Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

The trainer scowled before looking at the girls around her. "Again." she said, her eyes narrowed. "Houndour, beat up first. Then follow it with your razor wind Viivi. Afterwards, growlithe and Lya, I want duo flamethowers at maximum power!" The girls all nodded seriously before all going in for their attacks. The more they used the fire attacks, the hotter it got in the hall and the trainer could feel herself sweating from the heat.
Zack slid into a storage closet as he heard footsteps before him. He had made it in with just a second to spare as he saw several shadows run passed the door, the small beam of light bleeding beneath told him soon though that it was safe to leave the room. "Now....where...would it be?" he wondered. He closed his eyes really tight ' Hailey....Hailey can you hear me!" he shouted out with his thoughts. He tried to reach her, it felt like something was in the way so he got small little blurs of her consciousness.
Hailey perked up slightly when she heard bits of Zacks voice filtering into her mind and she opened her eyes, her head lifting off the glass of the pod she was in. 'Zack!' she cried out though when it reached him it was muffled and a little hard to understand. 'I-I can hear you! Help.'

(I'm ging to be heading to the store in a bit. Just thought I'd let you know. But I'll be back)
He felt a surge of happiness when he got through to her. "[/i] Where are you....give me a hint to where you are,[/i]" he said to her desperetly looking around as if it would point him in the right direction. He heard no more footsteps so he guessed he was okay for the moment.

(thats fine ill be on for like 4 hours more before my class begins)
Hailey could feel his happiness as she contacted him and she looked around. 'I... I'm not sure where. All I see are these..... egg shaped things of glass... I'm in one of them. Everything else is metal.' She twisted around in the glass she was stuck in, trying to figure out how to get out, her small fists beating against the glass.
Zack tried to get any hints from her descrition, but it wasn't very helpful, though he knew it had to be a big room and most likely a much larger door. He opened one and found himself in what seemed to be a hanger of sorts. He was alone for the moment and looked around, behind him he heard the mechanical hiss of a door opening coming from the other end.

(would you mind being J?)
(Sure. When she attacks, do you want it to be with one of her gagets or with a pokemon?)

With a mechanical hiss, a door opened at the same woman from earlier stepped through and into the hanger area. She walked in with her head held high and she looked down the way at Zack, the smallest of smirks on her face but she still wore the mask. When she saw him, she stopped and tilted her head. "You might as well give up." she said, her voice smooth, calm and cool.
(Your choice, either is fine by me)

He turned around to see that woman standing there, still as unshacken as ever it seemed. He looked up at her, atbthat moment hating her for just standing there. 'Why did you take Hailey!?" he demanded, not asking where she was, he guessed she'd be behind that door behind this woman. He wondered if he could try to sneak past her at some point to get there, though he doubted that would be the case, sonhe hoped he could find a way to force her out of the way.
(Okay. I'm thinking a gaget since the pokemon they list as hers are large pokemon.)

The woman chuckled faintly, some of her silver hair falling in her face before she shook it out of her face. "It's nothing personal. It's.. just good business." she said, a smirk slowly growing on her lips. She crossed her arms over her chest, looking rather bored with their conversation. She looked at him again, but this time it was over the rim of her glasses. "Why do you want this kirlia?" she asked him.
Zack was furious as to how she said that, just good bussiness, seemed like bad bussiness to him. Whats more he was even more upset as to why she would question his motives for getting Hailey back. "She's my partner, my friend," he said his fist clenching and the veins buldging a little bit. "Give her back!" he demanded this time his voice turning into a shout. He wished he had not kept Lya away but he had done what he had hoped and found Hailey, now he just needed to get passed her.
The woman scoffed and shook her head. "Partner?... Friend?! They're animals. Pets." she said, amusement showing in her voice. As he told her to give the kirlia back, the woman sighed and removed her glasses, looking at him with striking blue eyes. "Give her back? Do you have any idea how much money I can get for her? Especially now that I have a full set? There's no way I'm just giving her back." she said coldly. Lifting her arm, she aimed an object that was on her wrist at him before pressing a button and what looked like a rocket show out of it, moving towards him quickly.
Zack moved, either because of Lya's training regiment or by sheer instinct, he moved out of the way as the little missile shot towards him. Now he knew just how screwed he was, and he looked around for something, anything to use. He grabbed a small tool, a wrench or something, and just threw it at her though he was certian it would provide nothing more then a very small distraction, he just didn't want to give her a chance to shoot at him again.

