Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

He wasn't sure what to say to this now, he wasn't sure if it was true or not. He knew she and Hailey got along, but even the best of friends could get jealous of one another, no different with siblings. "Then what is wrong?" he asked her point blank, he wanted to know, and it seemed he was only making it worse.
Lya began gnawing on one of her claws as she stood there, staring out the window as her emotions began to overwhelm her and she softly sniffled. "I'm... I'm not scared.... I'm terrorfied." she finally said, her voice weak yet truthful. She rubbed at her eyes as her tears threatened to fall and she shook her head.
Zack was further confused about this, he however moved to be a bit closer. "About what Lya?" he asked, almost directly behind her. "You can tell me what ever is on your mind....." he wanted to add Hailey sure did, but he thought it would be best to not mention the other two for a bit. He gently hugged her, wrapping his arms around her in a safe and conforting way, or at least he hoped it was comforting.
Lya's ear twitched as he moved closer to her and she swallowed. As he wrapped his arms around her she tensed a little but didn't move into his embrace or out of it. She just stood there. "Of being abandoned again... Of having my.. my heart broken once more." she said softly. "The same thing as before is happening. You're getting pokegirls which are stronger then I am. Pokegirls that will keep getting stronger, while I stay the same in strength. And as you collect more pokegirls, I'm going to be pushed further back until there's no need to keep me anymore!" As she spoke, her ears drooped and her tears fell. With a soft sob, she pulled away from him while her tails twitched in an agitated way. "I can't do it again. I can't go through all of that again!"
Zack felt bad, he had a feeling it was like that, though he did not think he would do the same thing so many others had done. He had told himself he would give full attention to everyone, but Lya most of all, but it was true. Zack was a little overwhelmed, he did not want to show favoritism, but he also could not deny the fact Lya was special. He loved all three of them, but Lya would have a special place for him. "I promised you Lya," he said. "I promised that would not happen...and said I would make you stronger didn't I/" he asked her softly. He knew the tears where falling even if he could not see her face all to well. "I promise I wont abandon you ever..." he said. Just as he did there was a knock on the door. The simply sound shattered the atmosphere in the room like a ball going through a window.
Lya turned her head slightly as he spoke and told her that he'd promised her and she shook her head. "I can't get stronger." she told him. "I've reached my limit with this form. For three years I trained non-stop with your brother and by the end of that time with him, I was getting close to my top strength." As he promised that he wouldn't abandon her, she sniffled and shook her head again. "That's what your brother had said." When the knock sounded, she looked towards the door. "You should answer that." she said softly. Turning, she head into the bathroom to compose herself, not wanting anyone to see that she'd been crying.
Zack wanted to tell her he wasn't his brother, and that he knew what it took for her to evolve and he could do it. He however did as she said "Alright," he said calmly letting her go, watching her walk off to the bathroom to clean up. He went to go and answer it, he thought it would be Hailey or Viivi, most likely Viivi since Hailey would have seen they where having a moment. He opened the door and was dumbstruck.

"Hey bro," His older brother said. Both Hailey and Viivi where behind him, smiling a bit, as if this was a good surprise for there trainer. It definetally was a surprise. Whether it was good or not though, no one would truely know.
Lya had grabbed her bag on her way to the bathroom, but when she heard Zack's brother, she paused in the door way before closing the door behind her. Behind Zack's brother, Viivi had her rather calm expression on her face though she was still smiling slightly. Hailey on the other hand was smiling brightly at Zack. "We found him in the cafeteria." she said. Her and viivi were holding trays of food for themselves, Lya and Zack.
Zack didn't respond, his face was rather void at the moment, if Hailey however had looked in his mind he had so many mixed emoptions. He felt happy, dread, anger, and a few other emotions he did not really feel to often. "Hey Derek," he said, trying to now fake enthusiasm, he was not all that pleased to see his older brother. "Why are you here?" he asked, the question sounded a bit uncaring, but it had not meant to be like that. His brother however didn't seem to take it anyway negative.

