Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Zack didn't notice the other trainer up until she said something. His eyes would have been two burning embers from the glare he gave the massive air craft that stood still in the air, it seemed whomever was piloting the thing was still out steaing other pokegirls or perhaps was loading it's newly acquired cargo. He gritted his teeth. "Yeah...not a chance!" he grunted and deep down wished he had a flying type. "We gotta get onto that thing," he said, mainly speaking to his two pokegirls, though he included this new trainer as well. He didn't ask for her name, though if she had the same idea as he did he already considered her a friend despite their being strangers.

"You wouldn;t happen to have a way of getting up there would you?" he asked, looking for anything he himself could use to get to that ship. Already a few of the egnines where beginning to spin back to life and he knew if he wasn't quick it would fly off and his chances of finding Hailey would be slim to none.
Lya curled her hands into fists while gazing up at the air craft above them. She growled softly until she felt a firm hand being placed upon her shoulder. Looking up, she gazed into the red eyes of Viivi. The taller girl shook her head. "We'll get her back. Don't worry." she said softly to the firepokegirl. "I promise." She looked up again before looking over at the new girl and they nodded as Zack said they had to get onto the ship.

The trainer loked over at Zack as he asked if she had a way to get up there before looking around quickly. She could hear the sound of engines starting up and she frowned. Suddenly she spotted something that was hidden by some trees not too far off. "What about that?" she asked. It looked like a large meowth head.
Zack looked at first not noticing a thing, but his eyes then darted down and he saw a curled tail, a giant one. "Who in the world leaves a balloon here of all places?" he wondered, however he didn't think about it fir very long as he decided tat would be there way of getting up there. "Well hope they don't mind if we borrow it," he said as he helped them inside, it was a bit of a fit but not to bad the basket was rather large.

