Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack smiled slyly as she said that last bit "Yeah we did," he said with a grin and wanted to once more jump for joy, that was until Roxanne approached us. He took the small badge from her, giving her a thanks and an offer to battle again later on, of course being a gym leader he would most likely have to go to her. He listened to her about TMs, he knew this but he thought it rude to say anything. "Yes....we got a stone badge Lya!" he said hugging her gently. He said goodbye to Roxanne before leaving rolle\ing the badge over in his hand, it was very shiny and polished. He gently stuck it into his badge case, letting them both admire it for a bit. "Lets go get your hand looked at ," he told her, she said it wasn't bad, but he was still very much worried for her own sake.
Lya chucked softly before looking over at Roxanne whent he woman approached them, smiling gently. As he took the badge from the woman, Lya took the money and the TM in her good hand. She looked over at Zack as he offered a battle at a later time. At his side, she turned and left the gym, sighing as they stepped out into the sunlight. "You did very well in there. I'm proud of you Zack." she told him as he rolled the badge over in his hand before she looked down at it after he placed it into the badge case. As he suggested them get her hand looked at, she nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I think I might of broke a finger or two." she said with a frown.
Zack was a little worried when she said that. "You did all the work though," he said to her, he enjoyed the praise, but he felt a tad undeserving of it. "Thank you, you did suberbly in there," he told her, trying to a rather unusual word, at least for him anyways. Inside the pokemon center nurse Joy had been waiting, though she seemed more like she knew things would have worked out anyways. "So how bad is it?" he asked Lya once the nurse had finished some time later.
"That may be true but you did help in there as well. You kept your cool and gave orders like a trainer should." she said gently befre smiling as he complimented her on her fighting and she nodded slightly. "Thank you Zack." she told him. After arriving at the pokecenter, she was ushered int the back where Nurse Joy looked at her hand. About twenty minutes later she came back out. "Not too bad. Fixed with a little medicine. But Nurse Joy said to keep it bandaged for about a week." she said, showing him how her hand was wrapped with an ace wrap. "But other then that I'm fine."
He was releived to hear that, he guessed training just wouldn't involve her hand to much, would work on speed, even if she was plenty fast. "Thats good, means we can still train," he smiled, he was actually rather liking it, even if he felt like he would die each time. He wasn't too sure what to do now, he wanted to figure out where the next gym was, but he also though they deserved a nice break since they'd just beaten Roxanne, the fight was a bit one sided as well he thought.
She shook her head with a faint chuckle before looking at him. "Yes. We can still train." she said in agreement before looking up at the sky. It was still early afternoon. "What do you say we get out of this town?" she asked him. If she remembered correctly, the next gym was on an island in a city called Dewford. They also needed to look into capturing more pokemon because they wouldn't be able to continue for long with just her.
He was in full agreement to that, so he quickly checked Dexter for the next gym badge. "It's in the sea," he said a little dissapointed. He wasn't sure how they would get there but he was hoping a boat could take them. He slipped the device back into his pocket. "Well, thinking about it doesn't get us any closer too it though," he said trying to stay confident, he was sure there must be a way across the ocean, how else would that place be so popular, according to Dexter. Dowford town was said to be a very "rendy" place, he actually found the word to sound a bit funny.
As he said that the next badge was in the sea, she slowly nodded. "Yes. In Dewford City." she said gently as he slipped the device back into his pocket. She liked how he didn't let the fact that the next gym was on the sea and she nodded again. She could remember Dewford rather well. Even though she couldn't learn the move surf, she learned how to actually surf on a surfboard with Brawlys help. The gym leader had noticed that she wasn't very good at dodging and moving to avoid attacks so he offered to teach her, to which Derin accepted.
Zack was thinking. "Isn't's gym?" he asked, though he knew the answer, he was just speaking aloud. "Yeah...fighting types...fighting..." he said thinking of something to use against fighting. 'Flying.,...and mind over muscle...psychic!" he figured it out himself, he was a quick study when he wanted to be," he said. 'So...psychic or fighting is best," he said, though he knew they had neither, at a higher level she could learn psychic moves, that did damage.
The vulpix made a soft sound with a respectful nod at the mention of Brawly. "Yes, that's Brawly's gym." she replied, walking slowly with her hands folded infront of her. As he worked out what type of pokemon would be best for him to use, she was silent while listening. As he spoke, she merely nodded slightly, some of her curly hair falling over her shoulder since it had fallen out of it's hair ribbon. She already knew a psychic move called imprison and she could learn one more before she had to evolve. "So, what are we going to do about it then?" she asked him.
Zack already knew what to do. "We need to add another member to the team," he said simply. Flying types where plentiful, but he knew Brawly was a master fighter, he needed something hard to miss, psychic types where very powerful, but harder to come by. "Though not sure...." he said. it was easier said then done it seemed. He however was not going to let that put a stop to his confidence though.
"My thoughts exactly." she replied. "I might be able to take out one of Brawly's pokemon, but it would be hard to take out two of them." she told him as she looked up at the sky again. Ever since she'd learned energy ball, she'd been enjoying the sun a lot more then she used to. Though she had to be careful of the heat or else she could get over heated since she was a fire pokemon. "Well, we'll just have to keep an eye out. Get a couple more pokeballs because you can't have too many pokemon. You never know when you'll need a certain type." she said thoughtfully. "Or at least that's what I've always been told."
He nodded, he didn't have any on him. "Your right....quick stop to the pokemart then," he said. He used some of the prize money from Roxanne to buy a few pokeballs, he knew a trainer could only carry six pokemon on hand, but he knew he'd need more if he wanted to beat gym leaders. "Okay," he said after slipping them into his bag "now we can leave," he smiled.
