Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Lya moved swiftly through the trees, easily and nimbly moving through the underbrush. "We'll know in a moment." she said to him before cming to a stp when she saw the other pokemon fall. She frowned slightly as she gazed at what was going on, watching the dogs move in towards the smaller girl. Hearing Zacks order, she nodded before using flamethrower. The flames filled the air, coming close to hitting the dogs but not quite. When she used her attack and the dogs felt the heat from the fire, they scattered and she watched them run. Lya knew that they wouldn't go far though. Most likely sticking to the shadows and bushes around them.
Zack however did not think in such a way, instead he had thought these guys where being bullies and so many against one had been unfair. "Are you alright?" he asked this strange new pokemon. He wasn't sure if she could speak, he knew some wild ones reverted to there old way of speaking, but she had a look of intelligence about her. Not to say wild pokemon where unintelligent, she just simply seemed to know what he might be saying. "Just be ready to use another one," he muttered to Lya, as he thought he noticed one of the poochyena still sulking around. What did they want so badly from her? He wondered if she'd get inside a pokeball to escape them, he rummaged through his cloths pocket to get one out.
Lya looked around before moving forward a bit while watching the girl laying on the grund. "She's a kirlia." she softly said. When Zack spoke, the girl jumped and looked up at him, her eyes still wide as she looked at the vulpix and human. She swallowed nervously before beginning to speak but it would sound like gibberish to Zack. This caused Lya to smile and she laughed softly. She heard Zacks warning and nodded in understanding. Moving forward gracefully, she knelt before the girl and softly spoke to her while holding up her hand. It was clear that she was telling the strange girl to calm down. It took a moment or two before the girl finally took a deep breath and nodded, beginning to calm down.
Zack watched, the pokeball in hand, but he had yet to press the button. He listened to the two, guessing she hadn't understood him, by the tone of her voice though he could tell one thing, she was lost more or less. He waited for Lya to say something, but when she didn't he decided to ask. "Ask her what happened?...why where they chasing her?" he asked, he was still pondering what a Kirlia was, obviously not native to Hoenn at all, he guessed maybe Johto or Sinnoh, neither of those places where familiar to him, he knew of Kanto a bit since Derin had gone there once before he'd become a trainer, Zack had been extremely jealous of that.
Lya looked back at Zack before looking at the girl who was still working on calming down. Before Lya could even ask, the girl answered though she was a little breathless. "I... I got lost." she said. Her voice was soft and a little high pitched. "A.... A teleport mistake and I don't know why they were chasing me." The girl slowly sat up and brushed herself off a little while looking from Lya to Zack and back again.
Zack was surprised she spoke, he however didn't say anything just yet, letting her just take a good look at both of them. "Teleportatiom," he said finally, he then wondered more. "Where is it you come from?" he asked. He define tally though Sinnoh, they had very strange looking pokemon he was sure.
The girl nodded at what his said while sitting there, slowly pulling her slender green legs towards her a little. "Yes, teleportation." she murmured before looking around with a sigh. "I-I was teleporting from Lake Valour." This caused Lya to pause and she looked up at Zack then back to the girl. "Lake Valour?" she echoed. "That's quite a distance away."
Zack was a bit confused, he had no idea where this lake was, but he didn't ask about it. If she could teleport she must be a psychic type then. "Why did you travel from such a far off place?" he was curious why she was this far, if indeed it was far. He guessed maybe she was trying to run away from something, though why she didn't teleport from poochyena, meant she might not have been able to very well.
Lya looked back at Zack when he asked another question before turning to the kirlia. "I was just traveling." she said with a shrug. "Where am I anyways?" Taking a deep breath, Lya brushed her red hair back from her eyes before answering. "You somehow managed to travel to Hoenn." she told her, giving her a moment for it to sink in. The kirlia's eyes widened a bit. "You were right... that is a long distance away from my home." she said
Zack deduced she was from Sinnoh simply because he thought she couldn't have been from Johtoor Kanto. He also guessed she wasn't currently owned. He wondered how he could ask her to join. "Well, we are traveling across the sea to Dowford," he told her, simply because he didn't know what else to say at the moment.