(I need to leave soon, but will be back n in like 2 hours or so afterwards, just gotta pick a few things up from my class)
The wooman frowned slightly when he moved out of the way and she moved, re-aiming her weapon at him. When he threw the tool at her, she simply side stepped it before aiming again. She narrowed her eyes at him as she followed his movements, slowly walking closer to him as she kept moving her weapon. Suddenly she fired again, but this time she aimed at the metal at his feet. When it made contact, there was a small explosion. "You should give up boy. You're not getting her back." she said boredly.
Zack was lifted off his feet by the shackwave the explosion caused. It wasn't enough to hurt him to badly, but he did feel very rattled and a bit dizzy as he stumbled back up. He knew if he took a direct hit from that it would be bad though, maybe not lethal but he was certian to not be getting off this ship. "That just means I need to do the impossible!" he said as he made a beeline towards her as she got ready to fire. He was hoping getting close to her would make her hesitate to fire, for it would hiurt herself. However it only made him an easier shot and he had to duck to the left to avoid it though once more he was shaken.

He was soon feeling to tired to keep this up, and she didn't seem close to running low on those annoying little missiles. "Shit..." he grunted. He tried to call out, though not using any words. " I need help!....anyone.....Hailey!"
The woman smirked as he was lifted off his feet and watched him stumble, a feeling of satisfaction going through her as she pressed a button on her weapon, re-aiming at him again. She was taken by surprise when he rushed towards her and for a moment her calm demeanor broke but a moment later she was calm once again as she got ready to fire again, as he got closer, she shot at him again only to have him dodge it.

