Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Once the food was paid for, the girls all followed Zack out, Hailey and Viivi were walking on either side of Zack. They were getting to know each other, debating moves. It was a little surprising since they were naturally against each other, but they seemed to be getting along rather well. Lya walked towards the back just watching the others, observing how everyone interacted with each other. When Zack spoke, Hailey giggled and smiled at him. "I think we're all going to sleep well tonight." she said with a nod.
Zack looked back though "Whats wrong?" he asked Lya, she never stayed in the back before, no she was always right beside him, a place he would actually reserve mainly for her, it was strange she hung back. He smiled to acknowledge Hailey, but he could not be completely unattentive to Lya. he found it to be a bit hard actually to keep up, and he secretly wondered howhis brother even managed to balance his attention among six pokegirls and not just three.
Lya looked at him, a little surprised but she just shrugged. "Nothing." she said quickly. "Just a little tired still." She ran her fingers through her loose red hair, some of the silky curls falling in her eyes. There were still a couple blades of grass in her hair but some of them fell free of her locks and fluttered to the ground. She glanced at the other two girls who had actually begun to move ahead a bit, watching Hailey laugh at something that Viivi said and the absol grinned.
Zack wondered what they said, but he didn't pay much attention. "Okay...if your sure," he said. He let the other two walk ahead, he stayed a little behind with Lya, but she didn't seem to want to talk, and he didn't know what to say so they walked in silence to the pokemon center where they would soon be back in the room and getting ready for bed. He wanted to tell her about everything as soon as they where all squared away.
Lya looked at him and offered a small smile with a nod. "i'm sure." she said gently. She sighed inwardly, slipping her hands into the pockets of her shorts as she walked at his side, gazing down at her feet as they walked. Her ear twitched gently occasinally, swiveling around at different sounds. When the pokecenter came into view, she looked up again and looked at it as they got closer. She could feel that it was getting colder out as evening crept in and she knew that since they were near the mountains, it would get colder.
He felt it would get a bit chilly as well, he was glad Nurse Joy always had the inside of the pokemon center the perfect temperature, it was nice and warm now and he was glad. He still felt Lya was not telling him something, but he would not badger her about it since he himself was keeping something from her at the moment as well. :Today was a hell of a day," he said with a sigh, feeling a little worn down, but he thought things had gone well despite such a horrible beginning.
As they entered the pokecenter, Lya shivered a little and her tails flicked slightly as she looked around. There were a couple other trainers in the lobby of the center. As the girls entered, a couple turned to look, a couple of the guys staring before turning back to their own pokegirls. "Did you get a room key already?" Lya asked him as she ran her fingers through some of her fur and she sighed gently.
Zack hadn't just yet "No not yet," he replied going over to the desk to ask Nurse Joy for a key, he hoped there would be an available room for the night. He took notice in a few of the guys who looked up, he had a very strange feeling when they did that. He waited fir Nurse Joy to get one, he wondered how Derek was coming along, he bet though he had not gone through half the things Lye and he had gone through.
Walking off to the side, the girls waited patiently for him t get the key. Nurse Joy smiled at him and opened the drawer containing keys and she pulled one out, handing it to him and wishing him a good night before turning as a trainer moved up to the desk and asked about their pokegirl.
He gave her a quick thanks so she could help the other trainer. "Got it," he said glad it worked out. He was still wonder what Lya was thinking about, but he still did not ask. The room was down a hall he guessed it was busy, maybe a few people and poke girls got hurt during that contest today, the hyper beam could have hit a few. He once more remembered the woman, she was not someone he would ever possibly agree with, but he still wondered who she was exactly..
They smiled at him and nodded. "What room number do we have?" Hailey asked as they moved for the hall that the rooms were down. Hailey could hear his thoughts about the wman he had run in with and she touched his arm lightly, a small smile on her face. 'Put her frm your mind for now.' she whispered in his mind.
He felt Hailey brush his thoughts, it felt different as well, it was much clearer then when she was a Kirlia, she seemed to have gotten a lot better at it. ' I know....just can't help it...pokemon as a business, and to steal them,'it was a crime to even think about stealing a persons companion. "The room numbers seven....wait why couldn't you just see that in my head anyways?' he asked in his mind back to her.
Hailey smiled slightly and shrugged. 'Because I don't want to invade all your thoughts. After all, who know's what all's in your mind.' she replied playfully with a soft mental chuckle. 'Now perhaps you should tell Lya what room we're heading for since she's leading us?' She looked up at him and smiled at him.
Zack gave a nod rather then thinking of an actual answer, he smiled however, he wondered how much was in his mind, he realized there would be a few embaressing things though so he was glad she did not peak in on them. "It's in room seven Lya," he told her, she seemed more distant for some reason, he wondered if it was obvious him and Hailey had been mentally linked. He opened the door for them all, and he immediatly kicked off his shoes, liking the cool feeling his toes got.
Lya glanced back over her shoulder before nodding. Looking forward again, she looked at the numbers on the doors before stopping at room seven, waiting for him to open the door. Once it was open, she followed him in and moved to sit on the edge of the bed with a sigh, closing her eyes as she rested there for a bit, slwly toeing off her sandles. Hailey rushed into the room and jumped onto the bed, taking Lya by surprise and the vulpix bounced once before falling off with a thud and a groan. Viivi watched them with mild amusement while shaking her head with a faint chuckle, closing the door behind her.
