Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

The liepard stood there with her hands on her hips, her long purple hair fluttering in the breeze as she smirked at them. Lya knew this girl. She'd met her not long before she was traded off to Zack. The liepard was a mean pokegirl and was fast. As Viivi was called out, the absol nodded and stepped out onto the field, the girls studying each other with a critical eye. When Zack spoke, Viivi started her move before he even finished speaking, sending silver glowing gusts of wind towards the Liepard.

However, at getting her orders, the Liepard nodded sharply and moved quickly, using a series of hand springs to dodge the silver wind and she ran towards Viivi before using furry swipes. She managed to land a hit, maybe two before Viivi pulled away from her quickly.
Zack was amazed, Viivi was rather quick, so to hit her with such ease was rather unsettling. "You okay?" he asked, the attack didn't seem very powerful though and he was glad for Viivis stamina. He knew dark types would not be very effective, fighting and bug types would have been hood right about now. "Okay use Quick attack and follow with razor wind!" he shouted knowing full well, his older brother would have some counter.

"Use hone claws," Derek said, not even bothering to tell his poke girl to dodge, allowing Viivi to strike rather then dodge then attack.
Viivi touched her side where she'd been hit and she nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine." she said confidently while brushing herself off and getting ready to attack again. With a small smirk, she darted towards the other female, tackling her before jumping away and using razor wind at a close range. All that happened at first was a whirlwind formed around the Liepard for this turn. It was the next turn that the damage would be inflicted.

The Liepard looked curiously at the wind surrounding her but she didn't seem worried. When she was told to hone claws, she nodded while locking her gaze onto Viivi and she shifted her stance a little as her accuracy and attack levels went up a little.
Zack noticed the liepards claws seem to sharpen for a moment, the poke girl didn't even seem that fazed by the attack either. He wasn't going to give it a moments rest though, "Viivi use silver wind again," he shouted hoping the two attacks would faze the poke girl.

"Hone claws again," was all his brother said, it was actually a bit annoying, whatever he was doing just seemed so wrong and cruel, but the pojegirl would simply do as told without much of a care.
Viivi frowned as she watched the purple pokegirl through the wind that swirled around the liepard. When it was her turn to attack again, the silver wind closed in around the girl and began cutting her just before Viivi sent another blast of wind at her with a whip of her tail. The liepard however, barely even flinched as she was hit with the razor wind cut at her but when she was hit with a series of blasts from the silver wind, she flinched again and stepped back before growling, her acid green eyes flashing as did her claws as they got sharper and she cracked her knuckles just by flexing her long fingers.
Zack watched as Derek simply kept using the same move, from time to time dodging to vapid a powerful hit, in fact it seined Viivi was on the verge of winning almost by a shut out. "Alright use quick attack!" he shouted this time using her speed to land quick hits despite not being very strong, the faster the better it seemed.

Derek however smiled faintly. "Quick..sand attack, then slash!" he commanded. Zack wasn't even thinking this, but suddenly a quick cloyed of sand flew at Viivi, it wad unavoidable almost, what came next he couldn't even see because of it.
Viivi moved back and forth landing several hits until she was told to do a quick attack and she nodded before darting towards the Liepard. However, when she was in striking distance, before she could land an attack, she was hit with a bunch of sand and she closed her eyes while stumbling, putting up her arm to shield her face before feeling a sharp pain across her chest and she cried out in pain as the force of the attack caused her to go backwards before hitting the ground, landing on her side with a soft whimper. When the sand and the dust from it cleared, Zack would see the absol laying on the ground with four deep cuts across her chest and the liepard standing there, one hand on her hip while she examined the claws that had obviously been used for the attack. The once purple claws were now stained red.

