Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

He smiled as she was so easger. He however wanted to try it a little different. He positioned her away from him, he slipped her shorts down just to her knees, her plump nether mound peaking just beneath her round backside. He then positioned underneath it, slowly slipping it in from behind. At first it just slid along her outt libia, rubbing against her in between her thighs, he angled it up though and slowly slid in from behind. 'Mmm..this....better," he said gently.
She made a soft sound when he positioned her away from him, blushing a little as he slipped her dirty shorts down her thighs, exposing her glistening mound as she squirmed a little. As he slipped into her, she gasped before moaning as his member slid into her. It was wonderful to feel him slide inside of her without something between them. As he angled up, she gasped and moaned again while quivering a little, her excitement showing by the way she tightened around him a little.
Her walls clenched reflexivly around his girth, the feeling was heaving. It had been tighter with the shorts on, but nothing could compare to the frinctionless velvet heat that welcomes him willingly as she did. He cupped her breasts, teasing them a bit, her back against him as he thrust up into her over and over. He was not as gentle as before, instead being a bit rougher, knowing full well his limits and hers. The teasing from before left him in the mood for somethiing much more then gentle. "Mmmm...hmmm," he moaned softly. A hand trailed down to rub her clit as he pistoned in and out of her velvet vice.
She closed her eyes as a look of bliss passed over her face as she moaned in delight. When he wrapped his hands around her breasts and began teasing them, she bit her lip while gently pushing back against him as he thrust up into her over and over, loving the feeling of his bare cock thrusting into her so roughtly. "Mm, harder." she moaned to him. As his hand moved down between her legs and began rubbing her throbbing clit, she threw her head back against his shoulder with a cry of pleasure while tightening around him even more.
'As you wish," he spoke softly to her, his voice thick with pleasure. He rubbed her little clit even more, feeling her tightening much harder now. He thrust deeper, and harder, hitting the end of her depths every now and then. If he tried he coud problably get in deeper, but at the moment he simply wanted to go wild and instead thrust faster, rougher, and much fiercer. He could feel another climax ready to hit soon, but he had every intention to ride this one until the very end and he only doubled his efforts in response, her breasts bouncing faster.
As he began rubbing her clit even more, she gasped while clenching around him. As he began thrusting harder and deeper, she cried out while her hands clenched the bedrolls tightly as she bucked her hips slightly and moaned lustfully while mving against him as his thrusts became faster, rougher and fiercer. She could feel her release building quickly and her legs trembled a little, her breasts bouncing beneath her as she panted heavily and moaned his name, her tails flicking against his chest as she arched her back, letting him go deeper as she whimpered.
He had her on her khands and knees as he got harder. He could feel it coming. "I'm...gonna..." he grunted, feeling that overwhelming feeling of pressure building up in his core. His sac tightened into itself, he could feel the need building. He clenched his muscles, keeping himself from going as long as he could. 'Nnnnh...ohh....damnnn..." he gritted his teeth. With one hard thrust he sank in balls deep, his length throbbing madly as he burst inside of her. He pumped his seed in her for what felt like eternity, finally it came to a still, with the occasional spasm.
She heard his grunted words and she moaned as she got even closer. She knew that she was going to be cumming soon and it showed as her walls clenched around his thrusting shaft. Just before he came, she threw her head back with a loud cry of pleasure as her walls spasmed around him, her silky fur along her spine and her tail bristled a little as she pressed herself back against him hard just as he buried himself deep inside of her as he came. Lya felt his hot cum filling her and it made her shiver a little.
Zack pumped his softening length in and out for a bit, making sure every drop was deep inside. He then slowly proceeded to pull out of her, her slit agap justa little from the rough pounding. He kissed her lips, hotly, but not as deep as before, it was a more loving kiss. "That was....undescribable," he said simply, it had been much different then the first time, it left his mind buzzing with pleasure.
