Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

She slowly nodded while thinking about the two different moves before looking at him. "Why not do both?" she asked him suddenly. "I could do a quick confuse ray followed by firespin before starting my energy beam." She closed the bag of treats and tucked them into her bag again. "That way, nose pass is confused and Roxanne can't see what I'm doing."
Zack's face brightened up "Yeah thats a great idea!" he said, excited, if Nosepass wasn't confused then Firespin might do it, if the later didn't work it might then be confused, it was almost win win, if neither worked then hopefully the Energy Ball might still surprise the gym leader long enough to score a hit.
Lya stifled a soft laugh as he spoke up excitedly. "I'm glad you agree." she told him. "But in order to do that, I need to train a lot more." she told him. "I'll start training heavily tomorrow, practicing my energy ball and exercising." As she spoke, she stood up and began changing into a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top to sleep in. After peeling off her shirt, she looked over at him. "You'll be exercising too." she said with a grin.
"I wasn't going to complain," he said at her last comment, in truth he probably might have, even if he was determined, he still was not used to such training yet. He decided to get some sleep too, taking off his cloths to exchange them for new ones to sleep in. She always seemed to look her best in cloths, he on the other hand simply did not want to look naked, of course that didn't matter too much around her.
She snickered at his comment before tugging on her shirt she was going to sleep in. After changing into her sleeping clothes, she climbed into the bed and watched him change, a small smile on her lips. For the longest time she just watched before asking him something. "Are you shy?" she asked suddenly. She thought it strange that he didn't want to look naked. Especially considering what they'd done the night before.
Zack was a little confused on the question. "No...I mean yes at times I am, but why do you ask now?" he wondered. He was where a shirt, and boxers, and some sweat pants, it was the typical thing he wore to bed, even if it was summer. " mean why so much?" he gestured to his cloths. "I a sense sorta," he said "Why did you want me to the nude or something?" he asked. Before she could even respond though he asked her a more direct question 'Why do you wear cloths to sleep?"
Lya tilted her head slightly while watching him before shrugging slightly when asked why she asked then. She felt her cheeks flush with heat after being asked if she wanted him to sleep in the nude and she opened her mouth to respond when he asked her why she wore clothes to sleep. "I... don't know. I've always been told to." she said gently. "I mean, I prefer sleeping naked but I've always been told to wear clothing when sleeping."
Zack wondered why that was. " dont have too," he said to her, though it was a bit low, more like a mumble then actual words. "I mean...if your not comfortable in them then don't," he said, in truth either way was fine. He was silent for a few minutes though before he grew curious "What...where you...going to say?" he asked in regards to him sleeping without cloths.
Lya stared at him as he told her that she didn't have to wear clothes to bed, her ear twitching a couple times before she cleared her throat and shrugged slightly. "Well... would you mind?" she asked slowly before becoming silent as well until he spoke up again. "I.. um.. well, I was going to say that... that I wouldn't mind if you did." she said gently. "Since I'm a fire pokemon, I'm naturally warmer then others so you might get hot or something and I know it sounds strange, but I do enjoy the feel of skin against my fur."
Zack was silent for a few moments as well. "I...I wouldn't mind," he said, feeling his face go a little red, he tried to hide it as best he could though, wishing he had fur to cover it up like she did, though when her ears did the drooping or twitching thing he knew she was a little embaressed. When she said she wouldn't mind, and liked the feeling, he was still, but then he slowly lifted his shirt up over his head, his chest exposed. It wasn't much, he was in good shape, but not toned like his brother, not yet anyways. He then proceeded to remove his sweat pants, though he wasn't sure about the boxers, it didn;t want to accidentally poke her in the mornings, though in hind sight that didn;t seem to matter, so he slowly got rid of those too..
Lya smiled again and bowed her head so she didn't see it when he blushed. She played with the hem of her shorts and thought about what they'd just talked about, not looking up until she heard a rustle of clothing and she watched as he removed his shirt. For a long moment she watched him as he removed his shirt and sweat pants. Once he finished with his pants, she grasped the hem of her shirt and put it aside before standing up, slowly slipping her shorts off so she stood there completely nude. Picking up her clothing, she stuffed them into her bag. As she stood there, the white fur that ran from just above her breasts to down between her legs stood out against her red body.
They both where in nothing but the skin and fur they where born with, it was a little strange, he actually felt a tiny bit excited, like the night before, though he did his best not to act to much upon that. He wasn't sure what to say. "We'd...better get some sleep now Lya," he said, they had spent a good hour simply talking about this, and it was getting late. However as she got into bed with him, and he pulled the covers over them both he gently whispered "You look beautiful," in her ear before wishing her a good night and turning off the lights.
Looking up at him, she smiled gently while looking him up and down slowly. Even though he wasn't as built as her brother, he was still a very good looking young man and she knew as he got older he would just get more and more good looking. "You're right. We need all the sleep we can get." she said gently before moving over to the bed, slowly slipping in and settling down inside of it before cuddling close to him as he pulled the covers over them. Her smile grew as he told her that she looked beautiful. Looking up, she leaned up and lightly kissed him goodnight before watching him shut off the lights. With a yawn, she nuzzled his shoulder. "You look good as well. Goodnight." she whispered before closing her eyes and beginning to fall asleep.
Hiro slept peacefully, she had been right, she was very warm despite his lack of cloths, it was almost as if he was in a nice heated blanket. He snuggled closer to her during the night, holding her petite form close to him. In the morning he woke, though not stirring as he enjoyed the feeling of her company.