Once they where all in he untied the anchor weights. "Lya mind giving it some juice?" he asked, the small flame the furnace generated would take too long to get them up there fast enough.
The girls all moved down towards the balloon. With Zack's help, Lya and Viivi climbed inside while the other trainer and her growlithe climbed in on their own. They stood off to the side as Zack helped the others into the basket. When he asked Lya to give it some juice, the vulpix nodded and the trainer looked at her growlithe. "Sasha, help out." she said. The two girls moved into the middle of the basket and they both used flamethrower. Their flames swirled together and filled balloon which quickly began to rise into the air. "How do we steer this thing?" Viivi suddenly asked.
Zack hadn't really steered a balloon before, he noticed there where few to no controlles other then the fire regulater. "Maybe use a bit more fire to get use going in the direction we want,' he suggested, it waas not very windy out so there was no current to really ride on with the baloon, he wondered why anyone would use this mode of transportation but he guessed it worked somehow.
Lya moved around the basket before doing as Zack suggested and using a bit more fire to move. With the growlithes help, they began to pick up speed. "What are we going to do when we catch up?" Viivi questioned from where she was leaning against the one side of the balloon, her arms crossed over her chest. She felt a little self concious to be standing there completely naked while everyone else was wearing clothing but she didn't speak about it.
Zack hadn't thought that far ahead, but at the moment his mind was moving faster and faster by the second. "We need to get on, if possible find a way to blend in or at least figure where they took Hailey," he said. "Once we do that....thinking either just simply blowing through everything to get her and doing the dsame to get out....or if we can unpetrify her, she can teleport use all away,' he said knowing she'd be strong enough to to that, he had faith she would be. Deep down his mind was also reaching out towards her, trying to see if he could still communicate with the kirlia, but it was no use, he normally had to be close to her to do that.
Lya and the growlithe continued working on moving the balloon towards the ship. Lya listened to Zack as he spoke. From where she stood, the other trainer nodded, a thoughtful look on her face. "Well... what if your absol cut a hole in the side of the ship?" she asked randomly. "I've heard that some of an absol's moves can cut through metal." Viivi glanced at them and shrugged. "I could try I guess. If Zack agrees with it I mean."
As Zack reached out with his mind, Hailey could feel his mind brushing hers and in return he would be able to feel just the faintest of whispers in response to him reaching out to her.
His heart was bounding hard in his chest, he thought he felt a glimpse of her mind, but he was so worried about the kirlia he thought it was simply his nerves. " can use silver wind,,,right?" he asked, he had not learned all of Viivi's moves, like Lya and Hailey whom he knew well, he had not gotten a chance to fight qith her, though it was apparent shewas physically very strong.
Viivi looked up at him before shaking her head. "No, I don't." she said gently. "But I know razor wind." She turned her gaze back up to the ship that had taken Hailey from them and she frowned while studying it. The sound of its engines were irritating her and she sighed gently while running her fingers through her white hair.
Zack nodded, that sounded like there best bet then. Once the baloon was close enough, he would have her use the attack and get on board. "Alright ready Viivi?" he asked as they got closer, he gave her the signal and watched her go to work. Omce she had carved a nice gap in the plating they where able to slip on board. He immedietly looked for a sign of where they might be storing Hailey, though it wasn't like they had nice big signs pointing everywhere.
The two fire pokegirls worked hard at moving the balloon as close to the air ship as they could. When they were close, Viivi moved to the side close to the ship and she looked at Zack with a firm nod when she was asked if she was ready. "Yeah, I'm ready." she said. With his signal, she used razor wind several times, carving deep gashes in the metal and leaving a fairly large hole for them to get in. The girls all followed him on board and they looked around. "I think we should head in the direction that thing that took Hailey had docked." Lya said, pointing in the direction that would hopefully lead towards where the smaller air craft had entered the larger one.
Zack nodded, though he wondered if walking around in such a large group would be a bad idea. If they all got caught then finding Hailey would be impossible. If theysplit and one group got caught they still had a chance if the other looked around free. He decided however to first simly look together, if not then they would need to search quicker. "Well it hasn't taken off just yet so seems we have time," he replied hoping whatever was holding them up would continue just for a while longer until they found his Kirlia. He went in the direction Lya pointed out, he wondered if she could smell the Kirlia, but most likely she was taken to a secure place.
Lya sighed as she looked around, tipping her head back a little as she sniffed the air, trying to catch Hailey's scent. "Yeah, but we need to move quickly so it doesn't take off with us on board and we don't get caught." the other trainer said quickly. She adjusted her baggy pants a little as she walked at Zacks side. The three pokegirls were expanding their senses so they could both smell any pokegirls near by.
Zack tried to look his hardest as well, he couldn't find a single sign as to where they could be holding the captive poke girl. He sighed trying to find Hailey mentally, though even as he brushed her consciousness it didn't help him pinpoint her location. " Ok...I think din there!" he said pointing down a hall, he had just felt a very strong point of Haileys mind down that way. No sooner had his little Ray of hop appeared, did the ship suddenly lurch a bit and the sound of the engines beginning to start up.
The closer that the group got, the louder the whispers in his mind got as they got closer to where Hailey was being kept but no matter what, it never got louder then a whisper. Lya turned slightly when Zack spoke up and she looked down the hall. She had just nodded when the ship lurched and she fell over with a yelp of surprise before making a sound of pain when she landed hard on her knees. Sighing, she stood up again and looked down the hall again. "Then what are we waiting for?" the trainer asked. Grabbing Zacks hand, she pulled him down the hall, the girls quickly following.
He was a bit surprised as she took his hand Nd and lead him down the hall. He wondered if it was really going to be this easy to get Hailey back. He however thought he heard footsteps other then there own making nose down this very hall as well. As they reChed a certain point a door sod open and out walked three people. Two where men, one however was a masked woman who was dressed in a dark burgundy loOking get up, however he seemed more worried about her then the other two, her comPoser told him she was more then a guard.
Rushing down the hall, the girls all made sure to stick close to Zack before coming to a halt when a door pened and the trainer stopped at Zacks side while the three pokegirls stopped afterwards. Lya was at Zacks side while the growlithe was at her own trainers side, a deep growl escaping her. Viivi stood behind the trainers, glaring at the trio before them. "Were's Hailey?!" Lya demanded.
The woman smiled as the vulpix spoke. Zack once more didn't like her all too much simply on appearence, and the fact the mask his most of her face, it was like trying to figure out a puzzle, a very hard one. "Where is the Kirlia you stole!?" he demanded but when he got no answer he thought he'd rather just force the answer out. "Viivi Razor wind!" he said "Lya flamethrower1" he shouted after, even if there was no pokemon present, he was hoping to scare them into talking, his mind wasn't in the same sane state he normally would have been, for he would never had wanted to hurt a trainer no matter what.
When the woman just smiled, Lya growled and bared her fangs, clearly angry. She was about to lunge forward when Viivi placed her hand on the smaller girls shoulder. Viivi knew that the small girl could pack one hell of a punch despite her size, but they needed to wait for orders. When she was told to use Razor wind and Lya heard his order for flamethrower, the girls used their attacks simulatiously. "Fire blast!" the other trainer ordered. Lya used her flamethrower, the hall getting much hotter as a powerful jet of flame burst forth. As Viivi used Razor wind, the glowing blades from her swirled around the flamethrower and suddenly, following those attacks was one from the growlithe. As the flamethrower came to an end, a large symbol made of fire shot towards the trio.

