Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack secretly thought Lya would still look nice even ragged and dirty. Though he did very much lie her with her soft smooth coat of short fur, it just felt so nice to the touch, and gave that warm tingly feeling. "Alright," he said finally once he was dressed a fain, he really just put on a change of pants, he wasn't going to climb back up in just swim trunks. He made the climb though and they made there way back to the center where try could clean up.
Lya dried off her fur the best she could before pulling her shorts and shirt on ver her damp bikini and then picking up her bag. Hailey just pulled on her pants before teleporting to the top of the cliff where she waited for them to join her. Lya slowly climbed up, softly grunting as she climbed before standing up next to Hailey and she brushed her hands off on her pants before sighing softly.
They continued this training for another day. In the mean time Hailey got rather good at controlling herself, she could gently lift rocks, other objects, and Lya and himself without the worry of droipping or damaging either of them. He got a bit better at training in the water, Lya in truth seemed to not need the training. She was already fit enough, fast enough, strong enough, and had beaten Brawley previously so she had a good idea on how he fought, if anything she was just a big help to Hailey. They once more made there way back to the center afterwards, and he was very much looking forward to a nice warm shower.
As they trained, Lya didn't really need to do anything with her own training but she helped Hailey with herown. She would help her with her speed and any other defensive things that she could help her with. When they were finally done training on the second day, the girls decided to just walk back to the center in their bathing suits, wrapping their towels around their waists. They were both looking forward to taking a hot shower after exercising and training in the cold ocean. "You did really good today Hailey." she said to the girl with a small smile and Hailey smiled brightly with a giggle.
Zack liked how. They got along, he wondered if it would have been the case if Hailey was a water-type. He tried to picture it for a moment as he walked behind them, he knew things wouldn't have been so peaceful he thought. He felt less tired now after training, he was surprised how quickly he adjusted to the new strain on his body. He was sure he'd be nice and toned soon enough. "Tomorrow is the big day," he told them both. "The fight with Brawley...not that Im too worried," he said, he had complete faith in both on them.
The girls walked with matching strides. If they had looked alike, the could of been mistaken as sisters. As he spoke up, the turned to him and moved so they were walking n either side f him, linking their arms with his. "I think we'll be able to beat him." Lya said with a grin. "Hailey's telepathic powers are awesome." Hailey giggled before smiling at them. "And Lya's powers are amazing as well." she replied with another giggle.
Zack nodded his head "I have no doubt it'll be easier then before," he said with a smile. He knew he had several advantages, Lya's experience, and the type advantage of Hailey. It had been easy defeating Roxanne once Lya learned Energy Ball, and once they had a nice plan. He had a few ideas, though they mostly involved simply striking with a heavy psychic attack. Lya knew very little, but she had Confuse Ray which could alter a fight to there advantage regardless of type.
Lya grinned and nodded. "But of course. Now that there are two pokegirls in the team, it'll be easier since it won't be two on one." Lya said as they walked back towards the pokecenter. As she walked, her tails swayed happily behind her while she smiled brightly. On the other side of him, Hailey was humming gently, her hand gently stroking his arm. "So, what's the plan for the rest of the night?" Hailey asked. "Eat dinner, shower and go to bed?" she asked curiously.
Zack had been wondering the same thing, though he knew his plans where normal, he was still not very used to voicing them. Lya was experienced, and did not seem to shy away from being intimate, but he wasn't so sure about Hailey. "Well eat, shower....and," he said still unable to say it. "Well the rest might be a surprise," he said. He was certian Lya understood, he however wasn't sure if Hailey would, he guessed she'd never gone through a taming session, which to him was a whole new thing in itself.
Lya looked over at Zack as he spoke and smiled slightly as he spoke, her tails flicking as he said the rest might be a surprise. She had an idea as to what he meant and she giggled softly while her fingers caressed his side lightly. Leaning towards him, she nuzzled his neck with a soft purr before kissing his cheek.
Hailey watched them curiously, watching their interaction with a smile. "What kind of surprise?" she asked softly.
Zack knew his vulpix got it as she teased him, she was already preparing him, and in a rather ingenious sort of way too. He smiled lightly, feeling a small rush of excitment lance through his spine for a moment. "'s a good one," he replied, giving Hailey no further clues. Zack even went so far as to start thinking of random things, he knew she wouldn't force herself into his mind, but he just did it out of habit, as they got to the center they went to go and eat, in truth he didn't feel very hungry, he never really felt anything before a taming session, simply the emotions needed for the act.
Hailey pouted slightly when he didn't say anything except that it was going to be a good surprise. She nudged Zack lightly with her elbow before sighing and resting her head against his shoulder, her long green hair sticking to his skin a little since it was a little damp from the water. Lya giggled when Hailey pouted and she smiled gently before nibbling at Zacks jaw playfully, her cool black nose tickling his skin. After reaching the center, the girls followed him to the cafeteria. Lya was a lot like Zack when it came to their taming sessions. She was never really hungry before the taming session but if she didn't eat before it, she would be really hungry after it but she usually didn't feel up for leaving the bedroom after their taming sessions.