At the pokemart, she looked around a little while he got the pokeballs, having given him the money that Roxanne had given them. It was one of the things that made her enjoy battling. The prize money helped to fund their trip. Though there were other things they could do to earn money. Some pokemarts bought berries or ther spare items they might end up collecting that they don't need. Once he had his pokeballs, Lya joined Zack again and watched him put them into his bag. "Okay. Which way do you want to go?" she asked, looking at the different roads that lead out of the small town. "We need to g south, but we also need to find a port of some kind."
"Yeah...seems like the quickest way to Dowford," he said. It was a bit further though so it might take two or more days to travel. He thought that might give them plenty of time to try and find another partner for there small team. He was however a bit dissapointed. "A tailow....was it," he said. They had one simple battle, unfortunetally the pokemon flew away as Lya nearly burnt it to a cinder. It hadn't been her fault, it was at a very low level, and telling her to use a full powered flame thrower might have been a bit over kill. "Not the best day for catching huh?" he asked her as he began to set up the tent, it would be dark soon.
Adjusting her pack, she turned slightly and started off with him. When they came upon a tailow, she thought that the pokemon would of been a decent partner, but when Zack told her to use flame thrower on the bird, she knew that they wouldn't be winning that one. She wanted to argue with him but she knew that he'd learn quickly. "No. But we'll get better." she told him as he began t set up the tent. While he did that, she turned and walked into the shadws, beginning to collect wood for a fire before returning about five minutes later with an armfull of wood and she set the wood down. Using her claws, she dug a shallow hole before arranging the sticks and wood in a pile before using just a little bit of fire to set them aflame.
He had a feeling she was a little dissapounted, but then again he couldn't blame her. He was just too eager to catch another pokemon he thought it would end quickly, though it hadn't in the way he wanted. "He struggled with the tend, at one point one of the rods he was trying to bend into place swung back smacking him directly in the face. "Hhhhnnn...damn...ow" he grunted, a nice red mark along his cheek. He was really loosing it a little bit it seemed.
Lya heard the sound of the rod hitting skin and she looked up, pausing when she saw the red mark on his cheek. Standing up frm where she was kneeling, she moved over and grabbed the pole before it could hit him again as it swung a little. "Need a little help?" she asked gently. "These things can be hard to handle when they're new." she said gently. "Once it's a little worn in, it'll be easier to handle and bend."
Zack nodded, though his pride took a big hit. "T...thanks," he said, his cheek throbbed with pain a little bit. He hoped it didn't stay permanent or anything, though maybe a small scar might have been cool. He watched her set it up, once more feeling his pride dwindle a little. Though deep down as she bent to secure the tent, his mind suddenly remembered there first taming session. "aWhy now?' he said to himself, feeling a bit more heat well up in him, not just from his cheek though.
Lya smiled kindly at him before beginning t bend the different poles. Even though she was a little stronger then the normal human, she still had a little difficulty with the new tent as she slowly set it up. Once she was done, she stepped back and looked at the tent, tilting her head. It wasn't perfect but it was up. Turning to him, she smiled again before stepping forward and lightly touching his cheek where he'd been his, a look of concern in her eyes and she touched him with a feather light touch. "Are you okay?" she asked softly. She was close enough that he be able to feel her body heat, her body brushing against his every now and then.
Zack felt it, as she gently touched him he felt that rush of adrenaline, his heart doubling in beats. "I...An...i...really...?" he thought to himself, the swelling in his pants though told him he really was, he was getting aroused already. "I...I'm fine," he said, she was so warm, he could feel the firey heat coming from her, going over him like a warm soothing bath. He breathed just a little unevenly, though that could have still been from the hit.
As she stood there, she could the slight scent of his arousal and looked up at him with a small smile, her gentle caress moving to his neck where she stroked the skin over his pulse while staring up int his eyes. "Are you sure?" she asked gently. Leaning in, she pressed a soft kiss against the mark on his cheek, her lips barely brushing his skin. She knew it was going to bruise. Getting hit that hard with something so thin like that pole was bound to leave a mark.
Zack wasn't sure what to expect, but she knew. He knew she already caught on, she may not know why, she just knew he was aroused. "I...dunno," he gasped softly, she was much different this time. She was being so mo\uch more forward, he liked it. He felt a little vulnerable, but this feeling excited him. As she teased the mark, he grunted, was he some sort of masochist? He was enjoying the small spark of pain, though it quickly melted away into pleasure.
Lya smiled gently before moving slightly and pressing her lips against his in a soft but passionate kiss while she reached out and grasped his hand. Her other hand brushed against the front of his pants while her ears twitched gently. With a smile, she gently tugged him towards the tent, her free hand reaching down and grabbing their bedrolls. Releasing his hand, she bent down and unrolled the bedrolls inside the tent, her pert rear wiggling a little as she moved before she crawled into the tent, motioning to him t join her.
Zack was in a state of numbing bliss, she was so sexy, so gentle even if he felt she was so uncharged of this. He softly kissed her back, a stifled moan coming from his throat as she stroked along the front of his pants. He let her lead him to the tent, watching as she bent over to undo the bed rolls, her tight rear hypnotically teasing him, he could see the mound of her slit through the material as it hugged her tightly. He had the urge to simply dive in, to pull those short down and just burry him into her. His small fantasy was interrupted though she she beckoned for him to join her inside. He didn't hesitate for a moment as he was soon beside her, closing the tent flap, not that anyone souks see, just because he wanted the feeling of it only being the two of them. His lips then quickly sought her out, planting gently into hers, his mind buzzing gently from the sheer euphoric high he was getting now.
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