Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

"Yeah it's fine...bit rude though," he said, but it was nothing. Soon there was a loud horn, the ship was coming back from another departure. "Okay, lets get on and find some place to relax while we wait," he said. He walked on board with Lya and the others, it was a nice boat, bigger then he thought, but not like a cruise liner or anything. "I think this might be the first time I've been on the ocean," he said, realizing it just now. He felt a bit strange on the boat.
She slowly nodded before jumping when the horn blew a little later before sighing and nodding again. "Okay." she said softly. Shouldering her bag again, she walked onto the boat with him and looked for a place for them to sit or smething. The moment she was on, she could feel the rocking of the boat beneath her. At first she was a little unsteady but it wouldn't take her very long to become used to the rocking. As he spoke about it being the first time he'd been on the ocean, she chuckled. "I think you'll like it." she told him as she shifted her weight again.
Zack had to steady himself using the rails on the ship, though he soon got a bit used to it and managed to begin walking around without needing them. "'s not so bad," he told her finally as he got the hang of it. He watched a few Wingull flying by the ship, they seemed a bit funny looking. "Well...guess it won't be fir another hour or....!" the boat suddenly lurched before he finished, he fell down onto the deck, as did a few other passengers. "What the...?" he asked, unsure what happened, though it seemed the boat had stopped suddenly. A few people had scrambled up and where staring at something in the water.
Lya watched him get used to the movement of the boat. She glanced out over the water, taking note of the strange Wingull that kept flying by and she frowned slightly. "Yeah." she began to agree before the boat lurched. The sudden movement caused her to be flung to the floor with a painful thud and a groan when another passanger stepped on her tail when they stood. Shaking her head, she slowly climbed to her feet while rubbing her tail. "What happened?" she asked while staggering to Zacks side.
Zack was getting up. "Are you alright?" he asked helping her up. He saw the commotion "Lets see what's up," he said walking over to the side where people where gathering. He saw the surface of the water lifting in an area, suddenly a massive blackish form broke the surface. It was a submarine, had they accidentally hit it?

As he pondered he saw the hatch opening, and out came a familiar face. "Thats him," he whispered just loud enough for Lya to hear, it was the man that had bumped into him. Suddenly smaller vessels began to break the waters surface, they where small single to two man subs. Just then the man oke. "I am Archie, leader of the infamous Team Aqua," Zack didn't think his name was very threatening " we have come to claim this vessel in order to use it to better serve our glorious plans!" this didn't settle well with many on board, people where beginning to shoot and grow agitated. Then a few of the Aqua grunts began to board the ship, there pokemon consisted of Poochyena, zubat, and a few random water types, though they mainly stayed in the sea surrounding the boat, they began to demand people leave.

"Oh..boy," he said, his heart was pumping. "I don't think we can let these guys take the ship Lya," he told her.
Lya smiled up at him as he helped her stand before rubbing her tail and nodding. "Yeah, I think so." she tld him. Moving over to the side of the boat, she loked down and her eyes widened a little in surprise when she saw the submarine. She watched the hatch open and she was even more surprised to see it was the man that Zack had bumped into earlier. As more subs broke the surface, she frowned while wondering why there were so many subs in one place. "Archie?" she murmured. The name was common and it wasn't threatening. If anything it made her want to laugh. As people began boarding the ship, she turned slightly and watched the people of Team Aqua order the passangers to leave. "No, we can't." she said. "What should we do?" she asked quickly.
Zack was thinking for a second. The people seemed afraid as the pokemon of Team Aqua bore down on them. The other trainers seemed to panicked to think. "We can't do it alone...but we need everyones help," he told her, however he couldn't shout it out else it would just alert Aqua. "We need to strike first...use flamethrower on those zubat," he pointed to a small clutter of the flapping creatures that where terrorizing a few passengers. He then stood up, "I know this is your first battle, without any training but," he took the pokeball at his belt. He pressed the button the sphere expanding. "Hailey come on out!" he shouted, in a flash of light the Kirlia appeared, "use Magic Leaf on the poochyena!"
Lya looked at all the other trainers on the ship and she nodded in agreement. Once she received her order t use flamethrower n the zubat, she nodded again with a serious look on her face. Turning to the zubat that was terrorizing people, she used her flamethrower on them, the flames hitting them. She wasn't being careful not to hurt the zubats. They were attacking passengers, so she wouldn't be careful with the bats.
When she was called out, Hailey looked around in confusion before looking at Zack. Upon being told to use magical leaf, the girl nodded befre looking at the Poochyena with a glare. She stood there calmly. With a hand motion, green glowing leaves began surrounding her and when she waved her arm, they all flew at the poochyena's, attacking them.
Zack watched the two attack, the Zubat fell, crisped a little, and fainted already. There owners didn't seem to pleased, but they also did not seem willing to fight either as it had only taken a single hit. The other trainers on bored seemed to get a bit more confident after seeing the three fight back. Soon other trainers where beginning to fight back, a few electric attacks flying and zapping the zubat and poochyena.