"You need to call her back." Lya said quickly, concern showing on her face as she looked at Viivi.
Zack was stunned, the amount of power in the attack was amazing. "Viivi that's enough," he said taking her pokeball, before he called her back though he looked to Hailey. "Use heal pulse on Viivi," he told her without saying a word. Once it had been done he called her back. He saw the smug look on the Liepards face though she was a bit battered. "Hailey your next" he said, this stunned his brother a bit. "Shes really beefed you know what to do." He didn't give Hailey a single command, but against a dark she had a few moves, teleport and magical leaf, and knowing Hailey this was going yo be a fast finish.
Hailey nodded and used heal pulse to the best of her ability on Viivi. It wouldn't heal her completely but it would fix the worst of the damage. "We'll have to take her to Nurse Joy." she said gently before she stepped out onto the field. The gardevoir was clearly not happy about what had happened to her friend. When he told her that she knew what to do, she nodded. However, she would do this a little differently. She had to becareful and keep away from the Liepards claws. She moved to make it look like she was going to step to the side and she used teleport, taking her behind the Liepard and she used her magical leaf. The sharp glowing leaves hit the liepard completely before the purple pokegirl turned and swiped at Hailey only for Hailey to disappear with a faint laugh. Suddenly there were two gardevoirs then three as she used double team and she hit her again with magical leaf.
Zack watched as Hailey moved quicker then the eye could see. It was a different side of her, she was always a bit timid in battle, but now she seemed angry, even her knife was like finely sharpened knives. The leopard could do little, each time she was even close enough to hit Haikey vanished or she would simply caw at an illusion. Even Derek was at a lose for words. In no time the Liepard was panting hard on the verge of fainting. "I think that's enough," he said finally. His brother seemed content as well, and called the Liepard back. "Good job," he told Hailey, mentally giving her a rush of his happiness.

"Emolga your next," Derek said, once more it was a poke girl Zack had never seen. It was lie a flying squirrel of sorts. He however did not need Dexter to know it's type it was obviously flying and electric.
As the liepard was called back, Hailey came to a stop and her illusions disappeared as she stood there watching Derek. She smiled slightly as Zack told her 'good job' and she smiled at him over her shoulder before looking forward as Derek called his next pokegirl. This time it was a Sky Squirrel pokemon and it was one of the cutest Hailey'd ever seen. It was a tiny petite girl with a black and white body. Her mouse like ears were positioned at the top of her head. They were black, with yellow and white on the inside. Emolga had a vaguely hood-like pattern of black around her head and had winglike, yellow-colored flaps connected to her arms while her feet were white and fairly small with black tail is in a jagged shape. Because of her 'wings' she had to wear a halter top with a pair of simple black shorts.
Zack had a strange feeling Hailey would not want to fight hard against this pokegirl. He couldn't blame her much she was a bit cute, but he also knew Derek had trained her, so she had to be more then a cute cuddly pokegirl. "Alright Hailey, you ready?" he asked. He guessed if this pokegirl could really fly, Derek would take full advantage of that. Luckily it wouldn't matter so long as Hailey could keep her in her sights.

"Take flight and use Spark!" Derek said seemingly not wanting to give Hailey the chance to move much. Zack knew this move though he had seen it used. " Dodge it Hailey, then use Wish! [/i]" he told her. He wanted a bit of insurance in case things went wrong. "Use Psychic," he shouted though of course Hailey had another command he kept secret.
The Emolga giggled and smiled brightly as she bounced from foot to foot. The pokegirl was clearly full of energy and was ready to go. Hailey nodded and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I'm ready." she said 'Lets do this.' She watched as the other girl jumped high into the air, taking flight before using spark. This caused her body to turn blue as electricty flowed around her before diving towards Hailey at a fast speed. Hailey quickly dodged before stars suddenly filled the air. They looked like cartoon stars as they appeared before the Emolga began glowing purple like Hailey's eyes. Using psychic, she flung the other girl as far from her as she could.
Zack watched, very much glad to see it worked, but the emolga had been very fast, luckily Hailey was a bit faster. "Good job," he shouted watching the smaller pokegirl go flying before thudding onto the ground. It wasn't a very powerful hit, and he wondered if Hailey had held back a little, but it didn't matter. "Okay now use magical leaf." He said using a move that he knew would hit as the emolga once more hopped into the air.

