Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

He nodded. "You and Lya quickly out grew your current ones...and Viivi has never had one so thinking it might be good to buy new ones since we are cloths shopping," he said looking at her with a small smile. "So go ahead and pick one out, unless you don't want to wear one that's your choice," he teased.
She chuckled and shruged slightly. "We have a choice to go swimming without one?" she asked with a teasing smile. "You'd just love that, wouldn't you?" She moved closer to him and kissed him on the cheek before moving to look at the swimsuits while Viivi stood there a little confused. Turning to Zack, she cleared her throat. "Could... could you help me pick one?" she asked.
Zack was surprised by this, he saw Hailey give him a quick glance, he knew she was thinking he'd pick something naughty for the absol. Truthfully he wasn't sure he he nodded gently. "Alright," he said looking at a few, some certainly where....hardly covering enough to make him blush a little. "Any style you like?" he asked her knowing full well Lya and Hailey could choose there own.
Lya was fairly quick to pick a swimsuit, picking a red bikini that would cover everything, but she could adjust it to show more or less depending on her mood. Hailey found a green and white tie dye tankini that she liked. It was modest and cute. Viivi on the other hand, shrugged slightly. "I want something cute, but doesn't show to much." she said gently while looking at the different swimsuits. "What about something like that?" She pointed up to a one piece that was cut in such a way that it would show off her sides and belly but still cover everything. It came in a number of different colors.
Zack liked the look on her, though picking the color was difficult. She was mainly white all over, her fur a nice snowy white, with a hint of silver. Going with white would make her seem like she was wearing less but still covering. Black would look nice but he was afraid it would get rid of all that nice white fur. Purple didn't seem to bad, still took away from the right but he thought it was a nicer compliment then more black. "So hard to choose," he finally said.
Lya walked over to Zack and looked at him then at the swimsuits that he was looking at. She tilted her head slightly as she looked at the different colors. "What about the pale silver one?" she asked him and Viivi turned to look at Lya, having not noticed she had come over. "The pale silver one?" she echoed and Lya nodded, pointing to the corner where the swimsuit was hanging. It was the same style as what they were looking at but it was slightly hidden by all the other bright vibrant colors around it.
He liked the color, it wasn't very bright either. "That one looks nice," he agreed, he wondered if Viivi liked it. It was nice, a bit sexy, but it covered her up like she wanted though the pale silver matched her fur tone a bit so it would seem more revealing without being the case. He noticed what Lya and Hailey had chosen, he remembered Hailey had been the one to go with a rather more conservative one, now she had a two piece, that was close to how Lya wore hers.
Viivi looked at the swimsuit that Lya pointed out before nodding. "I like it." she said. With a smile, she moved over to it and pulled it down before returning to Zacks side. "Thanks for helping me." she said to the others. Lya looked at the others before looking at Zack. "So, I think we're done here." she told him with a smile. "What do you think?"
He looked at all there choices, thinking that what she meant. "Yeah I think we are done," he said with a small smile. He would not be as smiley after he paid of course, but so long as they where happy he was as well. "That took a bit longer then I thought," he said, guessing three girls would take longer, not to mention what Lya and him had been doing for a majority of the time. He didn't think she would be so bold as to try that in public, not that he was complaining.
"It could of taken longer." Lya replied with a grin before heading over to the register, the other two following her. At the register, Lya carefully folded the clothes she picked so that the tags stuck out so they could be rung up then put into a bag. The other two followed her example and stood off to the side where Hailey began teasing Viivi again, making the absol growl softly. Hailey snickered then kissed Viivi on the cheek, making the other girl roll her eyes with a sigh. When the clothes were all rung up, the person who worked in the shp gave the price of the clothes to Zack. surprisingly, the one who's clothes were the most expensive was Hailey while Lya's was the least. Last time the girls had shopped it had been the other way around.
Zack felt a small blush on his face as Lya teased him, he was still surprised she would have gone even that far. The way the two others followed Lya's example made him laugh very gently, it was truly like an older sister and to younger sisters, he wondered if her examples would rub off in other ways though. "Hailey is turning into a diva," he said in a joking sort of way as he paid for the cloths, Viivi had not been to expensive either, though he was surprised as he saw a few, though he really did want to know what Hailey found so funny.
Lya watched the others and shook her head. "Hailey, it's not nice to tease." she told the younger girl while she picked up one of the three bags and held it out to Hailey who took it with a sheepish expression, clearly understanding that she was being scolded. Viivi moved up to take her bag and she smiled up at Lya. "Thanks Lya." she said gently and Lya smiled at her before looking at Zack. "Indeed Hailey is turning into a diva." Lya said with a laugh.
Zack however gently hugged Hailey, showing he was just kidding. "So whats so funny?" he asked her as he followed the other two as well. Viivi would most certianly look up to Lya, even if she hung out more with Hailey he had a feeling the Absol would soak up Lya's personality like a sponge. He looked at the two, admiring the view of course, he did not know why he was acting like such a horndog all of a sudden, had he been like that before?
