Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

"You're welcome." nurse joy told him, watching as he left with Lya. Lya follwed Zack out of the pkemon center and she sighed while looking up at the sky before looking at Zack as he asked if she was ready. She nodded with a serious look on her face. As he threw the ball, she watched it pop open and the absol appeared. The vulpix made sure that she was on her guard just in case. After the absol appeared, it looked around angrily before moving away from Zack and Lya, clearly not happy about the current situation. Now that they were in the middle of the battle, it was easy to see how cute the absol was.
Zack noticed the look she had, it was scary, and had a strange sort of allure as well, but mostly scary at the moment. "Hi.." he said, trying to make himself seem not all that anxious. "My names Zack...sorry about before," he said saying so if he had done something to cause the attack. "I'm a trainer...." he added she couldn't hurt him, at least he didn';t think she would, not much anyways, not after he caught her. "Are you feeling better from before?"
The absol's gaze focused upon Zack as he spoke and she glared slightly as he spoke. She had a calculating look in her eyes, showing that she was smart and she understood what he was saying. Slowly she stood out of her crouch, her tail flicking as she stood there. Her white fur seemed to glow in the sunlight. When he asked if she was feeling better then before, she looked away from him before nodding sharply, some of her white fur falling in her eyes. Lya slowly relaxed as the absol left the crouched position. "I... think she's wondering what you want from her." she whispered without taking her gaze off the absol. While the absol couldn't really attack him, the absol could still attack her.
Zack nodded, though he took in how this new pokegirl looked. She seemed very confortable the way she was, despite being fully exposed to him and Lya. She was very cute, her body was shapely, curved, and she seemed older then hailey, possibly even older then Lya but he was unsure as Absols did not evolve. When she seemed better he decided to ask. "I...I was wondering. would you help me?' he asked her. "I would like it alot if you'd be my partner, and help me on my journey," he said unsure how to say it. "Would you like to come along, your very strong, and you might like being able to see everywhere with us."
Lya remained silent as Zack spoke with the new pokegirl. When he finished speaking, she studied the other girls face before speaking up. "He wants you to help him beat gym leaders in a large competition." she said, making it clear as to what they'd be doing. "We'll be traveling far from here and we'd like you to join us." The absol looked thoughtful before nodding slightly. "I'll join." she said, her voice though soft and light, was husky.
Zack was thankful Lya could put it so bluntly, he guessed he sounded rather silly not simply saying it out like that. "Wonderful," he said pleased and happy. "Um...I guess before anything though, we need to think of a name for you," he replied, feeling a bit strange, though Hailey had agreed to hers so easily, it might not be so hard this time around either, or so he thought.
The absol frowned slightly as he brought up giving her a name and she shook her head. "My name's Viivi." she said firmly, taking Lya by surprise before the vulpix laughed softly and smiled. "Looks like your new pokegirl is a confident one." she told him before chuckling again and shaking her head.
Zack was surprised as well, but he was thankful she already had chosen a name, it made it easier. "Yeah looks like it," he said with a small smile. "Okay then Viivi," he said, it was a strange name, it sounded cute, which contrasted with the absol quit a bit he thought, but if she liked it he would not say otherwise. "Welcome to the group Viivi."

(What lvl is she?)
(Hmm, not sure. What level d you think she should be at?)

Viivi's frown faded and she nodded while her glare softened before disappearing completely as she looked at her new 'team mates' and she shook her hair back from her face. With the softened look on her face she didn't look as scary or violent. Moving over to the pokeball she'd come out of, Viivi picked it up and looked down at it. She could of easily broke it but instead she walked over to Zack and held it out. "You should protect it well." she said.
(Well she seems to give Lya a hard time, so either almost as strong or as strong as she id say)

Zack noticed the change, she was very cute indeed. "I will," he said taking the ball from her and placing it. "Well...I guess it would be good to meet the whole team then," he said taking out the third pokeball he had and tossed it. "Okay Hailey meet Viivi," he said as he let the Kirlia come out, he felt a bit bad she was in there for some time.
(I'd say almost as strong as Lya.)

