Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

As he got rougher with her, Viivi's cries got louder and she closed her eyes while panting heavily. When he told her that he was close and asked her in or out, Viivi whimpered in pleasure. "I-I don't care." she cried out while rocking her hips back into his. She could feel his sack slapping against her pussy as his cock thrust into her over and over again. With a small smirk, Hailey reached down between Viivi's legs and began rubbing her clit quickly, causing the girl to arch her back with a loud cry.
Zack didn't care to make a mess that night, he was going to be much to tired to clean up after this. He thrust harder into Viivi's dripping pussy, feeling himself going in a bit deeper and slipping passed her cervix as he thrust in hard one final time. As Hailey rbbed her he felt her tighten, and it set him off. '!" he grunted holding her hips tight, gripping her firm round backside as well as he released. He poured his seed in, filling her full as he continued to thrust in between spurts.
Viivi was gasping for breath as he thrust into her harder. But when he began going deeper and he slipped past her cervix, she cried out sharply while her entire body seemed to clench around him. Her hips bucked slightly against Hailey's hand and a mment later she felt Zack grip her rear firmly before feeling his hot cum filling her. With a loud moan and another sharp cry, she came as well, her pussy quivering around him, her walls clenching and massaging his cock as her bdy shook.
He thrusts slowly as he began to come down from his release. He moaned as he felt her body clench and massage his length, he always loved that, and she seemed particularily good at it for some reason. "Mmmm..." he sighed in pleasure he keot himself nestled inside of her. "How...was it?" he asked her gently,
Viivi softly panted for breath as she rested her head against Hailey's chest. She could feel his member still nestled deep inside of her as she shivered gently from her release. "Mm, it... felt really good." she told him, still a little breathless. She was silent for a bit before she yawned softly.
He smiled, slowly pulling out as he began to calm down. He laid down beside the two, unable to really move very much, he felt drained. He was happy he hadn't felt spmething like that in a long time. "I'm glad," he said softly, yawning as well. He nearly forgot about the other issues at hand as well, involving Lya, he was however to tired, and his body to exhausted to really think about it, he just hoped to straighten things out tomorrow then.
Viivi felt him pull out and she groaned softly before Hailey slowly turned them so Viivi was in between her and Zack with Viivi's back to the other girls chest. The girls yawned after he did and they smiled gently while they nextled down into the bed to sleep in a little bit. "Perhaps we should get to sleep." Hailey said while watching the absol beginning to fall asleep.
Zack nodded gently "Yeah," he said yawning again. He found it odd the two got along so well, being there own natural opposites and all. "Yeah lets get some sleep...have lots to do tomorrow" he said, though in truth he was not sure. He did know he had to figure thijgs out though, but was to tired to dwell on that for long as he soon grew to tired he could not keep his eyes open. "Good night..." he said tothem both before noding off.
Hailey smiled at him and ran her hand over Viivi's eyes. "Sleep darling." she whispered to her and Viivi nodded before falling into a deep sleep. Once Viivi was sleeping, Hailey looked at Zack again and smiled. "You're right." she told him before she reached over and stroked his cheek. "Goodnight Zack." she tld him before laying down with a yawn and she fell asleep.
He had a strange dream, but he wouldn;t remember it in the morning, something about his brother, or at least it seemed like it for the breif amount of time hius mind could even feel it. He woke up the next morning, feeling alot better, a little tired still from last night, but he knew a good breakfast would clear that up. He yawned softly, sitting up slowly to see the two undressed pokegirls beside him seemingly rather comfortable. He knew Lya was still in her ball, he wondered if she was feeling better to. He reached and plucked the sphere from his belt and looked at it. "What is the matter?" he asked it, even if she could not hear him at this moment.
The two girls at his side curled up together and slept peacefully the whole night through. When he stirred the next morning, neither girl woke until he sat up and grabbed Lya's pokeball. As he plucked it from his belt, Viivi opened her eyes and watched him as he looked down at Lya's pokeball and spoke to it. Slowly sitting up, she moved closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong Zack?" she asked softly, moving to sit next to him and she looked down at the ball in his hand She could see how faded the fire symbol was and how old the ball itself was. There were wear marks on it from sitting on a belt and from being used over the years. It was no longer shiny and new looking like the other pokeballs on his belt. It now looked worn out... scuffed and used. In the back of Viivi's mind, she thought that from the way Lya's been the past two days, that in a way the ball reflected the pokegirl that it contained.
Zack had not noticed Viivi as she woke, but he did not show any sign of surprise either as she spoke to him. "Just,,,not sure," he told her, "I don't know whats wrong...why is Lya so...sad?" he asked the pokegirl. He thought he treated her well, he tried to include her in everything, and in fact she was his whole reason for being the trainer he was. She had taught him, even trained him to some extent, in fact he owed alot to her. He wondered if she knew just how much he needed her. He was tempted to let her out, but he thought it would be better if he cleaned up first, no sense in waking her up while he was still naked, and probably smelled like what had gone on the night before. "I'm going to take a quick shower," he told her, excusing himself, not trying to be rude, just wanted to collect his thought. He had however taken Lya's pokebal with him, as if it was so natural he did not even notice.
