Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack was a bit surprised as well, but he guessed it was alright aftr all she was tired. He removed the ball "Alright then Lya, have a good rest," he said pressing the button and the beam of light also made her materialize inside of it. He clipped it back onto his belt. "Are you okay Viivi?" he asked her wondering if she was tired as well, this was a rather strange situation, not that he found it awkward, just usually Lyawas out and about he guessed she must have really been tired though. He looked at Viivi, noticing just how curvy she was, she would probably like something to contrast her white fur.
Lya nodded slightly before he called her back into her pokeball. It had been a long time since she'd been in her pokeball and while she didn't like the feeling of being trapped, she needed some time alone. Viivi watched Zack call Lya back into the ball. She could tell that there was something wrong with the other girl but she didn't say anything about it. When he asked her if she was okay, she looked at him and shrugged. "Yeah, I'm okay." she said. "What about you? You look a little shaken up." She noticed him looking at her and she felt a little embarrassed but it didn't show as she stood there with a hand on his hip.
Zack nodded "Nothing to bad, just a little sore from earlier," he said and would tell her the details about it as they walked back into town. Many people where still a bit hysterical, but it seemed to be much calmer now. He was debating on getting Viivi some cloths first, but he also did not want to neglect the other two. He was happy to show Lya what he had found on that ship, he was sure she would be happy about it, or he hoped so.
Viivi slowly nodded as she walked at his side. As they entered town again, she could hear the histeric tone in some peoples voices and she frowned slightly as she looked around. The feeling of panic hung heavy in the air and it peturbed her a bit, setting her on edge just a little but it didn't show. She listened to him as he told her more about what happened. The frown on her face grew a little as he told her about the woman and her eyes narrowed slightly. She could tell that he was happy about something and she glanced at him. "What are you so happy about?" she asked him suddenly.
Zack was taken by the way she asked, she seemed a little upset. He didn't want to say but before he did he swore her to secrecy before telling her. "I found something useful on that ship and decided to borrow it from her," of course by borrow he meant stole it from her. He would not say what only that Lya should be very happy. "Hiw about we get you some cloths while Nurse Joy looks after Hailey and Lya?" he asked her trying to mIe her a bit happy as well.
Viivi reluctantly agreed to keep the secret and she glanced at him as he told her that he found something useful on the ship and he borrowed it. She sent a sceptical look his way at the mention borrow, showing him that she knew what he really meant. "I hope that you know what that item is." she said gently. When he asked about getting her some clothes, she paused before nodding. "That sounds good. It is a little uncomfortable to be the only one walking around without them." she said to him. Viivi had no problem with her self confidence and she was comfortable in her own skin and being naked, but walking around in a group of people that are dressed and being naked is a little uncomfortable.
Zack nodded "Well...I think Lya will be happy about it, she's been a bit down I noticed," he said, he knew she was worried about something, even if she did her best not to seem like it. He walked to the center with Viivi. "Do you need Nurse Joy to look at you real quick as well?" he asked her, she seemed fine but he did not want to neglect her either.
Viivi nodded. She had noticed that Lya seemed a bit down as well. There had been worry in the vulpix's eyes as well as something akin to fear. As he asked if she needed to see Nurse Joy, she shook her head. "My furs a bit singed here and there, but other then that I'm fine. I didn't take any hits during the fighting." she said.
Zack nodded, she seemed to be able to handkerchief herself very well. He decided to leave the two poke balls to get treated, it would give them a but of tine to find something for her. "Anything in mind you'd like to wear?" he asked her wondering what her taste would be. Lya lined clingy and sexy, Hailey liked cute.
Viivi watched him leave the pokeballs behind and she left with him again. At his question about what she'd like to wear, she shrugged slightly. "I don't know. I've never worn clothes before." she told him. She glanced around again as they walked towards the shops that held clothing. "What do you think would look nice?" she asked him.
He thought maybe something easy to move in, but contrasyed with her fur or something nicely. He really thought Lya would be better at this then he was, she had helped Hailey after all. He looked atba few things, letting her try things on and see if she liked them or not. "Do you like any of them?" he asked her, letting her decide, he could pick himself but he would prefer she chose simply because he wanted to give her that option.
Viivi looked around with a sigh. For a while she couldn't find anything before she found an outfit that she liked. It was a pair of black jeans with a loose white shirt. The jeans hugged her upper legs and rear while the bottom of the pants flared out a bit and the top looked like a ripped t-shirt over a spaghetti strapped tanktop. The straps and top for the under part was red while the t-shirt part was white with a black design printed on it, the sleeves resting low on her upper arms.
Zack was a bit surprised by the new look, then again he had no real fashion sense but it looked very nice on her for sure. "So this is what you like Viivi?" he asked her, she did look nice, and it was rather functional as well, he was sure she'd be able to move freely so it wasn't like she was wearing alot of things that would make her not very wind resistant. He paid for the outfit, saying she'd wear it out, he was eager to check on Lya and Hailey.