Hailey grinned when he hugged her and she snickered when he asked what was so funny. "This is." she replied and pulled something out of her bag. It was a set of cheap skimpy, lacey bra and panties. They were black in color. She had slipped it into her clothes while Viivi wasn't looking. "Hey Viivi!" she called. The absol up ahead paused and looked back. When she stopped, Hailey tossed the underwear at her and the absol looked a little confused before she looked down at them and her embarrassment was visable on her face. "Hailey!" she yelled before dropping her things and going after Hailey. Hailey squealed and began running from her, laughing as she ran around Zack and then teleported up ahead of them. "Are you going to wear them for him?!" she called back. Viivi looked even more embarrased as she ran after the other girl. Lya watched in curiosity before looking down at the underwear sitting at her feet and she picked them and Viivi's bag up off the ground. "Well, that was interesting." she said.
Zack was rather red in the face when he saw what had been so funny. He was trying to figure out if that was underwear, or just string. He hadn't seen anything that small before, not even in the dirty movies, had Viivi really been thinking of wearing those? He wasn't sure before he could ask anything the two where at it. "Yeah..." he said feeling a little, bothered by the situation. "Think I should put them in time out when we get back."
Lya chuckled and mved to Zack's side. "Come on." she said, wrapping her arm around his and slowly leading him in the direction the others went. She could still hear Hailey's laughter and squeals as she dodges Viivi up ahead while the absol growled and tried to catch the other girl. "You might want to put them in time out." she said with a nod and another laugh. "Before Viivi hurts Hailey and Hailey hurts herself laughing."
Zack nodded fiffling to get there pokeballs already. "Come on you two," he said to them forcing them to have there little game of chase back towards the pokemon center. "Okay you two need a bit of a time out got it?" he said as he got them to calm down. As they wanted to complain he simply held up there pokeballs to them both. "Just a little guys need to cool down," he said ending the conversation and they where back inside the red and white spheres. He picked up there bags to take back to the room. He stil noticed a few trainers looking up when him and Lya came in, he guessed it wasn't as bad though having all three girls to gawk at, though Lya was still a sight.
Hailey led the way back towards the center, easily dodging the other girl before stopping when Zack mentioned a time out and she looked confused. It confused Viivi as well who stopped several feet from her 'prey'. They began to protested when he ended the conversation. Hailey looked at Viivi and stuck out her tongue before laughing as Viivi growled and lunged for her just before they were both called back into their pokeballs. Lya shook her head and smiled at Zack. "You handled that well." she told him before she entered the pokecenter with him. When trainers looked at them, she felt a little shy but she brushed it off and quickly stuffed the underwear in her hand, into the bag she had.
He smiled glad she gave him some praise for what he did. 'I dont remember Hailey acting like that before," he admited. He wondered if it was her way of wanting attention, he'd have to ask her later once she had time to think. "Lets get those back to the room," he said, talking about the bag, not the underwear she had so quickly tried to hide. He hadn't even noticed them when they where buying the cloths, he guessed that was why the counter girl had flinched for a split second as she was ringing him up.
She shook her head with a sigh. "Think of it this way, we're supposed to be sisters and sisters occasionally tease each other about certain things. Things like... that is one of them." she said with a small smile. She glanced at him when he said about getting 'those' back to the room and she smirked slightly. "What? The underwear?" she asked teasingly. "Do you want me to try them on for you?" She giggled gently and nudged him playfully, her gently laughter filling the pokecenter while her tails sways behind her happily.
Zack knew where she was coming from, he did have Derek as a brother after all, of course they didnt tease like that. Mostly it was about being shorter or slower or not as strong. As she asked him if he wanted her to try them on he didn;t answer. However the sudden blush on his face spoke words louder then if he had even answered her. "I...lets get to the room Lya," he said, realizing he really was getting to be a little freak, though they did not seem to mind all that much.
Lya laughed a little more as he flushed bright red and she nodded. Grabbing his arm while she laughed, she led him quickly towards their room. At the interaction between the sexy ninetails and her trainer, several of the other trainers in the center chuckled before going back to what they were doing. "You know, there's nothing to be embarrassed about." she told him as they neared their room.
Zack knew it shouldn't make him embaressed, but he just wasn't used to it still he guessed, sure they did fool around alot, but they hardly where so open about it. Being in public had been a new thing for him, even in the privacy of a dressing room it was still so different, anyone could have walked in or overheard him. Though he wasn't upset about it, in fact he was very much aroused by the idea of being seen just a bit, the idea of an audience was frightening, but also exciting. "I know...I just....afraid I wont be able to keep my arbok in check," he said.
Lya stopped at the door and stood off to the side so he could unlock the door. She heard what he said and paused, trying to figure out what an arbok had to do with anything before she realized what he ment and she snorted in amusement before grinning at him. "Don't you worry about your... arbok." she said. "If you want I can take care of it every morning before we head out anywhere to make sure it behaves." she said playfully.
Zack once more felt a blush coming on, he wasn't sure if he would take her up on the offer, but it was tempting. He unlocked the door so they could go in and out the bags down. He was still wondering why the idea of being seen was so appealing to him and he sat down on the bed for a moment and let out a breath he had not known he had been holding in. He wondered if Derek had this problem, even if he hated his brother right now, he still wished he could ask him questions.
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