Lya mewled as he continued pumping in and out of her before softly sighing as he pulled out of her. Slowly she sank down onto her stomach before turning over to look up at him. As he kissed her, she moaned into the kiss while returning it. "Mmm, it was." she moaned before reaching down and slipping her shorts off and putting them to the side so they were out of the way. She'd have to wash them in a stream or something.
Zack smiled gently, a light sweat had formed all over him. "Sorry..." he said softly at her dirty shorts, he had liked those on her as well, but theyd need a very good washing before she'd be wearing them. It was late he was certian, it had still been dimly light out, but now it seemed pitch black in the tent. "Think...we should get some sleep," he said, though he was certian theyd be hungry in the morning.
Lya softly laughed and shook her head with a smile. "It's alright. It was worth it." she replied with a soft chuckle before kissing him again. "I can wash them. Or get a new pair. They weren't expensive." She yawned softly before smiling. "I think you might be right. We should be getting to sleep. It's late and we don't want to sleep in very late."
Zack smiled, kissing her once more before opening up the bed roll for them, it was big enough for them both. "Goo night Lya," he told her, keeping close to her for warmth, not that he was cold. He yanwed, feeling the fatigue of what they had done finally kicking in. The last thought before he drifted off to sleep was how he hoped tomorrow would be a much more fruitful day.
Lya purred softly int the kiss before stroking her cheek lightly. "Good night Zack." she said gently. She curled up against him with a yawn, resting her head against his chest while closing her eyes. It didn't take her too long to fall into a deep peaceful sleep. She had a feeling that tomorrow would be an interesting day for them both.
As the morning sun bled through the tent he woke, he felt refreshed despite the gnawing in his stomach. He looked down gently seeing her asleep on his chest. He waited a little before gently stroking along her back to wake her. "Good morning," he said to her gently as she stirred, he then made breakfast with the food they had brought. After eating he took every thing down, he was pleased to see the mark on his face was not very bad, though it did sting a little when he pressed on it.
In the morning, she murmured when the sun began bleeding through the tent and she buried her face against his chest with a yawn, but she didn't wake just yet. When he stroked her back, she slowly opened her eyes with a soft gran before looking up at him with a small smile. "Morning." she murmured with a small smile. Her entire body was relaxed and she didn't want to move but she knew that they needed to. As he left the tent to start breakfast, she slowly sat up and stretched before slipping out of the tent, not bothering about her own nudity since pokemon were found naked in the wild anyways. After stepping out, she began dressing in a pair of jean shorts and a short sleeved cotton belly shirt. Once she was done dressing, she pulled a small plastic bag from her backpack and stuffed her dirty clothes into it before wrapping it up into a small ball before putting them into her bag.
Zack luckily seemed capable of cooking, his skills also a tad better then his brothers had been, she would notice. "Never knew powdered eggs actually got all fluffy," he said to himself as he scrambled some, the bacon however was a bit strange, he guess dehydrated bacon wouldn't taste as good as the nice fatty stuff. "Hope our hungry," he said as she came out of the tent, he really never knew if she ate normally, she had only saud berries, poffins and other things.
She had just finished packing her things when she smelled the food cooking, causing her stomach to growl. She heard him tailing to himself and she smiled gently at his remark. It reminded her of the first time Derin had cooked and she chuckled lightly while shaking her head and approaching him. Derin had almost burnt the eggs and he had burnt the rest of the food. Luckily she had some food that she'd forriged during their travels. "Yeah, I'm hungry." she said as she sat down with a smile. Since she was a fire pokemon, her diet usually consisted of meat with a little vegetables and fruit thrown into the mix somewhere.
Luckily Zack was cooked fairly well, it wasn't too burnt, in fact the only thing that looked not very tasty was the bacon, they looked like shriveled peices of jerky rather then nice cipsy bacon. "Good," he said with a smile, spooning the helpings onto two plates. He then sat down beside her too eat. "They aren't too bad," he said, the eggs had been cooked a little too long, but they weren't burn or anything, they tasted like eggs, just have a less fluffy sort of texture. He wouldn't mind eating this, so long as he got real food every now and then. It was quiet, he would have thought he'd hear a few pokemon calling out in the distance.