In her prison, Hailey was weakly beating her fists against the glass holding her when she felt Zacks feelings. "Zack!" she cried out, her heart beating faster as she began to panic. As she beat her fists against the glass harder, the kirlia began to feel funny. Suddenly she heard his call for help and she felt tears prick at the corners of her eyes. "Zack!" she screamed both mentally and physically. Suddenly she was surrounded by a bright light and when it faded she was gone. A moment later the woman began to glow a bright blue before being thrown against the wall then landing in a crumpled heap, clearly unconcious. A Gardevoir appeared through the door that the woman had come out of not too long ago. The green and white pokegirl was beautiful, her long green hair hiding part of her face as she walked. Looking at Zack, they both began to glow blue as she began using teleport before they both vanished before reappearing in a patch of grass somewhere below, several yards off Lya, Viivi and the other trainer with her pokegirls appeard.
Zack had no idea what had happened in those few moments, he just suddenly had the sensation of flying, fast enough so he felt like he broke into a billion little pieces, but then comfortably reattached himself. He was still a bit shacken from the fight, but he was okay. It took him several moments before he opened his eyes though, he could smell the earth underneath him, the fresh grass was so inviting. "H..Hailey?" he called out quietly. He looked up seeing the blue sky. At first he thought he had been launched from the ship. He then saw the others all on the ground as well, then he turned to see the newest face. A Gardevoir, but oddl enough he knew whom it was, if not because of the now tight fitting cloths she wore that had been a bit to small for her in this new form. " evolved?" he asked, both shocked and overjoyed. "You saved me?"
The others stirred, a soft groan escaping the trainer as she rubbed her head and she began sitting up. The other girls began stirring as well. Lya looked up and saw Zack laying a ways from them but what caught her attention was the pokegirl that was standing there. Hailey was standing a couple feet from Zack, her face tilted up towards the sky as she took a deep breath. The pokegirl was swaying slowly, her red eyes partially closed. When Zack called to her, her eyes opened the rest of the way and she slowly turned to look at him. As he spoke, she smiled gently. 'Mmm, I'm tired.' she said mentally, her voice soft and weak, tired from evolving and using all the power all at once to both knock that woman out and teleport the entire group out of the ship.
Zack could not shake off what he was seeing, but he noticed she was tired from the use of so much energy. He reached and removed her pokeball from his belt. " up inside," he said gently calling her back into it, he could ask her what happened after a trip to Nurse Joys. "Is everyone alright?" he asked, seeing everyone was here, he was impressed, Hailey had teleported seven people at once. He had to shake his head to get his witts back.
Hailey slowly nodded again before she was called back into the pokeball. From where she was laying, Lya watched in silence before looking away as she slowly sat up. Her hair was a little messy from the teleport and her clothes were askew. Viivi was already standing up, stumbling a little from being disoriented. "Yes, we're fine." the absol replied, helping the growlithe and houndour to their feet while their trainer stood. The red head called her pokegirls back into their pokeballs before looking at Lya. She moved over to the vulpix and held out a hand to her, helping her up.
He was glad everyone was ok, he let out a sigh of releif as he brushed himself off. "Thanks," he said to the red haired trainer. "Thanks for helping me get Hailey back," he said, he could not recall if he got her name or not, in fact he could barely recall many things but that was probably due to the fatigue. "My names Zack," he said unsure if they had gotten aquanted so he decided to go first, it was actually a bit awkward talking to a girl.
The young woman smiled at him and nodded slightly. "It's nothing. I hate people like that and I would of felt horrible if they'd gotten away with your girl." she said with a slight shrug. "It's nice to meet you Zack. I'm Flannery." She looked at Viivi who was stretching and brushing grass off herself then looked at Lya. "You've got some pretty good pokegirls here Zack. And this vulpix of yours. Quite impressive." she said with a smile as she plucked a blade of grass from the fire pokegirls hair.
Zack smiled, he noticed Flannery used alot of fire-types, he guessed she saw Lya as a very nice example of one. "Thanks," he said with a smile. "Why would anyone do that though?" he remembered what that woman had said, it was bussiness. He could not beleive such a thing existed, but then again there where many things he knew nothing about. "Well...I think we should head back," he was sure everone was tired, and he knew Hailey would need a long rest after everything shes done in so short a time.
Flannery nodded while smiling at him. "You're welcome." she said with a nod. As he asked why anyone would do that, she shrugged with a sigh, looking up into the sky again before glancing at him again. She'd heard about people that stole others pokegirls and sold them for profit. At the mention of heading back, Flannery shook her head slightly. "I need to be heading off I'm afraid. Perhaps we'll see each other again." she said with a smile.
Zack was a little dissapointed she wasn't going to tag along, but he was sure she was busy herself. "Alright, yeah maybe we'll see each other again...well good luck, thanks again." After there fair wells where said he turned and smiled at the two girls. "Lets gert going....we need to heal Hailey,' he said looking down at the pokeball in his hand. "Also maybe Viivi might like some cloths to wear herself....and got something special for you Lya," he had a very big grin on his face, but he wouldn't say what it was.
Flannery grinned at him and shook her red hair back over her shoulder. "Who knows, maybe it'll be sooner then either of us realize." she told him. Turning, she began walking without choosing an actual direction and she soon disappeared from view.
Lya stood there, combing her fingers through her hair and getting grass from her fur as well. She nodded slightly as he said they needed to heal Hailey. She smiled gently as he said about getting Viivi some clothes and her ears twitched at the mention f him having something special for her and she smiled a little wider. "Would it be alright if I traveled in my ball. I'm feeling just a little tired." she asked suddenly. The question was random and completely out of character for her. Viivi turned to look at the girl and just stared for a moment before shrugging slightly and looking at Zack to see what he'd say.
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