The next few days went by quickly. She quickly got the hang of the new move, able to perform is nearly as flawless as any grass type. There training was hard, and he did his best to keep up, though on the second day he was pleased to say he didn;t feel as bad as the first time, though it was still very taxing on him. Of course when they got to sleep and cuddle during the night, it was well worth it. Soon it was the morning of the rematch, he was excited once more. They ate breakfast, rather then training though they stretched, both of them, even if it wasn't himself running around, he felt it was just more of a bonding experience if he did.

"Roxanne...I've come back for a rematch!" he called out once more in the challangers square beside Lya.
Lya slept peacefully as well, her head resting upon Zacks chest with her arm wrapped around his waist. As he snuggled closer to her body during the night, she sighed in her sleep and nuzzled his chest again but never woke up.

Over the next two days, she trained herself hard and did the same with Zack but she went a little easy on him since he wasn't used to it yet. Like she'd told him, two days were more then enough to be able to do the move with ease. When he complained once during the training, she told him that the training would help him go further on his journey to earn the badges from every gym and if he didn't train, he wouldn't get far. On the morning of the rematch, she was calm as she ate breakfast, thinking about the match and how she hoped it turned out. Last time when she was there as a new pokemon, Derin had been stubborn and he didn't catch on that they had to train in order to win until after his fifth defeat and she didn't want this to end up like that. After eating, she walked at Zacks side with a determined look on her face.

After he called out his challange, nothing happened at first before Roxanne appeared again and moved towards her square and she gazed at him with an arched eyebrow. "So you think you're ready to defeat me after just a few days?" she asked before pulling out a pokeball. "Fine. Geodude!" she called while throwing the ball and the rock pokemon appeared.
Zack didn't respond, he didn't need to talk only to fight. 'Lya, do your stuff," he smiled confidently. He was expecting Geodude, though he wondered if Roxanne had any tricks up her sleeve this time. He would give her the chance to use any tricks this time though as he wanted to close the gap quickly. 'Lya use Quick Attack," he shouted out. It was a low level move, but they wanted to use her superior speed to close the gap, when she got in close she'd hit geodude with a nice Confuse Ray. It would almost be a certian hit, after that they'd torch him before they could even land a hit onto her, this time she'd be at her peak performance against Nosepass, at least they had hoped and planned for this.
Lya merely looked over at Zack and gave a nod before stepping onto the field. This time she was barefoot compared to last time and she felt the dirt beneath her feet, leaving her shoes behind at Zacks side. After being told to use quick attack, she rushed at Geodude, her feet barely touching the floor as she moved in a zigzag motion to make it hard for Roxanne and Geodude to be able to land any kind of attack. As she ran though, she readied herself for confuse ray. Though Roxanne couldn't see it, Zack would be able to see a small purple light growing in her palm as she readied her next move so that when she hit Geodude with her quick attack, she'd hit with confuse ray as well. Once she was in arms reach, she swung out and hit the rock pokemon several times before she jumped out of his reach.

After hitting him, there was a confused look on the rock pokemons face. Roxanne frowned and clenched her hands into fists. "Geodude! Rollout!" she called. Geodude began to curl himself into a ball to do the move but as he went to roll himself at Lya, something happened and he ended up laying on the ground with a confused look on his face.
Geodude gave a pitiful little flip, which was almost commical as the poor pokemon had no legs, so it's just siort of rolled in the air like a strange puppet without strings. Zack smiled, he had caught what Lya did, her confuse ray had worked perfectly, and judging by the look on the gym leaders face, she had not seen a thing. 'Alright Lya, finish this off," he said, his voice already proclaiming victory. "Flamethrower!" he said, though Lya knew what to do, this strategy required that it looked on the fly, and not so premeditated. He gave commands, though she knew what to do.
Lya nodded slightly after receiving her final order and she moved quickly towards Geodude and she used her flamethrowing. Opening her mouth, a stream of fire shot out and engulfed the rock pokemon. For several long seconds she shot him with fire before she stopped once she was sure Geodude was knocked out. And sure enough, he was laying on the ground out cold and she smiled slightly while backing up towards Zack a bit so that she wouldn't be too close when Nosepass was called out.

