Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Lya looked up when he entered and she smiled brightly. "I'm feeling great. A little stiff from laying down so long, but Nurse Joy said I'll be fine." she said as she moved back towards the bed and sat down. "How are you? You look like you've finally slept." Lya certainly seemed in better spirits then the other day, her eyes bright and her ears perked up despite she was in the sick bay at the pokecenter. Noticing Hailey and Viivi outside the door, she motioned them in and they quickly hurried in with bright smiles. "We brought you clothes." Hailey said, putting the dress and underclothes on the bed. "Glad to see you're doing better." she said while hugging Lya. Viivi smiled at the other girl and squeezed her shoulder in a way that could only she could do and have it show affection as well.
Zack smiled as he watched the three, it was a nice change of ace compared to the oncevawkward atmosphere that had been settling among them all. "Yeah, a good rest was what I needed," he said smiling "Glad to see your a lot better," he added. He seemed to realize Lya went through a lot since they'd been together. She certainly got a lot more damage done to her, either due to his inexperience or by some other reason. He second guessed his own credibility as a trainer, but just a little.
Lya smiled at the other two. "Thanks you guys." she said to them. She loved the three who were in the room with her. They were like her family and even though Viivi hasn't been with them long, she was like a little sister almost despite Viivi seeming older then her. "Did you three eat dinner yet?" she asked them. "I already ate, so if you guys are hungry you can go eat."
Zacks stomach gave a gentle growl as if to answer. "Guess that says it all for me," he said a bit embarrassed. He was not sure if Hailey and Viivi had eaten, he had been too worried about Lya to eat or sleep. He guessed she wanted to be alone though, maybe to rest some more. He looked at the other two to see what they thought.
Lya giggled softly when Zack's stomach growled and she shook her head with a grin. "Go on and eat. I need to change anyways." she said to Zack. Hailey's stomach growled as well and the other two girls laughed as well. "We hadn't eaten yet either." Viivi said. "So I guess we should go and have dinner really quick. Do you want us to bring you anything?" Lya shrugged slightly. "If there's any fruit could you bring me some? I'm still hungry." she said with a chuckle.
Zack smiled "Okay, yeah better get a bite to eat before we waste away." he wondered why she wanted fruit, maybe she just had the craving fir it, it had been a while and she was out for days. "Okay let's let her get dressed we should go eat," he said, he said he would also bring back fruits, he hoped maybe they had a few berries, it would help with healing.
Lya grinned at him and nodded. "Thanks Zack." she said while picking up her clothing and looking at what they had picked out for her.
Viivi moved over to the door while Hailey stood up and stretched a little. "We'll see you in a little bit Lya." Hailey said to the vulpix before moving to stand with Viivi.
In the cafeteria in the center, it was a little empty, most where either asleep or maybe even just not hungry tat the moment. The first thing he did was find fruit to bring back to Lya before getting food his own. During the meal he did however not eat much either, in fact he opened up Dexter to see what had happened to Lya, she had used some sort of move that was either strange, or simply not what a vulpix could do. He found a few that seemed to fit, one in particular was Dark Pulse, but that was a dark-type move she should not have been able to do. He guessed maybe it could have been something else to, he was rather new to this training thing still.
The group did stay two more nights, just to make sure Lya was alright. The evening before they were to head off again, Lya returned to their room and spent some time contemplating the stone that was currently resting on the one table. Later that night after all the others fell asleep, Lya slipped out of bed and took the stone out of her bag before grabbing the room key and leaving the room. She actually head outside of the center to the small area behind it where they had the battle several days before. Sitting down in a patch of grass, Lya unwrapped the stone and looked at it. For a long moment she just gazed at the red stone before taking a deep breath and wrapping her fingers around it. The moment it touched her, she felt a hot power surge through her and she whimpered softly as she began evolving.

Her body pulsed a couple of times before she felt herself changing and she gasped. It felt as if her vulpix form was burning away and her new ninetails form was being born. It took just two or three minutes for the changes to take place though to her it felt longer. When it was over, she was kneeling there a little breathless. Taking a deep breath, she staggered to her feet and slowly made her way back inside. As she moved, she noticed how her clothes were rather tight now and she was taller then before by about a foot. Entering the room, she put the stone back and slipped back into the bed, falling asleep right away. When the others woke in the morning, they'd be in for quite a surprise.

(I'll describe her in the next post.)
Zack had still been plenty tired even after the few days they stayed. He still was worried, even if he knew she was alright, he slept for short periods of time before she finally felt well enough to sleep with them. That was probably why he had not woken up in her absence. He did however had a dream. she left the room, leaving the door cracked upon. It just stayed like that for several long minutes before a bright light burst through the crack. It was that moment his eyes poped open, he was the only one awake, he did not feel anything amiss, so he closed his eyes once more to sleep a few more minutes before finally waking up.

He was indeed in for a shock, at first he thought it was the brightness of the sunlight, but when he thought the sun was far to close he realized what it was. He made a sharp surprized gasp, rather loud one at that.
(Lya Before and After evolving.)

Lya didn't realize she'd woken Zack when she came in, but when he did wake up and gasp, she was too far gone to notice. However, his gasp did wake Hailey. The girl jumped slightly in her sleep and she sat up slightly, looking around to see what was wrong before groaning and turning to look at him. However, before she could say anything, she saw the golden pokegirl laying between them and paused. "Holy smokes." she breathed.