Viivi slowly nodded while looking at herself in the mirror. The outfit wasn't clingy and sexy like Lya's outfits usually were, but it was sexy in a more casual and laid back way. She smiled shyly at him before following him to the cashregister where he paid for it. "Thank you." she said gently as she stepped outside with him. She had decided to forego shoes, preferring to feel the ground beneath her feet. At the pokecenter, Hailey and Lya's pokeballs were waiting for Zack to pick them up.
Zack thankNurse Joy as he picked up the two poke balls. He had a feeling he'd need to buy Hailey some new cloths as well, that or she would need to borrow some of Lya's until they did. He was eager to talk to the three if them. He wondered why Hailey had evolved and was curious what had transpired when he left the other two on the ship, he thought Lya was bothered nice more by something. "How are you two feeling?" he asked as he released the two.
As Lya and Hailey were released, both of the girls were looking bright eyed and much more alert then earlier. When he asked how they were feeling, Hailey smiled at him and nodded. "I'm feeling much better." she said gently. "Still a little tired but other then that I'm feeling a lt better." She tugged at her snug clothing and smiled gently, her eyes glittering from beneath her long hair. Lya watched Hailey befre nodding as well. "Better." she said gently. "A little hungry, but I'm good."
Zack smiled glad both where okay, he thought maybe it would be best to get something to eat, up until now he did not realize that he was also hungry. "What do you say we go grab a bite to eat and then call it a day?" he asked, it was getting late, it had been a while on the ship, which he had learned while him and Viivi where out the ship had just suddenly vanished not long after Hailey had saved them all.
The girls all smiled at the mention of getting something to eat and they nodded. "That sounds like a good idea." Hailey said. "I'm sure we all would like a little rest and to relax." she said. Hailey grabbed Lya's hand and smiled at the other girl. Now that Hailey evolved, she was actually taller then Lya and seemed more mature physically, making Lya look like the youngest of the group. With a smile, Hailey let the way towards the cafeteria where they could eat.
He took notice in Hailey's matured form, and it was a bit strange how Lya did now seem to be the youngest of the three, despite her being the longest in the group. He wondered if she was upset about that, but he did not say anything. They chose a small place in town to eat, it was a nice place, and it was not very far from the pokemon center either. "So why did you evolve?" he asked Hailey as they all ate. He was curious, Hailey had to be the lowest level of the three, Viivi could not evolve and Lya needed a firestone in order to, but Hailey had simply just passed the levels in between and evolved.
Entering the small place, the girls sat down. Hailey and Lya sat next to each other while Viivi sat next to Zack. When he asked Hailey why she evolved, the girls all looked at him befre looking at the newly evolved pokegirl Hailey cleared her throat softly before loking at him. "I... I heard your call for help." she told him. "It was everything that was happening I guess and the feeling of how you were in danger and there was nothing I could do to help. I guess that's what did it."
He was amazed by it, he wasn't sure if that was a common thing, though he guessed not very much since he had never heard of it before. He smiled though "Thanks," he said. He asked about what had transpired when he left to look for Hailey, he wanted to tell Lya what he had found on the ship but he wasn't sure how exactly to do that. He did say a few things as to what had happened when he was looking though, how he hid and stuff, he wanted to keep a few bits secret for the time being, also simply so he didn't worry them, though he was sure Hailey knew what had happened for him to call for help, though he guessed she also had the same feeling and did not want to frighten or make the other two worry very much.
Hailey smiled at him as he thanked her and she nodded slightly. Lya looked back and forth between then. She could tell that they were keeping something frm her and Viivi and for some reason she didn't like it. Looking away from them, she looked at the list of food while Zack told them about what had happened with him, her ears twitching a little as she listened to him. Viivi could tell that Hailey and Zack were keeping something from them but she just shrugged it off. "The most important thing is that we're all okay." she said gently.
Zack agreed, he did feel bad, but he knew Lya would have been upset had he been in danger, she had after all not wanted him to go on his own because she thought he would have been in trouble. He looked at the vulpix, smiling at her gently, giving her eye contact. He looked at the menu as well and ordered his food, of course just a burger, he never really seemed to have a taste for anything not normal, at least his idea of normal anyways. When they got there food and ate, he felt alot better, and a little more tired with a full stomach surprisngly.

(sorry if i time skipped to much)
Feeling Zacks gaze on her, Lya slowly looked up from her menu and remained eyecontact for a bit until they both looked away. She ordered a simple meal of a chicken sandwhich while Hailey had a salad and Viivi had a burger as well. Once they had their food, the girls all began eating happily. After she ate, Lya felt sleepy again and she yawned gently while sitting back. The other two however were still rather wide awake.

(It's fine.)
He guessed Viivi had alot of stania, and Hailey was never really tired looking in all honesty though she had been healed. Lya however seemed tired and he guessed she would be since she had foughten so much. He paid for the meal and once it was done they left. "Boy....I'm going to sleep well," he said, not very loud, it was more of a thought then an actual comment. He was eager to show Lya what he had found her, it was a rather thrilling feeling imagining how she would be so excited, he knewshe would like it.
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