Viivi gazed at Zack with a sympathetic gaze and she rested her head against his shoulder while gazing at the pokeball in his hand. "Maybe she's not sad." she said softly. "Perhaps she's.... afraid." With a light pat on his shoulder, Viivi stood up and stretched before beginning to clean up the clothes that were littered around the room from the night before. As he said he was going to go and take a shower, she nodded while folding Hailey's shirt and putting it onto the table in the room. "Okay." she said, watching him disappear into the bathroom.
He set the pokeball on the counter, once more it was natural to have it beside him he did not think much of it. He let the water run, even getting in as it was getting warm. The surge of cold that greeted him woke him up, and for a breif moment distracted him from his current worries. "Afraid?" he asked himself, wondering why Lya would be. Was she afraid he would abandone her? Forget about her? Do what Derek had done and pass her off when he ran into a brick wall with her? He had at first been angry at his brother for that, his brother had literally given him his own problem, but now Zack saw it as a blessing, and no longer thought of Lya as his brothers problem, only Derek's mistake for even giving her up.
Viivi paused and sighed as she looked around the room. Everything was cleaned up except for the bed. Moving over to the side Hailey was sleeping on, she gently nudged her awake. "Come on. Get up." she said gently. Hailey sat up and looked around with a yawn. "Where's Zack?" she asked before looking at the bathroom door that Viivi motioned towards. She stood up and began walking towards it before the absol stopped her. "No. I think he needs some time alone." she told the other girl. "Come on. Lets get some breakfast and bring some back up for him and Lya." With a sigh, Hailey nodded before the two got dressed and headed out of the room to get some food for them.
Zack washed up, ejoying the warm feeling the water provided. He still could not think of why Lya was upset, but he gessed it would be best to get the answer straight out of her. He turned off the shower before getting a towel around him. He once more picked up her pokeball and walked back into the room, noticing the two where gone. He however was not worried, Hailey could contact him if they where in trouble. He instead got some cloths on and then opened up Lya's ball.
As the pokeball opened, the usual white light appeared before she came out. Lya stood there with a slightly sleepy look on her face before she rubbed her eyes with a yawn and looked around. For a moment she wondered where the others were before she sat down in one of the chairs in the corner. The vulpix could smell the faint scent of sex in the room though it wasn't as strong as it was when Viivi and Hailey left the room, the two taking the time to air out the room before heading down for the cafeteria.
"Did you sleep well Lya?" he asked her, sitting down on the bed, he looked at her, she seemed a bit tired, he wondered if she had not slept well and he instantly felt guilty he had. He didn't say anything for sometime and sort of just sat there, looking at her at times and then the floor. " want to talk?" he asked her, it was so strange, he wondered how his mother would always ask him if he was in trouble, or upset, though at the time it seemed rather inapopropriate, unless he planned to tickle Lya into smiling.
Lya slowly stretched before nodding with a soft yawn. "Yeah." she said softly. "I just woke up, that's all." She offered a small smile while rubbing her eyes. Her fur, hair and clothes were a little rumpled from being in the pokeball. As he sat down on the bed and asked if she wanted to talk, she paused and looked at him. "Talk?" she asked. "About what?" She slowly stretched, feeling her muscles stretch and her bones pop as she slowly moved.
Zack looked up, thinking on how to say the next thing as carefully as he could. "I know there is something bothering you Lya," he said "We have been together so long I can tell," he said with a very faint smile. "Are you...afraid?" he asked her, remembering how Viivi said it may be fear and not sadness that was bothering Lya, what would frighten her he was not sure, but he did know when he was on that ship, the idea of him going off alone had scared her, she had been very worried.
Lya gently chewed on her bottom lip as he told her that he knew there was something bothering her and she sighed while looking away from him. But when he asked if she was afraid, she tensed before frowning slightly. "Tch. Why would I be afraid?" she asked him stubornly, shaking her head while brushing her bangs out of her face and refusing to look at him. Her tails flicked back and forth a couple of times as she slumped down in the chair a bit. She looked a lot like a teen as she did that.
Her response, whether it was a bluff or truthfully she was simply anooyed he would assume she was afraid, had convinced fear was not the problem. "Well...are you upset...or sad?" he asked her. He wasn't sure what to say "Is it because back on the ship?" he asked her. He wondered if she was jealous of Hailey evolving, she couldn't without a firestone, but he was hoping that she would at least feel better so he can talk to her about the other thing he wanted to talk about.
Lya's grip tightened on the arm of the chair and she tapped her fingers on the arm before she stood up. "I'm fine Zack." she said quickly. "There's nothing wrong." However, despite what she said, the way she said it suggested otherwise. It was clear that she was a little irritated by the way she began pacing and by the way her tails were flicking back and forth.
Zack was confused, he didn't know how to say anything now. "There tell me," he said flat out. "I want to help you with this, but I can't if you don't say something." He was silent once more watching her pace. "Are you upset Hailey evolved?" he asked her wondering if that really was it.
Lya moved over to the window and looked out at the slowly waking up town that surrounded the pokecenter and she felt tears pricking the corners of her eyes as she stared out the window, beginning to get choked up. She crossed her arms over her chest and she closed her eyes as she attempted to force back her tears. When he asked if she was upset that Hailey evolved, she shook her head quickly. "No! No, I love Hailey. She's like a sister to me." she said softly. "I'm.... I'm happy that she evolved." Her voice slowly got softer before she trailed off and she bowed her head.
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