impact before coming to a stop against a large rock. She was unconscious from the match, her body laying limp upon the ground. In the background, Roxanne spoke, telling him to come back when he got better before she turned and disappeared from the arena floor.

At the pokecenter, the moment Zack entered, Nurse Joy rushed forward, several chancey's coming from the back to help the pink haired woman as she asked what had happened. After hearing what he had to say, Nurse Joy and the pink pokemon rushed Natalya into the back to nurse her back together.
Zack paced outside the emergency room, a small sign with a syringe glowing red to show it was occupied and the patient was still in critical condition. "Idiot..." he called himself for the hundredth time as he racked his brain in possible situations he could have taken. Had he even bothered ton think like a trainer he would have figured out her abilities. He had non idea what movesnshe knew, all he thought was she was strong enough to defeat four gym leaders rather then thinkingnof a plan. He had been naive and over confident, he was an idiot.

He sat down after a few minutes, he was angry at Roxanne for a moment, she knew the battle was over, but she hadn't stopped, in truth he was simply projecting his anger out on her, he was the one to blame. He remembered how Lya had done things on her own, but that didn't matter, he couldn't even blame her for that, he was weak. "What would he think?" he asked himself, his thoughts going to Derin, "He'd say I rush things...." he answered his own question in a matter of moments.
Nurse Joy was in the back with Natalya for some time before the sign with the syringe went out with a soft ding before the pink haired woman stepped out and looked around. Spotting Zack, the nurse approached him before smiling gently. "Your pokemons going to be fine." she said softly. "She's resting now. Her injuries were rather extensive but they were healed easily and quickly." Nurse Joy became silent for a moment while gazing at the young man. "If I might make a suggestion. To speed up her healing, perhaps you both might participate in a taming session. It would help you both. Now, if you would like to see her you may."

In the back, Natalya was laying on a bed with her eyes closed, one of her hands resting on her stomach while the other rested at her side, her long curly red hair like a red halo around her head. Her breathing was slow and deep as she laid there. At her side, a chancey was keeping an eye on the pokegirl.
Zack nodded, thanking nurse joy. He wasn't sure what a "taming session" was exactly, but that question didn't matter to him at then moment. He went into the room, seeing her with her eyes closed, she looked like she was sleeping. She seemed fine, but he guessed she would still be in some pain. He sat down next to her, not sure if she'd hear him. "Im so sorry Lya," he told her gently, saying how he had failed as a trainer, his brothers trust, and her most of all. Perhaps he wasn't cut out to be a trainer after all? He thought to himself.
As he entered, the chancey looked up before moving away as he moved to sit at Natalya's side. As he spoke, she began to stir before opening her eyes and she looked over at him. "Don't be sorry." she said softly. Her brown eyes were tired and she yawned softly while gazing at him. "Instead of being sorry, just work harder." She brushed her bangs out of her face, forcing back a groan, her body aching still.
He smiled as she woke up he gave a very small and shaky laugh "Yeah...your right," he said, wiping his eyes, they had gotten teary again. "Im glad your alright Lya," he told her gently, the advice nurse joy had given him still fresh in his head, he was curious of what it was still, but whatever it was would have to wait until she was all better, no training until she was fully fit. "Nurse Joy says your healing is going to go well," he said, though not saying what had been advised, he didn't want to get her excited about anything, since this sounded like some kind of training process to him.
Natalya noticed that his eyes were glazed with tears and she sighed before looking away for a moment. "Thanks." she said softly. "But I've had worse. So this is nothing." She slowly nodded as she was told her healing was going to go well. A moment later, Nurse Joy joined them and she checked the vulpix over before smiling at the girl. "I was just mentioning to your trainer that a taming session might be good for the both of you." she said gently while adjusting Natalya's sheets. "It would speed up your recovering." The fire pokemon slowly nodded, a slightly embarrassed look on her face as she watched the woman finish looking her over. "Well, you're well enough to move to one of our rooms for the night." With one last smile, nurse joy turned and left the room, leaving them alone.
Zack hadn't heard what Nurse Joy had said, only that she could be moved to a normal room for the night. He was happy to hear that, he would have worried to much if she had to sleep in the emergency room for the night. It wasn't too late out, though the sun would be setting in an hour or so. "Would you like me to let you rest a little more, I can come back when it's time to sleep to help you get to bed," he suggested. "Or I can move you now if your up to it," he may not have noticed, but it was obvious despite being happy she was better, he was even more less confident then before. He had a literal cloyed, or smog, of doubt all over him. He was still so unsure, despite his resolve to somehow get better.
Once Nurse Joy left, she sighed and relaxed while stretching out a little with a soft yawn. She was about to close her eyes and try to fall back to sleep when he spoke up and she looked up at him. "No, I'd like to sleep in a normal bed instead of in here. It smells like alcohol and other sterile things in here." she said to him while slowly sitting up, bushing her bangs from her face before looking up at him. She could tell that he was doubting himself and she sighed softly. "Come on, lets go to our room." she said to him.
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