Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

The ground a little behind Lya exploded with dust. Zack realized to late what had been premeditated. It was not meant to attack, but much like how Hailey used teleport, it was meant to set it up. 'Lya watch out!" he yelled, but it was little good at this range. He saw Fera explode out of the ground.

"Use Bite," Derek said, Fera was already so close Lya would have little time to even turn around and see the attack come at her.
As the ground exploded, she stumbled forward a little, covering her head for a moment before turning to see Fera bursting from the ground. Lya's eyes widened as the other girl lunged at her and grabbed her, biting her shoulder hard. The feeling of Fera's fangs sinking into her shoulder made Lya cry out loudly in pain before clawing at her chest, purposely tearing at the shirt before leaving a couple of scratches on her while she struggled to get out of Fera's grasp.
Derek shouted another attack, whatever it was Zack didn't pay much attention to it, he was worried about Lya. The flareon had bitten hard, he was surprised just how aggressive it was. He really did not like Dereks training style at this moment. "Lya use confuse ray!" he shouted in the hope it would get the flareon off. However Derek had told Fera to let go and use tackle right away knocking Lya to the ground.

"Lya..lya are you okay?" he called out. Just two attacks and it seemed like everything had flipped. "Lya we should stop" he said not telling her to, but wanting her to. He did not like seeing her get hurt.
Lya heard Zack tell her to use confuse ray, but fefore she culd, Fera shoved her away and she stumbled before yelping as she was tackled to the ground. The vulpix groaned and she took a deep breath. She could hear the concern in Zacks voice, but when he suggested they stop she growled as all of her feelings began to form a ball in her chest, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. As she slowly began pushing herself up, she could feel this dark energy just seem to form in her chest. But when she heard her nick name, she looked over at Derek, only to see that he was looking at Fera.

That seemed to do it for her and she staggered to her feet with a growl filled with anger, hate and hurt. Crossing her arms in front her face, an orb of black and dark blue circles appeared before her, growing bigger and bigger as her emotions overwhelmed her. Lya then separated her arms and the orb moves in front of her chest before firing a beam of black and dark blue circles from the orb and hitting Fera. The vulpix didn't seem able to rein in the power and it drained her of all her power before she slowly sank to her knees, a strangled sob escaping her.
Everyone was shocked at the very least. the blast of dark energy had no sound until the moment it was fired. It was a deep roar, like an anrgy roar almost. Whatever it was it was not normal. Zack knew it, and the look on Dereks face told him it wasn't normal as well. It hit Fera, but not for long, it quickly blew passed her after the hit and then flew off into the air. Everyone blinked as it quickly faded.

"Lya!" Zack yelled as she fell, he ran to her, seeing she was out, and not normally, she was unconscious. He did not bother saying a word. He scooped her up, she was much lighter then he ever remembered her being. He rushed inside the center. calling for Nurse Joy. He told her what had happened, Nurse Joy was shocked at the very least. Zack also remembered to hand her Viivi's pokeball, but Lya was in much worse shape. He watched as they took her in a sickbed to the back. Zack then wiped his eyes, he had been tearing without even realizing it. He turned to go outside. He needed to talk to his brother about all this, he was definetally not happy.

It would be a few days before he was allowed to go in and see Lya, Viivi was fine by that time, but her and Hailey stayed outside while he went to sit next to her, eventually falling asleep as he petted the back of her hand palm. She was still asleep.
Lya vaguely heard Zack yell her name as her eyes drifted shut and she fell over onto her side, hitting the ground with a soft thud. After she was brought into the center and taken into Nurse Joys care, the pink haired woman began running tests on her and hooking her to monitors. She found that every last ounce of Lya's energy had been drained which was something she'd never seen before.

For several long days, Viivi and Hailey did there best to look after Zack. Hailey knew that things were pretty ugly between Zack and his brother and even uglier between Lya and Derek. Viivi hadn't seen the rest of the battle, but Hailey told it to her in detail and the absol was shocked. She'd never heard of a pokegirl like a vulpix using that much dark energy at once.

After a few days of sleeping, Lya finally began to stir. She felt Zack petting the back of her hand. Slowly her eyes fluttered before opening with a soft groan. The first thing she noticed was the beeping of the monitors she was hooked up to then she noticed that she was laying in one of the hospital beds in the pokecenters ICU. Nurse Joy hadn't been sure what was wrong with her so thought it best to put her there. "Z-Zack." she said softly, her voice a little raspy from sleeping.
He stirred softly as she said his name. He was so happy she was awake he smiled before saying anything. "Hey there," he said, his eyes had a hollow look, he apparently had not gotten sleep until just those few moments he was resting on the bed. He yanwed softly. "Glad your awake," he said to her, once more running his thumb over one of her knuckles. He was still worried, but Nurse Joy said she would be fine, whatever had happened though was a mystery in itself, though it did not seem to cause anythign medical, despite extreme amounts of stress.