Lya watched Zack finish cooking and serve their food before reaching out and taking the food from him before beginning to eat. When he sat next to her, she smiled gently before picking up a piece of bacon and taking a bite of it. "No, they're not too bad. Not like home cooking, but it's good enough for when traveling." she replied. She stretched out her legs a bit and smiled while eating. "I'll make dinner if we have to camp out again." she said. She became silent as she ate, her ears twitching. After several minutes she spoke up again. "It's s quiet here." she murmured. "It's... unnatural."
Zack devoured the eggs quickly, though he sort of took his time eating the bacon, savouring the taste a bit more then the powdered eg.. "Yeah, nothing like how mom makes them," he said referring to his mothers breakfasts. " it not good?" he asked, though he was not serious, he knew he wasn't a great cook, but good enough to the food didn't taste like ash or shaved wood chips. "I was thinking the same thing..." he replied to her analysis, slowly chewing a piece of the jerky bacon, as he called it. His jaw moved slowly, as if straining to hear the faintest noise, but nothing greeted him. At least nothing his human hearing could pick up.
Lya preferred the bacon over the eggs because of the slight saltiness to it. She smiled when he mentioned his mom and she nodded with a chuckle. "Indeed." she said softly before looking at him. "No, it's good. I just don't want you doing all the work around camp. I enjoy making dinner anyways." The girl became silent again as she listened to their surroundings with a small frown, slowly nodding as he spoke. Suddenly she heard something. It wasn't very loud but loud enough for her to notice it and her head jerked up while her ears stood straight up, quickly moving as she tried to figure out where the sound came from. When she heard it again, she quickly stood up while putting the plate down. "Someone's in trouble." she said gently.
Zack nodded his head" Ok then you can cook," he said to her. In truth he didn't mind the idea of not cooking all the time, he just never really was good at anything other than breakfast foods. He ate still straining to hear anything. But he nearly dropped his plate as she stood up. He was going to ask of she was sure, but he knew she more or less likely was. "Ok let's go," he said putting his plate down as well.

Not to far off, the sound of feet scampering could he heard, followed by soft growls and barks. A pack of dog like pokemon where chasing something it seemed. The poochyena where fast, however they simply chased there prey, knowing very soon it would be cornered in this area of the forest.
Lya lifted her head, her nose lifting into the air as she attempted to find a scent but she couldn't catch one over the scent of the food. When he said 'lets go', she nodded and a moment later she heard the barks and growls of a dog pokemon. Taking off in that dirrection, she followed the sound of the barking. It didn't take her long to find the source of the barking, spotting the pack of poochyena's as well as their prey.

It was a petite green and white kirlia. The girl was skinny and a little on the short side with long green hair that hung in her red eyes which were wide with fear, it was hard to tell what the rest of her was like because of her moving. She was running from the dogs but she tripped over a root sticking out of the ground and it sent her sprawled on the ground with a thud and a soft sound of pain. Turning, she began scurrying backwards from the dogs as they got closer and closer.
Zack ran behind her, letting her take the lead since she could hear the noises better then he. Soon he could hear the faint barks and growls himself and wondered what they where from. Soon his question had been answered as he saw the pack of dog pokemon. "Wonder what they are chasing," he said as he breathed heavily, he hadn't stretched so this quick sprint was more taxing then normal. His question once more was answered, as he saw what was being chased. He'd never seen a pokemon like this, it was rather small, shorter then he was, which made Lya much taller, it had a petitie frame, and everything. Why she was being chased he had no idea. "Lya...use flamethrower at them,": he said, careful not to direct it directly on them for fear of hitting this strange new pokemon, or hurting the poochyena too badly.
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