Zack smiled softly as she apologized about how she acted. 'It's where upset, and I now understand why," he said. He was careful not to hold it to close to her, he knew she had to be in contact with it, but whether it would simply force her to evolve or she had to let it he was unsure but it was better safe then sorry. "Your welcome Lya...and I don't regret anything Lya," he told her, even if she was angry or was upset, he did not regret it, he knew she was just hurt.
"Lya...this will make you stronger I know it," he explained to her. "And even if you stay as a vukpix, or decide to wont change a thing," he told her. "Any shape or form you are wont change how much I care for you Lya," he told her. "Whatever you decide to do wont change anything okay...I promise," he said with a smile, he once more wrapped it up a bit and left it on the small table beside her. "I'm going to go and tell Hailey and Viivi there big sis is alright," he grinned softly. "Nurse Joy says your free to go out and about when your feeling better. He leaned forward gently, and kissed her very softly on the hand before he decided to go and tell the other two she was awake, though they would give her some space.