"Quick use electro ball!" Derek shouted. This move was a bit new to Zack, and it was much faster then the first. Rather then flying at Hailey though there was a surge of energy that was built up into a sphere and hurled at Hailey. It struck the magical leaf, but it didn;t stop it, simply scattering the leaves momentarily. But the move did zoom right for Hailey.
Hailey nodded as he shouted 'good job' and she watched the smaller girl hit the ground hard. At the order for magical leaf, the air around Hailey was soon filled with glowing leaves again and with a flick of her wrist she sent them flying at the other girl. However, as the electro ball came flying at her, Hailey quickly flickered out of sight before reappearing about ten feet away, holding her side where the ball of electricity had skimmed her as she teleported. Narrowing her eyes, she lifted her hands and began to wave them, sending purple waves towards the other girl.

The emolga's eyes fluttered and she slowly drifted towards the ground. By the time she reached the ground, she was fast asleep.
Zack had not know Hailey could do that, he had assumed she knew Psychic however. She was alot stronger then he thought. As the Emolga fell, suddenly Hailey shimmered gently. The move Wish took affect, and the small amount of damage she took was fully healed. "I guess this is over now," he said to his older brother. Derek didn't seem very pleased. He wasn't upset, just seemingly a bit surprised.

"You've got a really impressive team," Derek said. Despite how he had beaten Viivi, Hailey was a very strong pokegirl. "Okay then your up next!" he said, tossing his third anf final pokeball. Zack decided Hailey should take a breather and waited to see what was up next. Zack however did notice something odd. The pokeball Derek threw had a symbol on it, a fire symbol. It was identical to the image on Lya's ball, though much more well kept it seemed. (Wondering if he named the flareon or not?
(That's up to you.)

Hailey felt the move wish take effect and she looked down as she was healed before smiling slightly. As the other girl was called back, she nodded and ran her fingers through her hair before moving back towards Zacks end of the field while Derek tossed his next pokeball out. Zack wasn't the only one that noticed the fire symbol on the ball. When Hailey saw it, her breath caught in her throat. But when Lya noticed, she froze and felt a stab of hurt rush through her, looking away as she closed her eyes, turning slightly while crossing her arms. However, what came out of the ball caused the girl to look up and stare with a look of hurt on her face.

It was a georgeous flareon. She was tall, slender and curvy with long legs and large breasts. She had deep orange fur with wild blonde hair that matched the scruff around her neck and her tail, all three of which looked like flames as she moved, her black eyes trained on Hailey. But what really hurt Lya was the outfit she was wearing. It was a pair of black shorts and matching t-shirt that had a fire symbol intricately embroidered on it. It looked like a soccar uniform almost except it was blank where a team name would go on the front, thugh it was clear that some kind of embroidery had been removed. It had been one of the vulpix's favorite outfits. She had been saving it for when she finally evolved.
Zack did not know about the outfit, but he did know what this was. He felt a rush of anger, as he saw the pokegirl. She was beautiful, that was obvious, but what she was annoyed him very much. 'A Flareon?" he asked dumbstruck. He knew hat that m,eant. Derek had somehow gotten a firestone and had used it. He gritted his teeth, he almost wanted to call out Hailey again, but he knew it probably would not go very well.

"My strongest of my team,' Derek said, there was alot of pride in his voice. And it was not a matter of debating on whether he was full of shit or not. Just by her look she seemed fairly powerful. Zack looked at Lya, seeing the hurt in her eyes. He felt so bad for her, but he also felt angry at his brother. "Lya....?" he said gently.
Lya closed her eyes as Zack said what she was thinking. Knowing that he had a flareon made her feel betrayed. However, when Derek boasted that the Flareon was the strongest in his team, she flinched a little and bowed her head with a sigh. Hearing Zack say her name, she looked up before nodded. Without another word, she walked out onto the field and the flareon looked like she wanted to laugh. "A vulpix?" she asked before looking back at Derek, the look on her face clearly asking if they were serious.
"Don't underestimate her Fera," Derek said. He had actually named this one, it was a bit unsettling. Having both fire types meant neither would be affected by the fire. It was a matter of none fire based moves, which Lya knew a bit of those. If anything the simple fact Derek did warn his prized pokegirl, did however show a bit of respect, and he seemed very serious. Zack wondered if deep down he knew what he had done, and was maybe just a bit regretting it.