He sat up a little more, keeping himself awake now simply due to the pure joy he felt. He explained to her what happened before she blacked out, and a little bit of what happened after, mainly that Derek had been crushed by what had happened, even after Zack seemingly punched him in the face. A few bandaids on the knuckles of his right hand proved that part of the story. "Lya....I do have something for you," he said gently to her.
Lya smiled faintly at him as he smiled at her and spoke. She could tell that he hadn't been sleeping and she sighed, knowing it was because he was worrying over her. "And I'm sad you haven't been sleeping." she said softly as he ran his thumb over one of her knuckles. She yawned a moment later and have a small sheepish smile, watching him sit up. The girl remained silent as he told her what had happened before she passed out and after. She could remember clearly the part about the attack she used before she passed out. Now that she was calmed down, it actually scared her a little. She had felt so... so out of control.

Looking at his bandaged knuckles, she turned her hand over and grasped his. "Thank you." she said, referring to how he'd stood up for her. But when he said that he had something for her, she looked curious and looked up into his eyes. "Something... for me?" she asked gently.
He nodded at her question, glad she seemed happy what he had done. He told her he would sleep now that he knew she was better as well. He yawned once more as he knelt down and got his backpack. It was a bit worn from all there traveling, no longer as new as the first day they had started. He finally found what he was looking for. It looked like an old rolled up bundle of mummy wrappings. "I wanted to give you this sooner, but...well it didn't happen." He began to slowly unwrap the cloth.

"You wanted to get stronger, and I promised you I would," he told her, it was just like there conversation before his brother showed up. "I got this while on the ship...borrowed it from that woman," he said smiling a little as he said 'borrowed'. He finished unwrapping it, in his hand was a glowing stone. It had been shaped to resemble like a cylinder, possibly a decorative piece meant for a collector, but it glowed with a fiery energy. The shape was a bit odd, and somewhat familiar but that didn't matter at the moment. "It's a firestone...I was going to give it to you...but now well," he said. He sighed gently "If you decide to use it or not, it's your choice okay?" he told her, of course once she was better she could.
Lya watched him open his backpack and begin digging through it. Both of their backpacks were worn from traveling, her's more then his since she'd been traveling longer, but they were worn all the same. When he pulled out a bundle of cloth, she looked from the object in his hand then to his face then back as he began unwrapping it and she looked curious.

His claim that he 'borrowed' the item made her arch an eyebrow at him, knowing what he truely meant and a small smile formed on her lips. But when he finished unwrapping the item, she gasped while staring at it He didn't need to tell her what it was for her to know. She could feel the energy radiating off of it. As he spoke about how he was going to give it to her before, her ears drooped a little and she looked away frm him. "I'm sorry about how I've been acting towards you Zack." she said suddenly. "You didn't deserve it. Thank you for everything you've done for me." She looked at the stone again. "Would you still... care for me... no matter what form I was in?" she asked suddenly.
Zack smiled softly as she apologized about how she acted. 'It's where upset, and I now understand why," he said. He was careful not to hold it to close to her, he knew she had to be in contact with it, but whether it would simply force her to evolve or she had to let it he was unsure but it was better safe then sorry. "Your welcome Lya...and I don't regret anything Lya," he told her, even if she was angry or was upset, he did not regret it, he knew she was just hurt.

"Lya...this will make you stronger I know it," he explained to her. "And even if you stay as a vukpix, or decide to wont change a thing," he told her. "Any shape or form you are wont change how much I care for you Lya," he told her. "Whatever you decide to do wont change anything okay...I promise," he said with a smile, he once more wrapped it up a bit and left it on the small table beside her. "I'm going to go and tell Hailey and Viivi there big sis is alright," he grinned softly. "Nurse Joy says your free to go out and about when your feeling better. He leaned forward gently, and kissed her very softly on the hand before he decided to go and tell the other two she was awake, though they would give her some space.
Lya couldn't understand how he could be so... understanding and caring after all she'd put him through but non-the less, she was more then greatful and she smiled at him. As he said that it would make her stronger, she nodded in agreement before smiling brightly as he said that no matter what, he would always care for her and she smiled up at him. But when he wrapped the stone up and put it onto the table next to her, she reached over and touched it lightly. She could feel the pwer through the cloth and it made her fingers tingle so she pulled her hand back before looking up at him. His words made her chuckle and she nodded. "Okay." she said gently. "I think I'll take a small nap."

Up in his room, Hailey and Viivi were laying on the bed compairing stories of when they were wild pokegirls while they played some kind of card game. Both were wndering and worrying about Lya.
He walked to the room where Hailey and Viivi where. He came in smiling gently. "She's awake, but still a bit tired," he added, just so they did not go and bother her. 'She seems to remember what happened....a bit scared about it to." He went to the bed and laid back onto it, almost instantly he felt the sleepiness begin to kick in. "And yes I gave it to her Hailey," he added. She knew about the stone anyways from being mentally connected to him. 'It's up to her though," he said before yawning. He felt himself drift off to sleep, he let himself rest now knowing Lya was fine. The last thought he had in his mind was her pokeball, he would go and get in cleaned up, and make it like new again.

(gonna go to sleep now, ill be back though in a few hours, have a good night)
(Okay. I'll be getting off soon as well.)

