Best gift ever (D.E 666 and me)

Lya smiled as he returned the kiss before cuddling close to him as his arms wrapped around her. "Mm, sleep sounds good." she replied. The girl know that she was going to be sore and stiff in the morning but she didn't care. It would be worth it. With a soft yawn, she closed her eyes and began to drift off to sleep. Within a minute or two her breathing slowed down and became deeper as she fell into a deep sleep.
Through the night his member slipped out. He slept peacefully, even if he was on a boat. The following corning he woke up to the sound of footsteps, the other passengers where preparing to leave the boat, he groaned softly finding it a hit annoying couldn't sleep in anymore. He softly ran a hand through her hair softly waking her up. When she stirred he gently nudged before he got up to get dressed, back in his harder traveling attire.
In the morning, the sounds of people walking up and down the hall outside of their room disturbed the sleeping girl and she groaned softly while closing her eyes tighter, beginning to stir but she stubbornly remained asleep. It was only when Zack woke and began running his fingers through her hair that she opened her eyes and looked up at him with a soft yawn. At his nudge, she slowly slipped off him and onto the bed, turning over and watching him start to dress before she got up as well and began dressing as well. She dressed in her usual denim shorts with a slightly baggy t-shirt. That day she decided on more relaxed shirt instead of her usual snug top and she slipped on her sandles.
Zack made sure everything was packed before he got off the ferry with het, he was glad to be on solid ground, it just felt more familiar, not that the boat was bad. "Mmmmm...finally," he stretched, he noticed the small twinge in his thighs, but it wasn't painful, just a bit stiff. He took in the air, not missing the sea salt smell. "Well...back at port," he said, and looked at Dexter to see where they would need to be going to reach the next town, looked like a small forest and mountain trail.
Gathering her and Hailey's things, Lya made sure their stuff was packed into her backpack before following Zack off the ferry. As she stepped onto solid ground, her legs were a little shakey, having gotten used to the gentle swaying of the boat. She snickered as he said 'finally' and she smiled before stretching as well. Sure enough she was sore from the night before but she'd be able to handle it as she sighed and stretched her muscles, getting ready for the road ahead. "Which way?" she asked him. Even though she knew which way fr the next gym, she usually let him decide on which way to go.
Zack however had a very strange idea, he pointed northeast, despite needing to go simply north. "Wanna try a different route," he said, it would be a bit more mountain strewn, but he thought it might be exciting, also he wondered what sort of pokemon would be there up in the mountains. "I want to see what kind are up there," he said, of course meaning pokemon. " Also there's a nice lake that way, might be fun to camp there for the night," he replied with z smile, he knew his brother would have followed Dexter, he wanted to try a different route.
Lya, expecting him to point north, looked at him in surprise when he pointed northeast and she followed his gaze towards the mountainous area before nodding. "Okay." she said with a small smile. "And I'm sure that we'll be able to find some interesting kinds of pokegirls up that way." she said to him.
He was hoping for that. A quick stop at the poke mart was all that was left before they began the journey. It was mid morning before they got to the woods, it was a bit different then the other one, it had fewer trees, and they where different, it was much more open though it lacked a proper path, he would depend on Dexter for navigation. He wondered if they'd run into any strange types, he thought of so many, though most where most likely not native to this area at all, it was simply his imagination getting the better of him.
She followed Zack to the pokemart before they head off towards the woods. As they entered the trees, she looked around curiously. With the new path, she knew as much as he did about where they were going and she often looked to him to guide her as they made their way along their path. "What kind of pokegirl do you want to get this time?" she asked him curiously.
Zack had been wondering that himself. He knew the hex gym was electric, so he guessed a ground or rock type would be good. "Not sure....rock works against electric," he said though the thought of a rock poke girl wasn't all that appealing truthfully.
Lya glanced at him as he brought up rock and she thought to rock pokegirls, barely concealing a grimace. While she wasn't prejuduce towards others, she had some experience with rock pokegirls and they weren't exactly the most well mannered of the pokegirl species. "Well... electric is weak against rock... fighting and fire." she said as she walked at his side.
He knew she had fire power, but rove oddly enough triumphed more, he however did not know what type exactly. "I guess maybe a dark type might be cool...or water type," he thought it would be good to try and have a variety of poke girls so he would have several choices to choose from in battle.
Lya slowly nodded. "They would work." she said gently, while carefully walking the path. As she walked, her long tails lightly brushed the ground and her dark eyes swept over their surroundings as she kept both an ear and an eye open for any danger.
Zack was atbease knowing she was on the look out for trouble, though he was looking for the slightest rustle of grass, or sound that would tell him maybe there next edition to the team would be present. He knew more then likely they'd run into a bug type or grass type in this forest. Soon however the forest began to open up even further, a rockier sort of terrain before them and he knew they where a nearly half way through there journey, though this part would be the harder since it would require some clinbing.
(Do you want me to bring in the next pokegirl? Or do you want to bring her in?)