Viivi ndded and stepped back, clearly a little uneasy about being close to others. As he called Hailey out, she stepped back a little more to give the Kirlia room. When she saw the small girl, she arched an eyebrow. Hailey stood there, a little sleepy as she stretched and yawned softly before looking at Viivi and she paused when she saw the absol. "Hi." she said softly and Viivi nodded slightly in greeting, unsure as to what to say.
He knew dark and psychic types where opposites, and that dark hurt psychic, he just founbd it a little funny at her lose of words. "This is Hailey, and you met Lya," he said nodding to the vukpix. He thought now the formalities where over. "Well there isnt a gym around here, but there is a contest happening, since we are here...should we watch?"
Lya found it amusing as well and she smiled at the awkward introductions before moving over to Hailey and she wrapped an arm around her, kissing the small girl on the cheek. Watching the duo, Viivi stared at them before nodding slightly. "Good to meet you." she said. When Zack brought up a contest, Lya looked at Hailey and they nodded. "Sure, sounds like it could be interesting." she said while Hailey nodded with a bright smile before they looked over at their new teammember. Viivi noticed them looking at her and she looked back and forth between them before shrugging. "Sounds good to me." she said.
Zack smiled, deciding to allow the trio to walk around outside there pokeballs. He wondered though if they should get Viivi anything to wear, even if her fur covered her well it seemed, the tuff around her neck hid her breasts just a bit. "Well alright then," he said taking notice in the absol personality, she was a little, shy it seemed, if shy was the word to call it. He guessed she wasn't very social, but he was sure that would change overtime as they traveled together.
Together, Hailey and Lya head outside with smiles on their faces as they walked side by side with their arms linked. They were chattering excitedly about random things. They were walking in time with each other and Lya's tails swayed back and forth with her steps. However, kind of taking up the rear of the group. She wasn't the talkative type persay and she wasn't necassarily considered shy. She was more guarded and unsure of what to say. The absol had never lived with others and she was a bit of a loner, having always lived in the mountains and protected her territory.
He hung back, walking beside Viivi, letting the two go off ahead. He didn't say much, nothing in fact as he was just getting used to her, but he smiled and tried to seem firnedly enough. The contest was held in a massive tent in the center of town. He had not seen many himself, a few on tv, but nothing much. He knew his brother hadnt participated in any, at least he never heard of him doing so. He found it funny how he didn't think of Derek all that much anymore. He found four seats for them all to sit and watch the first competition, a demonstration of beauty.
Viivi noticed him hanging back next to her and she glanced at him from the corner of her eye before looking forward again. She was a little tense but when he smiled, she relaxed a little but other then that there was no response from her. Upon reaching the contest, the girls filed into the tent and followed Zack to a set of seats and they sat down happily. Hailey's eyes were bright while Lya was sitting calmly with a small smile. They sat on one side of Zack while Viivi sat on the other with her arms folded in her lap as she looked around. She was a little uncomfortable being around so many people but she remained quiet as she glanced at Hailey and Lya.
Zack sat down, noticing once more nothing was being said. "My first one...contest," he said to Viivi, hoping it might help her relax, as he was a bit anxious being around so many people, Lya seemed comfortable of course, and Hailey was enjoying talking to her so she seemed unaffected by being in a crowd. He wondered if Viivi was self conscious about not having clothing, he wanted to ask but before he could a shower of sparks caught everyones attantion, a small pikagirl had suddenly lit up the area above the stage with lightning, it was smarking and dazzling in such a way that no one said a word other then a long "Ooooo". It was actually rather fun, he wondered if these sort of things could be done in battles, he vaguely remembered his last gym fight, how Brawly had combined attacks to improve there strength despite a disadvantage.
Hearing Zacks voice, Viivi looked over at him, her deep red eyes seeming to pierce into his very soul. "You're a beginner trainer?" she said softly. It was more of a statement then a question but the look in her eyes requested an answer anyways. Her attention was drawn to the stage and she looked down at the pikagirl that was lighting up the area with lightning. She narrowed her eyes slightly at the bright light. On the other side of Zack, Hailey gasped before giggling and clapping her hands with abright smile. Lya clapped politely with a smile before leaning over to Hailey and she whispered in her ear.
Zack wasn't surprised by her question, more so the affect of her gaze, it was a feeling of being open. Her eyes looked at him like she could see everything, it was a little frightening. "Yes...I am...well two badges so far," he said trying to seem a bit more impressive. "Started a few weeks ago," he added, that was surprising to him, it felt like so much longer, but the days had gone fast, though he was still three/fourths of the way to the pokemon league that was for sure.
Viivi slwly nodded, some of her long white hair fluttering in her eyes and hiding the jem that was on her forehead. "You've come a long way with just two pokegirls." she said gently while watching the contest. There was slight amusement in her gaze as she watched the different girls compete. She tilted her head slightly with a curious look in her dark eyes. "Where did you start?" she asked suddenly.
Zack was glad to get a compliment from her and smiled. "From Littleroot Town," he said, he explained how he had acquired Lya, and filled her in, he did not give much information about any taming sessions however, but it was appearent there had been many in the past. Another pokegirl was causing flames to dance using will-o-wisp, it was a nice display, he couldn't wait to see Lya able to perform that move.
Viivi listened to him as he told her about where he had come from and she nodded even though she didn't know where that was. As he told her about how he had acquired Lya and about other things, she listened closely to what he had to say. She was a little impressed by how far he'd come and she thought that him and the other two girls made fitting partners to work with. She watched the pokegirl down on the stage use will-o-wisp. On the other side of Zack, Lya watched with excitement as the girl down below used will-o-wisp, wishing that she could do it.
Zack had the strangest feeling he knew what his vulpix was thinking. "You'll be able too," he told her, he must have a touch of psychic himself, that or being mentally open to Hailey helped. He smiled gently and was about to gently pet her like she liked before suddenly he heard shouts. He first thought something caught fire, but suddenly he heard a noise. The tent was suddenly torn open as a hyber beam shot through the thin fabric. "What in the world?" he asked, he saw a few guests running. "We'd better get out of here," he thought, though a small hover craft had just flew in through the gaping hole. As the crowd ran frantic no one noticed it was scanning the crowd.

