Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

He was a bit surprised to hear Viivi speak. "Sorry,' he said, a bit guilty he had woken her up. "Where you planning to sleep all morning?" he asked her in a teasing sort of way. He sat up better and looked at Viivi, who seemed to have been trying to ignore them for some time now.
Viivi slowly lifted her head and looked at them before pausing when she saw Lya's new form. For a moment she just stared before shaking her head and pushing herself up slowly with a sigh. "I was hoping to." she said with a small smile. "Nice fur Lya." Lya laughed softly and smiled. The girls all sat together, Hailey and Viivi taking a moment to admire their 'bigger sister' for a moment before beginning to slip out of bed. "So, you mentioned breakfast?" Viivi asked.
Zack chuckled softly. "Yes, and then cloths shopping," he said slipping off the bed. "Hope you can put up with the tight fit for just a bit longer," he told the two well developed girls. (should we time skip to clothing?)
The girls chuckled and began getting ready to go down to breakfast then out to the shops. "I think I can." Hailey said. "Not sure about Lya though." Hailey snickered at the uncomfortable look on Lya's face as the ninetails squirmed out of the too tight shorts and wiggled around until she had her top off as well. "I think I'll wear a pair of baggy shorts and my night shirt." Lya said after she finished struggling out of the clothes, a little breathless. Without the constricting clothes on, her well developed breasts could be seen better and she stretched with a sigh. Moving to her bag, she dug thrugh it until she found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that used t belong to Derek. She really didn't want to wear them, but she didn't have anything else to wear that would fit.

(Yeah. Do you wanna do the skip or should I?)
Zack did not know where she had gotten those, but he did not dwell on it either, not when a very attractive ninetails was bent over in front of him. When she undressed, his body reacted ever so slightly, he was however very calm looking even if his mind was buzzing like a hundred excited bees. He did not beleive this had been his much smaller little vulpix still, he had to think of something else before the situation got embarassing, so he began to count numbers in his head quickly. (if you want you can)
Lya could feel Zack watching her as she slipped into the baggy clothes. They were Dereks from when they traveled together. When she was kept out of her pokeball and was allowed to sleep with Derek, she wore them. When she was traded off, she kept them to remind herself of Derek.
It was a little over an hour later when the group head out to the shops to buy some clothes. Hailey and Viivi knew the type of clothes they wanted, but Lya... she wasn't sure what she wanted.
Zack had actually been looking forward for this, strange for a boy to actually look forward to shopping. Viivi would get a few new things to, he felt bad if he left her out, and he still had quit a bit of prize money from the two gym leaders, and a few other trainers along the way which had been rather quick victories. "Anything you have in mind?" he asked her, she seemed a little fidgety in her cloths, and he had a very vague feeling he knew why.
Entering the shop, the girls smiled. Hailey felt excited to finally be getting some new clothes that'll fit and she started for the section of the store with different shirts. Viivi and Lya however, stuck close to Zack. When she entered, Lya had felt several people looking at her as she looked around. "I'm not sure." she said to him while looking around.
Zack wondered what would be good, he had liked what she wore before, and now with her longer tails, and more tails, finding dresses would be a bit harder to find. Not to mention ones that might fit her new bust. However they made tank tops and sports tops to fit, he also thought it would be nicer since they'd make bouncing alot less. "How about this?" he asked, jokingly pointing out a rather skimpy top and bottum, though they had hot rod flames on it.
Lya looked around, her tails slowly flicking back and forth as she walked at Zacks side. She was thinking along the same lines as him when it came to her sun dresses. She loved wearing the cute pink and white floral sun dresses. Especially on days when they weren't going to be traveling and battling. But in her new form, she didn't think she'd be able to wear them any more. When he pointed out a skimpy top and bottoms, she giggled and smiled at him. "Maybe for when it's just you and me Zack." she said, her eyes glittering brightly as she smiled at him. This caused Viivi to snort in amusement while shifting through some tops.
He was a little surprised at her response, he half expected her to kind of just snort, laugh and look at something else. Was she really considering it though? He decided not to put it away, even if he did feel rather pervy carrying it around. "Um...well..." he thought black would look nice n her, in truth she could probably make anything look good. And if she could not wear dresses, could find skirts and things that might work. Her tails did make things a little difficult though.
Lya laughed when she saw the surprise on his face and she smiled gently as she looked around. "I'm joking darling." she said playfully, though the look in her eyes was something a little different. Her red eyes glittered brightly in a slightly playful, yet naughty manner. After he took down the outfit, she moved on with a chuckle. "Would you like me to try it on?" she asked him while she looked at a pair of black pleather pants. The pants were made specially for pokegirls with tails and it caught her interest.