Zack gritted his teeth. 'Yeah...don;t underestimate her!" he shouted. 'Lya....use imprison...then follow with energy ball!" he shouted. He knew energy ball wpould not do alot of damamge, but it was a very fast move, and Lya could use it in the blink of an eye, he wanted it's speed to impress not it's strength. And he knew imprison would cripple several of the flareons moves, unless his brother had taught this pokegirl other moves along with those.
Fera scoffed slightly before looking at the vulpix again to see the little red vulpix glaring hatefully at her. She was a little surprised to see the amount of emotion in the girls eyes and for a moment wondered if there were more to it then what appeared on the surface. Lya however, ignored Dereks warning the other girl. When Zack shouted, her ear twitched before she began moving. It was hard to tell what the vulpix did but a symbol suddenly appeared on the Flareons chest, glowing with power before fading. This meant that the flareon couldn't do any moves that she and Lya both knew. Once she used imprison, Lya growled and moving just a little closer, she quickly built up her energy ball and let it fly straight and true towards the cocky Fera.
Derek had been a bit taken by the actual attack. He flinched for just a moment not giving a command, not that it would have mattered. The energy ball swelled as Lya gathered the needed amount, though Zack thought it was a bit larger then normal. It flew without making a noise, it was so quick and at such close range it struck the flareon with quit a punch. It exploded with energy. It kicked up dust all over,, when it cleared there was a mark on the flareons uniform, it tore a little even and Zack was even dumbstruck on how powerful that had actually been.

"I see how you beat Roxanne now," Derek said. 'Fera use sand attack then follow up with bite!" he said. It was a move he was sure the vukpix would not have known, since now quick attack was crippled among other normal type moves.

"Lya blast the sand away with flame thrower, then use payback!" he shouted. It was a strange move, rather then telling her to dodge, he wanted Lya to simply knock a move aside with her own. She may not have realized it, but he was doing it for her. He was going to show his brother she was powerful, and he was an idiot to do what he did with this flareon. For Lya he was going to make her powerful and through sheer show of strength he would.
Lya watched with satisfaction as Derek flinched while his flareon was hit with her energy ball. She was a little happy that the uniform was torn. She bared her teeth a little as she stod there, waiting for the next round of attacks. As the Fera was told to use sand attack then bite, the Flareon nodded before beginning to kick up a lot of sand at Lya before rushing forward. However, she was met with the sudden flamethrower which parted the sand and a moment later Lya appeared out of the flames, her brown eyes flashing as she used payback. She gathered the energy for it into her hand and instead of launching the attack, she kept it and when they were close, she back handed Fera and in the process knocked her back. The flareon looked at her with wide eyes while she touched her cheek.
Zack smiled, that attack had doubled since Fera had attacked first, and he knew it had knocked some sense into her. Derek also seemed a bit taken by the attack, his flareon had not even had a chance to retaliate after the failed sand attack. "Use dig Fera!" he shouted. The flareon then got up and quickly dug into the ground. Zack knew Derek was trying to avoid damage and trying to attack at the same time, it meant his older brother was being cautious.

"Good Job Lya," he shouted to her, as the flareon dug underground he wasn't sure what to do. "Feel it...just like Brawley taught us," though of course this was about the waves. But if the ground shifted it would give Lya a split second to dodge.
Lya's ear twitched as Fera was told to dig and she watched the flareon disappear into a hole and she narrowed her eyes while gritting her teeth. Her gaze darted around and she nodded slightly as she was told to feel it. However, it would be a little difficult to do since she didn't take the time to remove her sandles and she couldn't feel the ground beneath her feet. Despite that though, Lya kept on her toes, ready to jump at any time.
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