"I heard about what happened here a few days ago, was wondering if you had been here when it happened," Derek said, he seemed the same as normal, not changing much since he last saw him a few months ago. "So I see you've added to your team," Hhis brother gave him a look that screamed 'nice job man', obviously because he approved of the two attractive pokegirls Zack how now added to his roster. "Where's Lya?" the question felt like a strange sharp prick to the chest.
The two girls carefully eased past Derek with the trays and carried them over to the table. Hailey felt a twinge of concern when she caught the faint scent of tears and she cast a glance at Viivi who sighed. Hailey's mind brushed Zacks momentarily and she felt his mixed emotions. When Derek spoke about adding to his team, Hailey smiled at them before the room became quiet after he asked where Lya was. The girls looked at each other before jumping slightly when the bathroom door opened suddenly and the girl stepped out. She'd changed into a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt. There was no sign that she'd been crying just a little bit ago. She had her hair pulled up into a ponytail. Looking at Derek, she smiled and moved towards him, throwing her arms around him in a gentle hug. "It's good to see you Derek." she said to him before slowly pulling back.
Zack opened his mouth but the bathroom door was opened and out came Lya, looking just as attractive as ever, he thought maybe a bit more. He watched her come over and hug Derek, deep down e felt something but he ignored it, thinking it was nothing. He however wondered what that little twinge of something was for the moment.

"There you are" Derek said, hugging her back, smiling gently. As she pulled away he smiled "You seem to have gotten alot better since before," he said, though in truth no one could truely see that without first hand experience of course.
As Derek hugged her back, Lya closed her eyes with a soft sigh and she pressed her face against his chest with a sigh while taking in his scent. After pulling away, she looked up at him and smiled gently. "Thanks." she said gently. "Having to start over from the beginning and experience everything all over again kind of helped." She brushed her bangs from her face and took a step back. There seemed to be a lot different about the girl. She no longer wore sundresses at every opportunity and she rarely wore ribbons in her hair any more. Now it was shorts and tops with an elastic hair tie.
Derek could not say he necessarily liked the new look, but he certianly did not hate it. He secretly thought his younger brother tp be a bit of a perv, especially the way he dressed up his gardevoir, she was in such tight clothing. He did not know that she had just evolved and did not in fact have cloths that fit her just right anymore. 'So how have things been going?" he adressed Zack.

"It's going very well," he replied. He explained how he had gotten the two badges so far, going to get his third soon. Derek seemed a bit impressed he had beaten Brawley with such ease, and even Roxanne after only one rematch. Zack of course did not say how Lya knew Energy Ball, he wanted to keep that a secret if ever he had to use it against Derek.
Lya moved over to the table where the other two girls were sitting and she paused to look at Hailey's outfit. The shorts she was wearing were much to tight and the top didn't cover as much as it had before she'd evolved and she knew that they'd have to stop at a store to get new clothes. Looking away from the girl, she looked at the plates of food before picking up the one that Hailey had put together for her and she moved to sit on the bed and she began eating.

"We recently caught Viivi." she said, motioning towards the absol. "We decided to take a different path to the town and we ran into her." She didn't tell Derek that they'd been caught unaware by the other girl, to embarrassed to say the complete truth.
Derek listens, and doesn't ask much more. In fact he seems a bit, odd, at least to Zack. He still wondered why his brother was here, though if it was because he was worried he was truly touched. He fidgeted a little bit not sure what to say or do. In truth he saw his brother as a threat almost, an intimidating opponent. He didn't want to share his adventure in detail, much like how a gambler did not want to give away his hand.
Lya slowly looked around at the current occupants of the room, taking another bite of her food. For a while she ate in silence before she couldn't stand the awkward silence anymore and she spoke up. "So, what brought you all the way out here?" she asked Derek while putting her now empty plate aside and sitting 'indian' style on the bed with a pillow beneath her.
Zacks head snapped up, Lya had missed the conversation. However Derek seemed happy to repeat. 'Heard about the attack at the contest...was wondering if you and Zack might have been near by," he said, though Zack noticed he spoke of her first. He wondered if maybe he was more worried about her then him. It actually made that strange feeling start to crackle deep down, he was feeling a tad jealous. Not because Derek seemed to not care, but because he seemed to care so much about her still.
Lya listened to him and nodded slightly. "Ah, that." she said. "Yeah, we were actually at the contest when it happened." She shrugged again and glanced at Viivi and Hailey who were done eating as well and the girls looked back before glancing at Derek. "The people that attacked were there to take a pokegirl." Viivi said. The girls were giving Derek information about what'd happened but they didn't tell him that they'd been in the middle of all the action and it was one of Zack's pokegirls that'd been taken.
Zack was pleased at least to see Derek upset just as much as he was about the idea of stealing pokegirls. "Such....people," he said, apparently trying not to say something very foul, even if they deserved it. Zack was a little amused he tried not to speak so harshly in front of him still.