The kirlia looked confused at the name of Zack and Lya's destination, never having heard the name of the place they were going. Noticing the girls confusion, Lya chuckled. "It's an island not far from here." she said gently, a thoughtful look on her face. "How would you like to join us? Since you don't know the area or any others here in Hoenn, you could travel with us." At the offer to travel with them, the Kirlia looked up at them, some of her green hair falling away from her face, letting them see that she was a pretty girl that looked to be in her mid-teens, her age being 15 or 16 at most. "Would I have to be in one of those pokeballs?" she asked hesitantly and Lya nodded. "Yes, but it'll keep you safe from other pokemon like those dogs unless we battle." The girl was silent for several long minutes before she nodded. "Okay."
Zack was a bit releived when he heard Lya make the suggestion, he had thought for a moment he had said the wrong thing as the kirlia looked confused. However when she agreed to join them he smiled. "Great," he said, very greatful Lya had said something, he would not have been as tactful about it he thought. "Um...before I mean you go in.." he said thinking if she had a name. 'What should we call you...or do you have a name already?" he asked. He knew some trainers simply left there natural species name, but he didn't like it, it felt to...impersonal, and the pokemon lacked a true identity.
Lya smiled at the girl and slowly stood, grasping her hands in hers and pulling the smaller pokemon to her feet. The girl was a good bit shorter then Lya was. "Well, most of the other pokemon called me Lia, but I never liked that name for myself." she said gently. "I rather liked Hailey." She blushed a little. Because she wasn't covered in fur like Lya, it was easier to tell the girl was blushing as her starch white skin became a little pink.
Zack nodded "Okay then, thats what your name is now," he said with a smile. He pressed the button on the ball and it expanded to the rightful size. He held it out for her to press when she was ready, it would then pull her inside and she'd be part of their team. "Welcome to the team Hailey."
Hailey smiled gently and nodded, watching as he expanded the ball to it's normal size and held it out to her. Looking at him, she gazed up into Zacks face for a moment before looking at the ball. Gently biting her bottom lip, she slowly reached out and pressed the button on the ball with her small finger before being sucked into the ball in a red light. "You should consult Dexter about the kind of pokemon Hailey is." Lya said after a moment.
Zack watched the ball open and she vanished in a flash of light, the small ball wobbling a bit in his palm before the light faded and it set still. He smiled, his first pokemon capture went rather smoothly, well in truth he hadn't caught her, she chose to be caught. "Yeah...good idea," he said with a nod. He held the ball to dexter, wondering if it would read. Dexter suddenly beeped and then began to recite the info " Kirlia...the emotion pokemon...It is said that a Kirlia that is exposed to the positive emotions of its Trainer grows beautiful. This Pokémon controls psychokinetic powers with its highly developed brain....It has a psychic power that enables it to distort the space around it and see into the future. " Zack listened at the lengthy bio.
Lya watched the ball before moving to his side, looking down at Dexter as Zack held the ball up to it. Once Dexter began giving the bio on the pokegirl, Lya took the ball carefully and held it curiously. She'd never been allowed to hold a pokeball before so she wanted to see what it was like. "She's already rather pretty. And if she can teleport herself from Sinnoh to Hoenn, even if it was by accident, she's going to be a rather strong pokemon for our team. She just needs a little guidance." she said to Zack while handing the ball back to him.
Zack was very impressed by this, and excited. "Yeah," he said in agreement. "Though she might be strong, she might not be able to control it very well at the moment," he said. It was an accident she had teleported all the way to Hoenn from Sinnoh, meaning it was probably a desperate act, and a rather big one if it required so much power. "Though we got what we where looking for," he said. "Hope she will be happy," he said. Of course Dexter had said when he was positive, she would grow more. "It feels a sham to have her stay inside though," he said, but he could not walk around with everyone out at once, and Lya was after all his first, she deserved the right to be out and about, though when they made for camp he would be sure to ;et her out.