It locked onto the kirlia next to a young trainer and two other pokegirls, a red triangle formed around her "Aqcuired" before suddenly a flash of blue light apearred and then as it faded the kirlia was frozen, as if made of stone. Two claws reached out, grabbing the petrified pokegirl and the craft made it's way to the ship hovering above the ruined tent.

"Hailey!" Zack shouted just as he saw the thing grab her. He couldn't shout out a command fast enough the small little machine was already zooming off. "We gotta follow it!" he shouted at Viivi and Lya. He shoved his way through the crowd, managing to get outside just as he saw the craft fly into the open hatch of an even larger ship.
Looking over at him, Lya smiled brightly and nodded slightly before looking at the competition again. Suddenly her ears twitched and she frowned just before the hyper beam shot through the tent and she cried out in shock, shielding her eyes from the sudden bright. She stood up and watched as the hover craft entered the tent. "Zack, I don't like the look of this." Lya said. It was after that, that the vulpix noticed the red triangle form around Hailey and she gasped, watching in disbelief as her friend was petrified.

On the other side of Zack, Viivi shot up as the smallest of the three girls was petrified and she watched with a glare as the girl was grabbed and taken away. Hearing him shout that they had t follow it, she nodded and took off close behind him, Lya already running out of the tent ahead of both of them.

"Hailey!" Lya cried, her eyes wide as she watched the small craft fly off with the kirlia she thought of as a friend. Right after they ran outside, a red haired trainer slid to a halt next to Zack with a growlithe at her side, the girl glaring up at the craft. "They're not going to get away with this." she said angrily. The girl was dressed in baggy jeans and a black belly shirt that had a flame on it.
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