" really ticks me off too," he added. He however still wondered why his brother would have come all the way rather then try to call him. The navigator did have a communication device on it, and they shared numbers. "So how has your trip been?" he asked. His brother grinned suddenly, and he knew that look.
Lya snorted slightly when Derek tried not to say something foul and she shook her head. She'd heard Derek curse so bad that it could of made a sailor blush and she smiled slightly at the memory. Derek had insisted that they take one path through the woods while she told him that they should go another. It turned out that the path Derek choose took them in a big circle that took a day and a half to travel and they wound up right back near where they started while the path that she'd insisted on had taken them later, straight through to the next town. When Derek was asked how his trip has been, she looked at him and listened patiently, curious as well.
"Made a bit of progress," he replied, still with the big grin. Zack knew he wasn't saying everything, exactly how Zack had not wanted to say to much either. It actually got him a bit ticked off as well. He insisted he say more, but Derek would only say a few things, not enough for a very good retelling of his journey.

Zack was a bit frustrated, and it sort of showed. "Fine..then how about we battle?" he said, in truth he did not want to, but his emotions got the better of him. His jealousy, and now aggitation simply wanted to make his brother stop that damn grinning. "Three each," he said, he knew Derek probably had more then three pokegirls with him, but Zack did not. To his surprise, his older brother accepted, as if expecting this to have happened.
Hailey could feel Zacks frustration and irritation each time her mind brushed against his and all three girls could feel the tenseness in the air as the two brothers spoke with each other. But when Zack challanged Derek to a battle, Lya froze and looked from her new trainer to her old then back. She really didn't want to face Derek in a match but she would do as told. Hailey looked at Lya with a look of sympathy and a little pitty because she could feel the vulpix's feelings, yet the sharp look from the fire pokegirl made Hailey look away quickly.
Derek lead the way, the pokemon center had a small little sort of area to have battles, of course they would have to be careful not to hit the center, but he doubted it would get out of hand. "I don't want this to go to far," Zack said though. "How about we just have a sparring match," he said, though he was still going to push his brother, he knew Derek could handle it so he would not hold back as much. "You can go first even," he said trying to tease his older brother. Derek however removed a pokeball and tossed it.
Following the two young men, Lya, Hailey and Viivi followed them out to where they would have their battle. When Derek threw his ball, it opened and a Liepard came out. It was a sexy purple and gold pokegirl with leopard spots covering her body. She stood there in a pair of shorts that showed off her long legs and a simple spaghetti strap white tank top.
Zack wanted to comment on his brothers choice of attire, seeing as it was just as revealing as his own choices. He however didn't say anything. He was rather dumbstruck, he never saw a pokegirl like that, he even turned to dexter who seemed to tell him nothing more then the name and type it was. "No fair....using an unknown species," he said not loud but under his breath. "Come on Viivi, your up first," he said knowing full well Hailey would not be able to do very much being a dark type against a psychic. "Use Silver wind" he said before Derek could shout a command.

"Dodge and use furry swipes," Derek retaliated quickly, his commands where sharp and precise. Zack thought it was a bit cold actually, and he noticed Derek did give the girls name, maybe he had not named her like Zack had named all of his.
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