"I know. We're going to have to be careful when training with her since she's a psychic pokemon that can bend reality." she said gently, but there was a positive look on her face as she gazed at him. "And I'm sure she'll be happy. After all, she doesn't know anyone else here in Hoenn except those dogs and they were trying to attack her." At the mention of it feeling a shame to have her stay inside the ball, Lya smiled gently and patted his arm. "Don't worry about that. She's tired anyways. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was exhausted from the teleportation and being chased by those poochyena's."
Zacks mood changed for the better at her assurance. 'Okay then," he said letting the ball shrink down and he set it onto his belt. It felt a little funny, since Lya wasn't in her ball he kept that in his pack, but Haileys ball felt a little strange at the moment, only because he was not used to it. 'Well then lets get to Dowford," he said. The port wasn't that far off, they had to go back to camp and clean up before heading back though, it was a shame they had to backtrack, but he was all to eager to get onto the ferrie to Dowford, maybe they could do a bit of training with Hailey before fighting Brawly, he spent alkot of there travel thinking of training for Hailey, being a psychic type she wouldn;t need as much physical strength as Lya, so he thought maybe ones that would put her mental strength to the test more.
Lya waited for him to be ready to return to camp before turning and slowly making her way back the path they had made in their rush. Upon reaching camp, she began cleaning up from their abandoned breakfast, carrying the dishes to a nearby stream to rinse everything off before returning and packing the dishes. She was excited to get to Dewford, looking forward to the ocean and the rather laid back attitude of the pokemon there. She enjoyed their company and the conversation.
"So..whats Dewford like?" he asked her curiously. The time seemed to go slowly when he had been lost in thought, he knew the port was not very far, so he guessed talking would make things go smoother. He found the lack of trainers a bit unsatisfying, but then again he liked not having to worry about anything for the moment. "Must be a nice place...seeing as you have that dreamy look on your face," he said with a small smile, teasing her a little.
His question pulled her out of her thoughts and she looked over at him with a smile. She was about to speak when he began teasing her and she grinned while her ears twitched in her usual embarrassed way. "It is nice... It's beautiful. Everyone is nice there and it's so peaceful there." she said with a smile. "Almost everyone there surfs. Last time I was there though... I was constantly training. Your brother... he was a little stubborn in the beginning when it came to my training so we didn't do very well there. It was only after we were done in Dewford that he began training properly."
He was curious of his brothers methods, but he didn't ask, deep down he thought if he did it would only make him a bit of a cheap skate. If he couldn't ask his brother directly, then he wouldn't ask how he trained. They talked for a bit more, soon they arrived in the small little town that would lead them to Dewford. The air smelt a bit salty, and he could hear Wingull calling in the distance. He bought tickets for the very next ride over to Dewford. As they walked to the port to wait he accidentally bumped into someone. "Watch oit!" the man grunted, but just walked away. Zack was a little flustered, but he didn't say anything, though he did notice what the man was wearing. He wore a blue bandana, that had a symbol on it, and a uniform with gloves and similar coloration. "He must have really liked the color blue," he said before just waiting along with Lya.
As they entered the small town that the port was in, Lya looked around before taking a deep breath of the ocean air and sighing with a small smile before traveling towards the ticket booth with Zack. While he bought the tickets, she looked around again at the different people moving here and there. Once they finished getting the tickets, she followed him towards the port. She saw Zack about to bump into someone before it happened and she was about to warn Zack just befor it happened. After the man walked away, she looked at Zack. "You okay?" she asked before nodding slightly, looking back in the dirrection the man in blue had gone. "Yeah, he must have." she said gently.
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