Holding up her pokeball, Roxanne called back Geodude before clipping it to her belt and removing the other one and tossing it out onto the field. "Nosepass, thunderwave!" she called.
The red rock of a nose glowed as the rock pokemon appeared. "Nose...pass," it chanted, before releasing a shock wave into the air towards her. The energy crackled, moving a little slower then a normal thunderbolt. But if it hit it would be a serious pain in the butt. Zack waited for a moment "Lya dodge it, jump and use Firespin!" he said. Her next move after performing the blinding fire would be to once again get close, being a fire type she could run directly at it, using confuse ray up close and then leap back before Roxanne was any the wiser. Afterwards he'd tell her to use Energy ball, now if only it worked like they planned.
Lya's eyes widened just a little and she took a step back as the nosepass as its nose glowed. She bared her teeth as it shot a wave of electricity at her and she watched it get closer and closer. When it was within three or four feet from her, she jumped as high as she could, using her powerful legs to jump high in the air. When she was told to use firespin, she nodded and the moment she landed, she began running towards nosepass while fire began swirling around her before she sent it at the nosepass, surrounding him with the blindingly bright fire. Instead of stopping, she continued running and she leapt into the fire. She was doing the same thing that she'd done with Geodude, charging up her confuse ray as she moved and once she jumped through the flames, she hit him with a hard punch right to his nose. However, when she hit the rock pokemon, she felt something in her small hand break and she flinched but at the same time she saw a confused look start to form on Nosepass's face.
Zack did not realize what had happened once she had entered the flame, though as it began to disperse he could see her figure standing there. Nosepass seemed inharmed, though that was only because the flames where so difficult to read its somewhat emotionless face. She however had an almost point blank shot at it. "Energy Ball!" he gave the command, the roaring flames dampening out his voice though as he did.
Lya was lucky to have such strong hearing because otherwise she wouldn't of heard Zack as he gave her the command to use Energy Ball. With a small smirk, she charged up energy ball. On the way to the gym she had taken in as much energy from the sun as she could. So as she charged up, it didn't take her long to build it up and with how close she was, it would be at maximum power when it hit. Once the ball of green energy was about the size of a basket ball, she threw it and it hit Nosepass hard. At first the ball of energy crackled before causing an explosion, engulfing both pokemon in a cloud of dust. For a very long moment nothing could be seen before the cloud began to disburse and the pokemon could be seen finally. Lya was standing over Nosepass who was knocked out.
Zack waited for the dust to settle, his heart beating fast, it was nerve racking to say the least. As she stood victorious he let out a small shout of joy "Yes....Great job!" he said, this went together smoothing, so he thought. He waited for nosepass to be called back, before going to congradulate her. He however took notice in her hand "Lya?" he asked unsure what happened, it seemed a bit strange.
Lya heard Zacks shout of joy and turned to him with a small smile, watching him approach. When he looked at her hand, she looked down at it and grimace while attempting to flex her fingers before looking up at him. "Rock pokemon." she said with a shrug. "If you hit them, there's a possibility of getting an injury. Just a couple of small breaks. Nothing a quick look over by Nurse Joy won't fix." she said with a smile. "But we won."

Roxanne approached to two and smiled slightly. ""So... I lost... It seems that I still have much more to learn... I understand. The Pokémon League's rules state that Trainers are to be given this if they defeat a Gym Leader. Please accept the official Pokémon League Stone Badge." she said, holding out her hand. In her palm laid a glittering stone badge. "The Stone Badge heightens the attack power of your Pokémon. It also enables them to use the HM move Cut outside of battle. Please take this with you, too." She held out a disc to him as well as 1500 pokemoney as a reward. The disc was a TM.

"That TM39 contains Rock Tomb. It not only inflicts damage by dropping rocks, it also lowers speed. If you use a TM, it instantly teaches the move to a Pokémon. Remember, a TM can be used only once, so think before you use it. Since you are so strong, you should challenge other Gym Leaders. By battling many Trainers, you should learn many things."
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