"Well aren't you the brave little boy," he heard a voice behind them. He turned to see a woman staring at them, hands on her hips in a rather unimpressed, but somewhat sultry sort of way. She had long red hair that curled, her blue vest and pants where accompanied by a black tank top, she wore the same bandana as the rest of team Aqua. She would have been rather attractive, if she wasn't an enemy. "Ill play with you...little trouble maker!...Mightyena go! Use Bite and tear tat little vulpix to pieces!" she commanded the massive fog pokemon that appeared in a flash of light.

The threat itself infuriated Zack. "Lya Dodge and then use flamethrower!" as if to add insult to injury he also gave Hailey a command, "Haikey use double team, then follow with magic leaf once more." He had little mercy for the trainer and the Mightyena.
Lya watched with a smile as other trainers began fighting back. Hearing an unfamiliar voice, Lya turned as well and saw a wman standing there and she glared at the woman. As the Mightyena was called out, Lya's eyes widened a fraction before she growled softly. The dog pokemon might of been large, but she refused to be intimidated. As the dog came at her to bite her, she jumped ut of the way, dodging the attack befre she shot it with her flamethrower, the flames surrounding the dog and burning his fur. Hailey moved to Lya's side and she used double team, moving s quickly it seemed like there were two of her before she used magical leaf. The air was once more filled with the glowing leaves and she attacked him with them, the leaves hitting the Mightyena.
The woman seemed a bit alarmed by the sudden double attack. "T..two against one isn't fair!" she complained. Zack wanted to say it was also unfair to attack unarmed people, but he wouldn't have the chance. It seemed the other trainer sudden retaliation shook the moral of the entire team, and they began to retreat. "We need to retreat now Admin Shelly!" one of the grunts shouted before she had the chance to try and fight back. "NNnn..,Mightyena return!.....this ain't over kid!"she growled before turning to run with the rest.

