Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Lya heard him speak and nodded slightly, shifting her hips a little so she was more comfortable in his lap. When he began thrusting up into her, she gave a soft gasp before moaning as she began to bounce upon him. She loved the feeling of him moving in and out of her with every thrust. Each time he was buried inside of her, she felt the tip of his member brush the opening to her womb and it made her shiver with a soft groan. Grasping his shoulders, she began moving her hips a little more while panting softly.
Zack once again pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply, he groaned into the kiss, his breathing a little uneven, as she bounced in his lap. It felt so good his mind was beginning to grow a bit hazy. "Huugh.....huuu1" he breathed his hands cupping her breasts once more to knead them like dough, his thumbs gently rubbing over her hardened nipples. He bucked his hips a bit more, her thighs smacking against his lap, making a small audible slap each time.
Lya arched her back slightly while kissing him back, nibbling at his lip a little between kisses. As his hands cupped her bouncing breasts, she moaned again as he kneaded them while his thumbs rubbed her sensitive, hardened nipples. She could hear the slap of their bodies connecting and she ground her hips to his again while wrapping her arms around his neck, burying her fingers in his hair. Her breasts bounced a little with each thrust and her breathing was a little on the heavy side as she moaned into their kiss.
Zack felt her arch, giving him better access at her breasts. He began to lean forward a bit, her body sliding from his lap onto her back as he stayed just abose her. It made it easier as he began to use longer, faster strokes to go in and out. "L..Lya..." he said "" he asked her, wanting to hear her voice, thick with pleasure and lust. His hips pushed rougher into her as she grew evnen wetter, making the task at hand all the easier to perform for him without needed to be so gentle.
Lya yelped in surprise when he leaned forward and she was slid from his lap and onto her back upon the bed. Looking up at him, she panted softly before giving a soft cry as he began thrusting longer and faster into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist a bit as she gently moved against him. "I-it feels wonderful." she gasped. Her voice was husky and thick with her arousal and pleasure as she moaned for him. She felt him getting rougher with his thrusts and it made her tighten around him a little as she lifted her hips a little for him, allowing him to go even deeper.
Zack pushed in and out, his hips grounding down into her, at times he would push in, the tip rubbing her womb even more, and he would simply rotate them, grinding the cock tip to her further entrance. It felt amazing, and made his legs almost begin to shiver from excitment. He could feel himself growing closer though, the feeling of euphoria becoming all the more dominant. His hips pistoned quicker, now trying his best to get her to feel the same, not wanting to go off without first letting her.
Lya groaned softly as he began grinding into her, her legs quivering against his as she moaned. Her hands grasped the sheets tightly as she panted and bucked her hips a little against his. She could feel the tip of his cock grinding against her further entrance as she moaned and trembled a little. As he moved faster, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to her release and it showed by the look on her face and how she was tightening around him.
Zack picked up the pace once more, thrusting faster and rougher. The bed creaked gently as the springs took the force. He was not very harsh, in fact he wasn't really going to hard. He kissed her lips more, feeling his limit reaching nearer and nearer. "Lya...I'm clo..."his voicevcame out in a lustful breath of air. He was not certain if he should withdraw or not. He however moved myth more feeling the finale about to hit, he put the remaining bit of effort into being much rougher, hitting her just a bit deeper.
Lya closed her eyes as pleasure rushed through her body as he began moving faster, making her tighten just a little more as her toes curled a little. When he kissed her lips, she nipped at his bottom lip in an almost playful way before kissing him back. When he spoke, she nodded, unable to speak due to panting and moaning. She was on the edge of her release but when he thrust just that bit deeper, she arched her back a little more with a loud cry of pleasure as she clenched around him, her body caressing his length as she came around him.
Zack could feel her walls squeezing him more and more, it was amazing, she had felt tight before, but not it was almost like a vice on him, her own fluids the only thing making it able for him to even continue to thrust. As she nipped his lip he panted, and as she clamped down even tighter he could feel her muscles begin to spasm from pleasure. He felt the sudden rush of warmth as she hit her climax, setting off his very own. "Nnnaaugh!" he grunted, though it sounded similar to a growl as his member thobbed and twitched inside. His seed rushing from the tip like a fountain and filling her full in mere moments.
Lya closed her eyes tightly as he grunted, the growl like sound sending shudders through her as she used her legs to pull him as deep as she could, her toes curling completely as he walls milked him for all his seed. She could feel his seed filling her more and more until some of it escaped her body, making her groan as well. Slowly once her climax finished, she slumped back against the bed while panting heavily, closing her eyes. Her hands released the sheets she was holding and she swallowed softly before looking up at him with a small smile. "That was wonderful." she whispered to him.
Zack could feel the eltrified after glow of his climax for what felt like forever, as her walls caressed him, dragging it out even further. Soon his back once again grew flexible, no longer tensed up, allowing him to relax, a few remaining sparks of pleasure still playing upon the corners of his sensation though. He could feel himself slowly growing limp within her, though he was still fairly rigid. He breathed heavily until his heart began to go at a more managable speed once more. Slowly he was coming down from his high. He grinned softly at her comment "It was amazing Lya," he said to her softly, giving her a very small peck on the lips, her legs still loosely wrapped around him, but he did not plan to pull out just yet, he wanted the feelings and atmosphere to linger for just a bit longer.
Lya watched him through partially closed eyes, a peaceful smile upon her lips as he slowly began to relax as well. She reached up and stroked his cheek lightly, her fingertips just barely touching his skin. She could feel him becoming limp within her body and she could feel his heart slowing to a more regular speed beneath her hand. As he grinned at her, she smiled in return. After being kissed, she ran her fingers through his hair a little. "Thank you Zack." she whispered, her legs resting gently around his waist.