Zack had rarely seen the look in her eyes before, normall;y it was when they where in the heat of the moment that she ever seemed to be that way. He however would not turn down her offer to at least try it on. "Sure," he said very much eager to see what she her in it. He knew she was much more attractive, but just how much he could not fully appreciate in her current attire, even if it her clothing before this had been screaming to contain her mature form.
The ninetails heard the eagerness in his voice and chuckled as she plucked down the pants she'd been looking at off the rack and she looked at him with a smile. "Okay." she said gently as she moved around another rack, smiling gently as she plucked a top off another rack and she moved back around to him. "So, do you want to join me in the changing room?" she asked. "Or do you want to wait out here so you can keep an eye on the other two?" she asked, glancing over at Hailey who was trying to decide between a pair of blue shorts and a pair of white ones.
Zack was even more so surprised and he once more accepted. "If something happens....Hailey can tell me," he said taping his forehead, after all it was a rather convenience to have a psychic type, like having a very long ranged walkie talkie, even if it also meant she could spy in one him if he was having dirty thoughts. In fact as he thought about Lya he could have sworn he felt a very faint brush in his mind, though he shivered gently so thought it might have been a chill in the air.
Smiling, she nodded while taking the skimpy outfit from him with a grin. "Mm, that is true." she said with a slight shake of her head before she turned and moved towards the dressing rooms. Entering one of them, she held the door open for him before moving further in. The dressing room was fairly large with several mirrors and a bench. Hanging the clothes up on a hanger, she began undressing so she could change.
He smiled as he followed her in, it felt strange to actually go into a dressing room, once more he was having dirty thoughts as she peeled off her baggy cloths. Her tails did cover her backside a bit, which was a little disappointing, but she bend down to take the shorts off which gave him a nice view. He began to count once more in his mind to not accidentally have a stiffy as he watched her undress and then begin to put the cloths on, he wondered why they made these rooms so big, it was like perfect for two or even three people to be in here.
Lya peeled off the larger t-shirt and tossed it aside before slipping out of the shorts. Luckily her panties had fit, though they seemed more like a thong then panties. When she bent over, her long fluffy tails moved around her, offering peeks of her rear and her long thighs before she took down the skimpy outfit that he'd pointed out. They were a pair of tight black shorts that fit snuggly against her rear, dipping low on her hips so it showed off her body and there were flames on the sides of the pants. The top of a halter top that stopped just below her breasts and laced in the front, showing off an ample amount of cleavage. The top was black as well with flames that moved along the outer curve of her breasts and moved up along the halter.
Zack couldn't help it now as she put it on, the outfit really was nice on her, it was beyond sexy. He secretly thought all those pokegirls in the naughty magazines and dirty movies he had seen had nothing on her. He stared a bit mesmerized at her figure, he didn't even realize the slight arousal he was getting now. "I....It looks....." he couldn't finish the statement, but it was obvious he was more then pleased with it.
After she tied the top, she turned to face him and she studied his reaction with a small smile as he stared at her, her long tails flicking back and forth a couple of times. Even though he didn't notice his own slight arousal, she did and she smiled a little wider as he stumbled over his words. "I take it you like the outfit." she said while moving closer to him, her eyes glittering brightly. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek before nuzzling his neck playfully.
Zack felt that nice rush of exhileration course through every inch of his body as she kissed his cheek. He let out a very gentle grunt as she nuzzled against him. "Y..yeah....a lot," he said. meaning the outfit. He really wanted to be back in the room with her, though it felt like there journey had taken a huge detour the past couple of days as well. She was starting to push his buttons though, breaking what self control he had. He felt like the luckiest guy ever though.
Lya liked his reaction and it made her feel good to know that she could still attract him like this. "Good. Then perhaps I should get this outfit." she whispered in his ear while nuzzling his neck and shoulder, her breasts brushing against his chest as she nibbled at his neck lightly. Her hands slowly ran along his chest as she pressed herself closer to him.
Zack gasped even more, he felt his heart beat pound in his ears a little. her voice like the sweetest honey. "Y...yeah..." he agreed finding it so hard to even remember what they where doing. He could feel her against him, her weight meshing into him so much that he felt every curve and crevice of her form, he was getting all the more turned on, it was getting a bit dangerous now. "L..lya..." he said, not wanting her to stop, but he knew if this kept up he wouldn't be so quiet anymore.
Lya could feel his heart beating beneath her hand and she smiled as he agreed with her. She gave a soft murr while she ran her hands further down his body before slipping them up his shirt and she stroked his skin, feeling his muscles beneath her touch. Hearing him say her name, Lya made a soft sound while trailing kisses along his neck. "Yes Zack?" she breathed, her one hand moving to his pants and beginning to open them.
He felt a jolt if pleasure run through him. Oh how he wanted this to keep gouing. "I..can't..." he grunted as she opened his pants, he tried to stay quieter. "In...trouble," he said to her, he really did not care if they wher banned from the store for this even he so badly wanted this to keep going.
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