(It's that move that forms that japanese symbol in the show.)
(Yeah I reember, turns into the fire kanji)

The two guards threw out pokeballs, both using shelgon to deflect the attack. The round dragon type pokemon stood before them and as the triple attack came zooming towards them they both used a barier move. Zack was unable to hear it ocver the roar of the flames but it watched as they took the bulk of the attack and still managed to stay conscious. "Shelgon use dragonbreath!" the two shouted. The woman however still watched, so cool and composed. She then turned and began to walk away, this upset Zack greatly, she was mocking them, not even speaking a word to them. He even forgot about the battle just as the double attacks suddenly struck and the floor beneath him seemed to melt away and he fell onto the level bellow the ship itself.
The trainer gritted her teeth, glaring angrily at the three in front of them. As the Shelgons were called out, she placed her hand upon her belt where several other pokeballs rested. She knew that it would be hard to defeat Shelgons. She just had one with her that was anything other then fire. As the floor began melting away beneath Zack, she gasped before looking at Lya. "Go after him. Viivi and myself with handle these two." she said firmly while unclipping a pokeball from her belt. "Go! Houndour!" she called, tossing the ball. "Use beat up! Viivi, use Razor wind again." she told the absol. Nodding, the girls all did as told. Lya jumped after Zack, grabbing his arm before looking at him. Viivi used razor wind again, sending the blades of wind at their opponants again while the houndour rushed at the shelgons and began hitting them where ever it was easy to reach.
Zack had been saved from hitting the ground by Lya, he looked up at her, at anytime finding great pleasure in being beneath her. "Lya let go, We can continue from down below," he replied. He knew it meant splitting up, but he needed to find Hailey. "I want you to help Viivi I can find Hailey and we can all go," he said shouting up to her. He could stil feel Haileys thoughts, but it was weaker, however if they assumed they where all together he had the slimest chance of finding the Kirlia. "Lya, please," he said once more, looking up at her. The two Shelgon seemed to be holding there own, most likely due to there very heavy defense.
Lya looked at him, conflict showing in her eyes. She didn't want to leave Zack defenseless, but seeing how he was her master and she had been told to take care of him. Looking him in the eyes, she nodded before letting go. "Be careful Zack. And find her. I want you both back safe!" she called down to him. For a moment she just looked at him before disappearing from the hole as she went to help Viivi and the others.
In a pod in another part of the ship, the effects of the light was beginning to wear off and Hailey slowly slumped to the floor before looking around tiredly, placing her hands on the glass of the pod. "Help." she whispered to herself.
Zack felt a bit of regret, he knew asking her to do this was hard for her, he wasn't exactly crazy about the idea as well, but he needed to find Hailey, the Balloon wouldn't get them away only Hailey could fast enough. He ran down the hall, not looking back, he tried several rooms though most seemed to be trophy rooms of sorts, or storage rooms, none holding any sort of pokegirl or life what so ever. One room in particular he did find interesting and he, for a moment, halted his search for Hailey as he went inside to investigate. He saw things of dazzling beauty on display, and seeing as theywould serve some form or purpose, he could not help but "borrow" one from the shelf, though as he lifted the container, an alarm sounded. "Crap!" he grunted in frustration, quickly putting it away in his pack before running out the room. He let his mind wonder a bit more, though he couldn;t concentrate as well as he ran.
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