Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Slowly as the two stared at each other, Lya removed her arms from around Hailey slowly and watched them. Haylie's red eyes glowed softly as she stood completely still as if in a trance. She was forcing herself not to let her powers run out of control. When she heard him speak, Hailey was a little unsure as to what to d befre she softly replied. "Y-yes." she said softly. Her telepathic voice was soft and sounded as if she were talking from the end of a long hallway.
Excitment raced through him as she replied. He smiled gently, though he didn't speak using his voice. " This is soo cool," he thought happily. His emotions where like flashes of color, he could just picture it, it was like a vivid color, but it had no real name, just he knew it was a color. " I know you could do it Hailey" he said priaisng her. He let the connection linger a little, just long enough for her to get the feeling. Even though it was very cool, it was still a bit strange feeling. Once her eyes stopped glowing he knew the connection was severed. "That was....strange feeling, but you think you could find me now?" he asked her.
Hailey could see the color better then he could. Everything she heard had a different color. As he told her that he knew she could do it, Hailey smiled. "Thanks." she replied. She let the connection break after a little bit, blinking her eyes and shaking her head while her body swayed a bit. Lya reached out and steadied her. "You okay?" she asked Hailey and the girl nodded before looking at Zack. "Yeah, I think I can." Lya ruffled the girls green hair before turning t Zack. "Just in case she can't reach you from where we are, should we meet up somewhere?" she asked him.
Zack had confidence in her ability, but a back up plan was never a bad thing. "Sure, we can meet back in the center when we are done I suppose," he said. "I think maybe two..three hours should be long enough?" he asked. Once they came to an agreement he gave Lya some of the prize money from Roxanne's battle, it would be more then enough for a swim suite, he just wanted to be sure they had enough. "If you guys finish early, or just need to reach me, Hailey you let me know okay," he said. Once everything was settled he went off to explore, he would have to be careful about any wild pokemon on the beach, but he wasn't too worried, he would just run or use a repel, he was glad he had the foresight to have boughten some earlier.
Lya slowly nodded. "Okay. If we can't contact you, we'll head there and wait in the loby of the center for you." she said. As he gave her some of the price money, she carefully tucked it into her pocket and reached out, grasping Hailey's hand, squeezing gently. Hailey nodded with a smile. "Okay. I'll let you know." she said softly. They watched him head off before turning and Lya lead Hailey towards the shops to find a bikini for her.
Zack rather enjoyed the stroll. He walked along the beach following it around the small island town. He saw a few interesting things, some wild water types here and there but none seemed in the mood to attack him and simply skuttled away. He desperately wanted to find a small area no one rarely went to. He knew Dewford had the reputation of setting new grands and word got around fast. He was afraid if people saw them training word of a challenger would reach the gym leader Brawly and he would be ready. He was close to giving up until he thought he found it. A very small rocky area, it however rose tal and shielded a small cut off corner of the beach from view. "Perfect," he said happily climbing down the rocks to stand in the small area.
Together the girls browsed the shops. Lya and Hailey got to know each other better, both smiling as they walked hand in hand. The first thing that she did was buy Hailey a simple, inexpensive pair of knee length pants and a shirt with sandles. She knew that Zack hadn't told her to buy the girl clothes, but she didn't think she should go around completely naked all the time and the whole outfit was relatively cheap. Once Hailey was dressed in her knee length denim clam diggers and her spaghetti strap top with her sandles, Lya led her to a local swimsuit shop where she helped her find a bikini. With purchase in hand, the girls left the store and were about to contact Zack when Lya heard someone call her name. "Contact Zack Hailey." Lya said before waving at a young man walking towards them. Nodding, Hailey closed her eyes and slowly reached out to contact Zack. He'd be able to feel the brush of her mind against his as she reached for him.