When the door opened, Hailey sat up while Viivi lifted her head to look at him, both looking excitedly at him. When he said Lya was awake, they smiled brightly. Both wanted to go and see her but when he said that Lya was still a little tired, they nodded in understanding. When he said that he gave it to Lya, Viivi was a little confused while Hailey nodded with a smile. "Okay." she said gently. they watched him drift off to sleep before they continued their game, making sure to be quiet so they didn't wake him. After finishing the game, they got ready for bed too and went to sleep.
He slept for a while, a bit longer then usual, he woke up much later to realize it was getting late. He wondered what had happened up until then. He yawned gently feeling a lot better, still a little tired but he finally got some sleep and that made a big difference. He sat up in the bed, "How long was I out?" he asked the two. He wondered what had happened to Lya as well, if she was walking out and about or still sleeping like he had been, he guessed Hailey and Viivi could come see her as well.
The girls slept for a while as well before waking about an hour before he did. While he still slept, they took a quick shower and changed. Hearing him waking, Hailey looked over at him and smiled. "For a couple of hours." she told him. "It's around five in the evening now." Viivi stepped out of the bathroom in a pair of jeans and nothing else while she dried her hair. "You should take a shower before going down and seeing her again." the absol told him.

Down in her hospital room, Lya was sitting up in bed with her back against some pillows. She'd just eaten dinner that one of Nurse Joys pokegirls brought her. Now she was gazing at the firestone that Zack had given her. She was being careful not to touch the actual stone because she knew that if it touched her, there was no going back.
Zack nodded, finding it strange cat the moment nothing phased him, his mind was on his vulpix. He wondered what she would decide, he imagined her choosing to evolve, and he could really only think of an older looking Lya, her fur would be gold, and her tails longer and well more if them. "Yeah your right...I probably look like hell," he said and got a change of cloths to take into the bathroom with him to wash up.
Hailey smiled as she laced up the shirt she was wearing. Until they could get her something different to wear, her and Viivi had taken one of Viivi's larger shirts and altered it so it could fit the green haired girl. "When Lya's able to leave the pokecenter, if she does choose to use the stone, we'll want to go to the shops." Hailey said as he got clothes for himself. "None of my clothes fit and I can't keep taking Viivi's. And if Lya does evolve, she'll need to have her's altered and she'll need some new clothes as well." With that she stood up and stretched while watching Viivi pull on a t-shirt.
Zack heard Hailey as he closed the bathroom door, he had already thought of the exact same thing as well. It still depended on if Lya chose to or not though. He let the water sort of just slip down for a bit, it felt really nice after so many days of sleepless worry. He washed off, being very particular now, like he was getting ready for a hot date.
The girls shook their heads with a chuckle before beginning to go through Lya's clothes. They thought that the other girl would like to wear something different then what Nurse Joy put her in. They finally decided on one of Lya's sun dresses and they grabbed a set of her underclothes before putting the bag down. The outfit was sitting on the table while Hailey began doing her and Viivi's hair. She'd been practicing using her psychic abilities lately by doing small things with it. Like last night playing cards, instead of moving the cards with her hands, she used her psychic ability to move them and she braided her and Viivi's hair the same way.
Zack turned the water off after so long, it felt nice and he felt surprisngly lighter, as if the days of not taking a shower had begun to way him down with grime. The thought was a little sickening actually. He dried off and changed in the bathroom enjoying the feeling of fresh clean cloths, he wondered how trainers felt about wearing the same thing over and over, he knew what it was like, and he really missed laundry at his house now. He came out fully dressed, hair still a bit damp under his ballcap.
By the time Zack finished and exited the bathroom, Viivi and Hailey were waiting impatiently for him. Hailey was holding Lya's clothes in her hands and they were both standing near the door. They left the bags near the bed because they had a feeling that they'd be spending one more night there. After all, it was late in the day and most people never started traveling that late, usually leaving really early in the day.
"Looks like your ready," he said with a smile, he hoped he had not been taking too long for them. "Lets go," he said also leaving the bag there. He knew Lya would be better, he was very excited for that, he was also curious as to what she had decided, but he would not ask her when they met. He would not even bring it up, he'd let her do that. It felt strange having her empty pokebal;l on his belt, it did feel a little lighter or so he thought.
"Yeah. We thought it best to be ready when you came out of the bathroom." Hailey said. With a slight nod, Viivi opened the door to the room and stepped out, Hailey following her before they stepped back for him to lead the way down to the room Lya was staying in.

Down in her room, Lya was currently out of bed and moving around slowly. She was a little stiff from laying in bed so long and she ached here and there but other then that she felt fine. The firestone was sitting on the bedside table. At her side, one of Nurse Joys chancey's was gently holding her arm so that if the girls legs should give out, she could catch her. Slowly Lya made her way around the room then back, a small smile on her face.
Zack wasn't sure if they could even see her, the emergency beacon above the door was not on so he guessed it could. He however knocked first before coming inside just in case she wasn't ready. "How are you feeling?" was the very first thing he asked. He did notice the stone on the side table though, she had not chosen yet it seemed. He however pushed that out of his mind and he looked at her, she was standing which was a good sign.
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