Zack watched Team Aqua jump back into there vessels, quickly vanishing under the water again. The people on board cheered. "Great job you two," he said happily to his two pokemon. " dud so good for your frusta battle," he said, not to overshadow Lya, it had just been very on the spot for the Kirlia.
Lya was ready to attack again when she called back her pokemon and ran off. With a grin, Lya moved to the side f the ship and watched them flee back under water and she looked over her shoulder with a smile as Zack complimented her. Moving over to the Kirlia, Lya wrapped her arm around her shoulders befre ruffling the smaller girls hair playfully. "Zacks right. You did good." she said to Hailey.
Hailey smiled and blushed with the compliments. "Thanks." she said softly while smoothing down her hair a bit.
Everyone was excited at what had happened, some thinking them as well, others simply boasting at how heroic they where. He didn't care, he was just glad it was all over. "Lets enjoy the rest of the ride now," he told them both. He let Hailey stay out of her ball as the ship started. He was happy things had turned out okay. The rest of the voyage went without a hitch, and soon he could feel the boat slowing down as it pulled into the Dewford port. He sadly slipped Hailey back into her pokeball as they departed.
As they were thanked and others boasted at how heroic they were, Lya smiled at Zack while Hailey looked shyly at her feet with a sheepish smile. The trio remained to themselves for the rest of the voyage to the island, the girls enjoying their time out in the sun. As they approached the island, Lya moved to the side of the boat again, her tails swaying excitedly as she watched them pull into port while Zack called Hailey back into her pokeball. "What are we going to do first?" she asked him.
Zack got off the boat. "Well...first maybe we should check the pokemon center for a room," he said. "Then I think we'd better train," he replied. He had a feeling Lya might be fine in this fight, but he wanted to be sure Hailey would be as well. The pokemon center wasn't far from port. He asked Nurse Joy for an available room. "I think, it will be best if we train in the water a little Lya," he said, knowing full well she was a fire type, luckily she was the only firetype able to enter water, it would be good for her to learn how to resist it a little.
Lya stepped off the boat and took a deep breath with a smile. "That sounds like a good idea." she said gently with a nod. "I want to see how Hailey is with her dodging and resisting skills." She knew the way around town and she looked comfortable and relaxed in the seaside town. As he suggested they train in the water, she looked at him. "What kind of training?" she asked him.
"For will be strength and endurance, though for Hailey i think maybe on how to control herself, we don't want her to teleport to far away now," he said, taking the pokeball out once more. "Also I want you to show her what real battles are like," he planned to have the two spar as well. He first however wanted to find a much better place, a secretive place to train.
Lya nodded again. "Okay. Sounds good. I'll test her for balance, dodging and risistance." she said to him, running her fingers through her red curly hair. "I hope my bathing suit was packed." She hadn't thought to check and if she didn't have it, she was sure that they could find some in the town. After all, it was a town surrounded by water so there were quite a few places that sold bathing suits and other things someone might need for a day at the beach.
"I think maybe we should find one for Hailey as well?" he asked. Zack was sure he saw the bathing suite in there before, but he wasn't vertian, in the mean time he wanted to find a nice spot, perhaps he should let those two go off and buy the new suite for Haily. "Hey...what if you two go looking for one?" he asked. "It might be a good chance for you two to bond a bit?" he suggested, he was sure they already got along, but they would need to be closer if they worked as a team.
She slowly nodded. "Yeah. I think she'd like one." she replied while tucking her hands into her pockets. His question about her and Hailey going to look for one without him caught her by surprise. "What about you?" she asked. "How will we know where you are?" She rather liked the idea. It would give her a chance to get to know Hailey a bit more.
"Well...Hailey is a psychic type...maybe we can test how good she is," he released her from the ball. "Hailey how would you like to go pick a swim suite with Lya?" he asked the Kirlia. The two where different, Lya had the soft short fur all over, Hailey had none. Lya also had a bigger bust and curves, Hailey however was slender and thin, with fewer curves. "However when you done, you'll need to find me, so....why don't you prob my mind...and learn what it's a way it's your first bit of training."
When she was released from her ball, Hailey took in her surroundings before turning to Zack when he spoke up. "A... swimsuite?" she echoed before looking at Lya and the vulpix smiled. "It's an outfit girls wear when swimming." she said, motioning to the beach off in the distance. "We're going to be training on the beach." she told the girl. Hailey was silent for a moment, contemplating the thought before nodding with a smile. "I think I'd like that." she said to them. As she was told to probe his mind, Hailey looked nervous. "Are... are you sure? I dn't want to hurt you." she stammered.
Zack nodded "I trust you," he told her, after all she had been able to control herself on the ship. "Just kind of get to know what im like, once you think you can then thats it," he said. It was a strange concept, but he thought it would be valuable in the long run. He waited to feel her mind reach out to his. He wondered if it might tickle.
Hailey wasn't really reassured and she looked back and forth between Lya and Zack. With a sigh, Lya moved over behind Hailey and wrapped her arms around her, running her hands along the girls arms before grasping her hands. "You can do it Hailey." she said soothingly. "Just relax and try." Slowly the girl relaxed and took a deep breath while listening to Lya speak. At first nothing happened but then the girl opened her eyes and locked gazes with Zack. He'd be able to feel a slight nudge at his mind as she began slowly probing his mind.
It was strange, he waited for something to happen. Then as they stared at one another, he saw a very faint glor in her eyes. It got a little brighter, before he then felt it. Like a small poke on the shoulder almost, though not on his shoulder, in his mind. At first he wanted to fight it, to shut his mind, but he forced himself not to so she could get familiar with it. " Hailey?" he asked, just to be sure, though it had to be, he didn't feel like this was an attack or anything.
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