Zack smiled, slowly pulling out as her legs loosened, he laid beside her, looking at her. A bit of their fluids still dribbling gently out of her, matting the fur around her thighs and nether region. "Your welcome....and thank you too," he told her, gently hugging her a little closer to him. His mind was so relaxed, nothing was bothering him anymore, even the memory of loosing seemed so distant and no longer very relivant. He just wanted to lay next to her, and enjoy the rest of the night.
Lya cooed softly as he pulled out of her, feeling a little embarrassed as some more of their combined fluids escaped her. The pokemon removed her legs from around his waist as he pulled out and moved to lay beside her. As she rolled onto her side, she closed her legs and smiled as he hugged her closer to him. She could tell that he was completely relaxed and that nothing was bothering him any longer. With a sigh, she settled within his arms with one of hers draped over his waist while she gazed up into his eyes.
"It was cute though Lya," he said to her gently, he noticed how embaressed she felt with her slit dripping. He cuddled closer to her. 'How are you feeling?" he was curious, after all Nurse Joy had said tht was supposedto have helped her heal, he wondered if it was true, or was it simply something they both really needed.
Lya's ears twitched and she looked away, her cheeks heating up as she smiled shyly after he spoke. But she looked up at him, nuzzling his shoulder as he cuddled closer to her. "I'm feeling much better." she said gently. "I'm not as sore as before, though I am a little sleepy." She smiled and chuckled softly while resting her head against his shoulder with a peaceful look upon her face. "How are you feeling?" she asked.
Zack once more thought how cute she was. But he didn't want to tease her anymore. He was glad she was feeling alot better, maybe that meant tomorrow they could get a good start, he had decided to train harder. He had an idea, but he just wasn't certian it would work. "I feel...very good," he said to her, smiling and petting her softly. "Well we'd better get some sleep then Lya," he reached to pull the cover over them. "I think train," he began to yawn as he spoke, feeling very tired himself.
Lya nodded as he said he felt good before closing her eyes when he pet her. "Sleep sounds like a good idea." she murmured gently, snuggling close to him as he pulled the covers over them. But when he said they needed to train the next day, she just made a soft sound, yawning right after he did before closing her eyes and beginning to fall asleep. Her breathing deepened and slowed down a little as the female fell into a peaceful sleep.
Zack fell asleep soon after. He had a wierd dream, something about a show he'd seen once, about pokemon learning moves. It wasn't like learning from experience, it was a special way, a device of sorts. "What was it?" he asked himself in his own head. It seemed the hours passed as his dream seemed to tell him something but he just couldn;t remember it. His face nuzzled a bit more into her fur, she smelled very nice, and it made him just sleep.

As the sun rose he opened his eyes. 'Learn a move...too...technical...move...." he grumbled in his half sleep daze. Suddenly a surge of excitment hit him. "Technical move...TM....could use one of those!" he did not realize he said this very loud, thinking it was still a thought bubble.
The next morning, Natalya was awake before the sun rose. Looking at Zack, she smiled gently before slipping out of the bed and stretching without waking him. With a soft yawn, she grabbed her bag and slipped into the small bathroom where she took a quick shower before heading out of the room, closing the door with a soft click. She was gone for quite a while, returning just after he woke up. As she entered the room, he said something very loud, making her jump in surprise and pause in the doorway. For a moment she just stood there before entering the rest of the way and closing the door. She had a plate in hand and she smiled slightly. "Morning." she said softly while moving over to the desk that sat against the one wall. "I brought you breakfast from the cafeteria downstairs." she said before sitting down next to him. "I ate while I was down there."
Luckily she had set the plate down, he didn't even seem to register what she just said though. "Lya...I got it," he said, grabbing her and smiling, kissing her rather quickly too. He noticed breakfast and he seemed to calm down just a little "Oh...thanks," he said before once more going into an excited smile. "A TM.....we can get a TM and that will be a good move, and then you'll win," it made no sense so he had to calm down before explaining it all. "We need to get a that you can learn and it will be a move that no one will expect," he said. His mind was so excited it was doing backflips, he waited for her to give him some feed back, thinking she'd find it ingenius and all.
A gasp escaped her when he grabbed her and kissed her, leaving the vulpix rather dazed for a moment. "O-okay..." she stammered though she didn't know what he was talking about. She merely nodded after he thanked her for the breakfast before arching an eyebrow at him as he said they could get a TM. At first she was confused but as he calmed down at explained himself. "A TM huh?" she murmured while moving to sit down on a bed. "It could work. Though we still need to train. We can't just buy one and expect it to do everything. Though it is a great idea. But where would we get one? Does a pokemart around here sell them?"
That put a damper in his plans, so he busied himself with eating the breakfast she'd brought him as he thought, "Well, Im not sure exactly...I haven't checked yet but if not...well," he wanted to say they could go to a town that sold them, unfortunetally that might mean traveling far from Rustboro, which seemed to only prolong the rematch with Roxanne. He did not even know what TM would work, maybe a grass type move, like solar beam, if she could learn it.
Natalya leaned back on the bed as he began eating, watching him from under her bangs as he thought to himself. "Well... first we should consult dexter and see what he knows about different TMs that would work for me." she said, referring to his pokedex. "After that we can ask the local pokemart about TMs. See if they carry any or if they know of a near by place." She picked up her bag that she had left next to the bed and opened it, fishing out a hair tie which she used to pull her long hair up into a high ponytail.
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