Lya glanced at him for a moment before looking forward as she made her way along the path. As it got rockier and a harder to travel, she had to pay more attention to their path then to whether or not there were other pokegirls around them. "Where does this path come out?" she asked him as she stepped over a branch that had fallen from a tree.
(You can if you'd like)

Zack had not expected it to be so uneven, but it was not very cifficult it jjust took longer. "It should be coming out....just over that ridge," he said, afterwards they where all going downhill towards the next town," he was careful to watch his footing, and payed more attention to the ground rather then what may or may not be in front of him all this time.

Lya slowly nodded as she stepped over a rather large rock with a soft sigh. "Okay." she replied to him before looking forward as she sighed. Suddenly, a flash of dark blue-ish grey and white shot out in front of them before tackling Zack with a growl while also shoving Lya over, causing them to roll a bit while Lya tripped over a rock and rolled down the hill a bit. When they came to a stp, it turned ut to be an absol. The creature growled gently, her red eyes glinting as she glared down at Zack, her white hair falling around them.
Zack hadn't been expecting it when it came, the feeling of a sudden mass hitting him knocked him clean off his feet. He heard Lya go through a similar experience though she rolled a bit away. He felt his head spinning a bit, his vision blurred for a second before he focused on what ever in the name of Arceus just hit him. He was both impressed and terrified, never had a wild one simply hit the trainer, at least not in his case. "L...Lya you okay?" he called, not worried about what would happen to him, it seemed the absol was not about to attack again just yet. He however wasn't going to let it run away either.
The absols eyes were such a bright blood red they seemed to be glowing as she glared at Zack, her teeth bared and flashing while she held him pinned to the ground, the tips of her sharp claws pricking his skin a little. When he called to Lya, the vulpix groaned as she shook her head, her hand moving to a small bump where she'd hit her head on a rock and she hissed. "Yeah... I think so." she called back, slowly moving. The sound of Lya's voice drew the absols attention from Zack to the other pokegirl and the feral pokegirls head lifted, her long white hair swaying and offering a glimps of the oval stone on her forehead as she glared in Lya's dirrection.
Zack could fel the weight of the pokegirl on him, it was a terrifying, yet exciting, feeling he got as he looked up into the blood red eyes of this wild creature. Despite the danger, he could not help but admire her charm, that wild sort of alure she had. As she looked toward Lya he however tried to make a move. He grabbed her arn and tugged, it knocked her off balance for a moment and he rolled away. Absol was a dark type, he knew Hailey would be in trouble if he called her out, so he only hoped Lya was alright enough to fight back. "Lya...flamethrower go!" he shouted quickly.
Lya slowly staggered to her feet, shaking her head again. "Oh... What hit us?" she asked, blinking several times before looking in Zacks direction. When she saw the Absol, she froze, her eyes wide and her heart pounding wildly as the other pokegirl glared at her. As Zack grabbed her arm and tugged, the absol was knocked over onto her side but she quickly flipped over onto her feet again, crouching down while glaring at them, but her attention went back to the fire pokegirl. With a growl, she darted for Lya, her claws flashing as she charged at the vulpix. Seeing the feral pokegirl coming at her, Lya quickly used her flame thrower. The absol was too fast for her to get her flame thrower to full power. The flames hit the absol square in the chest but in a flash of claws and a cry of pain, Lya staggered while pressing her hand against her stomach while the absol staggered as well.
Zack couldn't even register fully what had happened. He saw a direct hit with the flamethrower, but he also saw Lya suddenly grip her stomach. The absol was fast, amazingly fast for an untrained wild pokemon she moved much faster then Lya it seemed. Judging by how she took the hit as well it was fair to say she had good defenses and attack power to go along with that. "Lya...are you alright?" he shouted, forgetting that this was even a battle, in truth he hadn't foughten any wild pokegirls before, Hailey had willingly joined them so this was a bit new to him.
Lya groaned as she held her stomach, forcing herself to her feet as she glared at the absol. She had heard Zacks question but she didn't answer. Instead she took in their surroundings quickly before smirking and lunging at the absol. The sudden tackle took the other girl by surprise and she stumbled backwards into some bushes before they both disappeared from view as they took a tumble off the path. Next to the path was a small cliff that dropped about ten feet onto a bunch of rocks. Using her smaller body and the element of surprise, Lya made sure that the absol took the impact of their fall. For a moment she just laid there on top before she shook her head and slowly stood up.
Zack gave a shout of surprise himself as they vanished out of his sight. He quickly ran into the bushes to try and find them only to just barely avoid going over the edge of the small cliff. "Lya...Lya you a;right?" he shouted down, though he saw her ontop the absol. It seemed like it was over. He quickly made his way down the cliff face, luckily it wasn't very steep so he was down in a few moments. "That...was scary...don't do that anymore," he told her, he was a bit upset, but more so glad she was alright. "Should...I try?" he asked as he hugged her, then looked at the winded absol, he wondered if it was okay to catch it.
Lya's ear twitched as Zack shouted down to her and she looked up while she breathed heavily. She was winded as well as she looked back down at the unmoving absol. She was unsure if the other girl was knocked out or if she was just winded. Her attention was brought back to Zack as he made his way down to where she was. As he hugged her, she groaned before nodding. "Yeah. Just... don't get close to her." she told him as she leaned against a nearby tree.
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