He laughed softly at Hailey's attitude to being left in the dark, and Lya's nose was always a bit ticklish in itself as it felt somewhat wet and roughish.They finished eating, he managed to eat most of it, it was like a kid wanting to open his birthday gifts. Nothing really mattered, not even the cake until after they where opened, then the rest of the fun came. He wondered if they should shower together, it would save some time, though he had a feeling with three in the small cubicle it wouldn't really save a whole lot of time, or water for that matter.
Hailey huffed when he laughed at her before sticking her tongue out at him. Together they ate their dinner. The psychic pokegirl ate all her food since she didn't have much food anyways while Lya ate her meal happily. Once finished, the girls got ready to return to their room. "Do you want to take a shower first Zack?" Lya asked. "You and Hailey can take one together since neither of you have fur and then I'll take one after you."
Zack thought of the idea, it seemed to be best, it would mean they'd be cleaner much more. He also thought it might be a good way to get Hailey comfortable with the idea of a taming session. He did feel a little nervous, as his first time had been with Lya, meaning he already had an experienced partner, it was odd for him to be the experienced one. "Alright...I mean if your okay with it Hailey?" he asked the Kirlia.
Slowly looking up at him, Hailey shrugged slightly with a light blush. "Yes, I guess I'm fine with it." she said softly, a small smile on her lips. Lya giggled softly as Hailey blushed and she smiled brightly. "This way, you two can get to know each other better as well." Lya told them.
Zack was wondering if Lya had said something to Hailey in advanced, then again he wasn't too surprised if the subject came up at one point. Back innthe room he began to take off the damp cloths he had on. He didn't mind Lya seeing him, nor Hailey, he was just aware he had not really paraded around naked in front of them since catching the Kirlia. "Um...yeah it might," he said thinking he might have been blushing as Lya said that.
Entering the room, Hailey moved over to a bed and began removing her clothing. She pulled off the towel before removing her bikini. The girl blushed a little as she removed her clothing and she set them in a small pile before looking over at Zack as he began removing his damp clothing. Lya grinned at him as she began removing her clothes as well. Once her bikini was off, Lya sat down to wait with a small grin.
He watched the two undress as he did, already feeling the juices flowing as well. He was soon as undressed as them both. He looked at Lya, she seemed to be fully prepared, he wished he was that composed. He went into the small bathroom to turn the shower on, he was wondering if it was a good idea to try, he hadn't been Haileys partner for very long after all.
Hailey turned and watched with pink cheeks as he undressed, a small smile on her lips before slowly moving into the bathroom, quiet as he turned the shower on. "Are you okay showering with me?" she asked suddenly while slipping into the room with him. Her small hand brushed his bare back before running over his shoulder and down his arm with a small smile.
He was a little taken by her presence, though he didn't know it. Her hands felt nice and smooth, lacking the same feeling as Lya's. He let out a breath nice and slow though, it was soothing to have her touch. " Yeah Im okay with you showering with me," there was a small pause before he asked if she was okay with it as well. The water was already warm and the steam was making the mirror a little obscure.
She smiled gently as he told her that he was okay with her shwering with him and she chuckled when he asked her before nodding with a kind smile. "Yes, I'm fine showering with you." she told him softly. She could feel the heat filling the air from the steam and she smiled as it caused her cool skin to become damp. "Ready?" she asked gently before slowly stepping into the shower, shivering as it chased away the lingering chill from the ocean and she sighed as the warm water washed over her skin and through her green hair.
Zack gave her a quick nod as she asked if he was ready. He let her step inside first, following her a few moments later. His body seemed to shift suddenly from the temperature change, as the warm water hit his skin, he felt a small spark as he got into the shower. It felt nice to go from chilled to warm so quickly, though it did nothing to stem his libido at all. He watched the water slip down her body, her petite form glistening a little with it. He let the water run over them both for a bit. "Need help?" he asked her, knowing very well what he would do now.
Hailey closed her eyes and tipped her head back with a sigh, enjoying the feel of the warm water on her skin. As he got in, she looked back at him and smiled gently while running her hands over her skin. She could still feel how cool it was but she was warming up quickly. When he spoke, she looked up at him again before nodding. "Please." she said softly, some of her wet hair falling in her face, hiding one of her eyes as she smiled shyly.
Zack smiled, gently brushing the hair out of her face. He grabbed the bar of soap, lathering it in his hands until it began to foam a bit and slowly started to wash her back. He typically didn't do this with Lya, no they both knew what to expect whenever he other offered to "help". He savoired the feeling of her smooth skin, slowly his hands trailed over her hips, not as curvy as Lya's either, but still very attractive and sexy. The hot water wasn't helping things either, he was already feeling a bit aroused by simply string at her all wet. "Any place specific?" he asked her, wondering if she wanted him to clean a certian area rather then simply cleaning her all over until he find just the right spot to hit.
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