Zack had been thinking of what to do for training that day before he felt the same faint nudge in his mind. Hailey had even sent him a quick mental image as to were they where. He made his climb over the rocks before heading back, he was curious as to what had been picked out for her. He hurried a little, wishing he'd changed into his beach cloths though as it was rather hot running in his typical trainers outfit. Soon he made it to tue little shop where he found Hailey. "You look very cute," he replied seeing her in the new cloths "Where is Lya?" he asked curiously.
Hailey was looking at a small display of bracelets and watching Lya who was standing several feet away when Zack appeared. Turning, she smiled when she felt his presance before smiling up at him. "Thank you." she said shyly with a soft giggle. She smoothed down her shirt and ran a hand through her long hair. When he asked where Lya was, she turned and motioned to the vulpix who was speaking with two men a couple feet away. "She's speaking with someone she met last time she was here." she said softly. Lya, who was keeping a close eye on Hailey despite talking to the men, spotted Zack appear and waved at him. Looking at the men, she said something before lightly touching their arms and walking towards Zack. "Did you find what you were looking for?" she asked him.
Zack was curious of the two, but if Lya knew them he supposed they couldn't be bad, though of course there was a small bit of himself that great a bit protective, possibly even jealous and weary of the two. He however did not act upon any of the many impulses that appeared inside himself. "Yeah..I think I've found a good place for us," he told her gently, explaining a little of his hidden training area. His mind however pondered of the two "So who are they?" he asked, trying not to seem rude in asking, though when he was curious, he did not plan words out too well and simply asked the point.
Lya slowly nodded with a smile. "That's great." she said to him. "Now we can train without interuption and others watching." When he asked who the two men were, she turned and looked at the two men who were now talking with someone else. It was obvious that they were brothers because they looked so much alike. "Who? Them? Just friends. I met them the last time I was here. They own a shop just down the ways with their girlfriends." she said. "They're good guys."
Zack was a little unsure of her answer, not that he suspected anything. It was just a very plain answer, maybe he thought they where friends of his brother whom helped him train or something, whatever or whoever they where didn't seem to interest him to much. "Yeah," he said simply to say something "So what did you guys end up getting?" he said, knowing already the new outfit Hailey wore. "Or would it be best if we went to the training spot first?" he asked, he was eager to train, and he wanted this fight with Brawley to go quickly.
"Last time we were here, they were having a little trouble with their shop. They weren't really making money because they didn't really have a big sellection of things. I offered some advice and by the time we left, they were making at least double." she said with a shrug, feeling he deserved an explanation. When he asked what they ended up getting, Lya smiled. "Well, I got her that out fit. I hope you don't mind. And I got her a bathing suit. It's a cute little two piece that she liked. "Lets head to the training spot."
Zack nodded, adnd lead them to the spot. "It's a small climb down, so if you need help can use the pokeball," he said to them, though he was a bit more worried about Hailey. He was certian Lya could climb the small distance, but he wasn't sure how strong the psychic-type was. "So what do you think?" he asked as they stood by the edge of the small cliff face, it was a short way down, at a small angle to they could try walking, though it had been easier to slowly scale down it.
Lya and Hailey followed Zack to the spot and they looked at him as he spoke about it being a short climb down. "No, I can handle it." Lya said with a nod before looking at Hailey. She didn't know if the girl would be able to do it. Noticing Lya looking at her, Hailey looked at them. "Don't worry about me." she said t them. Looking down at the beach on the other side of the cliff face, she focused before disappearing from where she stood next to Lya and she reappeared on the beach down below. After seeing this, Lya chuckled before beginning to climb down slowly.
Zack laughed a little, he couldn't help himself from jumping just a little when Hailey vanished suddenly. He wasn't used to teleportation after all, even if it was normal for her. He began to climb down with Lya, he had found a nice path from doing this before, so he didn't struggle all to much, though his muscles did feel sore after climbing it three times. "Ah...didn't stretch," he complained shaking his arms in order to make the stinging stop.