Lya's ninetails form was breathtakingly beautiful. Not even the flareon was as beautiful as the ninetails was. She had rich, silky pale golden fur covering her body from head to toe. Even her long hair was the same pale golden color as the rest of her. The only part of her that wasn't that color was her nose and claws which were both black and the tips of her nine tails which were a rich orange gold color. Her body had filled out as well. She now looked to be about 6'1". The girl was still skinny and fit like in her vulpix form, however, her legs were increadably long and she had the perfect hourglass shape and her breasts were several sizes larger.
Zack pinched his arm hard just in case he was dreaming, even if Hailey was also in shock he thought this had to have been some dream of his that she was simply sharing or reacted how he dreamed. The shock of pain however told him otherwise, and he was marveled by his once cute little vulpix. She was definetally taller then him now, by a few inches, which was a bit strange because neither of the other two where as tall. Her role as "big sister" was well deserved as she had changed so drastically, her cute perky breasts where now rather large, not so huge it looked ridiculous, but he couldn't help but wonder if she would still be as fast as before.

He could not help himself then, he gingerly ran a hand over one of her newly formed tails, and the first thing he realized was he had never felt something so soft. It was like liquid lace, or the finest of silk, it was almost like water itself was running in between his fingers. His poulse even skipped a beat at the feeling of the fine strands of fur.
Hailey slwly sat up, slowly looking over Lya before looking at Zack. "I can't believe how different she looks." she whispered to him, her eyes wide. When Hailey had evolved, she at least looked something like herself. Lya looked nothing like the cute, petite vulpix that she had been. "Did you know she was going to choose to evolve?" she aske him.
He petted her tail a few more times before he looked back up at Hailey. Zack gingerly shock his head "No...I offered but well she never seemed for or against it," he thought she would not have done it in secret. He noticed how her old cloths barely fit, he was surprised they did at all in fact. He knew they'd need to get a few knew cloths. He was tempted to wake her, hut if she had just evolved he guessed she might be tired. He guessed also his dream had meant this was going to happen.
As he petted the nine-tails long silky tails, Lya made a soft murring sound, a small smile forming on her lips as her tails shifted and draped over Zack a little. She shifted in the bed a little and yawned in her sleep before nuzzling the pillow beneath her head. Hailey couldn't help but smile before looking at Zack again. "Well, no matter how or when she did it, she looks great." she sid with a small smile. Reaching over, she gently brushed Lya's bangs from her face.
Zack smiled as well as she murres softly, he was glad to see that hadn't changed, though a lot of other things had. "Yeah, tests for sure," he said unable to contain the obvious appreciation he had for her new form. He did have a very vague thought though, it was a tad unsettling as well. "Do you think....more of her has changed?" he asked the gardevoir. "Think she will still act...herself?" he wondered, he didn't think it would be uncommon for a personality change after an evolution. Hailet after all was a little difference.
Hailey paused when he asked if she thought Lya would act herself and she gazed at him curiously. "Act herself?" she asked gently. "I'm pretty sure that she'll act normally. I mean, I evolved and I haven't really changed.... Have I?' She smiled at him while playing with a lock of Lya's blonde hair. As she spoke, Lya shifted in the bed with a soft mewl before groaning gently as she began to stir.
Zack wanted to say he noticed Hailey was a bit more 'playful' and less meek as she had been before, but he was cut off before he even started as Lya began to wake up. He held his breath, unsure why as if that would disturb her sleep when they had been speaking over her for the past few minutes. "Good morning," he said very quietly as she was waking up, it was strange how cautious he was, he kept thinking maybe she had evolved by accident, in her sleep possibly touching the firestone.
Lya slowly opened her eyes with a faint groan before looking up at Zack as he spoke and she smiled gently. "Morning." she said gently, smiling up at him. When her eyes opened, Hailey and Zack would be able t see that her eyes were red as well instead of brown. "Were you watching me sleep?" she whispered.
Zack nodded gently "Yeah...well kind of...I mean was a bit of a surprise," he said smiling gently. Her eyes where differen't, they where much more, intimidating a little. He liked her knew look, it was very nice, and very unexpected to him. "A very nice surprise," he added, just so it did not seem like he was more shocked then happy. "Going to need alot of new cloths though," he added, still seeing the strain her old outfit was having to deal with.
Lya smiled at him and blushed a little while gazing up at him with a smile as she laid there. She was happy that he thought it was a nice surprise and she sighed happily. "I know I should of told you, but I wanted to do it in private." she said gently. At the mention of clothes, she looked down and smiled slightly before nodding with a soft laugh. "Yeah. These are a little tight." she told him with a giggle.
He wanted to question her definition of 'little' but he did not. "It's ok," he told her about wanting to evolve in private, he was sure it might not be an all to pleasant feeling. "Do you feel any different...I mean not just physically?" he asked her, he wondered if she would feel stronger, he wondered if Haley had as well though her demonstration of her own abilities spoke for themselves. Hailey had been, possibly, the strongest of the three, though Lya was still in a league of her own due to experience, he now wondered if that was the case anymore.
She shifted her position on the bed so she was laying on her stomach and she smiled at him. "Different?" she murmured before shrugging slightly. "No, not really." she said. "Though it might just be because I'm still a little sleepy from just waking up." She slowly stretched, her body moving in a very feline like fashion as she groaned and her tails flicked back and forth a couple of times.
Zack had to try and hide his interest, though Hailey more or less likely would have been able to see what he was thinking. "Thats true," he said as he watched her stretch, it had been sometime since they had had alone time, but that wasn't the important thing. "Well..I guess we should get breakfast, and then go and see about getting new cloths for both of you," he said talking to both his ninetails and gardevoir.
Slowly Lya sat up and sighed with a small smile on her face. "Don't worry. I'll let you know if I feel any different when I'm more awake." she said playfully before leaning in and kissing him on the cheek. As he brought up breakfast and new clothes, the two girls smiled brightly before jumping in surprise when Viivi suddenly spoke up. "You three are a bunch of chatterboxes you know." came the absols muffled words. She had her face buried in a pillow on the other side of Hailey.
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