"You okay?" Zack asked Lya, though he was not exactly upset with Hailey, it was a bit strange though, she didn't seem to act any different despite evolving, he thought maybe she would but he didn't mind. He helped Lya up hoping to get a chance to tell her now. He was glad Viivi closed the door too, she seemed out of the three, to be the more mellow.
Lya looked up at him as he asked if she was okay and she nodded with a sigh. "Yeah, I'm fine." she said gently. "It's mostly my pride." She sighed gently and stood up with his help, smoothing down her clothes after standing. She glanced at Viivi when she closed the door before sitting down again. She glanced back over her shoulder at Hailey who had plopped back on her back with a grin. "Perhaps we should get ready for some sleep." Lya suggested suddenly.
He was not sure how the other two felt, but he was very much surprised at this. He would have thought she'd been more, well happy they had gotten Hailey back for one and a bit less tired. "Um...okay," he said wondering what she wanted to go to sleep for so quickly, even if they where tired she never suggested to sleep right then and there. He was worried something had happened.
She looked at them and noticed that Hailey and Viivi were still rather wide awake and she paused. "What?" she asked. "I figured since it had been a long day and it's getting late, it would be nice to get some rest. But if you three wish to stay up, that's okay." She shrugged slightly before standing and heading into the small bathroom where she began plucking a couple pieces of grass from her hair.
Zack went into the bathroom. "If we did stay up...then how would you sleep?" he asked her, worried and confused. Something was wrong, just for some reason he was unable to ask what, the good news he had before seemed lost to him at the moment as well. He was just dumbfounded by how aloof she was acting to everything.
Lya looked at him in the mirror as she combed her fingers through her hair several times. There was a small pile of pieces of grass forming on the counter as she worked on grooming herself. She could hear, see and even smell the worry and confusion in him and it made her sigh softly before turning to look at him, one of her ears twitching while her tails swayed with her movement. "I'll sleep in my pokeball tonight." she told him. "I'm sure viivi and Hailey would like to spend some time with you."
Zack was not so surprised anymore by this response, in the few minutes he wasn't very surprised at her change of heart. "Lya...but" he said, it was a little strange she would not want to, but maybe she was very tired or something. "Okay then," he said not wanting to argue, though he seemed to be like a little kid who just got told to do something he really did not want to do.
After telling him that she'd sleep in the pokeball, she slipped past him towards the door that led out to the bedroom. When he spoke up, she paused and turned to look at him. She smiled at him, her head tipped to the side slightly as she looked at him. For a little while she was silent while looking at him. She suddenly noticed how much Zack looked like his brother and she felt an ache in her chest, causing her to lightly place a hand on her chest, over her heart for a moment. The vulpix rarely thought of her old trainer because it always caused her some kind of heart ache. When she'd traveled with Zack's older brother, she'd fallen deeply in love with him and though she'd never admit it out loud, it had broken her heart to be given up the way she was and it still hurt. For a moment she felt a lump grow in her throat before she swallowed it and closed her eyes for a moment while shaking her head. "Mm, don't worry about me Zack." she said gently. "Just spend time with them."

Moving towards him, she reached out and plucked her pokeball from his belt. Pressing the button on the ball, she gazed down at it for a moment, her thumb tracing the fading fire symbol on the now dull white plastic of the top of the pokeball. With a sigh, she pressed the button again, entering the ball on her own. After she was drawn inside, the ball fell to the floor with a soft clatter. From the bedroom, Viivi moved to the door way and looked in curiously. "What happened?" she asked calmly.
He watched her slip into the ball, as it fell it just looked at it, seeing the symbol his brother had put, the little campfire looking flame was almost gone. He felt bad, he realized a bit what she had been so upset about, she was thinking about him, about his brother. He sighed, not sure what to say now she was in, she would probably come out in the morning. He picked it up, clipping it to his belt, it oddly felt vewry lonely without her suddenly, he wondered if Derek had felt the same way when he gave her up. He guessed not, after all his brother was always sure when he made a decision, even a bad decision he never had regrets about, he would always think of how it went wrong.

"Lya, just need some time alone," he said to the absol. He was happy, but sad all at once. "Come on, lets go to bed," he told her, trying to seem happier though he was still a bit miserable. He had not even gotten to show her what he had gotten, but he guessed that wasn't important anymore.
The absol tilted her head while she gazed at him. As he told her that Lya needed some alone time, she nodded. "Mm. She has seemed to be a little.... off since this afternoon." she said. "I just hope she's not getting sick." As he said about going to bed, she turned and stepped away from the doorway for him to step out into the bedroom. Hailey had already changed out of her tight clothes and into a baggy night shirt that Lya had given her. Now that he would be able to get a closer look at her, Zack would be able to see that she would have to get new clothes. Hailey was both taller and more developed then the vulpix, her body that of a full grown woman while Lya still had the body of a teen. "Are you sure you want to go straight to bed?" Viivi asked.
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