Lya noticed he had jumped when Hailey vanished and she chuckled. It didn't take her too long to reach the beach and she sighed before looking up at him as he climbed down. As she waited, she slipped off her sandles and smiled while burying her toes in the sand. Hearing Zack speak, she looked at him before shaking her head. Turning, she dropped her bag on the ground before moving over to the water, grinning as it washed over her barefeet. She loved the feeling of the cool water.
Zack did the same, taking his shoes and cloths off, to reveal he wore his swimming trunks underneath. He had his cloths in his bag, it was a nice day, not too hot, but the breeze wasn't so windy that it made him feel cold either. "Alright. he said "lets get started," he replied. Lya would train maynly in water, both would be trying to do prints in water half way up to there knees. The extra pull the water gave would give there legs alot more resistance. Hailey would have to slowly levitate himself and Lya at times, as well asother things, just to be sure she could control herself, and at times her and Lya would have small practice sparring fights.
Lya stood there for a bit before turning to see him removing his clothes. With a smile, the girls moved over to their bags and began undressing. Lya and Hailey stripped down until they were naked, folding their clothes and putting them into their bags before pulling out their bikinis and dressing again. Hailey's bikini was a modest one that covered everything it was supposed to. It was a white halter top bikini that hooked behind her neck at her back while the bottoms were white and styled after regular panties. Lya on the other hand was sexy. It was an orangeish red shimmery thong bikini that showed off her slender athletic body. It tied behind her neck and behind her back while the bottoms tied at her hips.

Once dressed, they made their way back down towards the water and Hailey slowly stepped into it. The girl shivered a little as the cool water washed over her leg and she looked at Lya who had dove into the water happily and swam out a bit until she was waist deep before surfacing, the red pokegirl completely soaked.
Zack took great notice in both, Lya of course was most eye catching as she seemed all the more attractive. Hailey of course looked cute in her swimsuit, but it only made the difference between both girls all the more noticeable, meek and modest, versus hot and fiery. He was thankful for the cold water, making those sudden feelings he got seeing the two quickly go away. "Alright now..." he began before there training started, it proved to be more difficult for him with Lya as his partner.
Once adjusting to the cool water, the girls made their way over to Zack and smiled at him before they started their training. While he trained them, Lya also trained him and worked with Hailey on different things. Hailey had a little difficulty with some of her training, not being used to training but she was slowly catching on. The fox was patient as she helped to teach the younger girl different things and she exercised hard. Lya was pretty good with her balance and resistance in the water so she didn't need much training.
The sun was soon setting, it was going to get cold very soon. He always thought beaches where funny that way, hot during the day, but after the afternoon it got windy and cold. He was however getting used to there company in there new wardrobes so he was soon more focused on training then ever. Ge was pleased with Haileys progress as well, she wasn't as used to it as Lya, nor dud she need as much physical exercise, her mental abilities where amazing, besides one sudden belly flop onto the water as she was lifting him. "Think we should call it a day."
As he spoke up, Lya looked up at the sky and nodded while squeezing water out of her hair. "That sounds like a good idea." she told him. "We should head back soon too. It's starting to get chilly." She shivered a little and began squeezing water from her tails one at a time while she watched Hailey wade out of the ocean.
Zack helped Hailey get out. "We all might want to wash up as well," the salt water was most likely going to affect Lya most of all, her fur was nice and soft from the attention given, the salt would most likely make it all rough and matted unless washed out. He dried off a little bit, using a towel, he gave them both one as well. He then put on another set of cloths he had. (brb gotta go for a lil)
Hailey had a little trouble getting out of the water but with Zacks help she made it, smiling up at him before she head over towards the bags with them. "It shouldn't take me more then just a couple minutes to wash up." she said gently with a small smile, taking the towel from him.
Lya shook like a dog would, before moving towards the clothes. "Yeah. I'll need a shower to get the salt water out of my fur." she said. "If I don't it'll start looking ragged and dirty." she said while beginning to dry off.
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